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was now being cleared of its mists by a reception of the truths of the New Jerusalem. The speaker suggested that possibly more might be done towards securing the objects involved in the resolution he seconded, if societies or friends in those places to which visits were paid would exert themselves more strenuously and sympathetically in supporting the efforts of the visitors and lecturers. Let the societies and friends be resolved to secure good audiences, and a very great increase in the efficiency of the operations of this society would be the consequence. Something might be done, also, by the lecturers choosing appropriate subjects, and such as, owing to local or temporary circumstances, were certain to excite a considerable amount of attention; as, for instance, his own recent lectures in Norwich, on Marriage, versus Monasticism." By offering to the public what they were anxious to hear, and discoursing on subjects upon which their interest was excited, one was sure of good results. The resolution was then put and passed.

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Henry Bateman, Esq., moved the fifth and last resolution, as follows:

"That as it is the duty of every New Churchman to make known, both individually and socially, the truth which he has received, so it is incumbent upon him to support this society according to his ability."

The New Church, he said, if not the Church of the present, is the Church of the future, for it is in possession of truths by which mankind, in a future age, are to be regenerated,-by which all men are to be influenced for good, by which every man who comes into the world is, to a greater or less extent, to be enlightened. Many of those present had had mental difficulties entirely removed by the knowledge of New Church doctrine, and it was especially incumbent upon them to make known to others that which had been so valuable and so blessed to themselves. That which had been good for them would be good for others like them. It was their duty, therefore, to make every effort for the promulgation of those views. This must be done, as the resolution said, not only socially, but individually, by making known the doctrines to those with whom they came in contact ;—not always proclaiming the whole extent of what they were acquainted with, but endeavouring so to adapt the truth as that it might meet the spe


cial requirements of the state of him to whom it was offered. This society arranges for the visits of missionaries and lecturers to places which are comparatively isolated from the Church, and to places where there are no visible signs of the Church,-cheering and instructing, and administering the sacraments in the one place, enunciating and expounding the truth in another.

The resolution was seconded by Mr. Pilkington, who said he believed there was not any New Churchman but who looked upon his becoming connected with the New Church doctrines as one of the most important events in his life, and upon the New Church as worthy of every exertion which he could make to promote its welfare. The press and the pulpit are the two great instruments which have advanced the world from its state during the dark ages to its present condition; and we must look upon this society as an important means of spreading the truths which we possess and value.-The resolution was put and carried.

Auditors for the ensuing year were then chosen.

One of the pleasantest features of a pleasant evening was the announcement, by Mr. Butter, that the same kind friend who last year had made him his almoner to the society to the extent of £100, had this year repeated his generous gift, the amount of which Mr. Butter then handed over to the treasurer.

The first and last verses of the 132nd Hymn were then sung, and the Chairman called upon Dr. Bayley, who concluded the meeting with prayer and a benediction.

The opportunity is taken to call the attention of our readers to the important claims of the Missionary and Tract Society. The uses which it has for a long series of years been performing are well known, but not so extensively known or appreciated as they deserve to be. The society might well receive a large addition to its list of annual subscribers, and donations could hardly be made to a more worthy object. Subscribers are entitled to receive half the amount of their subscriptions in tracts and other publications. Subscriptions and donations will be gladly received by the treasurer, Mr. E. C. Sandy, Louisa Villa, Alleyne Park, Norwood, S., or may be paid to the secretary, Mr. F. Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.

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NEW CHURCH COLLEGE.-On Thursday, April 27, the twentieth anniversary of this institution was celebrated in the schoolroom of the College. Forty-nine persons sat down to tea, and by the time the chair was taken the number had increased to seventy. The Rev. Messrs. Goyder, Bruce, and Hiller, Messrs. Watson, Edward Madely, jun., and Dr. Spencer Thompson, were among the friends present.

After tea, the chair was taken by Mr. Bateman, who, previous to the business of the evening, stated he had the pleasing duty of presenting to Mr. F. Heath a handsome tea and coffee service, &c., which had been subscribed for by some friends of the Islington Society, as a testimonial for his gratuitous services as organist during a period of ten years. After a suitable acknowledgment from Mr. Heath, Mr. Bateman entered upon the business of the evening. With the model of the intended College before him, he proceeded to point out the accommodation which the structure would afford, showing that there was ample space for the erection of the buildings, and ample light in all parts of it. He was about to exhibit the plans for the completion of the respective buildings, when he was called away by professional duty. In his absence, Mr. Gunton was voted to the chair, and called upon Mr. Hiller, as the theological tutor, to give some account of the students under his charge, when that gentleman proceeded to give a very interesting account of their progress, entering into particulars of the mode of instruction pursued, from which it appeared the understanding, as well as the memory, was cultivated, and those arts of speaking, essential for the pulpit, kept in due prominence.

