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The passage of scripture upon which this tribute of respect to the memory of Mr. Kidd is founded, is peculiarly appropriate. The call of the Master to our departed friend was sudden and unexpected; and the words selected for his funeral discourse are those of the wise man, Eccles. ix. 12, "Man also knoweth not his time;" from which the preacher takes occasion, I. To notice the general fact assumed in the inspired declaration, and to show, that man fails adequately to appreciate his time, that he knows not his time in relation to opportunities, incidents, and occurrences, and to the uncertainty of human life; II. To consider the argument which the declaration supplies, which is powerfully employed by the preacher in enforcing the lessons which arise from the fact that man knows not his time.

The entire discourse is a composition highly creditable to the respected author; rich in theological sentiment, and eminently fitted to conduct to a right improvement of this uncertain and shadowy life.

The sketch of the late Professor Kidd is as just as it is affectionate, and will be greatly valued by the friends of the deceased as furnishing an excellent account of his life and labours. The profits of the discourse are to be devoted to the benefit of the widow and children of the deceased, a circumstance which we trust will induce many benevolent persons to avail themselves of the intimation.


Ward and Co.

We are delighted to perceive that the mind of the author of "Mammon" has suffered no abatement of vigour or comprehension from the incessant taxation to which it has been subjected during the last ten years. The discourse, or rather essay, before us, will bear to be compared with the writer's best productions. As we have long been familiar with Dr. Harris's views on

the subject of the education of the rising
ministry, and as we know how ably he
carries out his plans in the college over
which he presides, we are happy to find
that he has been induced to lay before the
public the result of his matured reflection
upon a topic of such vast importance to the
His are
prosperity of the Christian cause.
not the opinions of a mere theorist, but of
one who has consecrated the energies of a
powerful and original mind to the best in-
terests of the Christian church.

If the Congregational Churches are to preserve their present standing, and to avail themselves of the events of Providence, in rising to a more commanding position, their attention must be growingly directed to the schools of the prophets. Upon the character of the ministry must depend the progress or decay of Protestant Dissent. We could wish to see Dr. Harris's discourse in the hands not only of every minister, but of every layman. It is eloquent and argumentative; but it is also in a high degree practical. In rising from its perusal, we have felt, "Well, there is nothing recommended here that might not be adopted, provided only that a right feeling existed in the churches." Of all the essays we have seen on ministerial education, this is incomparably the best. We earnestly recommend it to the attention of Pastors, and, through them, to their flocks.


1. The Biblical Cabinet; or, Hermeneutical, Ex. egetical, and Philological Library. Vol. XLIII. A Historico-Geographical Account of Palestine in the time of Christ; or, the Bible Student's Help to the thorough Knowledge of Scripture. By D. JOHN FREDERICK ROHR. Translated, with Notes and Corrections, from the German, by the Rev. DAVID ESDAILE, Minister of Rescobie. T. Clark, Edinburgh.

2. Fifty Sermons, delivered by the Rev. Robert Hall, M. A., chiefly during the last five years of his ministry: from Notes taken at the time of their delivery. By the Rev. THOMAS GRINFIELD, M.A., late of Trinity College, Cambridge. Second edition, 12mo. Hamilton, Adams, and Co.

3. A Practical Exposition of the Epistle to the Philippians. In Twelve Discourses, delivered at Cambridge, in the years 1801 and 1802. To which are added, several Sermons on various subjects: By the late Rev. ROBERT HALL, A.M. From shorthand notes, by JOHN GREENE, author of "Reminiscences of the late Robert Hall." Hamilton, Adams, and Co.

4. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. With Anecdotes of their Courts, now first published from official records, and other authentic documents, private as well as public. By AGNES STRICKLAND. Vol. VI. Queen Elizabeth. H. Colburn.

5. South Indian Missionary Sketches: containing a Short Account of the Missionary Stations connected with the Church Missionary Society, in Southern India, in Letters to a Young Friend. By S. T. Part II. Tinnevelly, Travancore, &c. 12mo. J. Nisbet.

