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Lev. xvii.


and mind and strength.
This is the
first and great commandment. Of his
own tender pity towards a loft world,
he fent me to do, and fuffer all that you
have seen, and fhall foon fee, for the
benefit of men. And when I am re-
moved from you, and you see me no
more, he fhall give you another com-
forter, even the Spirit of Truth, to fup-
ply the want of my prefence, and con-
duct that great work of the falvation of
mankind, for which the Father fent me,
and for which I am come willingly into
the world.

And as the bread which I broke reprefented my crucified body; fo this cup which I command you all to drink of, let it fignify my blood, which is now going to be poured out for all men.

It is written that it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the foul: by the Heb.ix. 2. law almost all things are purged with blood:


and without the shedding of blood is no re- Heb. x. 4. million. But it is not poffible that the blood of bulls and of goats fhould take away the fins of men. That was required, and was available only, as a type of my blood, now to be fhed, once for all. Take this cup, to be partakers, of this atonement.

You remember alfo,when Mofes had read to the people the book of the covenant between God and them, and the people consented to the covenant, and faid, All Exod. xxiv. 7,8. that the Lord hath faid will we do, and be obedient; Mofes took half of the blood of the facrifices, and sprinkled it on the altar, and the other half he sprinkled on the people, and faid, Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord hath made with you. The blood was fprinkled on both the contracting parties; the one half on the altar, representing him who was there worshipped, and the other half on the people of the Jews.



xxiv. 2.

That covenant is now expiring in my death, and a new one is to be made with all the nations of the earth. I am the victim offered at this great folemnity, on the altar of the crofs. When you take this cup, you ratify this new covenant on your part, and give your consent to the conditions of it.

You will be no longer bound by the ceremonial law. It expires of course with me, who am it's end and confummation.

But my own power and providence fhall abolish it more effectually, and execute what I now predict. Some even of yourselves, to whom I am speaking, fhall live to fee the time, when of this noble Temple, the work of fo many years, the wonder of fo many ages, there fhall not be left one fone upon another that fhall not be thrown down.



As you are to be thankful for this deliverance from a yoke which neither your Acts xv. Fathers nor you were able to bear; so take care not to turn your liberty into licentioufnefs. The fenfe of your freedom from this bondage fhould reftrain you from violating those laws which are of everlasting obligation. As you will not henceforth be occupied in facrifices, and other burdenfome ceremonies; apply yourselves fo much the more to what is better.

Look upon the whole race of mankind, as your neighbours and brethren. Embrace them with a cordial, and unreftrained affection. . They were always the workmanship of the fame creator, and bore his divine image; they are now to be redeemed by the fame blood.

Do good to as many as poffible. Imitate in this your Father which is in heaBut as you can follow him in do



ing good but a little way; come nearer to his example in your good wishes and kind intentions. Let there be no limits to the exercise of this part of your charity. Since you can never repay him any thing for his infinite patience, and mercy, and love to you; love men for his fake. He, the origin of all good, is exalted above all recompence; but you can reach those who belong to his houshold let not the higheft among you disdain to be a fervant to wash the xxv. 41. feet of the fervants of your Lord.

1 Sam.

But if even in thefe little expreffions of your condescension and charity, your abilities are still too weak to keep pace with your inclination; can you relent, can you pardon for the love of God? If you cannot bestow because you are poor, or labour because you are weak; can you forgive as you yourselves are forgiven?


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