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Doct. 2.

The faithfull Minifters!, and Profeffors of Reformed Religion, and Churches, by powring cut the wrath of God on Popish Religion. have difcovered it, not to hold forth the blood of the Lord Icts, but to bee as the blood of a dead man. That is the Sea, the Antichriflian Sea, the confluence of all Ordi nances in it, not to bee the blood of the Lord Iefus, which is onely able to purifie and to pacifie the Confcience, no such thing to be found in it. But a blood fit to quicken and give life, John 6.50.51 Hee that drinkes of my blood, shall live for ever but they have difcovered it to be the blood of a dead Man,

It was the fpeech of Master Perkins often in his Sermons, and throughout his Writings (who was one that powred out this Viall) he would fay to his hearers, Young Schollers: Popish Bookes in holding forth the blood of the Covenant, they hold it forth in a morall manner, but without the life and power of his death; hee expounds it thus: They will very evidently fet forth the cruelty and treachery of Iudas, that betrayed him, and the Wordly-mindedneffe, and Covetoufneffe, and Ambition, of the High Priel's, that bought and plotted his death; they will (faith hee) make bitter invectives against the prophaneneffe of the Lewes, that were rea dy to renounce him, Away with him, away wuh him, Crucifie him, and declaime against the timorousnesse of Pilate, and bafe-mindedneffe, that could not deliver an Innocent; and declaime of the cruelty of the Souldiers, and magnifie the Innocencie of Christ Iefus, and make the people many times to weepe, that Iefus an Innocent man, had beene thus prophanely fould and bought, and thus bafely condemned, and cruelly handly: All this might be done, and all but to fhew forth the blood of an Innocent man. But to fhew the need of Chriits blood, and how they fhould walke worthy of it, and how they should obtaine it, it is the least part of their

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difcourfe, and indeed, no part at all: What is this but the blood of a dead Man, to raife up bitter deteftations against the lewes, and Souldiers, and Pilate, &c. But to raile it up to any powerfull effect in the hearts of Chriftians, it is not their endeavour that are most devout.

The Reason is first taken,

From their holding foorth, not indeed the true Christ : Whether you speake of their Doctrine, Worship, or Governement, they doc not hold forth the true Chrift. They hold forth Chrift God and Man, that is true; fo farre they goe with us, and hold that Chrift dyed and rofe againe, as we doe, but when they come to fpeake of the Offices of Christ, in which indeede, hee is favingly held forth to the people, there they bring in another Chrift, and renounce him; For either take the true Chrift, as the true Chrift, or elfe none, for he will not divide stakes. Looke at all his Offices, (And I will give you but a touch of them) Take the Mediatourly Office of Chrift; they will have other Mediators, of Reconciliation, and Interceffion, befides the Lord Iefus. Doth not the Priest every Sacrament of the Lords Supper, offer a Propitiatory Sacrifice (if I may call it a Sacrament of the Lords Supper) this is conftant with them,

Now this is to bring in other Chrifts for Reconciliation, befides the Lord Jefus, Whereas the Apostle in the 10. Chap ter to the Hebrewes, the 1 4. Verfe, faith, By one offering, hee hath for ever perfected them that are fanctified: and he profeffeth, that onely the Sacrifices of the Law were oft repeated, because they could not make the commers thereunto perfect, Hebr. Chapter 10. verf. 1. to the 14. verfe. So that to bring in any other Sacrifices, is abfolutely to renounce his Mediation and Reconciliation; and they are not afha med, I confesse, a man might stand and tremble, thofe that are more devout and zealous Catholikes, they will not owne that Doctrine; but they will owns this, they are not ashamed

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to entreat Chrift by the Merit of the blood of Thomas, to give them a bleffed Refurrection; by the blood of Thomas, which for us hee did spend, make us to rife whither hee did afcend.

Now, if they put on Chriftians the blood of Thems, and give them to rife by the blood of Thomas, there is another reconciliation joyned with the blood of the Lord Jefus and indeed, all Satisfactory Pennance, and Whippings, and Maffes, what are they all but Copartners with Chrift, in helping forward his fatisfaction, as if it were not fufficient; other facrificers, and other facrifices, every Prieft is a facrificer, and every new facrifice is to make attonement.

