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of the world, with carelessness or unkindness, because he admits into the system of his works, or into his moral government of the universe, what ignorance calls disorder, what presumption cries down as unnecessary, and pride condemns as unjust.

verseness and unbelief of Moses met with pity and forgiveness, and were cured by a series of miracles. The impiety and unbelief of Pharaoh met with resentment and punishment, and were even confirmed and strengthened by a most awful series of miracles; not for the sake of Moses and Pharaoh merely, but to illustrate in the eyes of the whole world the goodness and severity of God; the wisdom and safety of repentance and submission on the one hand, the madness and danger of impenitence on the other. Egypt was plagued, and Israel saved, that violence and cruelty might be awakened to see the naked sword of justice suspended by a single hair over its guilty throat; and that misery and depression might find a refuge from despair.

What so irregular at first sight, and always so to the vulgar eye, as the face of the starry heavens? A handful of little sparks, scattered at random in the air! But to the attentive, inquiring, enlightened spirit, they present a vast combination of worlds, each in its place, every one moving in its proper orbit; the whole possessing every quality that can at once excite astonishment and inspire delight; greatness, order, beauty, harmony, utility! They present excellencies obvious to the slighest observation of the most shallow understanding; excellencies undiscoverable by the closest investigation of the most penetrating genius. Now, clownish thoughtlessness and stupidity is not more incompetent to judge of the order and frame of nature, than passion and prejudice, by which all men are governed, are to determine upon the wisdom and goodness of the ways of Providence. Every man would have every thing bend to his humour, conveniency, indolence, or interest. This would produce, were it permitted, endless confusion and misery, did not God overrule and employ the activity and the indolence, the senseless caprices and the jarring interests of men to execute his purposes, and without their intention, nay, in spite of their efforts, make them produc-ed to the spot, and at the moment, to estative of regularity, stability, and happiness.

In contemplating, therefore, agents and events, those of which we have heard and read, or those which we see and in which we are concerned, the only road to composure and improvement is, to consider the whole as the work of a supreme, intelligent, almighty, invisible Agent, who is carrying on a plan which we comprehend not, or understand only in part, and who, from all that we can know of him from nature, from experience, and from revelation, takes delight in showing mercy and doing good, but who, in the exercise of even these gracious prerogatives, governs not himself by the partial lights, hasty conceptions, and contracted views of ignorant, erring men, but by his own allcomprehending intelligence, all-pervading benignity, all-subduing love.

We have seen with what solemnity the commission to Moses for the deliverance of Israel was granted, and the awful seal which was appended to it; even the great and fearful name, JEHOVAH, "I AM THAT I AM." We have seen the backwardness, irresolution, and timidity of the prophet, in undertaking an employment so flattering to ambition, so desirable to the spirit of patriotism, so elevating to a mind awake to the influence of religion. We have seen the goodness and condescension of GoD in deigning, by repeated exertions of power and mercy, to remove the scruples and level the objections of incredulity and fear. And we have seen Aaron, the brother of Moses, providentially conduct

blish a belief in the divine power and veracity, to confirm the wavering, trembling soul, and constituted to a share of the diligence, difficulty, danger, and glory of the illustrious enterprize.

Behold then two plain old men, one of eighty, and the other of eighty-three years old, setting out from the deserts of Arabia, on an undertaking to human reason the most wild and romantic that ever was attempted; to persuade or to constrain one of the most powerful princes of the world to enfranchise, nay, to dismiss the tenth part of his most valuable and useful subjects! And how are they provided for this vast undertaking? The pleas of reason, the powers of eloquence, the calls of humanity, the claims of justice it is well known, make but a feeble impression on the hearts of kings, when their pride, amIf, in that portion of ancient history which bition, or interest oppose. For such a vast is now to come under our consideration, we multitude to slip away by stealth is impossiobserve Providence treating one nation with ble, and to think of forcing an escape from a uncommon severity and another with indul- power so greatly superior is rashness and gence altogether as singular, we are to re- ruin. When men engage in hazardous and gard the parties not as they are in themselves, difficult expeditions, they levy armies, accuor in relation to each other, but in their re- mulate treasure, provide magazines, strengthlation to God and to mankind in general, as en themselves with alliances. But when an important link in the great chain of Pro- GoD addresses himself to action, we behold vidence, as serving and instructing the hu-no apparatus, no effort. Is an universe to man race to the end of the world. The per- start out of nothing? "GOD speaks, and it is

