OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, SIR: In compliance with the fifth section of the act of Congress of April 21, 1808, I have the honor to transmit herewith a list of contracts made by the Engineer Department, United States Army, received at this office during the year 1879. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. WRIGHT, Chief of Engineers, Brigadier and Brevet Major-General. Hon. ALEXANDER RAMSEY, Secretary of War. List of contracts made by the Engineer Department and received at the office of the Chief of Engineers during the year 1879, required by fifth section of the act of April 21, 1808, chapter 48, to be annually reported to Congress, together with those of 1878, not heretofore reported. Objects and terms of contracts. For furnishing all the timber, plank, and stone needed, and For dredging not less than 65,000 cubic yards in the Savannah For furnishing all boats, machinery, tools, and other appli ances necessary to do the work, and constructing such dams, spurs, and shore protections as are called for by the specifications, or may become necessary, during the progress of the work in the Mississippi River and on its banks in the vicinity of Gilbert's Island, Missouri, of brush and stone, at, for furnishing and putting in place brush, includ ing making into mats, and securing same with stakes and binding poles, 61 cents per cubic yard; for furnishing and putting in place stone, $1.24 per cubic yard. Expired July 1, 1879. For furnishing all the machinery and appliances and excavating in Currituck Sound, North Carolina, at 91 cents per cubic yard. Expired June 13, 1879. For furnishing all machinery, boats, tools, and other appli ances necessary to do the work and dredge broken rock from the bottom of the river at such points as the engineer in charge may direct on the Rock Island Rapids for the sum of $3.75 per cubic yard. Expired under extension September 1, 1879. For furnishing all the machinery and performing all the labor necessary for dredging a channel in the Pocomoke River, Maryland, from Snow Hill to about 4 miles below the town (35,000 cubic yards) for $9,000. Expired under extension August 31, 1879. List of contracts made by the Engineer Department, &c.-Continued. Contractors. Date. Objects and terms of contracts. H. E. Culpepper, with Mr S. T. Abert, United States civil engineer. 1879. Feb. 6 George Hannahs, with Capt. For furnishing all necessary labor, machinery, materials, and appliances, and therewith dredge a channel at the mouth of Hampton River, Virginia, in the manner specified in the specifications, and in accordance with the instructions of the engineer (about 35,000 cubic yards), at 15 cents per cubic yard. Expired August 15, 1879. Feb. 10 For furnishing timber and piles for improving harbor at Chicago, Ill., as provided for in the specifications attached; at, for hemlock timber, lot 1, $9.75 per M feet, boardmeasure; for pine timber, lot 2, $10.25 per M feet, boardmeasure; for 12 by 12 inch square timber (in lieu of piles), lot 3, hemlock, 14 cents per lineal foot; pine, 16 cents per linear foot. Expired June 30, 1879. For making and completing, in conformity with their proposal and estimate, which are annexed to and form a part of this contract, in the best artistic manner of their manu. factory, and deliver in complete order at the Executive Mansion in the city of Washington, D. C., a porcelain serv. ice for the state dinner table of the said mansion, at $2,996.50. Haviland & Co., with Lieut. Col. Thos. L. Casey, Corps of Engineers. Feb. 20 Frain & Co., with Maj. F. U. Mar. 8 neers. O. J. Jennings, with Maj. J. Mar. 29 neers. Edwin H. French, with Maj. Apr. 1 George C. Fobes & Co., with Apr. 3 Mr. S. T. Abert, United For furnishing all materials, boats, machinery, tools, and other appliances necessary, and constructing such dams, spurs, and shore protections as are called for by the speci fications or may become necessary during the progress of the work in the Mississippi River and on its banks be tween Clarksville, Mo., and Hamburg, Ill., at such places as the engineer officer in charge may direct, of brush and stone, for the following prices: For furnishing and putting in place brush, including making For dredging from the harbor of Erie, Pa., 130,000 cubic yards For furnishing all necessary inaterials, labor, machinery, and John M. Seward, with Maj. Apr. 24 For dredging about 25,000 cubic yards in the Housatonic J. W. Barlow, Corps of David S. Barmore, with Maj. May 15 Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers. River, Connecticut, between the month of the river and the dock at Derby, at 16 cents per cubic yard. Expired June 30, 1879. For furnishing all materials, as per specifications, and constructing and delivering at Evansville, Ind., two steam snag-boats complete, with all fittings and appliances, at (as subsequently modified and amended) $12,219.78. Expired August 15, 1879. J. C. and J. H. Davis, with May 22 For dredging from the natural channel of the harbor through Sandusky Bay and the outer bar between the city front For furnishing 3,000 cords, more or less, of stone. required for Carkin, Stickney & Cram, June 3 Furnishing all materials, labor, machinery, &c., of every de with Maj. S. M. Mansfield, Corps of Engineers. scription necessary to do the work; shall construct and place such cribs (three, each 50 by 20 by 183 feet), and do such dredging (25,000 cubic yards, more or less, of sand, &e, from List of contracts made by the Engineer Department, &c.