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ment had been much improved. A determined and persecuting spirit was directed against the Home Missions in almost every part of the country. In nearly every department of agency there had been an improvement and an increase of numbers. Last year the number of schools was 204; they were now 210; the number of teachers 1476, now 1700; the scholars 11,800, now 13,000. There had been opened during the year 61 new places. The agents preached. the gospel in 655 towns, villages, and ham. lets, to nearly 50,000, in the midst of a population of nearly one million of souls. Last year the Bible classes amounted to 84, containing 1,150 persons; this year to 110, including 1,429 pupils. Upwards of 600 persons had been united in church fellowship, nearly all the fruits of missionary labour. Last year the net income of the society was 7,1694.; this year, 7,7881., but the expenditure during the same period was 9,3341.

The resolutions were moved and seconded by the Rev. Drs. Morison, Leifchild, and Matheson; by the Rev. Messrs. Stoughton, Stratten, Burnet, and Jackson; and by M. Fisher, Esq.

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The chair was occupied by Lord Morpeth, and after singing and prayer, the Rev. A. Wells read the report, which gave a concise history of the Society's labours at its various stations in Canada, New Zealand, and South Australia, during the past year. Such had been the depressed state of the colonies, that considerable aid had been required by the missionaries from the parent society. There were, however, indications of renewed prosperity in the colonies, and it was therefore hoped that the demands during the succeeding year being decreased, fresh scenes of usefulness might be occupied. There had been a very serious decline in the amount of funds received; and had it not been for a legacy of 5001. bequeathed by the late Mrs. James, of Birmingham, the institution would have been 1,000/. in debt.

The meeting was addressed by C. Hindley, Esq., M.P.; the Rev. Dr. Vaughan ; the Rev. Messrs. Binney, Burnet, Adkins, Freeman, Hill, and Smith (Sheffield); and by the treasurer, J. R. Mills, Esq.

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Coombs, Esq. Prayer was offered by the Rev. G. Rose.

The Rev. G. Smith, one of the secretaries, read the report. It gave a brief account of the labours of the agents of the society, and presented an encouraging view of the stations occupied by them. These stations are found in different parts of the country, some of them in districts in which the native Irish language is spoken. In these latter, the efforts of the missionaries are especially acceptable. Especial reference was made to the labours of the Rev. J. Godkin, whose talents as a lecturer on Popery and Puseyism are well known, and the effect of whose efforts are most gratifying and delightful. Crowds of listening auditors are attracted, amongst whom are to be found Protestants of all denominations, and often many Roman Catholics. The report alluded to the great lack of books universally found, and the intention of the committee to attempt the sale of useful and religious works on a plan similar to that pursued by the colporteurs of France. The state of the funds was reported to be, upon the whole, such as to demand the grateful acknowledgments of the committee to their constituents, and to awaken confidence and hope for the future. But still, as extensive fields of labour present themselves in every direction, a considerable augmentation of the amount contributed must be realized before the efforts of the society will make that impression on the great mass of the people which is so much to be desired. The report concluded with a powerful appeal to the friends of evangelical truth for larger contributions, to enable the committee, during the ensuing year, to carry out the more extensive operations contemplated.

The resolutions were moved and sustained by the Rev. Messrs. Adkins, Blackburn, Sherman, Burnet, Gawthorne, T. James, and Dr. Morison.


Eighth Anniverary, May 9.

Lord Ashley, president of the society, occupied the chair.

The Rev. E. F. Champneys, clerical secretary, read prayers, and presented the report, which stated that during the past year the committee have extended aid to twenty-nine incumbents, in addition to those already on their list. They have thus afforded the means of supporting twenty-six additional curates, and one lay assistant; besides which they have made also one grant towards the completion of a building for a school-room, to be licensed for Divine service, in an important manufacturing district; and a grant

of 201. to enable an incumbent to occupy a chapel, and conduct regular service on the Lord's-day, in a hamlet of 500 persons, situated four miles from the parish church. These grants amount to 2,010l. per annum. The existing grants of the society are to aid 235 incumbents, in charge of an aggregate population of 1,801,452, or to each on an average 7,660 souls; while the average rate of their incomes is only 1637., and 128 have no parsonage-house.

