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In Venys the 1 day of October ano 1533. RYGHT worshipffull Syr, my dewty consyryng a in most humble wyse I recommende me unto yowr goodnes, ever more desyryng to herofb yowr good welfare whiche I pray Jhesu long to contynewe unto his plezure. Moreover plesyth yt yowr Mastership to have onderstonding of the newis here in thes parties: as upon the Fryday the xij. day of August last the Turks Armado was before Coron; by water lxj. galy and xx. foysts, and by lond xij.M. men of armes Turks. And the same Fryday Androwe Dory come to geve socours to yt with xxvj. galyes and xxiiij. ships, and fought with Turks with ther ordenaunce, in so moche the Crysten men slew of the Turks xvj. or xvijC. and ther was not slayne of Crysten not xx. persons: this persevyng the Turks, that thay wayr so sore beten with ordenance, fled toward Muddowne, and in fleyng thay met with ij. of Doryes ships that was behynd ther ffelows, and the Turks toke on of them, and the other wolde not yelde. This seyng Dory, he retornyd agayne, but with ix. of his Galyes, and rescuyd the ship that was not taken, and toke her agayn that was taken, with ij.C. Turks in her, and then with all his ships and galyes wentt and geve socours to Coron, vytell for ij. yere with ordenaunce and all other necessaryes. Now this seyng the Campe of the Turks by lond, that the galyes and foysts ware fled, in lyke

⚫ considering.

b hear of.

e a pinnace or little ship.

maner thay fled lyke bests, and left ther ordenaunce and vytells behynd them; which Androwe Dory had, all pesably and so Dory remaynyd in Coron v or vj. dayes to fet ords, a and put in wages iiij.M. men of armes, and then departyd with his ships and galyes, and went back agayn to Myssyna. This is all that has ben done this Somer in this parties. Other newis I have none to wrytt unto yow Mastership, but that ther ys great deth in Constantynople. No more unto yowr Mastership at this tyme, but that I pray Jhesu save yowr lyfe in helth and prosperite long to endure. Amen. Wrytten ut supra

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Lord James Butler to Mr. Rob. Cowley in London, censuring the conduct of the Earl of Kildare, then Lord Deputy, and others, in Ireland.

[MS. COTTON. TIT. B. XI. fol. 406. Orig.]

I HAVE receyved your Letters and am right glad of the bringing to light of suche matters as was falsly surmysed and reaported of my Lord Prive Seall in this land; whiche to prove, ye knowe that I ernystly indeworid myselfe, as to my dwetie dud appertaine.

My Lord Deputie is the Erle of Kildare newly borne againe, not oonly in distruyng of thoos that alway have servid the Kinges Majestie, but also in mayntenyng the hole secte, band, and aliaunce of the said Erle, after so vehement and so cruell a sorte as the like hath not been seen to be bydden by.

O Connor, that evyr hath bene the oonly scourge of the Englishe pale, who hath maried the erle of Kildares doghter, is his right hand; and who but he.

O Karroll, nowe called Fargananym, that hath maried the said Erles other doghter, and was alway the conductor of the traictor Thomas Fitzgerald to the Irishrie, is nowe in favor with him, noo man like, nexte O Connor;

insomouche that he hath lately sent his houshold servantes and his awne company with the said Fargananym to beseige the Castell of Byrr, whiche, as you knowe, is my lord my fathers inheritans; like as the Erle of Kildare did at the begenyng of his rebellion.

My said Lord Deputie hath promeysid to geve to the said Fargananym (as he affermeth) Rossocree and the Nenaghe whiche hath been thees viijxx, yeres in Irishmen is possession, unto suche tyme as my lord my father recoverid the same, by reason of the Kinges Majesties graunte to him therof, oute of the said Irishmens handes nowe of late. I wolde he went aboute to recover Englishmens possessions oute of Irishmens handes as ernestly as he doth practys to kepe and defend the same in the said Irishmens handes.

O Neile, th❜erle of Kildares kynnysman and chiefe band, who alway aswell in my lord of Northfolkes tyme, being the Kinges Lieutenaunt, as also in Sir William Skeffington is tyme being his Graces Deputie, was the scourge that the said Erle had uppon the bordores of Mith and Uriell, when the said Erle wolde procure him to styrr, is nowe mouche made of by my said Lord Deputie; insomouche that he doth promeys to bringe him to Dublin to bere the swerde afore him, as he did before the Erle of Kildare. What followed therof I nede not to tell you, &c.

Kedaghe roo and his brethrin the late O Mores sonnes, who assaulted me and after murdrid my

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brother Thomas, nowe of late hath prayd the lordship of Owghter-Inn, xx. myle within the English pale, having noo more company but viijth horssmen, and parte of my Lord Deputies servaunts who comaunded the gentlemen of the Countie of Kildare in my Lord Deputies name to suffre the said O Mores sonnes to passe by, and not to medle with them, when they were in a full redenes to rescue the said prey; wherof my lord Deputie had xx kyne, Stephen Appare x kyne, and Edmund Archebold son of ther guydes ij kyne. The said Kedaghe and his brethrin were Thomas Fitzgeraldes mynons, and none like them in effect aboute him, and were drawen to robbe the Inglishe pale then, like as they are nowe.

Nowe of late my lord my father, taking with him O More that nowe is, to Dublin, by vertue of my Lord Deputies letters, who was chosen by my said Lord Deputie, the Kinges Majesties Comyssioners, and the Counsaill, to be chiefe Capitaine of Leys, and have taken his landes of the Kinges Highnes by certain services accordingly, there was taken, and moost cruelly intreated by my said Lord Deputie; so that my said father have had suche rebuyke therby thrughoute all this land, and also have taken the same so to hart that not regarding his age and debilitie of body all his frendes scarcely could stay him from going to the Kinges Majestie to complayne of all the premyssis, thoo he shuld be carried thether in a horse littere.

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