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How near to this perfect state, it is poffible for us to arrive on this fide the grave, instead of difputing, let us, each of us, learn by experience: affured in the mean time, that every ftep we take towards it, is both an advancement of our prefent felicity, and a confirmation of our title to the bliss which is everlasting.


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E who would raise a lofty fabrick, muft dig low for the fureft ground to place it on and whoever afpires after the greatest heights of true glory and happiness, muft lay the foun dation in humility.

We recommend to you only that contentment, which is indeed the nobleft ambition; no other disinterestedness, than what is moft for your advantage.

A greedy and restless temper of mind, discontented with it's prefent lot, and eagerly aspiring after a higher station; in the first place, is miferable, inconfiftent with all comfort and happiness. It is in itself, let your external advantages be what they will, a perpetual cause of difquietude and torment: it is a longing, that can never be fatisfied. Succefs only adds fuel to the flame, and gives it ftrength to ftretch out to a wider compass.

Secondly, it is an irreligious temper of mind: and this two ways; both as it takes too much poffeffion of the heart, to leave room for fentiments of piety, engroffing our whole concern, and employing all our endeavours; and alfo


more directly, as it implies a diffatif faction with the appointments of God, and a murmuring at his providence; as if he had been lefs kind to us than he 'ought to have been, and partial in fa vour of others. It is mutiny against our heavenly commander: we refuse the ftation he affigns, and difdain the service on which he orders us.

And thirdly, it is a temper very contrary to juftice and fidelity towards men. He will not always withhold his hands, whose heart is continually fet upon an-, other's property. There will be fome unhappily favourable moment, when, opportunity confpiring with inclination, the injuftice long premeditated, will be at length accomplished; and then, as the prophet fpeaketh, they who conceive mif- Ifai. lix. chief, bring forth iniquity.

This is to be understood of the greater violations of juftice, attended with dan

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ger; for in lefs inftances, and those that are fafe, there will be no fuch circumSpection and delay. The unfairness of the heart within, will be fhewing itself inceffantly; and, like the ftain of glass, through which a ray of the fun paffes, will infect all objects, and give it's colour to every transaction of life.

Or even if it should be hindered, by means of fome external impediment, from appearing; the very inward difpofition, the defire and defign of doing wrong, is justly to be punished by that Cor. iv. judge, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifeft the counfels of the heart.

It is the confideration of this future judgment, and the eternal, unchangeable ftate of happiness or misery confequent to it, which is the fovereign antidote for the malady of difcontent. Let but your hopes be full of immortality, your


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