Imágenes de páginas

tue, with intellectual accomplishments, of female piety, devotion, and meeknefs; but what we have already inferted will, we hope, excite an earnest desire, in many, to read the work itself, and, we believe, will fully juftify the character we have given it.

An Effay on the Management of Bees. Wherein is fhewn the Method of rearing thofe ufeful Infects; and that the Practice of faving their Lives when their Honey and Wax are taken from them was known to the Antients, and is, in itself, fimple and easily executed. By John Mills, F. R. S. 8vo. 3s. fewed. Johnfon.


HESE fheets, originally intended to make part of the continuation of Mr. Mills's Syftem of Husbandry, would not appeared (he fays) at this time, if the notice which the fociety for the encouragement of arts, &c. has thought proper to take of the importance of faving the lives of bees, when their honey and wax are taken, had not called on him to offer every affiftance in his power to those who may become candidates for the premium offered by that refpectable body *.

In this view, to a concife account of the generation, govern ment, and oeconomy of bees, he has added, from the most approved writers, both ancient and modern, fuch directions for managing them, as will, he hopes, inftruct the husbandman in every thing neceffary for the due care of these useful infects; and has alfo defcribed the methods ufed by different nations, to reap the fweets of their labour without deftroying the labourers themfelves.

Mr. Mills confiders a hive of bees as a well-peopled city, in which we commonly find (he fays) from fifteen to eighteen thoufand inhabitants. This city is in itfelf a monarchy, compofed of a queen; of males, which are drones; and of working bees, which are not of either sex. A hive of bees cannot fubfift without a queen, as fhe alone produces their numerous pofterity; and on this account their fidelity and attachment to their fovereign is admirable,'

The fociety will give a fum not exceeding 2001. for collecting wax and preserving the lives of the bees; in the following proportion: to every person who fhall collect from flocks of bees, his own property, within the year 1767, ten pounds of clear merchantable wax, without deftroying the bees, leaving a fufficient quantity of honey for their winter fuftenance; five pounds.-But in cafe there be above forty claimants, then the fum of 2001. to be diftributed among the candidates in proportion to the number of claimants.-Certificates of the quantity of wax and of the bees being alive on 1 Feb 1768, to be delivered.

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After defcribing the different fpecies of bees, their wax, combs, and honey; our Author proceeds to inform us of the manner in which they breed, of their fwarming, &c. Amongft other curious particulars relating to thefe wonderful intects, the exact mathem. tical conftruction of the cells in their combs muft ftrike every confiderate beholder with amazement; fo that we could with plea.fure infe:t the judicious explanation of that most delicate conftructure, to be found at p. 13, if not too long for our narrow limits

The fame reason prevents our enlarging upon the various methods that may be mad ufe of for taking the honey and wax without deft oying the bees-for which, and many other neceflary directions, relating to the fubject, we muft refer to the work itlelf, where a variety of hives and bee-boxes are exhibited upon two copper plates, for the greater illuftration of the didactic precepts, offered to the confideration of every keeper of bees, who has humanity enough to think the lives of thofe moft induftrious creatures not wholly beneath his notice.

Obfervations on fome Papers in that very useful Colection, entitled, Museum Rufticum. By a Gentleman. To be continued occafionally. With new theoretical and practical Pieces on Husbandry. 8vo. IS. Sandby.


HE Author of thefe obfervations fays, his defign is not to cenfure the Museum Rufticum, but to promete its utility. - He intends not only to make fome few remarks on feveral papers there, occafionally; but alfo to add, as he hopes, many ufeful difcoveries of his own-the refult of feveral years practice and experience in agriculture.'

There are, he thinks, fome papers in the Mufcum Rufticum capable of improvement, and fome which may lead the young farmer into inconveniences. He therefore hopes the authors will pardon him, if he points out what feems to him exceptionable therein as no human compofition can be prefumed free from



Hufbandry, he juftly obferves, is one of the most rational, defireable and ufeful profeffions, that (in this world) can employ the faculties of man.-In trying experiments, he cautions gentlemen not to impofe upon themfelves or others, by enhancing the profits, and concealing the expence; which has, certainly, too often been the cafe with moft writers on agriculture.

Remember (fays he) there is no farming without manure, whatever may be faid to the contrary: nor to any purpose withost frequent plowing A rich clod unbroken, can produce na crop; a fteril, pulverifed earth, muft produce a poor one.'


He appears not to be over-fond of burnet, timothy, and other grafies lately fo much recommended and feems to think no artificial paftures, yet found out, equal to clover, trefoil, and reygrafs, mixed;-as they afford (he fays) a great and good crop, either for hay or pafture, with the leaft expence. The fmall white clover, with the trefoil, grows thick at bottom; and the broad clover and reygrafs form a higher growth above.-Several very judicious oeconomical hints are thrown out, for the young gentleman-farmer's notice, before he begins his Obfervations on the Museum Rufticum; under the first of which, he treats of the culture and management of HOPS.-His 2d obfervation relates to plants and trees that will thrive near the fea :-3dly, he treats of draining land effectually, than which, few improvements in husbandry require more skill and experience. Upon this fubject the fketch of a proper plan is given. -The culture of winter cabbages, for cattle, is his next article; and in the laft place, we meet with fome juft remarks upon the improvement of waste and uncultivated lands;-for the divifion of which he ftrongly recommends quick-fet fences, in preference to tone-walls; as the former appear more beautiful, and at the fame time produce a confiderable profit.-Under each of the above oblervations, we are referred to certain papers in the two first volumes of the Museum, where the fame subjects are treated of,-though not altogether to the good liking of our prefent Author:who appears to be well verfed in the moft neceflary principles of agriculture. -If the following fimple remedy will cure (as he afferts) the ftaling of blood in cattle, no farmer ought to be ignorant of it; viz.- a little fresh hog's dung, diffolved in warm milk, given with a bora.'