6. Letters from Madras, during the Years 18361839. By a LADY. 12mo. John Murray.

7. Family Prayers for one Month. By Various Clergymen. Arranged and Edited by the Rev. CHARLES HODGSON, M.A., Rector of Barton-lestreet, Yorkshire. 12mo. Seeley.

8. The Recovery of a Lost World to God. A Sermon, preached before the. Wesleyan Missionary Society in the Spitalfields Chapel, London, on the 25th of April, 1843. By the Rev. JOHN BEECHAM, one of the Secretaries of the Society. 8vo. J. Nichols.

9. The Wrongs of Woman. By CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH. Part II. The Forsaken Home. W. H. Dalton.

10. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Part XXVI. Edited by the Rev. JOHN CUMMING. Imp. 8vo. George Virtue.

11. London. Part XXIX. Imp. 8vo. Charles Knight.

12. The Vicar in Search of a Curate. By a CHURCHMAN. 12mo. Hatchard and Son.

Home Chronicle.



To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.

SIR, I have been induced to address you in consequence of an article that appeared in the July number of the "Protestant Magazine," which was headed "The Christian Union Meeting at Exeter-hall."

In that article there are some mis-statements that I wish to correct, if you will allow me to do so through the medium of your valuable journal. I think it highly desirable to do so, inasmuch as the "Protestant Magazine" is read by a large portion of the laity of the Church of England, many of whom might be liable to entertain, from the perusal of the article in question, incorrect notions of the scheme of union, as well as of its principal friends.

I should have passed over the objection to the chairman on that occasion with which the article commences, had it not stood connected with the charge, that "the spirit of dissent and disaffection to the established institutions in church and state" characterized the meeting. This being only an assertion, merits no more than a corresponding denial. Those who attended that meeting, or read the report of its proceedings, will feel convinced that the charge is utterly unfounded.

The writer goes on to state, that "The resolutions are extremely plausible, but the hostility aimed by them at the Established Church is rather awkwardly disguised." He then instances the fourth and fifth resolutions of the meeting, and adds, "which we consider to be framed in a spirit of direct hostility to religious establishments." He then proceeds as follows:

"We particularly request attention to the mention of spiritual qualifications' in the fourth resolution, used, we believe, for the purpose of indirectly asserting the superiority of Dissenters over Churchmen in this important feature in a Christian ministry. We deny the arrogant and unfounded

claim; and we challenge the Dissenters to produce, out of all their varieties of Nonconformity, more complete examples of piety, according to the true standard of Scripture, than are to be found among the divines of the Church of England. But surely the Dissenters ought to be the last people in the world to make any boast of spiritual qualifi cations. O! we would say to them, 'Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy proceed out of your mouth.' Rather let them be humbled in reviewing the violent and injurious part-- injurious, we say, both to their country and themselves, which they have taken of late years in questions purely of a political and revolutionary character."

In reply to this quotation, I would say, in the first place, that any person reading the resolution in question, (the fourth,) and making use of his intellect in so doing, would be perplexed to find the "arrogant and unfounded claim," which is denied by the writer of that article. He has in truth hurled forth the artillery of his pen against a mere shadow. By the way, if it had been more, he would have been probably less Quixotic. As for the Dissenters being "the last people in the world to make any boast of spiritual qualifications," I am sure, Sir, you will agree with me, that, in this respect, they do not stand second even to that church, the evangelical portion of whose clergy and laity they regard with every sentiment of esteem and affection. Once more, Sir, the Dissenters, as a body, and with very few exceptions, have been the firm and loyal adherents to the throne and government of their country; nor have they been revolutionists since the glorious 1688.

The writer goes on to state, that the Dis senters did not join the Protestant Association, because " they did not value the British institutions ;" and again, "the para. mount feeling in a Dissenter's mind, the leading article in his creed, is too often a bitter and implacable animosity to the church of his country." To the first of these charges I reply, that the Protestant Association was founded on too narrow a basis for

Dissenters to join it without compromise. To the second, that the Dissenters have no bitter and implacable animosity to the Church of England: they only claim the right of holding their own views when they differ from that church.