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done." Is a sun to arise, and light to shine? | cumcised persons, that of being "cut off GOD says, "Let there be light.' Is a great from his people." This punishment God nation to be subdued, and a little one asserted seems disposed to exact at the hand of Mointo liberty? Our eyes are directed, not to ses himself, who was indeed the guilty pera general at the head of a mighty host, but son, by attacking him either with a threatto a shepherd with his crook in his hand. ening bodily distemper, by remorse of conBut the commands of Heaven break not in science for his criminal neglect, by the upon the sacred duties and the virtuous cha- appearance of an avenging angel, or some rities of private life. The charge given to other sensible token of displeasure. But the Moses was pressing, the object most import- difficulty is, Why the conduct of Moses in ant, and the authority under which it was this respect was never called in question issued, supreme; but yet he is permitted to before? Why he was not purged of this return for a little while, to attend to the calls guilt before he was honoured at all with the of nature, of gratitude, to the gentle claims divine commission? Why the precept was of filial piety, of conjugal and paternal affec- enforced upon a journey, and at an inn, tion. He went back to his father-in-law to where the operation could be performed less acknowledge his protection, hospitality, and commodiously, and was accompanied with kindness to him when a stranger, to inform some degree of danger? What could Zippohim of the extraordinary commission he had rah mean when she reproached Moses as just received, and the necessity he was "a bloody husband?" The passage is evithereby laid under of immediately entering dently enveloped in much obscurity; and upon the execution of it; to obtain his con- probably with design. Instead of curiously sent for this purpose, and to ask his paternal inquiring into its hidden meaning, an attempt benediction. Religion is in a happy state in vain and unprofitable, we may, by the blessthe soul of that man, who has learned to ing of God, learn from it more than one pracunite and reconcile the views and pursuits tical lesson, neither obscure nor unimportof the citizen with those of the private man; ant; and this, no doubt, the Spirit of GOD who pleads not the performance of one duty principally intended. The first is, that no as an excuse for the omission of another; circumstances of prudence or conveniency whose life exhibits every moral and divine can ever be with propriety urged as a disprinciple in action, every one in his season, pensation with a clearly commanded duty. every one in his place. How simple and af- Secondly, that as there may be a sinful unfectionate the dismission which honest Ra- dervaluing of the feelings, prejudices, and guel gave to Moses, compared to that of the inclinations of our near and dear relations, selfish, rapacious Laban to Jacob:*"Go in so there may be a sinful tenderness for, and peace!" says Raguel; an adieu expressive at compliance with them, to the neglect of once of submission to the will of Providence, GoD's known and declared will, and at the and of affection to his son-in-law, mixed with risk of falling under his just censure. Thirdregret at the thought of parting with him. ly, that he who is to be the interpreter of the law to others, ought in all points to be blameless, and in all things conformed to the law himself. To which we may add yet a fourth, not of less importance than any of these; namely, that when God has procured the proper respect to his revealed will, the controversy between him and the offender is at an end, the object of his government being not so much to avenge himself as to amend the criminal.

It pleased GOD again to confirm the confidence of Moses, by assuring him that all who had ever harboured a design against his life were now dead; and that nothing therefore remained but to address himself boldly to his great work. Accompanied with his wife and two sons, he leaves the land of Midian, and proceeds towards Egypt.

On this journey, a very extraordinary incident occurs: but the conciseness of the sacred history leaves it involved in much darkness and difficulty. GOD had blessed him with two sons in Midian, whom, in compliance with the commandment of GOD, and as a son of Abraham, he ought to have circumcised on the eighth day from their birth.This, however, either for want of the proper minister, from inattention, or out of improper respect to the feelings or prejudices of Zipporah his wife, or some other reason that appears not, had been hitherto wholly neglected, and thereby his children, the younger at least, through his neglect, seems to have incurred the dreadful penalty denounced by the terms of the covenant against uncir

* Gen. xxxi. 26, &c.

