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doubts as to his acceptance, or deludes himself by a false dependance, faith in the blood of Christ removes every fear from the soul of the contrite believer, and fills him with holy joy by the inspiring confidence, that God through Christ hath reconciled him unto himself.


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Trusting to the strength which nature affords, what assurance can he have who walks only by sight, of deliverance from the dominion of sin? Can he hope to expel from his bosom the unholy desires and passions whose sway is so firmly established there; to fix in his soul, the spiritual and holy graces and virtues that are so contrary to its corrupt propensities; to change the habits of sin, for those of holiness, the ways of ungodliness, for those of righte ousness -Can he hope to perform a work the difficulty of which is aptly denoted in the Ethiopian's changing his skin and the leopard his spots,' by the unassisted efforts of his own mind-by his own resolutions, so changeable-by his own strength, so feeble? To him who feels the dominion of unholy passions and the force of sinful habits, and has experienced the inefficacy of his best resolutions and efforts to subdue and to change them, what consolation and encouragement in the confidence which faith inspires, that the grace of a divine Sanctifier will be sufficient for him, the strength of a divine Guide made perfect in his weakness? While he who walks only by sight, who trusts for his victory over his sinful passions only to his own efforts, remains subject to their dominion;' he who walks by faith, who habitually looks for the means of his spiritual triumph to the grace of Christ strengthening him, finds that by this grace he can overcome the world, beat down Satan under his feet; and obtain the glorious liberty of the Sons of God," Hobart, Vol. II. p. 71.

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Our inference from these various extracts, is, that the Institution conducted by their authors, is an Institution which Churchmen should support; and that an attempt to educate the American Clergy under other superintendence, and upon other principles, is an attempt which Churchmen should discourage. Bishop Chase may provide a cheaper Seminary, but who is to answer for its orthodoxy. We shall not be suspected of undervaluing the New York Institution when we say, that even there the Clergy learn rather what is indispensable than what is desirable. To reduce the scale would be a fatal step. Bishop Chase and his correspondents, already express themselves in language bordering upon fanaticism and folly, and if they are to be the tutors of the future clergy of Ohio, that clergy will rival the primitive Methodists and modern Ranters. Lord Gambier and his friends will rejoice at such a consummation, but what pleasure will it afford to a very different class of persons who are aiding Bishop Chase in his aftack upon American Episco

palianism? Of the excellence of their motives no doubt can be entertained, and very little respecting the effect of their oonduct. Methodism has at present little footing in America; or rather it is confined to those who glory in the name, and has made no formidable inroads upon the Apostolical' Church. Future times may date its rise from the stone about to be laid in Ohio, and future historians will report with astonishment and incredulity, that the staunchest and most orthodox English Episcopalians were aiding and abetting the operation. If they have not already advanced too far to remonstrate with effect or to draw back with honour, let them ask Bishop Chase and Lord Gambier to tell us upon what principles the Ohio clergy are to be educated? If there is nothing heterodox, fanatical, or debasing in the proposed scheme; where is the objection to placing the Seminary under the controul of the Convention of the Church?

ART. XI. Extracts from a Journal, written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. By Captain Basil Hall, Royal Navy, Author of a voyage to Loo Choo. 2 vols. 8vo. 17.1s. Hurst & Co. 1824.

ART. XII. Selections from the Works of the Baron de Humboldt, relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico, With Notes by John Taylor, Esq. Treasurer to the Geological Society, &c. 8vo. 310 pp. 12s. Longman, & Co. 1824.

ART. XIII. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and residence. there, during part of the years 1821, 1822, 1823. By Maria Graham. 4to. 336 pp. Longman & Co. 1824.

ART. XIV. Journal of a Residence in Chile, during the year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. By Maria Graham. 4to. 512 pp. Longman & Co. 1824.

CAPTAIN HALL apologises for a portion of his work by reminding us that the events to which it relates are imperfectly known in England. It seems that they are not thoroughly.

understood even in America, since the Captain's humble duodecimo gives the lie direct to Mrs. Graham's Quartos.

We know not whether the public will feel pleased or perplexed at this opportunity of hearing both sides. But critics disposed to sail to Cape Horn at a single sitting, or skip across the Andes at a bound, and compress Mexico and Peru into an afternoon's lounge, cannot fail to take delight in the collision of a couple of travellers of different sexes. The incident on the present occasion is purely fortuitous. Captain Hall could not have been aware what Mrs. Graham intended to say, or gallantry would have forbidden his saying directly the reverse. Mrs. Graham must have considered herself the only literary traveller newly landed from Peru, or she would not have encountered the flat contradiction undesignedly administered by Captain Hall.

In rating our acquaintance with South American affairs very low, the Captain is strictly borne out by facts; A confused notion of Lord Cochrane, and Sir Gregor M'Gregor, some slight knowledge of Bolivar and San Martin, a determination not to be duped by the Poyais Loan, quickened by the desire of dabbling in Mexican mines, amount to an average crop of information respecting the revolutions in the new world. It has been sedulously culled from the chronicles of the age, and deposited with due method in the organ assigned for that purpose. Little room remains for the important facts, which are communicated in these volumes. The light which beams from the entertaining page of Captain Hall will hardly be able to force its way into that grand receptacle of the obscure. Mr. Taylor's lucid descriptions will be read but not heeded. And the contrasting darkness which Mrs. Graham contrives to furnish, will have no difficulty in restoring the reign of picturesque perplexity, glimmering twilight, and in some instances profound gloom.

