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Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem, if both at this, and at all other public Meetings, for the support and propagation of these Doctrines, a temperate, yet full and warm recommendation of the leading Truths which they contain be laid before the public in the form of an advertisement," the following Resolution was unanimously passed:

Resolved, That the following Resolutions, which were lately read and approved of at a respectable Meeting of the members of the New Church in London, are highly approved of by this Meeting, and that the Treasurer of the Advertising Fund in Manchester be requested to publish them in as many of the public papers, north of the Trent, as the Printing Society may think expedient. "Resolved,

1st. "These Writings claim the attention of every denomi nation of Christians, from the universality of their Doctrine; for while they carefully distinguish between true Religion, and the mere Catholic, or Protestant, or any other name, which may serve to mark some speculative opinion, or peculiarity of worship, they invite all, because they are adapted for all who, in integrity and humility of heart, seek to love the Lord their God above all things, and their neighbour as themselves. Wisely dedicated to the essentials of Religion, they do not interfere in the choice of such forms and rites, as each man may deem most agreeable to order and the general good. They teach, that there would be but one Doctrine in the Church, however various the forms and apprehensions of truth, if men were principled in mutual love and charity, for these would unite varieties into one; and because, in such a case, all would regard the same ends, the common good, the kingdom of God, and God Himself, that then these varieties, like the different organs and viscera of the human body, would contribute to and constitute the perfection of the whole.

2d. They are distinguished by the most elevated views of the Deity, His perfections, and the operations of His Providence; they explain, in a manner most convincing, and that by a profound and comprehensive investigation of Holy Writ, the Sacred Doctrines of the Incarnation and of the Trinity; illustrating a subject usually attended with painful obscurity and doubt, by demonstrating an Unity, and yet not the Unity of Socinus, and a Trinity, and yet not a Trinity of Persons, as separate and distinct beings, with different characters, offices, and attributes.

3d. "They unfold, in a manner unrivalled, the frame and operations of the human mind, together with the mode of its perpetual connection with the Author and Preserver of its being.

4th. They dispel the darkness which has hitherto accompanied every attempt to investigate the human soul, by elucidating most fully the important subjects of its creation, its form, its operation on, and connection with the body, its immateriality and immortality.

5th. They present the most reasonable and noblest views of a future state, and, by liberating the mind from gross and unworthy ideas upon the subject, enable it the better to prepare for its final happy destination.

6th. "They restore the astonishing science which is founded on the correspondence or relationship between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Nature; and by this science, prized and cultivated by the ancients of Asia and of Egypt, as the master-key to a knowledge of causes, the WORD OF GOD is seen, and read in its interior bosom, and an exhaustless world of wisdom is unfolded, calculated at once to elevate the understanding, and purify the heart.

7th. "By application of this science, they disclose the true import of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Supper, and with it the ground of their Supreme sanctity.

8th. "They vindicate the nature of marriage from the degraded state in which it is held by many; they point out its Divine Origin, and its connection with the Supreme, and enforce, by the most awful considerations, the sacredness of its tie.

9th. "They contain a system of morals the most beautiful and comprehensive. An advancement in the life of virtue is shown. to be dependent upon actions only, so far as they can be traced upwards to the amelioration of affections and thoughts; nor can these again be amended, but by that self-renunciation which springs from the love of God and of our neighbour.

10th. "They are eminently calculated to make men good citizens, faithful and obedient to the laws and Constitution under which they live, because such obedience is shown to be not a civil duty only, but a duty which each man owes to the Almighty Fountain of all order and security.

11th. "The noble system of the Universe which they present, and their sublime views of the operations of the Deity, in the creation and preservation both of spirit and matter, are de

duced from principles which are applicable to all branches of physical and metaphysical science; indeed it may, without presumption, be said that these principles are capable of imparting to science that order and beauty which are inherent in the operations it is designed to unfold.