In conclusion, Sir, I for one am not inclined to admit, that the Dissenters have betrayed their country and their religion into the power of "the Papal Antichrist," nor am I apprehensive that the impartial historian will accuse them of so doing.

I am, Mr. Editor, yours truly,

Southwark, July 11,


N.B. I trust, Sir, that neither yourself nor the readers of the "Evangelical Magazine" will impute to me a desire to raise discord between Episcopalians and Dissenters. My intention has been to the contrary.



Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The committee of this society have recently purchased the freehold of their valuable premises in Well-street, Hackney, and finding them, on a careful survey, in a dilapidated condition, they have resolved to effect their substantial repair, with necessary improvement in the resident Tutor's dwelling-house, and also to erect fourteen commodious studies, and as many sleeping. rooms, an alteration indispensable to the health and comfort of the students.

To accomplish this most desirable undertaking, they will require the sum of 35007. ; towards which the committee have appropriated the legacy of 5001., bequeathed by their late highly esteemed treasurer, Thomas Walker, Esq.; and they earnestly appeal to the Christian public to aid them in raising the remainder, which is needed immediately, as the new erections will be completed during the present month.

Every intelligent Christian must feel the importance of supporting those institutions which have been founded for the education of pious young men in sound Biblical learning, for the ministry of the gospel; and more especially at the present time, when, on the one hand, general knowledge is making such rapid progress; and on the other, so many of the teachers of religion are evincing a fearful defection from the great truths of the Protestant Reformation, the essential doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This institution was founded in 1803, by those benevolent men of God, the late Rev. John Eyre and Charles Townsend, Esq. On the list of its earliest and most devoted supporters, are the venerated names of the

Rev. Rowland Hill, the Rev. Matthew Wilks, the Rev. Thomas Jackson, Joseph Hardcastle, Esq., Thomas Hayter, Esq., and Thomas Walker, Esq., now with God their Saviour; and the committee solicit the co-operation of the friends of the Protestant faith in Britain, in perpetuating the good work commenced by those honoured servants of Christ.

To those ministers who have been favoured with the advantages of this institution, and to those congregations whose places of worship are on the trusts of this society, the committee especially appeal; but they hope that many friends of the Redeemer, not directly connected with those churches, will also readily contribute in consideration of the services rendered to the United Kingdom, to the British colonies, and to missions to the heathen, by the personal ministry, and edifying writings of more than one hundred and thirty ministers and missionaries educated in this institution.

The committee are extremely anxious not to touch, for the new buildings, their too small reserve of funded property, from which they have paid for the freehold; and they are encouraged in this desire, by numerous promises already received.

Contributions will be thankfully received by the Rev. G. Collison, Theological Tutor, and the Rev. S. Ransom, Classical and Hebrew Tutor, Hackney; J. G. Stapelton, Esq., Treasurer, Clapham; the Rev. A. Reed, D.D., Hackney; the Rev. A. Tidman, Mission-house, Blomfield-street, Finsbury; the Rev. T. Timpson, Lewisham; Mr. E. Ashby, 1, Old Broad-street; and the Rev. J. E. Richards, Secretary, Wandsworth, Surrey.


On the first sabbath in June, and immediately after the great meeting at Exeterhall to promote Christian Union, the esteemed minister of Surrey Chapel, who assisted in convening that "festival of love," preached to his own people on the subject. After the sermon, he announced to the large congregation, that the members of his church were about to celebrate the supper of the Lord, and he hoped that all present who were members of Christ's holy church, though not in connexion with Surrey Chapel, would unite with them on the occasion. This affectionate invitation was responded to by Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Wesleyans, Baptists, Moravians, and others, who were admitted by tickets received from the elders of the church. Among the applicants, there was one of the sons of Africa. The elder inquired, "Are you a member of the Christian church?" "Yes," was the reply. "Of what church?"

