Imágenes de páginas

and democracy: it may be found under the republican form of the Low Countries. The immenfe regions of the Eaft are compelled to obey the ordinances of the States- General; the commercial, and therefore rigorous, regulations of the Dutch Eat-India Company; and the edicts of the Governor of Batavia. Such is the actual condition of the world. In this state it will probably continue, with little variation, notwithstanding the fcruples of well-meaning men, who fometimes difcover in their own inexperience the prefumed defects of others.

Animated by this fentiment, your correfpondent has fuppofed the cafe of a tax firlt laid by the affembly of New-York, and of a fimilar duty afterwards impofed by act of parliament; and, shutting up every avenue to information, he laments over the deformed creature of his own imagination, as a novelty, which had been referved for the injustice of latter times. Let him be informed, however, that both the parliament and affembly have always impofed taxes upon the imports and exports, which were conftantly levied at one and the fame time; that by the ftatute 9 An. ch. 10. various duties were granted for the exprefs purpofe of carrying on the war, to be collected" on the port "of letters", over every dominion of the crown, and for the management of which "one chief letter office "was established in New York"; and that the revenue of the posts has been there collected without "dragooning". from the year 1710 to the prefent day.

As your correfpondent feems to have never perufed the concluding chapter of the political annals of the United Colonies, it is recommended to his attention, in the emphatical words of Lord Bolingbroke to his noble pupils: "Let him read and obferve like a "fenator and statesman, and he will "find as much information as he "wants."

[blocks in formation]

that of the graft. The piece of root will feed the graft, as the stock does the other way.

This method of propagating fruittrees is both eafy and expeditious; roots being more plentiful than stocks. By this method the pieces, or roots of one crab-ftock, for example, or of one apple stock, will ferve for twenty or thirty apple grafts, and the like of other trees. It is alfo an excellent method for raifing fuch trees which will hardly bear grafting in the stock. Add, that trees thus grafted, bear fooner, and are more easily dwarfed than any other way.

In this treatife, reiterated grafting, or grafting by a double and treble incifion, is recommended.

March, 1780.


Yours, &c.


YOUR reviewing correfpondent, p. 81. feems to have very fufficient room for a ridicule of the poem (fo. called) on Stourhead; but he feems to have fallen into two ftrange miftakes. He fays, the mufe moves on to Dorfet's falubrious downs; quotes, Black fwans and rotten sheep may here be found

In equal numbers-

And then adds, "a pretty proof of a healthful air, and good grafs!" If there are no more rotten theep there than there are black fwans, (as I believe there are not) it is a good proof of good grafs.

He has taken what the author fays of Lord Berkeley of Stratton, for Lord Botetourt, and miftaken the applica. tion of ad rem attentiores, which certainly is meant to refer to money, and is a proper rebuke to those who partook fo very liberally of his Lordship's great riches, and have placed no monument for him. He was as rich as Lord Botetourt was the reverse. But Lord Botetourt was (I believe) more fortunate in the other refpect, for I think the Virginians have erected a ftatue to his memory; and from the fincere veneration they entertained for his upright adminiftration whilft their governor, there feems to be no danger of that being deltroyed in the prefent difordered ftate of that province. Providence was pleafed to remove him, and to permit the appointment of a fucceffor, to whose conduct the alienation of the Virginians from England is in part attributed. S. H.



Wonderful inftance of quick growth. HE falmon-fmelts, fprod-fmelts, and morth-finelts, go down the river at Salisbury the latter end of April and beginning of May. At that time the falmon-fmelts weigh about 3 or 4 ounces, morth and sprod about 3 ounces each. The faid falmon-fmelts return falmon (if a fresh. in the river) in about 7 weeks, and will weigh about 12 pounds. The morth returns in about 9 weeks, and weighs about 2 pounds. The fprods begin coming up about the fame time, and weigh about three fourths of a pound. The way the fishermen know this is as follows. When the fish are going down, they catch of the different forts, and put a wire through the back finn of fome of them; which wire they have found by catching the fame fish on their return. The gentle." man who rents the fishery, among others, has given this account. this be a fact, the growth of the former fort is very wonderful; and quere, if there be fuch another inftance in the whole creation?

