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which are ready to escape the hasty eye, but which, in connexion with other proofs, established the truth and certainty of the scripture revelation, and the constant interposition of Divine Providence in the affairs of men beyond the power of contradiction. Behold then the rite of circumcision is performed; and Abraham sits down in the patient expectation of the appointed hour of merciful visitation.

One day, while he was enjoying the coolness of the shade at his tent door, in the heat of the day, three men, under the appearance of travellers, presented themselves to his view. These were three angels, say some of the Jewish Rabbins, and without hesitation, they furnish us with their names too, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. A few of the Christian fathers, on the other hand, contend that here was a visible representation of the most holy Trinity, exhibited to Abraham as three, addressed and acknowledged by him as one. That something more than created excellence was there, cannot be doubted, after a careful perusal of what Moses has related upon this occasion. But whether the mystery of the Trinity was thus, and then, revealed to the church in the covenant head of it, we presume not to affirm. It is apparent that the patriarch did not, during the former part of the interview, comprehend the nature and quality of his guests, as he neither performs the worship due to the most holy God, nor preserves that awful distance, which even the presence of an angel must inspire; and the Apostle, alluding to him in the text, says, he "entertained angels unawares," that is, not knowing he did so.

especially, not less grateful. We remember slight attentions after we have forgotten great benefits. The proud man makes a feast to gratify himself; the hospitable man, to rivet the bonds of friendship, or cherish the soul of the stranger. What a delightful simplicity runs through the whole story! The fare, "cakes of fine meal, baked upon the hearth" by the hands of Sarah herself; a "calf from the herd," of Abraham's own choosing; butter and milk, the produce of their own pasture; their canopy, the spreading branches of an old tree; their attendants, the man who had in former days put kings and their armies to flight; the subject of their conversation, Abraham's family affairs. Contrast with this the madness of a modern fashionable entertainment; the profusion of far-fetched luxury, the emulation of wealth and pride, the ingenuity employed in contriving and administering incentives to excess, the gibberish of compliment, the restraints of ceremony, the tinsel of false wit, the noise of mirth without joy, to the expulsion of truth and nature; a costly and painful collection, where nothing is wanting, but the very things which constitute a feast, plenty of wholesome fare, unaffected friendship, moderation, good humour, and good sense.

When we are doing our duty, we are in the way of procuring for ourselves gratification; and if there be a virtue which is its own reward, hospitality is that virtue. Abraham now enjoys it to the full. But little does he think what a repast his divine guest is providing for him in return. Sarah, according to the manners of the times, had reThe scene that follows is a beautiful pic-mained invisible, confining herself to her ture of ancient manners, and wonderfully coincides with the customs of the other nations of remote antiquity, as transmitted to us by their historians and poets, particularly Homer, that careful observer and masterly painter of nature and human life.

Abraham immediately starts from his seat with all the agility of youth, at the sight of the strangers; and with all that glow of affection which is natural to a good man, who had himself known the heart of a stranger, he tenders them every accommodation and refreshment which his simple habitation could afford. Sweetness of temper, easiness of behaviour, and kindness of disposition, are peculiarly engaging in old people, because these qualities do not so frequently adorn life's decline. The invitation hospitably given is cheerfully accepted.

True kindness, which is true politeness, attends to the little wishes and wants of those whom we entertain. Water to wash the feet of the weary traveller is a refreshment, though not so necessary as a morsel of bread to comfort his heart, yet, in a sultry climate

own separate tent. The angel now inquires concerning her, on purpose to introduce a conversation respecting the object of this visit; and assuming his proper character of Jehovah, subjoins a direct promise, that within the course of a year from that day, Abraham should have a son by her. Sarah, whom curiosity had drawn towards the door of the tent to listen, overhears this conversation, and not knowing the promise or the power of God, treats it as a thing impossible, and laughs, not in joy but in derision. She is observed, detected, and reproved of Him who is at once faithful, good, and merciful; holy, just, and severe. But why is Abraham called to answer for the infirmity of his wife? Was it to render the reproof more pointed to Sarah? As, indeed, what can be so galling to an ingenuous mind, as to hear an innocent person called in question for our fault? The criminal now stands discovered, she is dragged from her lurking place, and stands abashed and confounded, to make her defence. Ah how dangerous it is, to have deviated once from the path of rectitude! How one false step

leads to another, and another, and another, till conviction and shame close the scene. The first wrong step here was the indulgence of an idle curiosity, a dangerous if not a sinful principle. People who listen, generally hope or fear to hear something about themselves, and it seldom happens that they are entirely gratified with what they hear. The next error was her secret disbelief of a promise so frequently and so solemnly repeated: this is followed by the weakness of thinking to escape the notice of one who beheld her though unseen, and could read her heart, though her person was not in view; and finally, deliberate falsehood attempts to conceal her preceding faults.

