THE REIGN OF GRACE, FROM ITS RISE TO ITS Consummation. BY ABRAHAM BOOTH. We believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved. PETER. Gratia non erit Gratia ullo modo, nisi sit gratuita omni modo. .D. SYNOD DORDRECHT. EDINBURGH PRINTED BY JAMES SCHAW, LAWNMARKET; AND SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS. 1822. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Concerning the Signification of the Term CHAP. II. Of Grace, as it reigns in our Salvation in CHAP. III. Of Grace, as it reigns in our Election CHAP. V. Of Grace, as it reigns in a full, free, and CHAP. VI. Of Grace, as it reigns in our Justification CHAP. IX. Concerning the Necessity and Useful- ness of Holiness and good Works Page PREFACE. I SHALL not offer any apology to the Public on behalf of the ensuing treatise; for if the leading sentiments espoused and defended in it correspond with the unerring oracles, I have no apprehensions from the frowns of men; if not, it would be impossible, by the most laboured apology, to justify my conduct. The doctrines of grace-free, rich, sovereign grace—are here maintained, and handled in a practical manner. It has been my endeavour, in the following pages, not only to state and defend the capital truths of the gospel in a doctrinal way, but also to point out their peculiar importance, as happily adapted to awaken the conscience, and comfort the heart; to elevate the affections, and influence the whole conduct in the way of holiness. To this edition of The Reign of Grace I have made large additions; the principal of which is an entire chapter on election, which renders the scheme of doctrines more complete, and the contents of the book more answerable to the title. I also thought it my duty, in a particular manner, to bear a public testimony to that important part of revealed truth, having in my younger years greatly opposed it in a poem on absolute Predestination ;" which poem, if considered in a critical light, is despicable; if in a theological view, detestable, as it is an impotent attack on the ho 66 |