This scene of domestic danger and distress is speedily followed by another of a pleasanter kind, namely, the interview between the two brothers, in the wilderness; an interview attended with many circumstances to render it mutually interesting and satisfactory. It must have been highly gratifying to Moses, after living forty years among strangers, to meet his own brother, to receive particular information concerning his family and nation, and to communicate to a friendly ear the knowledge of his own situation during so long an interval, What must it have been on the other hand, to Aaron, to learn from the mouth of his brother the great designs of Providence respect

ing themselves and their people? With what overflowings of heart would they mingle their sighs and tears? With what ardour would their united prayers, and vows, and praises ascend to heaven? How confirmed the faith, how forward the zeal of each, strengthened and stimulated by that of the other. They go on their way rejoicing; they are following GOD, and they must prosper. Moses had found the evidence of his divine mission completed, in the opportune arrival of his brother Aaron, according to the declaration of the oracle at the bush; and he soon finds a resolution of his first doubt, in the very entrance upon the discharge of his office. Compare the first, and the two last | verses of this fourth chapter, and see what a contrast they form to one another. "And Moses answered, and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice; for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee." "And Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed: and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped." The tremendous name JEHOVAH affixed as a signet to the record, and vouching its authority by sign upon sign, quickly produces belief; and inspires gratitude and joy corrected by reverence and godly fear. So far, then, the way is cleared, and Moses is no longer rejected as an upstart and intruder, as presuming to take upon himself the office of prince and judge over his brethren.

But this is the smallest difficulty in the way. Who does not eagerly cleave to the prospect of returning liberty? Men believe things incredible, attempt things impossible, endure things intolerable, when freedom, precious freedom is the object. No wonder then that oppressed, groaning Israel should greedily listen to the voice of this heavenly charmer. But the grand difficulties are yet behind. Their fetters will not fall off by a wish. Their fond desires dictate not the edicts of Pharaoh. The smarting of the strokes of their task-master whips are not to be conjured away by a sound. The question is not, will Israel believe; but, will the king of Egypt comply? Every step Moses advances, he finds a new and growing proof of the truth and faithfulness of God. For the same mouth which declared concerning the children of Israel, "they shall hearken unto thy voice," declared concerning Pharaoh, "I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no not by a mighty hand." The faith and obedience of the one, therefore, and the insolence and pride of the other, equally and conjointly demonstrated to Moses, that the Lord had spoken unto him.

Armed, therefore, with a command from on high, confident of the goodness of their cause, and exalted above the fear of man, Moses and his brother advance boldly into the presence of the king, and make their requisition in these lofty and majestic words; "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness."

In some ancient Jewish fragments, we have an account of four miracles, by which Moses signalized his entrance into Egypt. First, he made fire to issue out of the earth, in the eyes of all Israel, and thereby produced confidence in him as their deliverer. Secondly, being shut up in prison by order of Pharaoh, he broke the bars, burst open the gates, struck the guards with death, and released himself. Thirdly, he pronounced in the ears of the king, the name of JEHOVAH-at the sound of which that prince became deaf, and after a certain interval recovered his hearing, through the interposition of him who had taken it away. Fourthly, by the use of the same awful name, he deprived all the Egyptian priests of sense and motion. To this the Rabbins add, that on entering the palace of the tyrant, he was suddenly clothed with a dreadful form, and a countenance bright and majestic, like that of an angel. But we have no need to resort to fancy for a description of the magnificence of the scene, neither is there reason to suppose that any part of the glory of Moses consisted in personal lustre. His Employer and his errand lend him sufficient dignity and importance, without the glare which dazzles the eye.

Whatever were the outward appearance of Moses, his message, we know, was treated by Pharaoh with insolence and contempt, in these words; "Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice, to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go." We are not to conclude that Pharaoh was an atheist, from his using this impious language. No: Egypt was a country wholly given to superstition; a land which had multiplied deities to itself. It was JEHOVAH whom he scorned to acknowledge. It was the God of Israel whom he despised. He judged of the power of their Patron and Protector from their own present forlorn condition.