T. B.


[blocks in formation]

that from the low prices of corn the farmers will foon be involved in ruin and bankruptcy; and then, from the average price of it for 80 years paft, inteis, that fuch affertions are falfe and feditious: from the year 1696 to 1756, he fays, the average price was 5 s. 1 d. per bush, from thence to 6 s. 5 s. 5 s. 10 d. and 1779, 5s. 8 d. He fays nothing of the prefent price, only that it advances, which wants proof, no fuch thing exifting to my knowledge: it is now worth (that is, the very best fort) about 4s. 8 d. bu if Crito was a farmer, he would find that he' whole of his laft crop would not reach 4 S. 3 d. If he was a farmer, he would. alfo know, the expences in raifing a crop of wheat are double to thofe of the first period, the poors rates treble, rents and affeffments of all kinds double, and after all fell his article for a fhilling a bushel lefs, which, according to the common courfe of things, thould fetch near double the money. I will venture to affirm that 6 s. 4 d. per bufhel now, is not in any degree adequate, to the prices of the years fpecified by Crito.

Look, fays he, into the state of the farmers in general, and you will fee then vie with their landlords in drefs, and the expence of their tables. My God! where is it to be found! I have lately been in many counties in England, but never have yet known one inftance where all thefe luxuries and fopperis exifled. let Crito take a tour northward, and he will be convinced of the error of his affertions. From certain knowledge I affirm, that, according to the prefent fyftem in rural affairs, a farmer with 600 or 700 l. is a much more miferable being than a common day-labourer, his profits are no more, I will not fay whether they are not lefs, the high price of labour confidered, and his cares are infinitely greater; many induftrious farmers are now under confinement, and many more, to my certain knowledge, will, ere long, be in the fame fituation.

Now, Mr. Urban, I am not fo much a patriot as to fay, that all thefe calami. ties are owing to our prefent political fyftem; I believe them to be the natural confequence of the rapacity of thofe land owners, who, taking the advantage of a few high years, raifed their rents to the very height of the times, without making allowance for contingency: be it alfo obferved, that a certain patriotic Marquis and a certain equally patriotic Baronet; are of this clafs.


I am, Sir, yours, &c.
A Freeholder of the County of York,
But no Petitioner.

Mr. R. Samfon's Letter, and J. W.'s (dated April 25), fall be properly attended to.

20. A Letter to the Right Worshipful William Wynne, LL.D. Chancellor of the Diocefe of London; Containing Obfervations on the Falls alleged, the Evidence produced, and the Sentence pronounced by him, in the Confiftorial Court of London, on the 6th of December, 1779, in a Caufe in which Dr. Hind, the late Rector of St. Anne, Westminfter, was the Promoter, and his Curate the Refpondent. By the Rev. Thomas Martyn. 8vo. Is. Almon.

AS our readers are already acquainted with this unclerical contention, brother going to law with brother, we now give them (as we hope) the conclufion of it. But, though lofers may complain and appeal, we, who are no parties, fhall not prefume to review or revise the sentence of a Judge, but take the facts as they are here stated. The fuit inftituted against Mr. Martyn by Dr. Hind, in the Confiftorial Court of London, was commenced in July, 1777. It confifted of thirty-four articles of complaint, in which he was charged with drunkennefs, adultery, and the moft intolerable neglects and indecencies in the performance of his duty, as Curate of St. Anne's, Westminster. These articles were argued before, and admitted by, Dr. Bettefworth, (then Chancellor,) on the maxim (we are told) "That Mr. M. must be confidered as guilty, till he had proved himself innocent." In all other courts in this country, we must own, the oppofite prevails. The evidence to these charges were two nurses, two hackneymourners, four undertakers, and a death-hunter. On all thefe articles, trifling as they were, and unfupported, Mr. M. was acquitted of all blame, and the procedure of the plaintiff cenfured by the Judge. But the Curate was farther charged with having preached, read prayers, and married, in oppofition to, and in defiance of, Dr. Hind. On thefe the fentence was as follows: "The Judge, having heard proofs read, and the advocates and proctors on both fides, pronounced, decreed, and declared, that the promoter had proved that part of the ar ticles given in this caufe,which charged the Rev. Thomas Martyn with having, as curate of the parish of St. Anne, Weftminster, acted in defiance of, and oppofed Dr. Hind, the promoter, in the execution of his office of rector of the faid church; and pronounced that th faid Thomas Martyn had acted in deñance of and oppofed Dr Hind iz

the execution of his faid office, by pre venting him from preaching, reading of prayers, and performing of marriage of perfons offering themselves to be married in the faid church, and that, therefore, the faid Thomas Martyn ought to be removed from the curacy of the faid church of St. Anne, Westminster; and condemned the faid Thomas Martyn in costs, but decreed that the fame fhould be moderated, in regard that Dr. Hind, the promoter, had failed in proof of the neglect of duty, immorality, and adultery, charged by the articles upon him the faid Thomas Martyn." The refpondent plea, here urged in arreft of judgment, as to cofts especially, is principally founded on the words of the fentence [marked in Italics] varying from thofe in the allegations and depofitions, and on the difproportion between the number of the articles proved, and thofe which failed in proof, as he was acquitted on all the penal charges, and those on which he was condemned have no penalty annexed.-To the feelings of a man thus harraffed we make great allowance, but

Non noftrum eft tantas componere lites.