These grants provide stipends for 233 clergymen and thirty-one lay-assistants, at an annual charge upon the society's funds, when all the appointments shall be made by the incumbents, of 20,3501. And as the incumbents aided provide either from their own or local resources the further sum of 3,1381. per annum, to make up the amounts required for the several stipends, the society is thus made the honoured instrument of bringing into the service of the church the annual sum of 23,4881.

At the present time 200 clergymen and thirty-one lay-assistants are supported in their labours by the society, at the charge of 17,7357. a-year.

The grants provide for the addition of 338 full services on the Lord's day, 124 on week-days, 284 cottage lectures, and increased pastoral visitation in all the districts aided.

The income of the society for the year ending the 31st of March, so far from being raised to the amount which the present scale of the grants requires, has only reached the sum of 17,5627. 19s. 11d., whereas in the previous year it amounted to 18,8801. 158. 2d. Of this deficiency, however, of 1,317. 158. 5d., only 4287. 178. 11d. may be considered as the falling off from the ordinary sources of its income; the remainder is occasioned by a smaller amount having been received from legacies and special donations.

The expenditure of the society for the past year has amounted to 20,2097. 78. 10d. or 2,6467. 78. 11d. more than its income.

The resolutions were moved and sustained by the Bishops of Chester, Norwich, and Llandaff, Archdeacon Shirley, the Rev. Messrs. Tottenham, Stowell, Scholefield, Bickersteth, Stewart, and Villiers, and by General Marshall.


Sixty-third Anniversary, May 9.

The chair was occupied by the Marquis of Cholmondeley, and prayer was offered by the Rev. C. Smith.

Colonel Le Blanc, the military secretary, read the report, which stated, that during the last year 2,007 copies of the Scriptures had

been distributed in the army, 1,437 copies to steam-packets, 825 among Her Majesty's ships, 4,992 copies to merchant seamen, and 2,994 copies to canal boatmen. The total distribution during the past year was 11,472 Bibles and Testaments. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager had been graciously pleased to present to the Society a donation of 251. The total receipts during the year amounted to 3,2511. 58.; and the disbursements to 3,2201. 16s. 10d.

Addresses were delivered by Captains Sir E. Parry, J. J. Jones, Fishbourne, and Harcourt; by the Rev. Messrs. Sidney, T. H. Davies, and J. Davies; also by Assaad Yacoob Kayat, and General Wardlaw.


First Anniversary, April 24.

The first public meeting of this society was held April 24th, J. D. Paul, Esq. in the chair. Prayer was offered by the Rev. J. A. Miller, and a Report read by the Rev. Dr. Henderson; after which, resolutions were moved and seconded by the Rev. Drs. Burder, Stewart, and Cox, and by the Rev. Messrs. Redpath, Blackburn, Scott, Archer, Hamilton, W. Bunting, Fergusson, and J. C. Burns; also by W. Hamilton, Esq.


Forty-sixth Anniversary, April 24.

Chairman, John Heard, Esq.

The Rev. S. J. Davis, the secretary, read an abstract of the report. The accounts from the Berkshire auxiliary were encouraging. The Cambridgeshire auxiliary, in proportion to its means, had proved itself both vigorous and efficient. The accounts from Devon and Dorset were some of them highly interesting. In the Isle of Wight the prospects were encouraging. In the Scilly Islands the lessee had caused notices to quit to be served at the chapels. In Lancashire, notwithstanding the general depression of trade, the auxiliary had not declined, either in its resources or its usefulness. In Nottinghamshire the stations were for the most part healthy and vigorous. From the northern auxiliary cheering accounts had been received. From Pembrokeshire, Rutlandshire, Sussex, North Wilts, and East Somerset, and from the West Riding of Yorkshire, the reports were, upon the whole, highly satisfactory. The labours of Mr. Pulsford, the evangelist, had been greatly blessed. The report concluded by

pressing on each auxiliary the importance of setting apart some one Sabbath in the year, most convenient to itself, for simultaneous Baptist Home Missionary collections throughout the district.

