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all that the Divine Word contained any more than they understood all that Nature contained? Nature and Revelation were two books presented by our Heavenly Father for the instruction and development of our minds. Nature was given for the opening of our natural faculties; revelation for the opening of our spiritual faculties. Truth was eternal, and would never be changed. It was only our perception that changed. No established law of creative wisdom that related either to things material or things spiritual ever underwent any change. The change was in their progression. And how could they possibly conclude that they knew anything like a hundredth part what the Divine Word contained? The Word was the fountain of Heavenly Wisdom not only to men, but to angels, for the angels were progressive as well as men. When we ceased to progress, we ceased to have any enjoyment. All happiness, all enjoyment, resulted from the activity of our faculties. This was as true of the mind as of the body, and it was as true of the spiritual as of the material world. It was therefore a reasonable presumption that when we left this world we should go on progressing in knowledge of the Supreme Being, of our own souls, and their capabilities of the spiritual things of the world, in which we should then find ourselves."

LONDON NEW CHURCH ASSOCIATION. -The first meeting of this important association, designed to advance the interests of the Church in the metropolis and neighbourhood, was held at Argyle Square on Monday, Jan. 16th. A very large gathering attended tea, which was provided in the school-room, and kindly presided over by Mrs. F. Pitman and ladies from each society, after which an adjournment to the Church took place, when the number present increased to nearly 400. Dr. Bayley took the chair, and after singing a hymn and prayer, opened the meeting by very briefly stating the general objects of the association. These may be stated to be the regular interchange of all the ministers and leaders of the district, at stated services-a plan felt to have been attended with the best resultsand the discussion of plans for the development of the Church and the accomplishment of Church work in the

most advantageous manner. The speakers were limited to the ministers and leaders of the association, to each of whom a theme was given, which were as follows:-Mr. E. Austin-The Work of Ministers in regard to the Church; Mr. Ramage-The Duty of Individual Members; Mr. Bateman-The Duties of Members in regard to Public Worship, in which he was supported by the Rev. T. L. Marsden; Dr. Tafel-Our Duties in regard to the Young People of our Societies; Mr. Rhodes-Our Duties in regard to Sunday-schools; Mr. E. Madeley-Our Duties in regard to the Press and Literature; and Mr. Gunton-Our Duties in regard to Missionary Work. The proceedings were enlivened by singing three hymns and by some excellently rendered music by the admirable choir of Argyle Square, and were altogether of a most enthusiastic character. The speeches were marked by a depth of thought and an eloquence of expression not often met with in one of our public meetings, and were so complete a success that hopes were fully expressed that another and even more public one would soon be held.


HACKNEY.-During the past year Sunday open-air meetings were held on the London fields in this locality. Short addresses on New Church subjects were undertaken by several of our friends, and a great number of tracts were distributed. Although the talent was humble and effort feeble-since the cessation of those meetings, it is pleasing to note the interest awakened about what the Swedenborgians believe. habitants of the neighbourhood expressed a wish to hear more of these things; but up to the present time, owing to the long distance of our nearest Church, which is in Buttesland Street, Hoxton, have been unable to do so. This has induced our Hackney friends to form a committee, for the propagation of New Church truth; Dr. Bayley having signified his willingness to help on the work, they have hired the large room belonging to the Working Men's Institute, at the triangle (a well-known centre), for the delivery of twelve lectures on consecutive Wednesday evenings. Dr. Bayley will give the opening lecture on the first of March; other esteemed lecturers will immedi

ately follow, and there is strong ground for anticipating a thorough success. The only difficulty experienced is the supply of books for distribution at the meetings. If there are any subscribers to the Missionary and Tract Society who are seeking a channel of usefulness for the books or tracts they obtain by their subscriptions, they will find the present movement an opportunity for doing real good to the cause. Communications may be forwarded to Mr. NOEL, 146 Kingsland Road, E.; or the Secretary, Mr. NEWELL, 4 Essex Street, Mare Street, Hackney, E.

