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he even lost that respectful demeanour, which a good, nay, a well-bred subject always shows to the heir of the throne, and the Princes related to his sovereign. He sometimes behaved with a premeditated familiarity, and with an insolence provoking or defying resentment. It was on the days of great festivities, when the court was most brilliant, and the courtiers most numerous, that he took occasion to be most arrogant to those, whom he traitorously and audaciously dared to call his rivals. On the 9th

of last December, at the celebration of the queen's birth-day, his conduct towards their Royal Highnesses excited such general indignation, that, the remembrance of the occasion of the fete, and the presence of their sovereigns could not repress a murmur which made the favourite tremble. A signal from the prince of Asturia would then have been sufficient to have caused the insolent upstart to be seized and thrown out of the window. I am told that some of the Spanish grandees laid even their hands on their swords, fixed their eyes on the heir of the throne, as if to say, "command, and your unworthy enemy shall exist no more.”

To prepare, perhaps, the royal and paternal mind for deeds which contemporaries always condemn, and posterity will always reprobate, the Prince of Peace procured a history to be written in his own way and manner, of Don Carlos, the unfortunate son of the barbarous and unnatural Philip II: but the queen's confessor, though, like all her other domestics, a tool of the favourite, threw it into the fire with reproof, saying, "that Spain did not remember in Philip II. the grand and powerful monarch, but abhorred in him the royal assassin;” adding, " that no laws human or divine, no institutions, no supremacy whatever, could authorise a parent to stain his hands in the blood of his children." These anecdotes are sufficient both to elucidate the inveteracy of the favourite, the abject state of the heir to the throne, and the incomprehensible infatuation of the king and queen.

Our ambassador in the mean time dissembled always with the Prince and Princess of Asturia; and even made them understand that he disapproved of those occurrences so disagreeable to them; but he neither offered to put an end to them, nor to be a mediator for a perfect reconciliation with their sovereigns. He was guided by no other motive, but to keep the favourite in

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subjection and alarm, by preserving a correspondence with his rivals. That this was the case and the motive, cannot be doubted, from the financial intrigue he carried on in the beginning of last month.

Foreigners have but an imperfect or erroneous idea of the amount of the immense sums Spain has paid to our government, in loans, in contributions, in donations, and in subsidies. Since the reign of Buonaparte, or for these last five years, upwards of half the revenue of the Spanish monarchy, has either been brought into our national treasury, or into the privy purse of the Buonaparte family. Without the aid of Spanish money, neither would our gun-boats have been built, our fleets equipped, or our armies paid. The dreadful situation of the Spanish finances is therefore not surprising.—It is indeed still more surprising that a general bankruptcy has not already involved the Spanish nation in a general ruin.

When, on his return from Italy, the recall of the Russian negotiator, and the preparations of Austria convinced Buonaparte of the probability of a continental war, our troops on the coast had not been paid for two months, and his Imperial ministers of finances had no funds either to discharge the arrears, or to provide for future payments, until the beginning of year XIV. or the 22d instant: Bournonville was therefore ordered to demand peremptorily from the cabinet of Madrid, forty millions of livres, (1,666,000l.) in advance upon future subsidies. Half of that sum had indeed shortly before arrived at Cadiz from America, but much more was due by the Spanish government to its own creditors, and promised them in payment of old debts. The Prince of Peace, in consequence, declared that, however much he wished to oblige the French government, it was utterly impossible to procure, much less to advance such sums. Bournonville then became more assiduous than ever about the Prince and Princess of Asturia; and he had the impudence to assert, that they had promised, if their friends were at the head of affairs, to satisfy the wishes and expectation of the Emperor of the French, by seizing the treasury at Cadiz, and paying the state creditors in vales deinero; notes hitherto payable in cash, and never at a disThe stupid favourite swallowed the palpable bait; four millions in dollars were sent under an escort to this country,


while the Spanish notes instantly fell to a discount of, at first, at four and afterwards of six per cent, and probably will fall lower still, as no treasures are expected from America this autumn. It was with two millions of these dollars that the credit of the bank of France was restored, or at least, for some time, enabled to reassume its payments in specie. Thus wretched Spain pays abroad for the forging of those disgraceful fetters, which op presses her at home; and supports a foreign tyranny, which finally must produce domestic misery as well as slavery.