God neither overlooks nor forgets the errors of those, towards whom he has thoughts of love; and happily the purposes of his grace are not to be defeated by the forwardness and folly of men. Sarah, in spite of her incredulity, shall become the joyful mother of a son, and that son shall be the source of blessings innumerable, unspeakable to mankind. God in his holiness hath sworn it, and "is any thing too hard for the Lord?" The business of this important visit being settled, the strangers rise to depart, and look as if they would go towards Sodom; and Abraham, not satisfied with having performed one instance of hospitality, follows it up to the last with kindness and attention, "he went with them to bring them on the way." Two of the three, it would seem, now disappeared, and Abraham is left alone with the third, and from the conversation that ensues, we have no room left to doubt that he was the Son of God, come down to execute the vengeance of Heaven upon the sinful cities of the plain. "And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know. And the men turned their faces from thence, and toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord."* The same person descends to bless Abraham, and to destroy Sodom: thus the same gospel is "a savour of life unto life, and of death unto death, in them that believe, and in them that perish;" and thus shall the same divine person be revealed in the end of the world, in "flaming fire, taking vengeance on them

* Gen. xviii. 17-22.

that know not God, and obey not the gospel," and "to be glorified in his saints, and admired in all them that believe."*

Abraham having obtained mercy himself, becomes an intercessor for his sinful neighbours. The judgments of God are very awful to a serious mind; fools only make a mock at sin, and its fearful consequences. But the whole scene is too interesting and instructive to be brought forward in the close of a Lecture, especially as it is necessary, before dismissing you, to make some reflections of a practical tendency from what has been spoken.

You see, my friends, of what moment the salvation of a lost world is in the sight of God. At how many times, in how many different manners, did God speak of this subject unto the fathers? How many embassies of angels; how many appearances of the mighty Angel of the covenant himself? As if the great God had been carrying on no design from the beginning, but one, a design of love to guilty, fallen men: that one, which of all others guilty, fallen men treat with the greatest slight and contempt. What! shall that purpose and plan which occupied the eternal mind from everlasting; to mature and execute which the world was created; which has been declared to man by so many signs in heaven above, and on earth beneath, by the tongues of so many prophets, by so many oracles; to announce which angels and archangels have descended from their thrones; and to accomplish which, God was made manifest in the flesh, tabernacled among men, and proclaimed the great salvation-shall it be announced, unfolded, executed in vain? And will thoughtless, inconsiderate creatures, continue to treat it as a thing of nought? O when shall we cordially enter into the views of God our Maker and Redeemer, and earnestly pursue the same object with him, the salvation of ourselves and others!

God is not sensibly present with us as he was with Abraham, but he is as really so, as if the eye beheld him, and as if we conversed with him face to face. O, man, God is in thy heart and conscience: God is in this place; in this book: and he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. The visions of the Almighty to Abraham are visits of mercy to you. How easily could he draw aside the veil which conceals him from your eyes, and where we see nothing but empty space, discover to us a marshalled host of "chariots and horsemen of fire." But he is to be now discerned only by the eye of faith, and we must be satisfied to "see in a glass darkly." The awful period approaches when the veil shall drop, and we ourselves, disembodied spirits, shall see and feel, and converse with the Father of spirits. Let, "thou God seest

2 Thess. i. 8, 10.

me," O man! be the leading, commanding | nexion, and dependence of the several parts idea of thy life, in the city and in the field, revealed to us by Him who is both the auin society and in solitude, by night and by thor and finisher of it. Eagerly hungering day, and when you come to die, you will after the fruit of this tree of life, which find you have not far to go; to be "absent grows in the midst of the paradise of God," from the body" is to be "present with the this tree of knowledge of good but not of Lord." Is it so pleasant and improving to evil, let us be humbly and modestly, but contemplate the detached fragments of the carefully and constantly searching the scripplan of Providence and redemption, which tures, in which alone the way of eternal life is all we can attain in this state? What will is declared, and that life is in the Son of it be in yonder world of bliss, to be endowed God. And may God give us understanding with a capacity of comprehending the whole in all things; and to his name be praise.— vast design, and to have the harmony, con- Amen.



And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the friend of God.-JAMES ii. 23.