The Rev. D. G. Goyder followed with an account of the present state of the College Library. When he first took charge of it there were about 200 volumes; there were now nearly 1,100. He enumerated the names of many of the donors, and stated that only a few days previous to the last meeting of governors, the College had received a most valuable donation of 155 volumes from Mr. and Mrs. Crompton Roberts, forming part of the library of the late Roger Crompton, Esq., one of the founders of the College. The works of Swedenborg, in this donation, were magnificently bound in purple morocco. Most of the other volumes were well

and substantially bound, and for such as were in pamphlets, together with some unbound volumes of the Repository, and some volumes of reports, the same generous donors had contributed five pounds to complete the binding. Mr. Goyder urged the necessity of a good library to such an institution as the New Church College, and hoped that authors would send copies of their respective works. He had received from Mr. Clissold, Dr. S. Thompson, Mrs. Rothery, and other New Church authors, copies of their respective works, and he hoped that other authors would do likewise.

Mr. E. Madeley was next called upon by the Chairman. He spoke with great hopefulness of the future prospects of the College as regards the difficulties in connection with conference, and pressed a firm belief that henceforth they would be of a minor character only.


Mr. Gunton addressed himself principally to the students, pointing out the liberality of the Church in their maintenance and education, and hoping that they would show a grateful disposition, and evince, by a self-denying and selfsacrificing spirit, that they were anxious to fulfil the duties of the ministry with a single eye. From an examination of the premises, and the respectability of the neighbourhood, together with the large population, he saw no reason to doubt that the present site for the College was adequate for the purposes desired, at least for many years to come.

By a previous arrangement, the students were now called upon to address the meeting, in the order in which they had been admitted.

Mr. Goldsack commenced with a few remarks upon "The importance of education as a necessary development of the intellectual faculties." Indisposition had prevented him from giving the subject much attention. His remarks, however, indicated his full appreciation of the subject.


Mr. Rogers, in a brief but comprehensive summary, insisted upon importance of education as a necessary preparation for the ministry." His speech was characterised by much thought, with clearness of arrangement and expression.

Mr. Moss pointed out "The advantage of association amongst those who are preparing for the New Church ministry;" Mr. Pilkington, "The importance of a competent knowledge of the languages


in which the Divine Word was written, for a due comprehension of its spiritual teachings;" and Mr. Colley, "The importance of cultivating pious habits whilst following intellectual pursuits."

Altogether, the evening was a most agreeable one, and augurs well for the progress of the College.

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ARGYLE SQUARE JUNIOR MEMBERS' SOCIETY. At the general meeting of this society, held on the 21st April last, the question proposed by Mr. Trimen, in the Intellectual Repository for March, was discussed, viz., What is the use, of all the uses performed by the members of the New Church, most calculated to diffuse the new views of truth over the widest extent?" The Vice-President of the society (Mr. John Presland) occupied the chair; and after briefly explaining Mr. Trimen's views on the subject, viz., that the best means, in his opinion, were advertisements in the press, &c., as most calculated to diffuse the views over the widest extent, called upon

Mr. Edward H. Bayley, who, after dilating somewhat upon the blessings of the new dispensation, advocated a system of advertisements, lectures, and preaching; and alluded to the fact that preaching was essentially a Christian institution. He was of opinion that Junior Members' Societies and Sunday Schools were also of great use in spreading the truth, and he would impress upon the members the necessity of carefully studying the Writings and bringing out the truths into practice. All other efforts will be useless unless the members themselves are walking advertisements of the truths of the New Church. Mr. Bayley concluded by quoting a saying of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits-"Pray as though everything depended on God, but work as though everything depended on man.'