From the treasurer's accounts, it appeared that the total receipts of the year were 5,2701. 1s. 4d.; but the disbursements had so far exceeded the receipts, as to leave a debt of 5261. 178. 9d. against the society.

Speakers: the Rev. Messrs. Barnes, Elven, Frazer, J. Edwards, (Nottingham,) Angus, Stovel, and Messrs. Robinson and Barker.


Twenty-ninth Anniversary, April 25.

Chairman, D. W. Wire, Esq.

The Rev. S. Green read an abstract of the report. During the year the society had continued such schools as the increasing, attention given to the instruction of the young, under sanction of the National Board of Education in Ireland, had left it possible or expedient for the committee to maintain, and they rejoice to be able to report, that though the number of schools was decreased, there was an increase in the efficiency and usefulness of those now pertaining to the society. Inquiries had lately been instituted as to the present condition of these important and useful auxiliaries to the spread of the gospel and of Divine truth in Ireland. From twenty-four replies, the first twenty-four that came to hand, the following particulars were learned. They had 2191 on their books, whose ages range between twentytwo years and four years, the average age being ten years. More than 1720 were Roman Catholics; 697 had repeated considerable portions of the Word of God within the year, and in most instances the schools were situated where, without them, there were no means of education within reach. The direct missionary labours of the society had continued without intermission.


ral extracts from the correspondence of the agents were then read, showing the beneficial results of their efforts. The association of Baptist churches in the south had continued its useful course, and the labours of the Scripture readers had been attended with great success. It was stated, that last year there was a debt against the society of 7201.; an equal, if not a larger diminution of income had occurred within the last year. The liabilities of the society had, therefore, become very serious. A kind friend had advanced 10007., with the mutual understanding, that repayment was not to be urged, except the circumstances of the Society should materially improve, till certain

reversionary bequests already known of should furnish the means of making it.

The speakers were, the Rev. Messrs. S. J. Davis, Mursell, Overbury, Webb, Mulhern, Pottinger, Trestrail, and J. Edwards, of Nottingham.


Tenth London Anniversary, April 27.

W. Hamilton, Esq. presided, and after prayer had been offered by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, the Rev. J. C. Burns made some interesting statements as to the operations and success of the society, and addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Hamilton, Redpath, Scott, (Sweden,) Smith, (Greenock,) Cumming, Bunting, Burns, Lorimer, and the Rev. Dr. Stewart.


Third Anniversary, April 26.

C. B. Robinson, Esq., occupied the chair, and prayer was offered by the Rev. W. Groser.

The report was read by the Rev. Dr. Steane. It stated, that the Baptist Missionaries in Calcutta had been pursuing the work of translating and publishing the Sacred Scriptures with great diligence. Since their last statement, in 1841, they had printed in the Bengali language 60,000 volumes, in the Hindustani 3,000, in the Hindui 21,000, in the Persian 1,000, and in the Sanskrit 4,500, making a total of 89,500. This number, added to those of former years, makes an aggregate of 282,900 volumes of the Sacred Scriptures, or portions of them, printed on behalf of the Baptist Mission, the American and Foreign Bible Society, and the Bible Translation Society. The following works were reported as being in progress:-In Bengali 54,000; in Hindustani 24,000; in Hindui 1,000; in Armenian 1,000; in Sanskrit 19,000. A total of 99,000 volumes of the Word of God in whole or in part. Towards these important works the committee had voted 1,500/. in the course of the year; and also 150l. towards a translation recently commenced into the Kariff language, by the Rev. A. Henderson, Baptist Missionary at Belize. The report also mentioned the great anxiety felt by Dr. Yates and his coadjutors, to publish the entire Bible in Sanskrit, but that they hesitated to enter upon so serious an undertaking, unless they were encouraged by their friends at home. The cost was estimated at about 1,500. The committee had made a grant of 5001, towards it. During the year, the

American and Foreign Bible Society had repeated their former generosity, and remitted a further donation of five thousand dollars in aid of the Oriental versions. The Rev. George Francies had been appointed travelling agent for the Society.

