Imágenes de páginas



cine, &c. &c. In which the Politeness, Modely, Cander, In
genuity, Senfe, Knowledge, and Judgment of the Author, are
Juwn in the true Light. In a Letter to Mr. de Vivignis,
M. D. By C. Lucas. 8vo. 15. Main, Stuart, &c.

Tonnelett is the name of a fpring of mineral water near Spa in Ger-
many, which fpring it feems Doctor Lucas, in a former publication,
happened to recommend in preference to Pouhon, Geronfiere, &c.
contrary to the opinion of Dr. Limbourg, a phyfician refiding at Spa.
This Doftor, as appears from the title of his fecond piece, has made
free with Dr. Lucas's opinions; and in the pamphlet before us, Dr.
Lucas replies to Dr. Limbourg.
it may be thought by the difputants, is of too little confequence to the
public in general, to deferve our particular examination.
Art. 11. The Art of Midwifery reduced to Principles, in which
This controverfy, however important
are explained the most fafe and eflablished Methods of Practice in
in each Kind of Delivery; with a Summary Hiftory of the Art.
Tranflated from the French Original, written by the late Dr.
Aftruc, Royal Profeffor of Phyfic, &c. to which is added an
Appendix by the Tranflator; containing Remarks on con-
ception and Pregnancy; and on thofe Particulars taught by
Dr. Aftruc, which vary from the Methods adopted by other
Accoucheurs here. 8vo. 6s. Nourse.

I declare here (fays Dr. Aftruc in his preface) in the very front of
this work, that I have never practifed midwifery.'
the very front of this article, that Dr. Aftruc's book can therefore be of
little value; it being, at beft, nothing more than a compilation, and
that evidently not the most judicious. So far we reafon a priori; firft,
because no man can with propriety teach the practice of an art, with
which practice he is himself unacquainted; 2dly, becaufe, a man unac-
quainted with the practice of an art, muft neceffarily be incapable of
And we declare, in
compiling judicioufly from the authors who have written on that prac-
tice, having himfelf no experience to direct his choice.

It feems that in the year 1745 the faculty of Medicine at Paris took
it into their heads to appoint the Doctor to read lectures in midwifery
to the female practitioners of the obftetrical art, though he confeffedly,
at that time, knew little or nothing of the matter. However, like the
medecin malgré lui (our Mock-Doctor) he e'en made the best on't, read a
few books on the fubject, and commenced lecturer to old women; and
the book now before us is the fubftance of thefe lectures. But be all
this as it may, Dr. Aftruc's name hath been fufficient to engage two
different hands in the tranflation of his book. The laft Tranflator, fen-
fible of the errors in the original, has fubjoined a well-written Appendix,
half as large as the work itself, the bufinefs of which is to pull down
what, in the tranflation, he had built up. This Appendix was most
undoubtedly neceflary to be written, and is alfo neceffary to be read by
thofe who read the book; but as building up, with an intention to pull
down, can anfwer no good purpofe, the way to avoid the trouble of
both, is to do neither.

See Review for Auguft laft, p. 162.

Art. 12

Art. 12. Select Papers on the different Branches of Medicine. By a Society, instituted for the Improvement of Phyfical KnowTo be continued occafionally. 8vo.

ledge. Griffin.

1 s. 6d.

From the title of this pamphlet, one would naturally conclude, that the select papers, of which it is compofed, were written by the members of the fociety. How far this is the cafe will appear from the following brief review of its contents:

Art. 1. A fhort Account of the Origin and Progrefs of the different Bianches of Medicine, from the earliest Ages of Antiquity to the prefent time. How very fhort and imperfect this account muft be, will easily be conceived, when we confider it as the whole hiftory of phyfic condenfed into the limits of nine 8vo pages.

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Art. 2. Cafes. Thefe cafes, which fill half the pamphlet, are extracted, as we are told by this Society, from a work of Mr. Le Dran's, which has never yet been tranflated into the English language. The truth of this aflertion will perhaps be queftioned by our Readers, when they recollect that in our Review for laft month, we gave them an account of Le Dran's Cafes, tranflated by Mr. Reid.

Art. 3. On Confumptive Disorders. Contains not one fyllable which may not be found in books that are in everybody's hands.

Art. 4. A Pathological Obfervation, by Dr. Haller. Confequently not by a Member.

Art. 5. Remarks on Injections, &c. Not worth remarking.

Art. 6. Experiments made on the Liquor Amnii. Not worth making. Art. 7. A remarkable Inftance of the Efficacy of the Extract of Hemlock, in a confirmed Cancer, by L. Roupee, M. D. The cafe is that of a Knight of Malta, who, having devoured all the hemlock on the island, died for want of a fresh fupply.

How far the improvement of physical knowledge is to be expected from the labours of this fociety, may be eafily gathered from this confpectus of the first number of their works; which are to be continued occasionally, but for which probably there will be no farther occafion.