Mr. Thomas Moss thought that the great difficulty which stands in the way of spreading the doctrines of the New Church is that of getting the people to read them. He never knew an instance where thoughtful reading was not followed, sooner or later, by conversion. The logical harmony of their teachings cannot fail to strike the closest reasoner, while the beauty of our author's illustrations carries the doctrines home to lovers of poetical truth. The question before us resolves itself into this-How can we best introduce the works into



the houses of the people? He answered, By overcoming the two opposing influences, ignorance and prejudice;" and this is what is being done by a means already in use, viz., the Missionary and Tract Society. Advertising must of course be used, more or less, but only as an auxiliary to lecturing and preaching. Mr. Moss adverted to the Corn-Law League and the Methodist Connexion as examples of what preaching, lecturing, and tract distribution could do; and went on to say, that in spreading the glorious doctrines of the New Jerusalem, we must first rouse an interest in the minds of the people mainly by platform labour. He concluded by expressing his opinion, that in the present state of church affairs the answer to the question before the meeting was "The Missionary and Tract Society."

Mr. Thomas Colley supported the view of the last speaker, that the best way of diffusing the truth was by strengthening the operations of the society already established for missionary labour. thought that truth had more weight when communicated orally to the people than when it reached them by any other



Mr. Robert Jobson said, that by advertisements we should endeavour to extend and support the efforts of the missionaries. Some seek to keep the church within itself, and not to let it extend beyond a small locality; but he would like to see it spread over the whole of the Christian world. This church is calculated to remove all the evils of society; and it is the duty of every New Churchman to act up to its doctrines. He considered, however, that advertisements were the great means of communication with the public.

Mr. C. W. Smith, although he did not consider Mr. Trimen's proposal the best, thought that a system of advertisements would do an immense deal towards bringing the writings of the church into publicity. He was inclined to think that the instruction of the young would do more to introduce the doctrines to the homes of the people; and adverted to the day school now in course of establishment in connection with the Argylesquare church.

Mr. G. M. Pulsford briefly supported the views of the last speaker.

Mr. Taylor thought that the popular representations of the truths of the New Church by word of mouth were the best

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means that could be adopted; and said that all new systems of theology were introduced to the great body of the people by that means.

The chairman having briefly summed up, Mr. Edward H. Bayley proposed the following resolutions, viz. :

1. "That in the opinion of this society the writings of the church, and, as far as expedient, its proceedings, ought to be thoroughly advertised in the publications of the day; and that greater efforts should be made to bring its proceedings before the public through reports in the press."

2. "That arrangements be made for the institution of a shilling' fund to promote this object, the proceeds to be placed at the disposal of the Swedenborg Society."

The resolutions were seconded by Mr. C. W. Smith, supported by Mr. Arthur Day, and carried unanimously.

On the 26th April this society gave a social soirée and concert in aid of the Argyle-square church day-school fund, which was well attended. Tea was provided at half-past five o'clock, to which about 150 sat down, and at seven o'clock the concert commenced, under the able superintendence of Mr. John C. Bayley, assisted by a numerous choir. Several pieces were rapturously encored, and the whole progressed in a very satisfactory


At the general meeting held on the 5th May, the following resolution was passed, expressing indignation at the assassination of President Lincoln :

"That this meeting desires to give utterance to the feelings of grief with which it has heard of the assassination of President Lincoln; and to convey to Mrs. Lincoln, and to the United States' Government and people, an expression of deepest sympathy and condolence."

Messrs. George Dibley, George Wallis, R. Jobson, E. H. Bayley, J. A. Bayley, G. M. Pulsford, and the Chairman (Mr. John Presland) addressed the meeting.

A copy of the resolution was forwarded to the American minister in London, and a reply, in courteous terms, has been received from that gentleman, stating that it has been forwarded to Washington.

SHEFFIELD. By the kindness of the National Missionary Institution, the Church in Sheffield has been favoured with the services of the Rev. T. L. Marsden, of Dalton, Huddersfield.


On Sunday morning, April 30th, he preached to an excedingly attentive congregation, on The Science of Correspondences, the only true key to unlock the Word of God." He demonstrated this in the work of creation, from the first to the eighth verse of the first chapter of Genesis. Then he showed that Genesis was not geology, but in reality the genealogy of the Word of God, or the first fruits of the Divine Will to man. As such, it was the origin of all truths to enlighten and bless the mind of a being destined for an eternal existence. Men are bound, therefore, to investigate with candour, and to examine with gratitude, the beginning of Genesis.