The methods which Moses and Aaron employed to obtain the end of their mission, is a beautiful, an instructive, and an alarming representation of the conduct of Providence towards sinners in general. They begin with delivering a plain message in the name of their Master. Being repulsed, they pro ceed to argue and expostulate. A deaf ear being turned to the voice of reason and humanity, they have recourse to more extraordinary proofs of the weight and authority

of their commission; proofs which, indeed, | To the other," Return, and fill all thy chanmark an Almighty arm; but an arm stretch-nels, and overflow all thy banks." ed out to convince, not to crush. A bold The angel of the Lord begins with reasdefiance being given to Omnipotence, what suring Moses himself, by a recapitulation of other method of working conviction and of the tenor of the covenant made with Abraprocuring respect is left, but to let it fall ham, Isaac, and Jacob, under the sanction of with all its dreadful weight on the head of his name as the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. In the defier? all their wanderings, weaknesses, and distresses they had been encouraged to trust in a Being, omnipotent to protect them, allsufficient to supply their wants. But their posterity were henceforth to know him by another name, and under a new description, even the incommunicable, unutterable name which denotes eternal, unchangeable selfexistence; deriving nothing from any, but conferring upon all, life, and breath, and all things; who is above all, through all, and in all; "the same yesterday, to-day, and forever" and, of consequence, true to his word, faithful in keeping covenant, unalterable in his decrees!

It happened to Israel as it often does to men struggling to get free from the pressure of calamity, their efforts only serve to plunge them deeper in the mire; and it happened to Moses and Aaron, as it sometimes befalls men actuated by a similar good intention, but with less title and encouragement, their interference hurts those whom it was meant to serve; and they have the mortification of seeing the miseries of their poor brethren cruelly increased, through what might be deemed their own zeal and officiousness.The inflexible tyrant avenges himself, for the freedom taken with the king of Egypt by persons so low and contemptible, upon the Under the seal of that most tremendous, bleeding shoulders of thousands of wretches, most animating and inspiring name, Moses who could not redress themselves, and who is again despatched to the people, with the durst not complain. Miserable condition in-assurance of a speedy, an instantaneous apdeed! where the caprice of one man deter-pearance in their behalf. But alas! their mines the fate of millions! Happy the nation where not men but laws govern! Providence, in this instance, seems resolved to try how far savage cruelty and patient suffering can go; but ready to interfere in both, when they have come to the extreme. Israel is not prepared for salvation, till the cup of wo is full, and deliverance is despaired of from every quarter save Heaven: and Pharaoh feels not the rod of God's anger, till having filled up the measure of his iniquity, hardened his heart against GOD and against man, poured contempt upon mercy, and braved infinite justice, he exalts himself into an awful monument to every impenitent sinner, of the desperate madness of fighting with his Maker.


Moses is ready to sink afresh, under this cruel disappointment. The reproaches of the unhappy sufferers, called, forced, lashed into labour, beyond what their strength could bear, cut him to the heart, and again he shrinks from the task which was imposed on him and in these desponding words, he ventures to pour out the anguish of his soul before the Lord; "Wherefore hast thou so evil entreated this people? Why is it that thou hast sent me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he hath done evil to this people, neither hast thou delivered thy people at all."

Thus far has flowed the angry tide of proud, imperial passion and thus low has ebbed the trembling, retreating stream of baffled expectation. And now, "it is time, Lord, that thou work!" To the one he saith, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no farther, and here shall thy proud waves be stayed."

spirit is broken by the long continuance and accumulated weight of their calamities.They have been disappointed so often, that they can believe, can hope no longer; and the message delivered by Moses is like a charming song upon the ear of a deaf or a dead man. He is sent from the people to Pharaoh, with a repetition of the demand of Heaven upon him. But alas! the messenger himself has caught the desponding spirit of the unhappy men whom he had been last visiting; and the heart of Pharaoh has not in the least relented. Heaven seems to have interposed somewhat too late; the cause appears lost. Let us judge nothing rashly; let us not judge before the time. Let us humbly and patiently wait the issue, and then condemn if we dare, if we can.