—Continued. Contractors. Date. Objects and terms of contracts. G. K. Warren, Corps of Engineers. in, and about the channel), as may be required by the engi neer in charge in continuing improvements at the harbor of Charlevoix, Mich., at, for furnishing, framing, bolting, putting in place, and sinking, pine timber, 24 cents per cubic foot; hemlock timber, 16 cents per cubic foot. For furnishing and using in work wrought-iron drift bolts and spikes, at 3 cents per pound; for furnishing in work, placed and measured, stone, at $6.40 per cord; brush, at $8 per cord; for dredging sand and other material, 13 cents per cubic yard. Expired November 30, 1879. For furnishing all materials, boats, &c., necessary to do the work; to construct such dams and shore protection as called for or necessary in the Mississippi River and on its banks at Betsy Slough and Rollingstone, in the vicinity of Fountain City, Wis., at such places as the engineer officer in charge may direct, of brush and stone, for following prices: For brush, including all the labor and materials necessary for furnishing making into mats, putting into place and securing, at 60 cents per cubic yard; for stone placed as specified, at $1.10 per cubic yard. Expired October 1, 1879. For dredging and removing from Hallet's Point Reef, Astoria, N. Y., 25,000 tons, more or less, of broken rock, and depositing the same in the manner and under the conditions set forth and specified, at $3.39 per ton. Expires June 30, 1880. For performing the dredging on the bars obstructing naviga tion at the mouths of the Neches, Sabine, and Trinity Rivers, Texas, at 224 cents per cubic yard, continued to completion, &c. (until a sufficient channel shall have been obtained). For furnishing all timber, plank, and stone necessary for repairing 600 linear feet, more or less, of the superstructure of the west pier, and for such minor repairs to one crib under water as may be required at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, Ohio; that is, tearing down the old superstructure and rebuilding it with the materials, in accordance with the specifications, at, for white-pine timber and plank, $21 per 1,000 feet, board-measure; for stone for filling, $3.80 per cord of 128 cubic feet. Expired December 1, 1879. For furnishing all materials, boats, machinery, and other ap pliances necessary to do the work, and constructing such shore protection of brush and stone as are called for in specifications or may become necessary during the progress of the work in the Mississippi River and on its banks in the vicinity of Hastings, Minn., at, for brush made into mats and placed securely, 77 cents per cubic yard; for stone, placed as specified, 86 cents per cubic yard. Expired September 1, 1879. For furnishing all the machinery, labor, &c., and dredging 12,000 cubic yards, more or less, of material at the "Gut, opposite Bath, Me., in Back River, at 30 cents per cubic yard, measured in scows. Expired August 15, 1879. For removing the wreck of the schooner Golden Eagle from Hyannis Harbor, Mass., and depositing it where it will be secure from ever becoming an obstruction to navigation again, for the sum of $370. Expired July 15, 1879. For furnishing all work and materials for, and constructing a rose-house in the grounds of the Executive Mansion, in accordance with the plans on file in the office of Public Buildings and Grounds, and the specifications attached to the contract, for, in full, $2,050. Expired September 1, 1879. For dredging in the Connecticut River, between Hartford and Middletown, Conn., at 163 cents per cubic yard. Expired under extension November 30, 1879. C. Schulz, with Maj. John M. July 7 For repairing 580 linear feet, more or less, of superstructure Wilson, Corps of Engi. neers. of the east pier at Fairport Harbor, Ohio, by tearing down the old and rebuilding it with new materials, in the manner called for by the specifications, and shall make such minor repairs to work under water as may be required; and shall take down the elevated walk, upon that part of the pier to be repaired, and rebuild it with same materials, when the work on the pier shall have been completed, at, for white pine timber and plank, $22.75 per thousand feet, boardmeasure; for stone for filling, $4.25 per cord of 128 cubic feet; for tearing down and rebuilding elevated walk, 25 cents per linear foot. |