MISSIONARY LECTURES IN LANCASHIRE. During the winter months lectures of a missionary character have been delivered in several of the churches in the neighbourhood of Manchester that are without settled pastors, the expenses incurred being jointly sustained by the National Missionary Institution and the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society. The following is a brief notice of these services:

Cheetham Hill.-At this place, a populous suburb of Manchester, no Society is formed or public worship of the Church established. A course of lectures, however, was arranged in the Hewitt Street School-room in the month of November, and publicity given by an extensive distribution of cards and hand bills. These lectures on leading subjects of Christian theology, were delivered by Mr. Mackereth, and Revs. R. Storry, J. Hyde, and W. Westall. The attendance was thin, but the strangers who attended manifested considerable interest in the subjects discussed, and some have continued their inquiries respecting the doctrines.

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Middleton.-In December, a course of lectures was given in the Church in this place, by Messrs. Westall, Storry, and Hyde. The subjects were "The Fall of Man," Redemption by the Blood of the Lamb, and "The Resurrection." The attendance was good, the Church being two-thirds filled. The lectures were listened to with attention, and we cannot doubt with good results.

Ashton. During the time of the lectures at Middleton, a similar course was delivered at Ashton by Revs. R. Storry and W. Westall. The attendance at this town is usually small, and was so on the

present occasion. It is with this Society the day of small things. Their neat little Church seems to attract little attention from their neighbours and the general public, and their own numbers have become reduced by deaths and removals. The Society continues, however, to patiently persevere in its work, and in the midst of discouragements to bear its testimony to the truth. Connected with the Church is a successful Day-school and a small Sunday-school. Arrangements have also been made since the lectures for a more steady occupancy of the pulpit by missionary preachers on the Sabbath; and the lectures are doubtless useful in keeping up the interest of the Church, instructing the members and quickening their zeal in the good work, and in calling public attention to the subject.



Oldham.-Two lectures were delivered in this town in January, the first by the Rev. R. Storry on The Prophecies relating to the Second Coming of the Lord;" the second by the Rev. J. Hyde on Swedenborg, his life and teachings." The attendance, though not so numerous as was hoped, was encouraging, and from the attention given to the subjects discussed, we may reasonably hope for good results.

Burnley. We extract the following notice of lectures at this town from the Preston Guardian of February 1st:Two interesting lectures were given in the New Jerusalem School-room, Keighley-Green, on Thursday and Friday evenings, January 26th and 27th, by the Rev. R. Storry of Heywood, under the auspices of the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society. The chair was occupied on Thursday evening by Mr. G. Grave, the subject being "The Supreme Deity of the Christian Saviour, &c.," which was treated in a very able manner. The lecturer was listened to with marked attention throughout his address. After the lecture, the Chairman said that the bills announcing the lectures did not state that discussion would be allowed, but he had no doubt that Mr. Storry would be glad to answer any question that might be put to him in a proper spirit. A number of questions were asked and answered in a friendly manner, and the meeting was brought to a close about ten o'clock.On Friday the subject was "The Bible a revelation from God necessary for the

full development of the nature of man, &c." Chairman, Mr. R. Bardsley. The lecturer, as on the former occasion, seemed quite at home in his quotations of Scripture to substantiate his views of the Divine inspiration of the Bible, and rapidly passed under review the different points of his subject. The lectures will no doubt be long remembered by many who heard them as able and eloquent. A number of questions were answered in a satisfactory manner. A vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer, the chairman, and the Manchester and Salford Missionary Society, for their various efforts in carrying out these lectures. The lecturer said he had only opened the gate, it was for them to go into the meadows and gather the beautiful flowers.

Failsworth.-A course of lectures was given here, with the view of reviving and continuing the interest excited by the lectures and discussions last winter at Hollinwood. The Committee were unable to obtain the use of the lecturehall they then occupied, and were compelled, therefore, to give these lectures in the Society's place of worship at Failsworth. The distance from Hollinwood was not convenient for the attendance of those who had attended the former lectures, though several of this number were present. The general attendance was good, and the audiences interested in the subjects discussed. Since the close of these lectures, two other courses have been arranged, one at Middleton, the other at Rhodes. These are at present in progress. The lecturers are Messrs. Storry, Westall, Pilkington, and Deans. These lectures are announced on a card recently provided by the Missionary Committee, on the back of which is printed the particulars of faith from the T. C. R., No. 3. The card thus becomes a means of spreading the knowledge of the leading principles of New Church doctrine, and is itself a silent missionary. In addition to the services we have intimated, Sabbath evening lectures have been given in several of our churches by the ministers. Those in Peter Street, Manchester, have excited considerable attention, and been very numerously attended.