Art. 13. An Efay on the Practice of Midwifery. Part I. 8vo. Is. 6d. Sherborne printed, and fold by Kearfly in London. An abortion of which any old gentlewoman might have been delivered, without violent pains or labour.

MISCELLANEOUS. Art. 14. The Complete Guide to the East India Trade, addressed to all Commanders, Officers, Factors, &c. in the East India Company's Service, containing Tables of Eaft India Intereft, calculated with the greatest Accuracy, at three fourths per Cent. per Month of thirty Days, as ufed at all the Company's Settlements; exhibiting at one View the Daily Intereft of any Sum from 25 Rees to 200,000 Rupees, and from one Day to 365 Days (or one Year); whereby any Perfon may easily find the Intereft he is to receive or pay, although entirely unacquainted with the Manner of Calculation. With Variety of Examples for the ready working and proving them;



and a Table calculated to find, at one Vic, any Number of Days · from the 1ft of August to the 31st of Jug, for two Years fucceffreely by which is hewn the Number of Days from the Time any Sum of Money is paid or received till the Time of fettling the Accounts. Table: to reduce Rupees into Sterling, at 25. 5d. 2s. 6d. and 25. 7 d. from Rupee to 40,000 Rupees; and vice verfa, from om one Farthing to 4000l. at 25. 5d. 25. 6d. and 25. 7 d. the Rupee. Tables of Bombay Maunds reduced into Sarat Maunds, of different Seers to the Maund, with Examples to work them. View of different Weights and fures used all over India, under their proper Heads. Account of the various Commercial Articles traded for in the English and Dutch Settlements of Indin, Eurepe, &c. with the Difference of Weights and Measures each Commadity is feld by. Together with the Manner of purchafing, and Inftructions for chufing each Article. The Duties and Customs paid in each Port for all Ships trading, and goods landed, with the Prefents, Fees, &c. with Prices current, and Accounts of Sales of real Cargoes at each Port, with many other ufeful Tables, &c. Illufirated with the Marks on Chinese Gold, and on the Tubs of Teas exactly taken. The Whole carefully compiled, revised and corrected, from a Courfe of upwards of Twelve Years Ufe, in a real and very extenfive Trade. By Robert Stevens, Merchant in Bombay. Folio. 125. half-bound. Bladon, &c. It appears from the preface to thefe Tables, that the Author had many opportunities during his refidence in feveral parts of India, of tranfacting particular branches of trade, which nothing but a life fpent in fuch actual commerce, can bring a man thoroughly acquainted with; and that it was a due regard to the little knowledge generally obtained of thefe things, which firft prompted him to revife and publish the papers: he had drawn up, relating to thefe fubjects.-There is no doub: but this work will prove highly acceptable to perfons concerned in the EaftIndia trade.


Art. 15. Letters on different fubjects, in four Vols. amongst which are interfperfed the Adventures of Alphonfo, after the destruction of Lisbon. By the Author of The Unfortunate Mother's: Advice to her abfent Daughters.' Vols. I. and II. (all that are yet published) 12mo. 6s. Briftow.

A very ingenious lady (a Ms. Pennington) is the author of these letters; the chief defign of which (if we mistake not the drift of her preface) appears to have been, a vindication of her own character, which has unfortunately been made too publicly the object of attention. She was, it seems, very early in life, attached to the fyftem of Platonic Jove between young perfons of different fexes; and her readiness to reduce this theory to practice, foon involved her in fuch fituations as proved, in the end, very difagreeable to her; and drew from the world a thousand ill natured and undeferved reflections upon her conduct. To obviate thefe, the here gives her own hiftory; and the places her own character in fo amiable a light, that the moit rigid virtue will not be able to find any thing in it more blameable than a degree of indif


cretion, which the generous and the candid will not find it very difficult to pardon, for the fake of her many fhining excellencies. In short, her ftory is entertaining, her manner of relating it pleafing, her language is polished, her fentiments are refined, and her ftyle is elegant. Several epifodical ftories are introduced, and there are various letters inferted, on fubjects no way connected with the grand scheme of writing her own apology. As for the ftory of Alphonfo, which compofes a principal part of the work, it is to ftrangely romantic, and of fo very fingular a caft, that we fearce knew what to make of it. It begins in a manner extremely pathetic and affecting. The hero of the tale fees his house, with his wife, children, and all his effects, fwallowed up by the evermemorable earthquake at Lisbon. He perceives a chaẩm in the earth, near the spot where his houfe ftood, before it was fwallowed up; and, horrible as the experiment might feem, he determines to plunge into it. He defcends accordingly, proceeds the Lord knows whither; falls into vifionary scenes, and all is-wild as enchantment. He is now in another world; and other beings, more than mortal, are introduced. In brief, the fair writer has given fuch fpecimens of the great extent and power of her imagination, in the conduct of these adventures, that we cannot help wondering at, and even, in fome degree, admiring, the very things that we can neither underfland, nor, confequently, altogether approve. The other parts of her performance, however, are not liable to this objection; for they are both moral and entertaining; and if we add learned alfo, we shall not make use of too strong an epithet.