Or all the temporal blessings which God | namely, communication of purpose and dein his exuberant goodness hath bestowed up- sign. Abraham indeed could have no view on mankind, one of the greatest, if not the or intention but what lay open to the eye of chief, is a sincere and virtuous friend. Into God, as soon as formed within his own the composition of this character enter all the breast; but the designs of the Most High amiable and excellent qualities which our could be known to him only as they were nature possesses; and in a commerce of vir- revealed. tuous friendship, we find the exertion of the We are presented with a very remarkable noblest principles, and a display of the wor- instance of such gracious communication, in thiest actions. The person who is approved the close of that interview, the commenceand esteemed of wise and good men, must ment of which has already passed under rehimself be wise and good. To what a pitch view. God having confirmed the faith of of dignity then is the patriarch Abraham Abraham, and reproved the infidelity of Sarah raised? Venerable in possessing the esteem respecting the promised seed, unfolds a farof men; infinitely more venerable, as distin- ther design he had in this solemn visit to guished by the approbation and friendship of our world. He has come to execute judgGod. Volumes written in his praise, and ment as well as to show mercy; for "our containing a particular enumeration of his God is a consuming fire." But the hands of virtues, could not say more than the few Omnipotence are as it were bound up, till words of the Apostle which have now been Abraham the friend of God is made acquaintread. All that is necessary, in order to ex-ed with what is meditating. "Shall I hide plain them, is to have recourse to his history, to mark his character, to observe his conduct; and on the other hand to trace the dispensations of the Divine Providence towards him, and to attend to the manner in which it pleased God to treat him, in order to learn how The character given of Abraham well dethis sacred friendship was constituted and in serves the attention of every father, of every what it consisted. And on the part of Abra-master. "For I know him, that he will comham, we shall find cheerful and prompt obedience, unbounded trust and confidence, profound reverence and fervent love; on the part of God, the most winning condescension, the tenderest affection, the most unshaken constancy. One essential quality of true friendship entered particularly into is this,

from Abraham that thing which I do?" As afterwards he said to Lot, when he wished to hasten his flight from the midst of destruction, "Escape thither, for I cannot do any thing until thou be come thither."

mand his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him."* The secret divulged under this sacred seal, is God's deter.

Genesis xviii. 19.

mination speedily and signally to destroy Sodom, and the neighbouring cities whose profligacy was arrived to such a height, as suffered not justice to rest. Whatever thoughtless men may think of sin, it can be no light thing which reaches the eternal throne, calls forth the terrors of Almighty Power, and brings down the Most High from heaven to earth. Abraham, justly alarmed at this intimation, with the sympathy and tenderness natural to a good mind, takes upon him to intercede in behalf of his unhappy neighbours, now placed on the very brink of ruin. A truly gracious spirit is never harsh and unmerciful. The vilest criminal, when delivered up to the punishment he justly merits, excites compassion in the feeling and humane. The persons who themselves most need forgiveness, are generally the most unrelenting, and make lightest of the judgments of God upon others.

Lot, allured by the beauty and fertility of the plain of Sodom, had chosen to fix his residence there, when he parted from his uncle, and is now ready to pay dearly for the imprudence of that choice. When we view an object but in one light, that which strikes us first, and flatters us most, and when we make choice of it for a few more obvious and attractive qualities, we are laying up for ourselves sorrow and remorse in the day when experience has opened our eyes to the discovery of circumstances unheeded or overlooked before. In Abraham's place an ordinary mind would have enjoyed, at least, a temporary triumph, when Sodom was threatened; the triumph of sagacity and ease, over rashness, imprudence, and danger. But far different concerns occupy Abraham's breast; concern about the interests of God's glory, and about precious souls ready to perish. The whole intercessory scene is affecting in a very high degree, and needs no commentary to illustrate its force and beauty. I shall simply read it. "And Abraham drew near and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city; wilt thou also destroy, and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, and that the righteous should be as the wicked: that be far from thee: shall not the judge of all the earth do right? And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. And Abraham answered and said, Behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes, Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous; wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Perad

venture there shall be forty found there: and he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. And he said unto him, Oh, let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak; Peradventure there shall be thirty found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there. And he said, Behold, now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh, let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake."*

It was thus that God, and Abraham the friend of God, lived and conversed together; it was thus this sacred friendship was mutually expressed. The fearful catastrophe that presently ensued, falls not within the design of the present Lecture, which is to trace the history and character of the patriarch Abraham. The next time he is brought into our view, we behold him at an awful distance contemplating that destruction which he could not by entreaty and intercession avert. Dreadful change! That beautiful plain which had allured the eyes of Lot, in one eventful day converted into a vast smoking furnace. Cities and their inhabitants swallowed up in a deluge of fire. "The Lord reigneth, let the people tremble."