EMBSAY.-The society at this place has recently erected a neat and com

modious school-room, for the accommodation of their Sunday and day-schools. It is an oblong building, constructed with convenient class-rooms, and other necessary conveniences for the schools and the social meetings of the Society. The opening took place on Saturday, December 31, 1870. An excellent tea, partaken of by about 100, was provided in the school room, the walls of which bore a number of mottoes, some having reference to the season, and others to the doctrines of the New Church. An entertainment, consisting of addresses, songs, glees, &c., was given in the evening.

The chair was occupied by W. H. Pilkington, Esq., J.P., of Enfield, near Accrington, who in opening the proceedings said his earliest remembrances of religion and of the New Church were connected with the village of Embsay. When quite a lad, he remembered a young man coming into his father's shop at Haslingden and saying to his father, "Mr. Pilkington, I thought you were a man of your word." His father replied, "Yes I am." Then,' said the young man, 66 why did not you meet me at Colne according to arrangement?" His father replied that he had received a letter stating he was not to come. Such being the case, there must have been some mistake about the matter, and he volunteered to start with the young man the same evening. That was on the 20th April, 1833. There were then no railways, and travelling had to be done by gig, horse or cab. His father left Haslingden, a distance of forty miles from Embsay, at midnight, to present himself before them on the following Sunday morning. looking over his father's diary, he found the following, "On April 21st, 1833, I went to Embsay and preached the doctrines of the New Church in the open street to a very large audience. I trust and pray that Almighty God may make it the means, through the instrumentality of his humble servant, of inducing the people of Embsay and neighbourhood to take heed to what I said, and I hope ere long to hear of a public place of worship being dedicated there to the Lord Jesus Christ, the true God of Heaven and earth." That wish was realized in less than twelve months, for on the 13th April, 1834, he came over to Embsay, with the Rev. D. Howarth


of Salford, to open their chapel. Comparing notes with the days gone by, and looking at the smallness of their village, he was agreeably surprised that the progress they had made had been so remarkably manifested, in the building not only of their chapel but of a commodious school, for the education of the children in the locality. Circumstances were now widely different from what they were in 1833. Look at the faci lities given to them in their transit from place to place by railways, which were interspersed all over the country. Remarkable changes had also taken place in the manners and thoughts of the people. Ten years ago very little was thought about imparting education to the masses. But a Bill was passed last session which made provision for the education of all who chose to avail themselves of the opportunities afforded. When the people became educated, they would cease to take an interest in low, grovelling, sensual amusements, and he believed that popular amusements would greatly improve. They might as well try to make an empty sack stand as to improve the condition of uneducated persons. Therefore, all those changes which were taking place were in the right direction. Speaking of the New Church, he said that Swedenborgians did not think they were a peculiar people chosen out by God to perform all the great duties existing in the world. No such thing. They believed they constituted but one stone, as it were, in the glorious building that was being erected for the moral, intellectual, and physical improvement of the people. They considered that all professing Christians, if they were good, would go to Heaven and become angels in that brighter and better world. They admitted all amongst them, who trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, and shunned sins as evils against him. Speaking of Embsay he said he owed a great deal to this village. He did not know why it should have been so, but a few years ago he wanted to see where his father had opened a chapel in connection with the principles of the New Church and he was so pressed with Embsay constantly coming up in his mind that one day he took it into his head to run over and see the village and chapel there. He called upon his friend Mr. S. Mason, and told


him for what purpose he had come. They both walked up the village together, and when they reached the end he asked "Where is your town." Oh," said Mr. Mason, " you see it here." Well, he thought, if that was Embsay, and if it had a New Church Society in it, he himself, surrounded as he was at home by six thousand people, had been very lax and negligent in not trying to establish a church there. He went back, determined to try what could be done. The result was that two years and a half ago they commenced a Sunday school in the Mechanics' Institute. At first they had 35 children in the school, belonging to the families living around him. In twelve months from the commencement of the school they had erected a beautiful building, capable of holding 600 persons and where 144 Sunday scholars met for instruction. In concluding his address, the chairman said that his impression was, if their doctrines were better understood they would be better appreciated. It was through ignorance alone that so many looked upon the New Church people as peculiar. They were not peculiar at all, for they based their creed and everything they said upon the Word of God. They took the Bible for their standard, and if men spoke not according to the law and testimony, the truth was not in them.