And fo doe I fay for his mediatour fhip of interceffion, you know they ioyn faints, and angells,efpecially the Virgin Mary as the mothers and fathers of grace,and pray the Lord to hear for their merits fake, fo that take the whole mediatourly office of Chrift, for reconciliation, and interceffion; you must have more Chrifts then one, and then he is of none effect, if he may: not doe all in point of merit and fatisfaction : even all the righ tcoufneffe that he hath taught us to doc, it is vnprofitable. for fuch ends, we may profit our brethren, and helpe our felves by his grace, for many fpirituall good ends, but for fatisfaction, for merit and the like it is to fet up a New Chrift, befides the Lord Iefus, thus is his priestly office evacuated. And fo his Propheticall office, to bring in other scriptures, as the Aposrypha that he confirmes not, befides fcriptures, of unwritten tradition carried from handto hand, and yet many great points oftheir Religion are built thereon, even all the corrupt doctrine which they deliver by tradition. For his Kingly office, you know; they fet up other Lords and Governors of the Church befides him, I meane fuch governours as neither are the Lords, nor ever were inftituted by him, as the Pope, and Cardinals and Primats, and Metropolitans,and the whole tout of Popilh Hierarchie from the Apparritor to the Pope, they are of his invention and appointment; and as they have other Lods fo

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other Lawes; the whole cannon Law is none of the ordinan ces of the Lord Iefus, for the governement of his Church, much of it contrary to the word of God, and as they have other Lords and lawes, fo they have other frames of Churches, Oecumenicall, Catholique Church, Metropolitan, Patriarchall, Archipifcopall, Epifcopall, Diocefan, which Chrift never or dained in the New Testament, and they have brought Kingly or Monarchicall power into the Churches which Chrift never gave them, and that not onely to excommunication, but to dethrone Princes, and to substitute others in their roomes; and in one word, they are not ashamed to fay, it is lawfull for the Pope to difpence with the Apostle Paul, and he doth difpence with incestuous Marriages, and with abfolutions and notorious sins, for fuch fummes of money, given for fome religicus, or rather fuperftitious ufe, and they will diSpence with oathes which God himfelfe will not, nor can,he will not fuffer Iofuahs oath, and the Princes with the Gibeo nites to bee broken, because it was the oath of God with them, therefore they must keepe it, fo that here is not more then civill, but more then fpirituall power, brought into the Church; so that well doth the holy Ghoft say,here is not the bloud of Chrift but the bloud of a dead man.

Againe, I might fhew the like in other the chiefe ftreames, whereof their fea confifts, that Faith which they have, it is built on the Scripture, and the authority thereof they have from the Church, their faith is built on the Scripture, and the Scripture on the Church, and fo the last resolution of it,is but humane authority, and fo that faith is no affurance, (for that they fay were presumption) but humane credulity, and fo for jultification and falvation, they will have it by merits, and for worship, worshipping Saints and Angels, and in a strange language, which common people vnderstand not, an vnrcalonable fervice, fo that here is nothing but as the bloud of a dead man they want the vitalls of Christianity.

For the Vfe of it.

It may ferve to fhew the weakneffe of their imaginations


that doe beleeve Popish and Protestant religion may be reconciled together, and Popish and Proteftant Churches, may bee brought to bee one, were it not for hot fpurred Iefuits on the one fide, and for hot fpirited Proteftants, Puritants, on the other fide, if moderate (pirits had things in hand, they have hoped to bring both ends together. Alas to bring heaven and earth together, goe your waies, poure out your vials on the earth, their fea is but an earthly fea, their funne is but an earthly fun, and their rivers, and fountaines,are but earthly, and yet ali may be reconciled, the bloud of a dead man, and God, life, and death, heaven and hell, and all, fhalk be reconciled.

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It fhewes what great reafon we have everlastingly to stand our against all compromifing with them, and all fubjection to any thing that pertaines to that Religion, for they have facred truthes, as they beleeve, Father, Sonne, and Spirit, and that Chrift is God and man, but otherwife, for the body of all their other Ordinances, they are fuch, as in very truth, have not the blood of the Lord Iefus in them, but are as the blood of a dead man, as they have them, and corrupt and pollute them.

Laftly, Every living foule dyed in the Sea, why did none live on the earth, but were all dead in this Sea? All that live on the earth, all Catholikes, they live in that Religion, Icfuits, Fris ars, Every living foule died in that Sea.

The last note then is.

Doct. 3.

A Popish Catholike that lives according to his Religion, and no better, he lives and dyes in a state of Death and Dam nation: For fo faith the Text, Every living Soule in that Sea dyed. If he had no other life, then by that Religion, no other goodnesse then that which he got from that Sea, living in those waters, which they fucked from that Religion, frou. the Ordi


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