12th. "Of the enlightened Author of the above Doctrines, a man not less revered for the blameless integrity of his life, than distinguished for his high attainments, the philosophical works are all replete with subjects of the deepest consideration. His Metaphysics, his human Physiology-declared by the illustrious Haller to be sua et omnino mirifica-his Mineralogy and Geology, his Astronomical, Mathematical and Mechanical works place him in the highest rank of Philosophers and Experimentalists, and give him a clear title to many discoveries, which have since been claimed, and awarded to others less worthy of distinction.

[Signed,] CHARLES AUGUSTUS TULK, President." The above resolutions were read and approved of at a Meeting of the Receivers of the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem, held at Hawkstone Inn, Hawkstone Park, July 1st, 1817.

[Signed,] J. W. SALMON, President.


The following article is copied from the Salem Register of September 15, last. Respecting the character or doctrines of the people spoken of, we know nothing, but what is therein contained.

"Passed through this town, on Wednesday last, ten pilgrims, (six men and four women) from Woodstock, in the state of Vermont, on their way to the southward, possessed of very singular appearance and deportment.

"They profess to be the only true followers of Jesus Christ and his Gospel, and are in a special manner called of God to go forth into the world to do, and that continually, his will: for which purpose they have forsaken their houses and lands, relatives and friends, and all this world's enjoyments, and after the manner of the apostles, are travelling from place to place, doing good to the children of men.

"They have a prophet or leader among them, who occasionally preaches; and most of them exhort in the streets and ways, as they pass by. They seem all devotion and humility, and are continually engaged in the service of Christ; holding forth the power of his holy spirit, as communicated unto them, saying that the Millenium is near at hand, and that the lost tribes of Judah are now beginning to be gathered in, and the way is fast opening, when the four quarters of the world will be gathered into one fold of such as will receive the true spirit of faith: not the faith which is received by Christians of the present day, but such as is accompanied with holy fire. They have no abiding place in view, but travel as the Lord may direct. They say the people of the world are of the Devil, for they cannot serve the Lord and be Christ's. They ask no charity; move very slow, with a cart yoke of oxen and one horse, and say the Lord will provide for them, for where they go, there is he. Their dress is very singular-long beards, close caps, and bear skins tied around them. The writer believes them to be a set of deluded enthusiasts."


At the crucifixion of our blessed Lord who was THE WORD, the title of "Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews," was placed on the cross, written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. The first revelation made to man was in Hebrew; the second was in Greek; and the third, which is now vouchsafed to the world in the writ、 ings of the herald of the New Church, is in Latin.


On two Twin Sisters, buried together.

Fair marble, tell to future days,

That here two virgin sisters lie,

Whose Life employed each tongue in praise,

Whose Death drew tears from ev'ry eye.

In stature, beauty, years, and fame,
Together as they grew, they shone;
So much alike, so much the same,

Death quite mistook them both for one.


Subscribers are requested to keep in mind, that the present number will complete the first half volume of the Repository, and that the second annual payment of two dollars will be payable on the first of January next, to Mr. Thuun, who is authorized to receive additional subscriptions.

The length of the English Missionary Report has prevented us from giving, in the present number, the form of the ordination of ministers in the New Church. We propose to insert it in our


Several communications are received, which shall be attended to in a future number.

The second edition of Miss Jones's correspondence is in the press, and will shortly be for sale, by Daniel Thuun, No. 12, South Sixth street, and other booksellers in the city.

The Society at New York has lately received from England, an extensive supply of the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, and of other New Church works, which are for sale by Riley and Adam, Chatham street.

On Thursday evening, the 25th of September, the reverend Mr. Carll delivered a discourse upon the leading doctrines of the New Church. Previous notice having been given in some of the gazettes, the concourse of people of all denominations which attended, exceeded all former example. All the pews, benches, and aisles, were crowded with hearers, the Temple was surrounded, and probably hundreds who came were unable to be accommodated. Amongst the auditory were some of the most respectable clergy of the Episcopal as well as other churches. Prejudice is fast disappearing; and we are in hopes that a continuance of the practice of delivering doctrinal sermons on the evenings of week days, when other churches are not opened, will be attended with the most salutary effects.

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