"The Congregational Church at Hartford, in Connecticut." "Who is the pastor?"" "I am." It turned out that he was the Rev. James William Charles Pennington, the pastor of the fifth Congregational Church at Hartford. He was immediately introduced to Mr. Sherman, who found that he came to this country with satisfactory testimonials in reference to his piety and usefulness. At this moment the pastor was proceeding to the table of the Lord, and our sable brother took his place among the communicants. He only remained there a short time, when he proceeded to the table, and assisted in distributing the elements of the Saviour's dying love, in consequence of the illness of one of the officiating ministers. It was a blessed scene! It will long be remembered! One dear aged sister, when she retired from the hallowed spot, exclaimed, with tears, "Oh! what a privilege to have lived to see that dear black man at our table." Oh that American Christians could feel like this dear saint! In the afternoon Mr. Pennington delivered a simple, but truly excellent address to the Surrey Chapel Sunday-school children, which was listened to with deep interest, and the teachers pray that the Holy Spirit may bless the word, in leading many to believe in the Saviour.

On the evening following this happy scene, Mr. Pennington attended the church meeting at Surrey Chapel, and delivered a short, modest, and suitable address. He referred in touching terms to the coloured man's trials in the United States, in the spirit of the beautiful rule, Speaking the

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truth in love." He assured a friend that at the close of the previous Sabbath, no one could tell what his feelings were. He had long been a member of the church, and a preacher of the gospel, but never till that day had he been permitted to unite with the white man in the services of the temple, and to feel that all were "one in Christ." He had often longed to see the place where the venerable Rowland Hill preached, and his desire had been realized; there he had worshipped, without being the marked man-there he had united in commemorating the Saviour's dying love with those who felt there was no difference between the bond and the free; and there the coloured man had invited the white man's children to the dear Redeemer. Never will a few sentences of his address to the church be forgotten. "In my own country, if I wished, I could go to any Roman Catholic church in the United States, and I should be received in any part of it. I could go to the Socinian chapel and be kindly received; but if I ventured into the church of the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregational, or Baptist, I should be the marked


man, and could not go beyond a certain spot. Even one of the excellent ministers who has given me the kindest testimonials to friends in this country, could not ask me to unite with his church as I have done with yours." Oh! there was a hallowed burst of feeling from the members of the church when these things were heard; they were angry," but "sinned not." The silent prayer ascended from many hearts, that this foul blot might be removed from the pastors and members of the American churches, and that "the mind which was in Christ Jesus might be found in them." He loves his image, whether it is seen in the white face of the European, or in the ebony visage of a son of Ham. All the members joined with their coloured brother in singing

"From east to west, from north to south,
Then be his name adored!
Europe, with all thy millions, shout
Hosannas to thy Lord.

"Asia and Africa, resound

From shore to shore his fame!
And thou, America, in songs,
Redeeming love proclaim."

On Sabbath-day, the 19th June, the pastor of Surrey Chapel opened his pulpit to his sable brother. He preached to a large and deeply interested congregation, from the text, "Behold I stand at the door and knock," &c. His sermon was simple and scriptural, which will be seen from the following outline :

I. The Son of God is at the door.-The door is the heart.

II. The Son of God makes a condition."If any man will open the door."

III. The Son of God gives a rich promise: "I will come in to him;" "He will spread before him all the riches of his grace," &c.

His appeals to the backslider and the sinnner were very effective, particularly to the former, to whom he pointed out the danger of remaining in his unhappy state, from the 5th chapter of the Song of Solomon, and 4th verse. The congregation united with much spirit in singing

"Let the Indian, let the negro,

Let the rude barbarian see
That divine and glorious conquest
Once obtain'd on Calvary.

Let the gospel

Loud resound from pole to pole."

Who can tell what may be the result of these interesting services? Doubtless they will be blessed to the church and congregation, and the pastor and his people will hear at the judgment day, "I was a stranger and ye took me in: forasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these my disciples, ye did it unto me." The services may be influential even in America, and there the example of love to the coloured man may be imitated by devoted ministers of the Union,

who may have grace to rise above the prejudices that have hitherto led them to act contrary to the spirit of their Divine Lord. Would He reject the black saint from personal fellowship? No! "though black, he would be comely in the dear Saviour's sight."