Perhaps this ftory may appear to more advantage when it is compleated, but the fequel feems referved for the future volumes. Art. 16. An Account of Eaft Florida; with a Journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's. 8vo. 4s. Nicoll.

In our Review for June laft, p. 478, we gave fome account of the first part of this publication; viz. Mr. William Stork's account of Eaft Florida. Mr. S. has now republished that account, with the addition of Mr. Bartram's Journal; which contains many curious obfervations on the foil, climate, and natural productions of the country; and will, no doubt, be very acceptable to Botanical readers in particular, as well as to all others who are defirous of information concerning this new and important fettlement.This Mr. Bartram is a very extraordinary perfon-a felf-taught philofopher; and one of the people called Quakers. He is a native of Penfylvania, well known and well refpected in the learned world, as an able naturalift. His knowledge in Botany has recommended him to the esteem and patronage of the great; and has procured him the honour of being appointed Botanist to his majefty, for both the Floridas.-Of the utility of which appointment, as Mr. Stork justly obferves, the prefent Journal is a ftriking proof.

Art. 17. A Collection of the Tracts of a certain free Enquirer, noted by his Sufferings for his Opinions. 8vo. 58. Richardfon and Urquhart.

A republication of fome pieces formerly printed by Mr. Peter Annet; among which, however, we do not fee the No. of the famous FreeEnquirer,

Enquirer, for which he was profecuted in the K-B——, and punished, about three years ago. The tracts here reprinted, are chiefly thofe which appeared on the infidel fide of the queftion, in the notable controverfy concerning the Refurrection of Christ, in the years 1744, and 1745; the answers to Mr. Jackson's Letter to the Deilts, and to Lord Lyttleton's Obfervations on St. Paul; with fome others.

Art. 18. The Cafe of Ann Counte's of Anglesey, lately deceased; lawful Wife of Richard Annesley, late Earl of Anglefey; and of her Three furviving Daughters by the faid Earl. London, 1766. 8vo. IS. No Bookfeller's Name.

This ftate of a very hard cafe, indeed! is drawn up by one of the three diftreffed daughters of a most unnatural father; and will not, we are perfuaded, fail of increasing (if it is poffible to increase) the public deteftation of a character-too well known to require our farther animadverfion on it.

Art. 19. A Collection of State-Trials, and Proceedings upon HighTreafon, and other Crimes and Misdemeanours, from the Reign of 2: Anne, to the prefent Time. Vol. IX. and X. Folio. 3. 3s. Rivington, &c.

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It is above 30 years fince the Collection of State-Trials, in 8 Vols. was compleated; and many remarkable trials have fince occurred, particularly on account of the late rebellion; fo that there feems to have been matter enough for two additional volumes.-Thefe volumes, however, do not contain all the state-trials which happened within that period; for the Editor could not, as it appears, obtain permission of the perfon who is proprietor of the proceedings against the rebel lords, Kilmarnock, Balmerino, &c. and of Lord Ferrers's and Lord Byron's trials, to infert thofe proceedings in this collection: which, no doubt, is a very material omiffion. But to make amends for this, we here meet with a number of trials which are not fate-trials: fuch as thofe of Elizabeth Canning for perjury, Mifs Blandy, Eliz. Jefferies, and others, for murder; the feveral trials relating to the Anglesey estate; and many other proceedings at the Old-Baily feffions, and country-aflizes: making, in the whole, the far greater part of this collection ;-which is, therefore, fomewhat improperly entitled STATE-TRIALS. Yet we agree with the Editor, Mr. S. N. (we know not who or what the gentleman is) that fuch trials for murder, perjury, forgery, &c. as are here, in this auxiliary manner, introduced, have their ufe: fome of them being deemed good precedents, and many points of law being determined in them. They are certainly, alfo, very confiderable helps to hiftory; and are, on the whole, perhaps, too material to be omitted in collections of trials, which, by confining them to fiate trials only, might be contracting the compilement within too narrow a compass.-Nor muft we omit to obferve, that these volumes contain feveral remarkable trials which were never printed before, fuch as thofe of Matthews for printing Vox POPULI, VOX DE1, in 1719; Hales and Kinnerfley for forgery, 1728; Huggins and Banbridge, wardens of the Fleet, Corbet the tipftaff, and Acton, keeper of the Marshalfea prifon, all profecuted for murder, in 1729, by order of his Majefty, on an addrefs of the Houfe of Commons; and Mr. Franklin's trial, in 1730, for printing 4 Letter from the Hague: with feveral new additions to many of the printed


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