Abraham had lived sixteen years in the plain of Mamre; but now, whether by the particular direction of Heaven, or prompted by a natural desire to withdraw from a neighbourhood rendered unwholesome and unpleasant by the change which had passed upon it, and which incessantly presented such a tremendous monument of divine wrath to his eyes, he removes to the south-west corner of Canaan, between Kadesh and Shur, near the wilderness, and sojourned in the kingdom of Gerar, the country of the Philistines, and which afterwards was by lot assigned to the tribe of Judah. And here again, Abraham, through fear and suspicion, is induced to employ the same deceit which he had practised in Egypt, respecting his relation to Sarah, and thereby runs into the very danger which he meant to avoid. His conduct on this account is undoubtedly very reprehensible. He was to blame for judging so dishonourably of mankind, as to think ill of a people whom he knew not-"Surely the fear of God is not in this place: and they will slay me for my wife's sake." Surely the fear of God was not before his own eyes, when he had recourse to a subterfuge so mean, to preserve the honour of his wife, and his own life. He was to blame for employing artifice a second time, after God had extricated him so mercifully from his first error. Had not God said, "I am thy shield ?" and yet he fears where no fear was. Had not God said, "walk be

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fore me, and be thou perfect?" and yet he the word "mocking," and by which Sarah yields to a slight temptation. The very was so much incensed, that she insisted on apology which he makes for his conduct, the immediate banishment of Hagar and her when the truth was brought to light, disco- son. No created joy is either pure and unvers a mind not perfectly satisfied with itself. mixed, or of long continuance. Sarah's com"And yet indeed she is my sister: she is the fort is marred by the brutality and insolence daughter of my father, but not the daughter of Ishmael to her son, and not improbably by of my mother; and she became my wife."* the fear she entertained of one so much adO, how lovely, how majestic is simple truth! vanced in age, stature, and strength above It seeks no retirement, stands in need of no Isaac, and of such a wild untoward disposidefence, is ever consistent with itself, ever tion. Abraham's peace is destroyed, and his inspires with courage him who practises it. life embittered by the necessity he is under Falsehood strips the mind of its conscious of driving from his house his own child and dignity, keeps a man perpetually in fear, puts the unhappy mother. Whether the good invention continually on the rack to prevent man were criminal or not, in the assumption the means of detection. But the weakness of Hagar as his concubine, sure I am, first of man shall not make the purpose of God of and last, he smarts severely for it. And none effect. Sarah, now pregnant of the Isaac, the covenant head and representative promised seed, is miraculously protected of of the church, begins at an early period of Heaven, and the truth of God in Abimelech's life indeed, to suffer persecution from the dream exposes Abraham's waking deception.jealousy and malignity of the serpent's issue. "Surely, O Lord, the wrath of man shall praise thee."

Abimelech, by the various uncommon circumstances which had affected his family and kingdom, from the time that Abraham had come into it, being fully persuaded that he was a favourite of Heaven, endeavours by presents and courtesy to attach him closely to himself, and prevails with him to accept a habitation in his country. There, it was so determined of Providence, Sarah, was delivered of the long expected son of promise. Time creeps or flies to us, according to our hopes or our fears, our sorrows, or our joys; but with God, there is no quickness or slowness of progression, no distance of place or time. Our eagerness and impatience cannot accelerate, our reluctance or aversion cannot retard his purpose a single instant of time. The joy of such an event is rather to be imagined than described. The birth of a child is always matter of unutterable satisfaction to the mother at least; what then must have been the solid, the heart-felt joy of Abraham and Sarah, on the birth of a son, the heir of great possessions, the father and founder of a mighty nation, the progenitor, according to the flesh, of the Saviour of the world; given by promise, and raised up by a miracle! Sarah herself, it would appear, performed the maternal office of suckling this precious child; neither her high rank, nor abundant affluence, nor advanced period of life, are pleaded to exempt her from this task of nature. According to the custom of the times, Abraham made a great entertainment on the day that Isaac was weaned, when probably he was solemnly recognized as Abraham's heir, and by some public act invested with his rights as such. This would naturally excite the envy and displeasure of Ishmael, and produced that insolent or contemptuous behaviour, which our translation renders by

Gen. xx. 12.

Thus, in every state and condition of human life, God sets one thing against another, that we may still and ever be brought to the recollection, that "this is not our rest." We are more surprised at the slender provision with which Hagar and Ishmael are dismissed, than at the dismission itself. That the patriarch, for the sake of peace at home, should consent to part with the bond woman and her son, is very conceivable; but that they should be turned adrift into the wide world, without protection, without attendant, without provision, except so much bread and water as the wretched mother could carry upon her own shoulders; these are circumstances, which, on the usual principles of human conduct, appear altogether strange and unaccountable. But in God, the fatherless and the friendless ever find mercy. Lost in the wilderness, outcast from society, disowned and rejected, ready to perish with hunger and thirst, they meet with attention from Him who feeds the ravens, and without whom a sparrow falleth not to the ground.

We may well suppose that Ishmael's expulsion from his father's house and fortunes, and the way of life into which it forced him, would greatly increase his natural ferocity of temper, and contribute to form and fix that character which was given of him by the angel before he was born, "he shall be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." God brings his predictions to pass, not always, nor generally, by miraculous interposition, but by the operation and concur rence of natural causes. "He became an archer," lived by declaring war on the beasts of the field, and gradually brought himself to bear, and even to prefer that way of living, which had at first been obtruded upon him by the strong hand of necessity. So happily is our nature framed, that use at length re

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