J. Allen, Esq., the treasurer, presented his accounts; from which it appeared, that the balance in hand last year was 1751. 38. 3d.; the receipts, including that sum, were 3,4887. 28. 5d.; the expenditure amounted to 3,4251. 38. 8d.; leaving a balance in hand of 621. 188. 9d.

The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Drs. Godwin and Steane; by the Rev. Messrs. Brewer, Williams, Birrell, Spasshatt, and Elven.

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Lord Bexley, the president of the society, occupied the chair. We learnt from the report, that in its two fields of labour the society now numbered ninety-five week-day, besides evening adult schools and Sabbath-schools. Besides that, several of the teachers having been duly licensed as catechists and layteachers, altogether eighteen had been deemed worthy to be admitted into the sacred ministry of the church. The donations to the society had fallen off last year, and the contributions from associations had not reached the amount subscribed in 1841. The receipts for the last year were 2,3167. 28. 4d., while the payments had exceeded by 1771. 58. due to the treasurer. The sums received in Canada and Newfoundland, and appropriated to school extension in each colony, raised the total income of the society to 3,4451. 58. 3d.

The different resolutions were moved and seconded by the Rev. Messrs. Wilson, Adams, Stowell, Gibbon, Hughes, Close, Auriol, Bridge, and the Secretary.


Twelfth Anniversary, May 3.

General Marshall occupied the chair. The Rev. A. S. Thelwall, clerical secretary, read the report, which commenced by declaring, that at the present time it is peculiarly important for the people of God to take their stand upon plain scriptural principles. In many cases, the Committee found that foreign versions of the Scriptures were only translations of translations, and that in Popish countries a Popish version of the Vulgate was sent forth by British Protestants. In 1837, the Committee resolved on obtaining

à pure translation from the Hebrew and Greek into the Portuguese language. This has been a work of time and much labour and difficulty: the portions already completed and printed are the four Gospels; the Acts of the Apostles; the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, and the book of Psalms. The other Epistles of St. Paul are just finished, and the remainder of the New Testament is in the press. The Rev. T. Boys, under whom the work of translation has proceeded in Portugal, is now in England, to make arrangements for the completion of the work. 4,000 copies of the completed portions have been circulated in Portugal, being purchased with great eagerness. The revision of the Portuguese version of the Old Testament is just completed, with the exception of the book of Job, and a few chapters of Daniel. The free receipts for the year amount to 1,6327. 58. 10d., exceeding the former year by 4797. 1s. 11d. The great reduction in the price of Bibles has naturally diminished the receipts for books, which, this year, amount to only 7047. 18s. 4d. being 3437. 108. 9d. less than for the previous year. The total receipts are 2,3371.

48. 2d., being an increase of 1351. 108. 2d. upon the former year. The issues of Bibles, Testaments, and Scripture portions, during the past year, are 12,348 copies. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Tatum, Day, Cumming, and Leete; also by Captain Harcourt, and Mr. Cumming, the lay secretary.


Thirty-first Anniversary, April 28.

The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dr. Godwin, of Oxford, and prayer was presented by the Rev. T. Morris, of Portsea.

The Rev. J. H. Hinton, one of the secretaries, presented an abstract of the report, which stated that one object of the Union was to obtain, from year to year, statistical information concerning the Baptist denomi nation at large, so as to be able to take for themselves, and to present to the public, a general view of the body with which they were connected. An attempt towards this had been made on an extended scale in 1838 and 1839, the result of which was published in the report of 1840. During the last year a similar effort had been made, and the returns gave the following view of the state of the Baptist denomination in the United Kingdom. Number of churches :

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Number of churches in associations, 1006; churches formed within the last three years, 105.

