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3. After studying this poem carefully, with the help of your teacher, write a short paragraph about winter, giving the thought of the poem as you understand it.

These paragraphs should be read in class to see if they agree in thought. Some should be written on the board to see if they are correct.


I come, I come! ye have call'd me long,
I come o'er the mountains with light and song!
Ye may trace my steps o'er the wakening earth,
By the winds which tell of the violet's birth,
By the primrose-stars in the shadowy grass,
By the green leaves, opening as I pass.

-Felicia D. Hemans.

1. Explain what you think is the meaning of the first two lines. What is meant by the awakening earth? How many signs of spring are mentioned in the last three lines and what are they?

2. Mention other signs of spring which we notice with delight.

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3. Memorize the poem and recite it in the class. Afterward write it from memory, being careful of punctuation marks and spelling.

4. Write a short letter telling of a trip to the woods, or to the country, or to the park in spring time. Use the form given in the following brief outline:

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Note the form and order of parts in the following


Chicago, Illinois,

December 23, 1915.

Dear Dorothy:

Father says I may come for a day or two if you're sure it won't be any trouble to Aunt Mary. Please send me word right away as I go back to school Monday. How is Jack and when does your school begin?

As ever, your cousin,


Copy this letter. Write to Robert Smith, 6439 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill., an answer to this letter. The address on the envelope should look like this:

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Two travelers came to a dangerous road. They thought they might pass it safely if they kept together and so they agreed to stand by each other to the last. In the midst of the forest they saw an enormous bear coming in their direction.

The younger man hastily climbed a tree, leaving his companion, who was not so spry, to shift for himself.

The older man threw himself flat on the ground and lay still and held his breath as if he were dead. The bear came and sniffed all around. The man lay breathless and the animal walked away, supposing him to be dead.

The younger man now came down from the tree where he had been watching, and said in jest, "I saw the bear talking to you. What did he whisper in your ear?"

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