A Difquifition concerning the Nature of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in Order to afcertain the right Notion of it. 8vo. IS. Rivington.

FTER many treatifes which have been written con

Acerning the Lord's Supper, it may be thought needlefs to

trouble the world with any more; but the Author of this tract is of a different opinion: for though (as he obferves) no words can be plainer than thofe of our Saviour, in the institution of his laft fupper; yet different men and churches have fallen into different ways of explaining it; fome having fubftituted one abfurdity for another, -others having explained it quite away, and few having kept clear of difficulties and objections, to which their explanations are feverally liable.-The most unexceptionable (he thinks) is that of Dr. Cudworth, who revived the notion, for it had been advanced before, that as the ancient facrifices

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fices of Jews and heathens were ufually feafted upon, or attended with feafts, after they had been offered; fo in conformity to that cuftom, the Lord's Supper was of the nature of a feaft on, or after a facrifice-a fymbolical feaft commemorative of the grand facrifice of Chrift offered upon the cross for us.'— Our prefent Author apprehends this notion to be thus far right, in that it is a feast on a facrifice: and as it is a feast on the facrifice of Chrift; fo, by neceflary implication, it admits his death to have been a facrifice, and of course a fatisfaction for fin; contrary to the opinion which now feems to be gaining ground.'

What appears to him faulty in this notion (he fays) is, 1. That there is an incongruity in it. And, 2. That it falls fhort of the full intent and meaning of the inftitution.'—Thẹ alledged incongruity is, that it doth not bear a fufficient analogy to the feafts of the antient facrifices; which were, for the moft part, identically the fame with the facrifices themselves; the meats offered being presently after feafted upon : but the facrifice and feast here are two things very different in nature from each other, and greatly disjoined in point of time.'2. This notion is alledged to be defective, and to fall fhort of the full intent and meaning of the inftitution; as it doth not admit of any facrifice in the eucharift; which our Author apprehends to be the chief and most essential part of it.'—————Accordingly, this holy inftitution hath been understood (he says) to be a commemorative facrifice," in which notion he fees no impropriety. For a commemorative facrifice (he adds) carries no more abfurdity in it than a predictive facrifice, and may be as eafily conceived and as all the facrifices of the law were predictive of the great facrifice of Chrift, why may not this of the gofpel be commemorative of it ?'’

The facrifice of the pafchal lamb, and the rest of the Jewish facrifices, were all fhadows of good things to come, Heb. x. 1. and are allowed to have been typical of the great and more perfect facrifice of Chrift on the crois.' The elements in the eucharift were expressly appointed by Chrift himself, to represent his body and blood; and the ufe of them was by him declared to be, that they might fhew forth his death.'- Whatever, therefore, is intended by the death of Chrift, must be intended by thefe types of it likewife; otherwife they are imperfect, - they are not truly types: confequently, if Chrift's death was facrifice, this must be a facrifice too; the one real, the other typical. And this is what I apprehend to be the true notion and nature of the Lord's Supper, namely, that it is a typical facrifice, -typical of Chrift's facrifice after the event, as the Jewish facrifices were previously typical of it.'



The above is a short sketch of this Author's plan;-in fupport of which he offers a number of different confiderations, delivered in a fenfible and candid manner, though rather too much in the controverfial ftrain, to be of general ufe. As to Dr. Cudworth's notion of the facrament, the Reader, we flatter ourfelves, will find it fully refuted by one of our learned affociates, in the xith volume of our Review, p. 441-feq.This Difquifitor concludes with a prayer to be used before partaking of the Lord's Supper, drawn up in one fingle fentence only,-through containing upwards of thirty lines.

St. Paul's Wish to be accurfed from Chrift, for the Sake of his Brethren, illuftrated and vindicated from Mifconftructions.—In Three Difcourfes. To which is added, an Appendix, containing a Collection of the most material Obfervations upon the Text, by antient and modern Writers; and of fome other Paffages applicable to the illuftration of it. By Bartholomew Keeling, M. A. Rector of Tiffield and Bradden, in Northamptonshire, and Chaplain to Earl Temple. 8vo. 2s. Printed at Oxford, and fold in London by DodЛley.


HE Author of this effay tells us, that he had once been induced to think of delivering it in fermons, at St. Mary's in Oxford, though not compofed with that defign. For this purpose the contents were divided into diftinct parts or difcourfes.' But fome difficulty of procuring the requifite turns, in an immediate fucceffion, fruftrated that intention. This occafioned the appearance of this performance, without any previous delivery of it, as ufual, from the pulpit; under the hope that it may elucidate the paffage which is the subject of enquiry: and (he adds) it may poffibly be followed by a separate explanation of Mofes's petition in the 32d chapter of Exodus, ver. 32.

The text, now under confideration, (Rom. ix. 3.) is of the number of those paffages in St. Paul's epiftles which have been thought hard to be underflood. In the first difcourse, therefore, Mr. Keeling examines the explanations that have been given of it by others, and fhews the objections to which he thinks them liable. In the fecond, he gives what he takes to be the true genuine meaning of the apoftle, in this extraordinary declaration of his wifh, to be himself accurfed, for the good of his brethren. And in the third difcourfe, he endeavours to maintain and confirm his own interpretation.

The most common acceptation of the words (he fays) fuppofes them expreffive of St. Paul's defire, or at least refignation


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