The church at Surrey Chapel have presented, through their esteemed pastor, a handsomely bound Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, and other useful Commentaries, to Mr. Pennington, as a token of their love to the sons of Africa, with sincere prayer that all the American churches may remove the cloud which now rests on their characters as Christians, and the great promoters of civil and religious liberty.

The writer of these remarks has heard that Mr. Pennington has had a kind reception from the Committee of the Religious Tract Society. He was received as the president of a society formed among the coloured people at Hartford, of which he was the president. He was grateful for the affection shown him by the friends of that useful institution, particularly as he was not allowed to meet with the white man on the committees of the Bible, Missionary, and Tract Societies of America. The committee presented him with the sixteen volumes of the Society's series of Christian Biography, as a mark of their respect for him and his coloured brethren associated with him in the work of the Lord. It was pleasing to hear one of the Episcopalians on the committee exclaim, with peculiar fervour, "Oh! what a privilege I should have felt it to have received, at Surrey Chapel, the emblems of my blessed Lord's love from the hands of a black preacher of righteousness."

Mr. Pennington is anxious to establish a printing-press at the station where he labours, where tracts and books, written by the sons of Ethiopia, will be printed, for the purpose of general circulation. It is hoped that he will obtain liberal contributions in aid of this important object. W. J.


Rev. D. Jones.

The Rev. D. Jones was ordained to the pastoral office over the Independent church and congregation at Wickham Market, Suffolk, on the 29th of June.

The morning service was introduced by the Rev. T. Hayward, of Woodbridge; the introductory discourse was delivered by the Rev. John Davies, of Lincoln; the usual questions were proposed (on account of the unavoidable absence of the Rev. J. Whitby, of Ipswich,) by the Rev. T. Hayward; the ordination prayer was offered by the Rev. S.

Laidler, of Harlestone; the minister was addressed by the Rev. G. R. Hewlings, of London.

In the course of the afternoon, an interesting account was given, by G. Lamb and J. Jarrold, Esqrs., of the introduction of the gospel into the village, of the persecutions which raged, and of the sufferings endured by the Dissenters.

The evening service was introduced by the Rev. S. A. Browning, of Framlingham; and the church and congregation were addressed by the Rev. George Wilkins, of Rendham; and other ministers engaged in the services of the day.

Rev. Mr. Nicoll.

On Tuesday, the 13th June, Mr. Nicoll, who has been studying for some years past under the direction of the Congregational Union of Scotland, was ordained pastor of the Congregational church at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. The Rev. Messrs. Knill and Alexander, the deputation from the London Missionary Society, having been appointed to visit Rhynie on that day, advantage was taken of the circumstance to secure their services at the ordination, as well as on behalf of the society. After the introductory services, which were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Rennie, Culsamond, the Rev. Mr. Alexander preached an excellent sermon from 1 Cor. xv. 3, 4; the usual questions were then asked by the Rev. Mr. Morrison, Duncanstone, to which Mr. Nicoll returned highly satisfactory replies; Mr. Alexander then offered up the ordination prayer; after which, the Rev. Mr. Hill, of Huntly, delivered a useful and impressive address to Mr. Nicoll, from 2 Tim. ii. 15; Mr. Knill followed with a striking address to the people, and the services of this deeply interesting occasion were closed by Mr. Knill engaging in prayer.

The day was very favourable, the attendance numerous, and the interest evinced deep. May the Lord cause his blessing to rest upon pastor and upon people, so that many may have occasion to thank Him through eternity for the union which was this day consummated!

Rev. Alfred Scales.

The ordination of the Rev. Alfred Scales to the co-pastorate with the Rev. W. Ward, over the Independent church at Stowmarket, Suffolk, took place on Wednesday, the 28th of June.

The Rev. John Alexander, of Norwich, delivered the introductory discourse, and pointed out, in the most clear and powerful manner, the errors and evils of the Established Church, and the sacrifices which the

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