In the afternoon Mr. Marsden baptized eight persons, seven belonging to one family; and, as several of these were adults, he took the opportunity of giving an address to all assembled, on the solemn nature of the baptismal covenant. He explained the ceremony as performed in Jordan, and gave the correspondential significance of waters, of the forehead, and of the triune name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All present appeared delighted, especially with the beautiful services of the liturgy, and the parents felt deeply the sacred responsibility of thus initiating their children into the Church, for instruction and regeneration.

In the evening the room was well filled. The subject was, "Is repentance at the last hour by faith alone to be found in the Word of God, or is it a religious delusion of the age, destroying the souls of mankind." (Luke xxiii., 42.) The preacher alluded to repentance as going before faith; he explained its nature, and the import of the two terms used to express it; showed forcibly its necessity, then unfolded the means of repentance, and described its blessedness. Lastly, he went minutely into those stages of the religious life of the thief on the cross, so clearly indicated by his exalted perceptions concerning the Redeemer, as Israel's deliverer, by his confession; his humility, and his reproof of the other thief.

On Monday evening, May 1st, a conversational meeting was held, the subject being "The death and burial of Moses." Mr. Marsden presided, and introduced the subject by some very instructive and pleasing remarks, showing the glorious beauty of the science of correspondences as unfolded by Swedenborg, and gave a few hints on the nature of the words, "preservation"


and "glorification," as represented by the death and burial of Moses on the summit of Moab's mountain.

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE.-The anniversary sermons of the Ashton Society were preached by the Rev. T. L. Marsden, of Dalton, on Sunday, April 9th. In the afternoon the rev. gentleman took his text from Matthew xi., 4-6, on the wonders of redemption, which brings sight to the blind, the power of walking to the lame, purification to the leper, life to the dead, glad tidings to the poor, and blessings to all who are not offended in Jesus. In the evening the subject was "The manifestation of God to Moses, and the holy fear which followed:" "Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God." (Exodus iii., 16.)

On Thursday, the 13th, Mr. Marsden gave a most interesting lecture on "The manners and customs of the Orientals." With the help of a few beautiful coloured diagrams, the lecturer was enabled to present his subject in a pleasing and instructive manner. Some excellent glees were performed at intervals by the mem bers of the glee class, Mr. William Lomas presiding at the piano.

On Good Friday, a social tea meeting was held in the schoolroom, and a delightful evening was spent after tea in amusements of various kinds, songs, recitations, &c. Mr. Marsden, who occupied the chair, gave an address, encouraging the friends to persevere in their efforts to strengthen and build up the Lord's New Church, both internally and externally;to do their utmost in the present, trusting in the Divine Providence for a more prosperous future-for the passing away of the dark cloud under which so many have been struggling hard and long.


CARLISLE. The members and friends of the New Church society meeting for worship in Slack's-court, Milbournestreet, on Sunday, the 23rd ult, favoured with a visit from the Rev. W. Ray, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who preached two sermons on the above date to very attentive audiences. Mr. Ray chose for his morning discourse "The character of Sampson spiritually considered, and its adaptation to the formation of the Christian character," which discourse was very instructive and impressive. The evening was devoted to the question, "Is there an intermediate state?" which was listened to with every


attention; after which, Mr. Ray gave the members of the church some very admirable advice on church matters, and then administered the Lord's Supper. There was a good attendance.

The members and friends are deeply indebted to their Newcastle brethren for these missionary visits; also to the Missionary Society for its invaluable assistance in aiding the spread of the truths of the church in Carlisle.

RAMSBOTTOM. -The Sunday School anniversary sermons of this society were preached by Mr. E. J. Broadfield, B.A., of Accrington, on the 14th instant. The sermon in the afternoon was from Luke viii., 39-" Return to thine own house, and show how great things God hath done unto thee;" that in the evening from Exodus ii., 9-"Take this child and nurse it, and I will give thee thy wages." These sermons were peculiarly excellent, and were listened to with quiet and earnest attention. There were about 300 persons present, both at the afternoon and evening services. The singing of the choir, and the instrumental music accompanying, added to the devotional spirit of the services. In the morning an address was delivered to parents and scholars. The collections amounted to £22. 18s. The collections of this and the preceding year average double the amount of any previous years. The society begs to return its sincere thanks to the committee of the society in Accrington for having spared Mr. E. J. Broadfield on this occasion.

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