An interesting musical programme was then gone through; and the performances were interspersed with addresses given by Messrs. Bastow, Swinburn, and Clegg, each of whom spoke with animation and ardour.

The above has been pressed out of our two last numbers. Since this meeting, an interesting lecture has been given by an Independent minister, which yielded much pleasure to a numerous audience.

WIGAN. We extract the following from the Wigan Observer of February 1:-On Wednesday evening, January 25, the choir of the New Jerusalem Church, Kersley, gave a grand concert in the New Jerusalem School-room, in aid of the funds for enlarging the dayschool. Considering counter attrac tions in the town, the attendance was very good, the front seats being crowded. The entire programme was gone through very creditably, under the able leadership of Mr. J. G. Woodman, who was

well accompanied on the piano by Miss Horrocks of Bolton. Of the programme we have little to say, every part being well sustained, and all the songs excellently sung. In the glees and partsongs all were delighted with the precision and taste with which they were given. To make personal remarks would be useless, inasmuch as all the choir, without exception, took their parts exceedingly well.


On the 6th February, at Grosvenor Villas, Loughborough Park, London, the wife of Mr. E. H. Bayley, of a son.


March 1, 1871, at the New Jerusalem Church, Heywood, by the Rev. R. Storry, Mr. Mark Nuttall, to Miss Sarah Ann Barlow, both of Heywood.

At the same time and place, and by the same minister, Mr. Thomas Ogden, to Miss Betsy Gillimore, both of Heywood.


Alfred Essex, Esq. We have received a copy of the Graaf Reinet Herald of January 28th, in which we are informed of the death of Mr. Essex, at his residence in Bird Street, in the seventyeighth year of his age. Mr. Essex was many years ago an intelligent and well known member of the Society in Cross Street, London. For many years he took an active part in the Society's affairs, and on several occasions was appointed its representative at the General Conference. He was also an occasional contributor to the pages of the Magazine. In the year 1853 he removed to Graaf Reinet in South Africa, where some of his family were already settled, and where he continued to reside until the time of his departure. January 17th, 1871, at Highfield House, Hopwood, Heywood, after a short but severe illness, Mr. Alfred Edward Edleston, third son of Richard Edleston, Esq., aged nineteen. deceased was a youth of great promise, and was much esteemed by those who knew him. His departure is a source of painful affliction to his family and friends. Its suddenness powerfully reminds us of the important but often


forgotten truth, that "in the midst of life we are in death.

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Departed this life, on the 11th of February, Mrs. J. Russen, of Rusholm, near Manchester. Mrs. Russen was born in 1817 at Dalton, Yorkshire. Both her parents being members of the New Church, she was imbued at an early age with a knowledge and love of its doctrines, and with a high appreciation of the spirit and life they inculcate. Never having been called to struggle mentally against the fallacious appearances of the old doctrines, she viewed with peculiar charity all differences of opinion, and cordially recognized the good to be found among all denominations of Christians. Her life was not externally of an eventful character, but her warm affections brought her so closely in contact with the joys and sorrows of others, that she acquired a wide experience, and none could visit her under anxious or mournful circumstances without feeling that they had a friend in whom they could confide, and who would help them to the extent of her ability. The most distinguishing part in her character was her readiness to sacrifice her own love and interests for the good of others. Indeed so long and successfully had she cultivated this habit that it appeared to have ceased to be a sacrifice, and to have become a part of her life. She had always verified in a remarkable manner the realities of the spiritual world, and in contemplating her approaching change, spoke to some of those who now mourn her loss with joyful anticipation of meeting those she loved and esteemed who had gone before. Her end was peace.'


At Bolton-le-Moors, on the 17th of February last, was removed into the spiritual world, Eliza, relict of Mr. John Horrocks, late of that town, in the sixtythird year of her age. The deceased had been connected with the Bolton Society for a period of forty years, and had been actively devoted to the interests of the Church till the last few years of her life, when declining health and increasing infirmities prevented her devoting her energies to the object most dear to her. The following incidents of her life will, it is believed, not only interest your readers, but be found useful as an illustration, to the members of her own sex, of the field of usefulness open to their labours. She left home

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