When the Prince and Princess of Asturia were informed of the scandalous and false assertion of Bournonville, they and their adherents not only publicly and in all societies contradicted it, but affirmed, that rather than obtain authority or influence on such ruinous terms, they would have consented to remain discarded and neglected during their lives. They took the more care to have their sentiments known on this subject, as our ambassador's calumny had hurt their popularity. It was then first that, to revenge the shame with which his duplicity had covered him, Bournonville permitted and persuaded the Prince of Peace to begin the chastisement of their royal highnesses in the persons of their favourites. Duke de Montemar, the grand officer to the Prince of Asturia; Marquis de Villa Franca, the grand equerry to the Princess of Asturia; Count de Minanda, chamberlain to the king; and the countess Dowager Del Monte, with six other court ladies and four other noblemen, were therefore exiled from Madrid into different provinces, and forbid to reside in any place within twenty leagues of the residence of the royal family. According to the last letters and communications from Spain, the Prince and Princess of Asturia had not appeared at court since the insult offered them in the disgrace of their friends, and were resolved not to appear in any place where they might be likely to meet with the favourite.

Among our best informed politicians here, it is expected that a revolution and a change of dynasty will be the issue of this, our political embryo in Spain. Napoleone has more than once indirectly hinted, that the Buonaparte dynasty will never be firm and fixed in France, as long as any Bourbons reign in Spain or Italy. Should he prove victorious in the present continental contest, another peace, and not the most advantageous, will again

be signed with your country-a peace, which, I fear, will leave him absolute master of all continental states. His family arrangements are publicly avowed to be as follow :-His third brother, Louis, and his sons, are to be the heirs of the French Empire. Joseph Buonaparte is, at the death or resignation of Napoleone, to succeed to the kingdom of Italy, including Naples. Lucien, though at present in disgrace, is considered as the person destined to supplant the Bourbons in Spain; where, during his embassy in 1800 and 1801, he formed certain connections, which Napoleone still keeps up and preserves. Holland will be the inheritance of Jerome, should Napoleone not live long enough to extend his power to Great Britain. Such are the modest pretensions our Imperial courtiers bestow upon the family of our sovereign.

As to the Prince of Peace, he is only an imbecile instrument in the hands of our intriguers and innovators, which they make use of as long as they find it necessary; and when that ceases to be the case, break it and throw it away. This idiot is made to believe, that both his political and physical existence depends entirely upon our support; and he has infused the same ridiculous notion into his accomplices and adherents. Guilt, ignorance, and cowardice thus misled, may, directed by art, interest and craft, perform wonders to entangle themselves in the destruction of their country.

Bournonville, our present ambassador at Madrid, is the son of a porter, and was a porter himself, when he, in 1770, enlisted as a soldier in one of our regiments, serving in the East-Indies. Having there collected some pillage, he purchased the place of a major in the militia of the Island of Bourbon, but was, for his immorality, broken by the governor. Returning to France, he, bitterly complained of this injustice; and after much cringing in the anti-chambers of ministers, he obtained, at last, the cross of St Louis, as a kind of indemnity. About the same time he also bought with his Indian wealth, the place of an officer in the Swiss guard of Monsieur, the present Louis XVIII. Being refused admittance into any genteel societies, he resorted with Barras, and other disgraced nobles, to gamblinghouses; and he even kept two himself when the revolution took place. He had at the same time, and for a certain interest, ad

vanced Madame D'Estainville money to establish her famous, er rather infamous house, in the Rue de Bonnes Enfans, near the Palais Royal; a house that soon became the fashionable resort of our friends of liberty and equality.

In 1790, Bournonville offered his services, as aid-de-camp to our then hero of great ambition and small capacity, La Fayette, who declined the honour; the jacobins were not so nice. In 1792 they appointed him a general under Dumourier, who baptized him his Ajax. This modern Ajax, having obtained a separate command, attacked Treves in a most ignorant manner, and was worsted, with great loss. The official reports of our revolutionary generals have long been admired for their modesty as well as veracity; but Bournonville has almost outdone them all, not excepting our great Buonaparte. In a report to the National Convention, concerning a terrible engagement of three hours, near Grewenmacker, Bournonville declares, that though the number of the enemy killed was immense, his troops got out of the scrape with the loss of only the little finger of one of his riflemen. On the 4th of February, 1793, a fortnight after the execution of Louis XVI. he was nominated minister of the War Department; a place which he refused, under a pretence that he was better able to serve his country with his sword than with his pen, having already been in one hundred and twenty battles; where, he did not enumerate or state. On the 14th of the following March, however, he accepted the ministerial port folio, which he did not keep long, being delivered up by his Hector, Dumourier, to the Austrians. He remained a prisoner at Olmutz until the 22d of November, 1795, when he was included among the persons exchanged for the daughter of Louis XVI. her present Royal Highness the Duchess of Angoulesme.

In the Autumn of 1796 he had a temporary command of the dispersed remnants of Jourdan's army; and in 1797 he was sent as a French commander to Holland. In 1799 Buonaparte appointed him an ambassador to the Court of Berlin; and in 1803 removed him in the same character to the court of Madrid. In Prussia his talents did not cause him to be dreaded, nor did his personal qualities make him esteemed. In France he is laughed at as a boaster, but not trusted as a warrior. In Spain he is neither dreaded nor esteemed, neither laughed at nor courted; he


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