21. Minutes of the Proceedings at a CourtMartial, affembled to enquire into the Caufe of the Loss of his Majesty's late Ship Ardent. Taken by George Jackfon, Efq; Judge-Advocate of his Majefty's Fleet. 4to. 2s. 6d. Strahan.

THE two refolutions which form the fentence of this court-martial, of which Rear Admiral Evans was prefident, are thefe; viz.

Refolved, That it appears that Capt. Philip Boteler did not do the utmost to prevent the King's fhip falling into the enemy's hands; and that therefore he ought to be difmiffed from his Majefiy's fervice.

"Refolved, That the other officers and fhip's company be acquitted."

The fentence feems (juffly) grounded on the following facts, which appeared in evidence, viz. That, though the private fignal was not antwered by the frigate that food athwart her in fhore, the Ardent (then to windward) continued bearing down on the fleet; that then, and for near an hour after, the might have efcaped by hauling her wind; that, when the ftruck, fhe had received no damage, only her jibhalyards hot away, which were knotted, and the fail fet immediately; that even then there was a poffibility of efcaping

efeaping by rifking the tire of two line of battle fhips, which were then within gun-fhot on the weather quarter, but had not fired, Plymouth distant four leagues; and that the ships which engaged her were two frigates † on each quarter. Had the Captain carried into execution his "final refolution," which, he fays, in his defence, "was to continue making fail till the Corona and St. Michel Thould come along fide, and give us their broadfides, which having received and returned in the best manner I could, then, and not till then, to ftrike the colours and furrender the fhip," his character would have appeared in a different light both to friends and foes. Another circumftance impreffes us with the fame ideas of aftonishment it does him. During the Ardent's being at anchor in Torbay, which was for no lefs a fpace of time than 26 hours, though several fishing-boats were along-fide, and people on board from the fhore, we never received the leaft intimation of the enemy's fleet being even in the Channel, and confequently it was not known there that they had entered it; and yet, in a few hours after I weighed anchor, I found myfelf in the midst of their fleet. Yet they had then been two or three days off Plymouth; and I not only conceive that there must have been time to fend an exprefs to me over land, but I have been alfo well informed, that the mafter of a lugger abfolutely offered to come out of the Sound, and give the intelligence neceffary to lave the Ardent for 100l. which was refused; and no offer being made which he judged adequate either to the risk or fervice, he relinquifhed the idea" 22. A Charge del vered to the Clergy of the Arcbacaconry of Rocheller in the Year 1779. By Jolin Law, D.D. Archdeacon of Rochefter. With a Preface. 2d Edition. 4to, 1s. Payne.

THIS charge has been the occafion of fome undeferved ridicule and obloquy, the worthy author having undertaken, on the principles of toleration and Proteftantifin, to juftify the late removal of the restraints from the Papifts. On the fame principles he defends, a fortiori, the indulgence grant. d to the diffenters.

Corona 80 guns. St. Michel 64. + Juno, Gentile, and Surveillante, 40 guns each; and Bellone 36. The Surveillante engaged the Quebec. GENT. MAG. April, 1779.

23. A Letter to the Reu. Mr. Archdeacon Law, on his Defence of Popery, as delivered in his Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Rochefter. By a Kentish Curate. 4to, is. Davies.

AS we do not think, with Lord Shaftesbury, that Ridicule is the test of Truth, we cannot approve of the Judicrous manner in which this writer has treated fo ferious a subject, and a character fo refpectable as that of Dr. Law. Ex Pede Herculem!

"Before we part, give me leave, Mr. Archdeacon, to tell you a ftory, "A famous keeper of wild beafts took it into his head that he could eafily fubdue the ferocity of a lion, provided that he began time enough, He accordingly brought up a whelp of that fpecies with the greatest care; and at length made him fo tame and familiar, that at the age of maturity he could play any tricks with him, pat him on the back, proveke, and even put his head into his mouth with impunity. Trying, however, one day the latter experiment before fome friends who stood at a distance, one of them obferved that the beast looked extremely fierce. No matter,' cried the keeper from within the lion's mouth." He extends his claws."


No matter. Does he wag his tail ?` "He does." Then Lord haye mercy upon me!' and immediately the lion bit his head off.

"And now, Mr. Archdeacon, to apply, as we fay in our fermons, and conclude.

"The Roman Catholic lion is a dangerous kind of beast, or at least ufed to be reckoned fo; we pared his claws, indeed, and filed his teeth, but in time they are apt to grow again. If he looks fierce, no matter; if he extends his claws, no matter; but if he fhould chance (which God forbid !) to wag his tail-why then, as the keeper faid, Lord have mercy upon us!"

24. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldfmith, M.B now first collected. Both on Account of the Laje and Writings of the Author, 2 Vols. jm. 8vo. Rivinoton.

THIS collection must be an acceptable prefent to the public. In the Life many mistakes are corrected, and new information given. We are told, that our author was the third fon of the Rev. Charles Goldfmith; was born at Elphin in the county of Rofcom von,


in Ireland, in 1729 *; was admitted at Trinity College, Dublin, June 11, 1744; proceeded B.A. Feb. 27, 1749, two years after the ufual time; but whether he was stopped, like Swift, is not faid: ftudied phyfic firft at Dublin, and in 1751 at Edinburgh; was obliged to leave Scotland through pecuniary diftrefs in 1754, and was arrefted at Sunderland for the debt of a friend, which he had engaged to pay. Two other friends, Dr. Sleigh and Mr. Maclaine, procured his releafe. He then embarked for Rotterdam, proceeded to Bruffels, and vifited great part of Flanders on foot, fubfiiting frequently by his German flute: his learning made him a welcome guest to the monks, and his mufic to the peafants. At Lorrain he obtained the degree of M. B. and then accompanied an English gentleman to Geneva. There he commenced travelling tutor to a young man of fortune, and alfo cultivated his poetical talent, and fketched his delightful Epiftle The Traveller. Proceeding with his pupil to the fouth of France, the young man, upon fome difagreement, paid him off, and left him once more a wanderer upon the world at large. Through á great many difficulties, he at length reached Dover, in the winter of 1758, and arrived at London an entire ftranger, with a few halfpence only. A chemist near Fish-treet, ftruck with his torlorn condition and fimplicity, took him into his laboratory, where he continued till he met with his old friend Dr. Sleigh, who liberally affisted him till he engaged himself as an usher to the Rev. Dr. Milner, at his academy at Peckham. Enlilting foon after as a writer in the Monthly Review, he returned to London, took lodgings near the Old Bailey in 1759, was patronifed by the late Mr. Newbery, wrote, in the Public Ledger, "Chinese Letters," &c. and at length, introduced to relpectable company, removed in 1762 to the polite air of the Temple, where he took handsome chambers. Here we will leave him, and for farther particulars of his character, writings, and friends, refer to the Memoirs, adding only, that he died April 4, 1774) was buried privately in the Temple burial-ground, and that a monument, by fabfcription, has been erected to

Dr. Johnfon, in his epitaph, fays he was born at Ferney, April 19, 1731,

him in Westminster-Abbey, in the Poets Corner.

The Ift volume contains his poems, the IId his two Comedies, The Goodnatured Man, and She Stoops to Conquer. From his poems we will felect a fong and an epigram.

"O Memory, thou fond deceiver,
Still importunate and vain,
To former joys recurring ever,

And turning all the past to pain: Thou, like the world, th' opprefs'd oppreffing,

Thy fmiles increase the wretch's woe ; And he who wants each other blessing, In thee must ever find a foe." On a beautiful Youth, firuck blind by Lightning. Imitated from the Spanish. "Sure 'twas by Providence defign'd,

Rather in pity than in hate,
That he should be, like Cupid, blind,
To fave him from Narciffus' fate."


A head of the author is prefixed.

25. An Attempt to afcertain and illuftrate the Authority, Nature, and Design of the Inftitution of Christ, commonly called the Communion and the Lord's Supper. By William Bell, D. D. Frebendary of St. Peter's, Westminster, domeftic Chaplain to her Royal Highness Princess Amelia. 89. Robfon.

THIS treatife is in our opinion equally rational and pious. From the history of this inftitution, given us by the apostles, the author feems to have afcertained the true intention of its divine Founder. His fundamental principles, indeed, he owns to be the fame with thofe of Mr. John Hales, of Eton; and they have alfo been fupported much in the fame manner by Bishop Hoadly. Dr. Bell, in his appendix, refutes Dr. Cudworth's notien of the nature of the Lord's Supper, founded on a mistaken interpretation of 1 Cor. c. x. v. 14, &c. and alfo proves, a priori, that "on account of the obvious fundamental principles of the Chriftian religion, it is abfolutely impoflible that the Lord's Supper can be (es that learned Divine fuppofes,)" the fame among Chriftians in refpect to the Chriftian facrifice, that, among the Jews, the feafts upon the legal facrifices were, and among the Gentiles the feafts upon the idol facrifices ;" that is, cannot be fpecifically a feast upon facrifice. The form of this work in divifions, and fub-divifions, with an appendix and notes, more than thice times as large as the treatife, is rather


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