Moses at the bush saw God, under the appearance of a flame of fire; but no man can see GOD and live. "No man hath seen GOD at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." The deliverer of Israel needed himself to be nurtured and prepared for the discharge of his high office; but a Saviour of a lost world entered upon the execution of his infinitely more arduous task, every way qualified to bring it to a happy conclusion. The Jewish lawgiver stood himself condemned by the law, and was a partaker with others in guilt and transgression; the Christian Leader was "holy, harmless, and undefiled." Moses undertook the work assigned to him, slowly and reluctantly; but, O with what readiness did the friend of mankind press forward to the perfecting of his kind design; "Lo I come in the volume

of the book it is written of me: I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."*"I have a baptism to be baptised with, and how am I straitened till it be accomplished?" And yet there was no shame, no pain, no cross in the way of Moses; whereas the Captain of salvation was to be "made perfect through sufferings;" nevertheless he advanced undismayed to the combat." With desire I have desired to eat

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this passover with you before I suffer."* Moses frequently recoiled from the conflict, shrunk from the difficulty and danger, failed in the hour of trial; but our great Leader and Commander went on conquering and to conquer;" turned not back; desisted not from doing and from suffering, till he could say, "It is finished." The Sun of righteousness shineth in his strength, let every star hide his diminished head. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

* Luke xxii. 15.



the plain of Jordan; and the righteousness of so small a number as five persons would have saved the whole people of those regions. The nations of Canaan were not expelled, to make way for Israel, till the measure of their iniquity was full; and the haughty spirit of Pharaoh was not brought low, by wonder upon wonder, by plague upon plague, till he had hardened his heart against the power of God, and the sufferings of men, and thereby made himself a "vessel of wrath fitted for destruction."

Then the Lord said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do unto Pharaoh; for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.-EXODUS vi. 1. THE history of the divine conduct is the | tercede for the sinful, the devoted cities of best illustration of the nature of GOD. Do we desire to know what the Supreme Being is? We have but to consider what he does. Are we anxious to be satisfied of the truth of the declarations made by the great JEHOVAH concerning himself in his word? Let us compare them with the history and experience of men in every age. The proofs of the divine goodness and mercy are written in characters so fair, and are so frequently presented to our view, that not to observe them must argue the grossest stupidity and inattention; and not to acknowledge, love, and adore the glorious source of that unbounded goodness, must argue the blackest ingratitude. When the Lord makes himself known by the judgments which he executes, we see him advancing, to use the ideas and the language of men, with slow and reluctant steps. When misery is to be relieved, benefits conferred, or sins forgiven, the blessing outruns expectation, nay, even desire. But when the wicked are to be punished, justice seems to regret the necessity under which it is laid, to maintain itself, and the sinner is not destroyed till, to his own conviction, his condemnation is acquitted of unrighteousness, and till every thing around him calls for vengeance.

The wickedness of the old world was so great, that God is said to have "repented that he had made man." Nevertheless, after God had threatened to destroy the human race with a deluge, a reprieve of many years is granted, to afford space and means for averting the calamity by repentance. Abranam was permitted, nay, encouraged to inᏃ

The awful scene which we are this night to contemplate, is, in more respects than one, singular and unexampled. We are not only presented with a series of miracles, a demonstration of the tremendous power of Almighty God, but, what is still more extraordinary, they are a series of miracles, all marked with uncommon rigour and severity. The wise and righteous Governor of the world seems, in this instance, to have deviated from the usual lenity of his proceeding; as if determined to make men tremble before him, and to stand in awe of his power and justice, as well as to hope in his mercy.

Moses and Aaron, though their former embassy to Pharaoh had met with a reception so mortifying to themselves, and so fatal to their afflicted brethren, are obliged and encouraged, at God's command, to undertake a second. And the haughty tyrant having dared to reject the first, as delivered in the name of an unknown God, they are now furnished with credentials which carried their own authority on their foreheads, and which

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