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Good Reader,

of the

His Treatise commendeth it self to thy acceptance upon a double account, the one is the known worth of the Author, the other is the great usefulnesse Subject matter: The Authour is Mr. Oba diah Sedgwick, no novice in the things of God, but one that for a long time, both beyond the feas, and at home, in City and in Countrey, hath kept up the vigour of a convincing Ministery, which the Lord hath abundantly prosper ed to the converting of some, and building up of others, and no doubt to the conviction of many more, who shall one day know that a Prophet of the Lord hath been amongst them: Besides, one of an exemplary godlinesse, and long experience in the wayes of God; of whose excellent (pirit the world hath had a sufficient taste in those choise Treatises that are already published under his name; certainly from such an able head, and holy heart, nothing can be expected that is cheap and mean.

'Tis a loffe, a loffe that cannot enough be bewailed, that fo eminent and useful an instrument, is now by bodily weaknesse, and prevailing indispositions, taken off from his publick Minifterial labours: there is no murmuring against the hand of God, but the waiting of the old stock of our able Minifters should be more laid to heart; alas we that are to fucceed in the Lords work (I am fure I can accuse one) with what a weak and unequal pace do we follow their great examples? and being too too early by the removal of such choise instruments, put upon publick services, no wonder if we faint under the burden.

'Tis some recompense for this losse, that this worthy fervant of God is yet alive, not only to honour his own Mini. ftery (which was most confolatory) by his private discourses, full of faith and spirit, and patient, yea, cheerful submission to the Will of God concerning him; but alfo to single out fuch Treatises of his own, as may be of most use to publick benefit and edificati



The other reason is the usefulneffe of the subject matter. Of all graces fand is the chiefeft, of the most univerfal and conftant influence on the 'piritual life; we work by love, but we live by faith; in the chaine of graces described, 2 Pet. 1 5,6,7. the firit link is faith, as giving strength and efficacy to all the seft; what is the grace that yisideth the Lord the glory of his mercy, veract1y and power, bu: faith? it honoureth God more then an uniforme entire abedience to the whole moral Law in innocency could possibly have done, and pleasech him more then he was difpicaled with the fin of Adam; All graces keep time and pace with faith, if faith be weak, love cannot be strong, nor obedience carried on in an eventenour, the back of patience will foon be broken, and temperance exercise but a weak and feeble restrainton our lufts and paffions, till we learn to counter-ballance prefent delights with future enjoyments. Faith is the eye of the foul to fee things to come, and the hard of the foul, to receive Jesus Christ, and all benefits in him: Faith, But I will not di grefle into the common place, certainly no Treatise of Faith can be unwelcome to a gracious heart, especially such an one as this is; where matters are carried on with fuch evidence and demonstration of the spirit, and as to the stile, with a sweet eligancy, and yet tempered with gravity and judgement.

I could speak more, but to avoid fufpicion of partiality, and private affection to my worthy Predeceffour and Father: I shall only adde this, 'twere pity that so excellent a Treatise should come forth in an age pestred with fuch a throng of needlesse Writers, but that it is likely to be found out by its own lustre and brightnesse, like a sparkling diamond among an heap of pibbles and common stones; The Lord continue the life of, and (if it be his gracious will) restore so much of strength to the Authour, that he may increase the Churches treasure by publishing those excellent Discourses concerning the Covenant of grase, and other fuch like spiritual arguments, which he hath in store by him. Reader, I am

Thine in all Christian offices,

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