1418 churches return their number of members amounting to 131,272, and giving an average of 92 in each church. If this average be applied to the whole number of churches, it gives a total of 154,100. This may be taken as representing a population of four times the number, or 616,400.

1141 churches return the number of Sunday scholars, amounting to 143,027. At the same ratio, the number in all the churches would be about 210,000.

609 churches report their village stations, amounting to 1527. At the same ratio, the total number would be 4151.

960 churches report a clear increase during the last year, amounting to 10,402; 179 churches report a clear decrease, amounting to 763; and 135 churches report their numbers unchanged. The actual clear increase for the year, reported by 1274 churches, is 9369.

The average clear increase in these churches during the year, is about seven and a half; or the clear increase per cent. about eight and a quarter. At this ratio, the clear annual increase of the whole body would be 12,558.

The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Marsh, Morris, Hinton, and the Rev. Dr. Steane.


Annual Meeting, May 10.

J. P. Plumptre, Esq., M.P., presided, and the Rev. Dr. Holloway offered prayer.

The secretary read the report, which commenced with expressions of mingled feelings of gratitude for the past, and of confidence for the future. The committee believed that the society's operations were never more needed than at the present time. The increasing spread of Popery could only be successfully arrested by a systematic attempt to check its progress; by an united, bold, and faithful stand against the dissemination of those doctrines against which the country ought to be warned, before a mistaken and false liberality paralyzed all the power of the nation to resist them. Several Protestant meetings had been held during the past year in various places throughout the country. They had devoted a special and separate fund to the publication of the standard works of eminent Protestant writers, in order thereby to meet, with the best kind of opposition, the publications which were put forth with such increased zeal by the Romanists. The applications to the society for grants for the circulation of Protestant tracts had been

numerous, but they lamented that the income of the association prevented them from responding to them to the extent they could wish. The issue of Protestant tracts had amounted to 167,900, and of other publications 62,300. The Protestant Magazine continued its useful labours. The receipts for the past year, including the special as well as general receipts, amounted to 1,5284, and the expenditure to 1,3997. The debt of the association had been reduced by 1007., the balance of it now remaining being 3007. These were all independent of the special fund for publications, of which there was a balance in hand of 1637.

The resolutions were moved and seconded by Major Brock, the Rev. Messrs. Bickersteth, M'Ghee, Stowell, and W. C. Wilson; also by Colonel Vernon, M.P., General Marshall, and R. Glynn, Esq.


Eighth Anniversary, May 4.

The chair was occupied by J. P. Plumptre, Esq., M.P.

The report was read by the Rev. R. Ainslie, and represented the institution as being in a most satisfactory and prosperous state. Since the last annual meeting, the attention of the committee had been specially directed to the Metropolitan and City Police Force. The committee addressed to them a letter, urging the importance and necessity of true religion, a copy of which was placed in the hands of each policeman. The committee had also supplied libraries to the stationhouses, half the expense having been liberally borne by the Religious Tract Society. The committee had also called attention to the evil consequences of the fairs held in the neighbourhood of the metropolis. On last Easter Sunday, about 40,000 persons left London for Greenwich; and it was calculated that on the day following (Easter Monday), at least 100,000 persons visited Greenwich, and spent, at the lowest calculation, 15,000.; and they regretted to find that an attempt had been made to revive another of these nuisances in the eastern suburbs of London, at Stepney. The committee had, however, made representations on the subject to the proper authorities; and as this was not a chartered fair, they hoped it would be put down. It appeared that the population of the metropolis, within eight miles of St. Paul's cathedral, amounted, in 1841, to 2,103,279 persons; and to this number they must add for the last two years an increase, according to the ratio of increase for the preceding ten years, of 62,585 persons. In other words, the population of London had increased, within the last two years, almost

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