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thefe Frogs, they ly clofe in the mud; But when Religigion growes darke once, the fhadow of the Sunne growes low, and large, when Christians wax cold, and Courtiers begin to be Popish, or carnall, or I cannot tell how conformable to the corruptions of the times, then they begin to croke loud, and all things must be as they will have them: but I fay take them as they be, and they are but uncleane Frogs, that doc corrupt both Church, and State. And mind yee) they are confederate with the Dragon, the Beaft, and the falfe Prophet: Yee fhall finde it in time that they will be confederate with Turke, or Ruffian, Indian or Infidell, they will be ready to confederate with them all, and make no fcrupill of these things. And yet they (as men thinke) are the onely Patriarkes, and make the greateft fhew of religion bee not deceived, you fee how the holy Ghost defcribes them. And let thofe that are of God learne what they are.

And thirdly, this may ferve to teach Chriftian Princes, fe 3.

and States, that when Religion comes to bee reformed, they must looke for battells, and great battells: There is no hope that Satan will reft, the Dragon cannot reft when his Kingdome is haken; And hee hath fuch of his confederacy, the Beast, and the falle Prophet, that cannot be ftill, Especially when the ftreames of Rome begin to decay the streames that doe water and refresh Rome. Then looke for Warres, and Tumults of Warres, great Warres, muftering up of Popish Princes, and their Armies, and pagan Princes, and their Armies, there will be no backwardneffe in thefe earthly fpirits, in this cafe, to the captivating of all (if it were poffible) to the maintenance and fupportance

of Rome.

And laft of all, and fo. I make an end. Let this bee se 4. the laft ufe, It may ferve to be fome ground of itay unto Chriftian Princes, and fuch as fhall bee inftruments of this reformation which this fixth Angell brings with him, Inftruments of this wafting and drying up of the coruptions of Religion which fhall waite Rome ; I lay though great Warres may arife from all the chiefe Princes of the F


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VVorld, both Popish and Pagan, and a great day of battell it will bee when ever thole dayes doe fhine forch (as hafteing they be, why yee fhall finde this to be the cofort of it, a great day it fhall bee, It is fo faid in my Text, but not a great Day to the Beaft, nor a great Day to the Dragon, nor a great Day to the falle Prophet, ( They looke for a Day of it, but it thall be a great day of GOD Almighty men are afraid if they firre they fhall bring Warres about their Earts, true they fhall doe fo, they will arife at once: but though the battell will bee great and terrible, yet never the life most comfortable to the People of God: It will bee a great Day indeed, but a great Day of the Lord God Almighty, that hee may offer a great facrifice to himfelfe by the hands of his fervants, that all the foules of prey and the beafts of prey may all of them come and eate the Alh of Kings, and the filth of Captaines, and the flesh of nighty men, and the flesh of Horfes and of them that fit on them; and the flesh of all men, both free and bound, both fmall and great; It will I fay bee a great Sacrifice to the Beafts of prey, and the foules of prey It shall be a great day indeed, but it fhall not be a great day to the Papifts, not a great day to the Dragon, nor to the Romish Catholique Church except it be a great day of their deftruction, and that it will be indeed, as yee fhall fee when this battell is to be fought in the nineteenth Chapter, and they shall never trouble the World more, that will be the iffue of it; The Dragon is reserved to a further day; but hee shall bee bound for a thousand yeares, and afterwards fhall make a great battell with the Saints, but after that shall be taken, and then caft into the lake forever: But this will be a great day of God Almighty, wherein hee will powre cut all the Falls of his wrath upon the enemies of God, and his people ; that the Name of the Lord GOD Almighty may bee prayfed from the rifing of the Sun to the going down thereof.

Aid therefore great and wonderfull are the Workes of the Lord that hee doth referve for after ages, wherein the lofoneffe of man hee will lay low, but his name only fhill

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be exalted, Efay 2. 3. Speaking of a farre leffe day then this that I am now fpeaking of; It will bee a great day to the glory of God, and the good of his people; To the inlargement of the Church of Chrift, but of deftru&tion to the enemies of the Lord Jefus: That they may be overthrowne, and taken and caft into the bottomleffe pit, never to rife up againe.

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REVELAT. 16. 15.

Behold, I come as a theefe: Bleffed is hee that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, left he walke naked, and they see his shame.



Ou have heretofore heard that these words fet forth a defeription of the pouring out of the fixth- Vial." Set forth it is by the fubject, upon the great River Euphrates. By the effects,they were double: First, Immediate, the waters thereof were dryed up. The fecond was Accidentall, and mediate, warlike preparation. The former effect of drying up the River,was ainplified by the end; That the way of the Kings of the Eaft might be prepared. The accidentall effect, (which was warlike preparation) was fet forth by a double argument: First, by the eificients, Principal and Inftrumentall. Secondly, by the watch-word which the Lord gives his people. The efficients were (principally) the Devill, the Beat, and the falfe Prophet. The Inftrumentals were certaine ípirits, for nature: three fpirits for number: Uncleane for quality: Like Frogs for fimilitude: Out of the mouth of the bealt, the Dragon, and the fille Prophet: For their originall which are described by their effects, which are three: They work miracles; They goe forth to the Kings of the earth, to gather them to battell: And thirdly, They doe gather them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armaged don. The watch-word which is the fecond Adjunct, observed in this warlike preparation, is the watch-word of the Lord Jefus to his people (in the words of my Text) there are two parts



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