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all others, rightly to inform the understanding and to purify the heart; that the Views which have been offered respecting the Eternal World and State, are such as carry the highest evidence of their own reality, and impress the reality of the things belonging to that world and state in the strongest manner on the human mind; and that the opinions which have been advanced respecting the accomplishment of the Second Coming of the Lord and of the Last Judgment, with the raising up of a Human Instrument for making them known, are precisely what Prophecy, rightly understood, should lead mankind to expect, and what Experience and Fact,the experience, in our day, of the whole world, and facts which press upon the observation of all,-irresistibly confirm. And even such of you as, not yet__venturing to put your minds under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, but looking for light to some different source, shall not be convinced that these sentiments are true, must yet, I trust, be satisfied, that both our doctrines and ourselves have been greatly misrepresented, and are in general much misunderstood;-that our doctrines are not altogether undeserving of attention, and that those who hold them are not altogether deserving of contempt. As to what is thought of ourselves, however, we desire. to be indifferent; but the sincerest charity compels us to wish, that mankind may be led to think less unworthily of what, we are satisfied, is the Truth. But this also, we are instructed, will, sooner or later, be the case. For though it is agreeable to divine prediction, that, at the time of the Second Coming, "they should make war with the Lamb,"-should oppose the belief of the Divinity of the Lord's Humanity and of his oneness with the Father, with the other truths then to be made known; yet the same prediction assures us, that "the Lamb shall overcome them,"-shall convince them, from the Word, of their mistake: "for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings."* Happy, assuredly, are they, who yield to his dominion! Thus happy are they, by whatever denomination they wish to be called, who practically admit the two first essentials of the New Church, prefigured, as we believe, by the New Jerusalem; which are,-The acknowledgment of the Lord in understanding and in heart; and, A life according to his command


*Rev. xvii. 14.

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