I.-Summary of estimate for improvement of Dan River, Virginia, from foot of Danville Falls to Clarksville-Continued. of improved Amounts. One wing-dam, to contract channel at sand bar. Ft. in M ft. Cub. yards. Cub. yards. 3303+60.. 39 6 ! Removing overhanging trees, at $20 per mile.. Totals. $1,755 00 14, 943 00 $117 00 16,698 00 156, 631 00 1, 313 60 Locality. Stations. Dredging. Rock excavation. Dams. Slope water surface. Skipwith's Shoal. 130 4,981 400 feet above 3327+44 200 feet below 3480+94 3512-13 to Clarksville. Contingencies, 15 per cent..... 390 00 157 944 60 181, 636 29 II.-Summary of estimate for improving Dan River, Virginia, from foot of Danville Falls to Clarksville, to a depth of 1.5 feet at extreme low-water; exca Estimate No. 2 proposes to give 14 feet at low-water in the reaches and 2 feet on the rapids, which will afford a navigation of 3 feet for at least six months of the year. 78 face. Ft. in M. ft. 1.0 $234 1.3 5, 148 1.5 1,690 00 4,563 00 8888 1,650 linear feet logs 66 00 273 282 *10 *6 18 00 $12, 562 00 1.3 846 507 00 114 00 vated channel 35 feet wide. Locality. Stations. Dredging. Rock exca- Cub. yards. Cub. yards. 74+25 to 86 +19 1,716 1, 690 1,521 114+22. Dams. of improved Amounts. Slope water sur Totals. Danville Shoal... 400 feet above 143 + 74 One dam at head of Reed's Island, 190 feet long, 8 feet wide, 4 feet high; crest 1 foot above low-water: 169 cubic yards stone 2,850 linear feet logs One dam at head of Wilson's Island, 110 feet long, 8 feet wide, 3 feet high; crest 1 foot above low-water: 74 cubic yards stone 222 00 978+20 to 1000 + 52 1176+87 Wilson's Island Shoal Jack Bar Shoal..... Noble's Shoal Dix's Shoal. Above Lewis' Ferry. Coldwell's Shoal. 250 feet above 143 +74....... $156+22 to 181 + 50 300 feet above 163 + 24 181 +50 to 189 +38 275+90 to 281+80 381+75 to 394 +23 749+38 to 767 +16 5818+13 to 848 +01 Two wing-dams, to contract channel at sand bars. *20 1255+21 1265+49 1284+32 * Removing dams. 2277+93 to 2288 +96 300 feet below 2299 +35 78 *8 Moon's Shoal...... { 2460+62 to 2476+64 585 *32 26 *9 *12 *10 II.-Summary of estimate for improving Dan River, Virginia, from foot of Danville Falls, &c. Continued. of improved Amounts. Totals. Cub.yards. Cub.yards. Ft. in M. ft. 1.0 $36 00 0.6 $114 00 Locality. Reedy Bottom Shoal.. 1580+87 Chappell's Fish Trap 1817+89 Yellow Gravel Shoal 1989+11 to 1999+83 Grassy Creek Shoal 300 feet above 2584 +16.. Dredging. Rock excavations. Stations. Dams. Slope water sur face. *12 *26 78 00 *41 Seven wing-dams, to raise water 3 inches at each dam: 980 cubic yards stone 2,940 00 14,700 linear feet logs 588 00 Removing snags 100 00 3,628 00 1,851 2840+58 One dam at head of Jones' Island, 200 feet long, 8 feet wide, 5 feet high; crest 1 foot above low-water: 333 cubic yards stone 999 00 120 00 Big Hyco Falls.. 2863+11 One dam at head of Pollard's Island, 160 feet long, 8 feet wide, 3 feet high; crest 1 foot above low-water: 170 cubic yards stone 1,450 linear feet logs Little Hico Falls Hyco Shoal......... Hog Island Shoal... 2840+56 to 300 feet above 2889 + 17 500 feet below 2897+69.. 250 feet above 2927 +99 2989-09 to 2948 +69 5,442 *28 510 00 18,253 00 1.2 546 84 00 42 00 672 0.6 819 00 ৪৪ 0.7 936 00 45 00 081 00 Contingencies, 15 per cent. Total.. 55, 196 60 8,279 49 63,476 09 * Removing dams. Improvement by wing-dams made necessary to avoid injury to Rodgers' mill. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. Two estimates have been submitted for improving the Dan River between Danville and Clarksville, in neither of which has it been found necessary to resort to the aid of locks and dams in order to secure steam navigation. The first proposes to give a depth of 2 feet at low-water, at a cost of $181,640. The second will give 11⁄2 feet at low-water, or 3 feet for six months of the year, at a cost of $63,480. It is questionable, however, whether at the present time the river should be improved for the entire length surveyed. The Richmond and Danville Railroad follows the course of the river from Danville to South Boston, and between these points transportation by water has almost entirely ceased, and the produce and merchandise from and to the points below is transshipped at South Boston. No advantage would, therefore, be gained by continuing the improvement above this point, and the cost of improving this section may be omitted from the estimate. Whatever advantage may accrue from a general improvement of the river between Danville and Albemarle Sound, no scheme for such an object is at present proposed, and the work now deemed advisable may properly be limited to the 22 miles between South Boston and Clarksville. Reducing to this distance the estimate above given, we have: For improving 223 miles below South Boston, so as to give 22 feet at low-water, the cost will be $71,100; and for improving the same distance, so as to give 12 feet at low-water, or 3 feet for six months of the year, the cost will be $31,000. The following maps accompany this report: General map of Dan River from Danville to Clarksville, Va.; scale, 1 60000. General profile of Dan River from Danville to Clarksville, Va.; horizontal scale, 영아이이; vertical scale, To 1 The estimate and project of improvement have been prepared from detailed maps made in this office, from which the general maps have been reduced. I am greatly indebted to Mr. J. H. Gill, assistant engineer in charge, and to Mr. Shields Burr and Mr. R. H. S. Thompson, assistants, and to the other members of the party for the skillful conduct of the operations of the survey. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. T. ABERT, United States Civil Engineer. |