We proceed without further preface to introduce our readers and authors to each other. Captain Hall was at Lima during that very interesting period which preceded the establishment of Peruvian independence. He gives the following description of the hero of the day.

"25th of June.-I had an interview this day with General San Martin, on board a little schooner, a yacht of his own, anchored in Callao Roads for the convenience of communicating with the deputies, who, during the armistice, had held their sittings on board a ship in the anchorage.

"There was little, at first sight, in his appearance to engage the attention; but when he rose up and began to speak, his supeNon VOL. XXI. MAY, 1824.

riority was apparent. He received us in very homely style, on the deck of his vessel, dressed in a loose surtout coat, and a large fur cap, and seated at a table made of a few loose planks laid along the top of some empty casks. He is a tall, erect, well-proportioned handsome man, with a large aqualine nose, thick black hair, and immense bushy dark whiskers, extending from ear to car under the chin; his complexion is deep olive, and his eye, which is large, prominent, and piercing, is jet black; his whole appearance being highly military. He is thoroughly well-bred, and unaffectedly simple in his manners; exceedingly cordial and engaging, and possessed evidently of great kindliness of disposition: in short, I have never seen any person, the enchantment of whose address was more irresistible. In conversation he went at once to the strong points of the topic, disdaining, as it were, to trifle with its minor parts; he listened earnestly, and replied with distinctness and fairness, showing wonderful resources in argument, and a most happy fertility of illustration; the effect of which was, to make his audience feel they were understood in the sense they wished. Yet there was nothing showy or ingenious in his discourse; and he certainly seemed, at all times, perfectly in earnest, and deeply possessed with his subject. At times his animation rose to a high pitch; when the flash of his eye, and the whole turn of his expres. sion, became so exceedingly energetic as to rivet the attention of his audience beyond the possibility of evading his arguments. This was most remarkable when the topic was politics; on which subject, I consider myself fortunate in having heard him express himself frequently. But his quiet manner was not less striking, and indicative of a mind of no ordinary stamp: he could even be playful and familiar, when such was the tone of the moment; and whatever effect the subsequent possession of great political power may have had on his mind, I feel confident that his natural disposition is kind and benevolent.


During the first visit I paid to San Martin, several persons came privately from Lima to discuss the state of affairs, upon which occasion his views and feelings were distinctly stated; and I saw nothing in his conduct afterwards to cast a doubt upon the sincerity with which he then spoke."-Hall's Journal, Vol. I. p. 209..

« 12th July, 1821.-This day is memorable in the annals of Peru, from the entry of General San Martin into the capital. Whatever intermediate changes may take place in the fortunes of that country, its freedom must eventually be established; and it can never be forgotten, that the first impulse was due entirely to the genius of San Martin, who planned and executed the enterprise which first stimulated the Peruvians to think and act for themselves. Instead of coming in state, as he was well entitled to have done, he waited till the evening, and then rode in without guards, and accompanied by a single aid-de-camp. Indeed, it was contrary to his original intention that he came into the city on this day; for

he was tired, and wished to go quietly to rest in a cottage about half a league off, and to enter the town before daybreak next morning. He had dismounted accordingly, and had just nestled himself into a corner, blessing his stars that he was out of the reach of business; when in came two friars, who, by some means or other, had discovered his retreat. Each of them made him a speech, to which his habitual good nature induced him to listen. One compared him to Cæsar, the other to Lucullus. Good heavens!' exclaimed the General, when the fathers left them, what are we to do? this will never answer.'-' Oh! sir,' answered the aid-de-camp, 'there are two more of the same stamp close at hand.'—' Indeed ! then saddle the horses again, and let us be off.'

"Instead of going straight to the palace, San Martin called at the Marquis of Montemire's on his way, and the circumstance of his arrival becoming known in a moment, the house, the court, and the street, were soon filled. I happened to be at a house in the neighbourhood, and reached the audience, room before the crowd became impassable. I was desirous of seeing how the General would behave through a scene of no ordinary difficulty; and he certainly acquitted himself very well. There was, as may be supposed, a large allowance of enthusiasm, and high wrought expres sion, upon the occasion; and to a man innately modest, and naturally averse to show, or ostentation of any kind, it was not an easy matter to receive such praises without betraying impatience.

"At the time I entered the room, a middle aged fine looking woman was presenting herself to the General: as he leaned forward to embrace her, she fell at his feet, clasped his knees, and looking up, exclaimed, that she had three sons at his service, who, she hoped, would now become useful members of society, instead of being slaves as heretofore. San Martin, with much discretion, did not attempt to raise the lady from the ground, but allowed her to make her appeal in the situation she had chosen, and which of course, she considered the best suited to give force to her cloquence; he stooped low to hear all she said, and when her first burst was over, gently raised her; upon which she threw her arms round his neck, and concluded her speech while hanging on his breast. His reply was made with suitable earnestness, and the poor woman's heart seemed ready to burst with gratitude for his attention and affability.

"He was next assailed by five ladies, all of whom wished to clasp his knees at once; but as this could not be managed, two of them fastened themselves round his neck, and all five clamoured so loudly to gain his attention, and weighed so heavy upon him, that he had some difficulty in supporting himself. He soon satisfied each of them with a kind word or two, and then seeing a little girl of ten or twelve years of age belonging to this party, but who had been afraid to come forward before, he lifted up the astonished child, and kissing her cheek, set her down again in such ecstacy, that the poor thing scarcely knew where she was.

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