Imágenes de páginas

choicest cordials for the times of her greatest faintings. She had moments of delightful anticipations, and expressed her feelings repeatedly in the language of Doddridge

"While on the verge of life I stand,

And view the scenes on either hand,
My spirit struggles with its clay,

And longs to wing its flight away."

She had a distressing season or two of darkness, in addition to great bodily suffering, which were very painful both to her friends and herself. By continued prayer and frequent meditation on the Bible, the light of God broke in upon her spirit, and gradually chased away the darkness. As soon as calm and peace were restored to the mind, with much submission to the Divine will she referred to her sufferings, and said,

"Lord, if consistent with thy will,

O take this thorn away;

But if for me 'tis needful still
That it should longer stay,

Then patience give the thorn to bear,
And faith to trust thy love and care."

After the seasons referred to she had great peacefulness of spirit, and continued to the last delightfully calm and composed. She had no exulting jubilant feelings on the borders of eternity, but steady light and hope; no times of high, holy elevation, and no times of deep and distressing depression. She spoke with confidence of the gospel's

power of the preciousness of Christ-and of her consolation from the promises. The cheerfulness and fortitude with which she bore her sufferings were very manifest; not a syllable of complaint did she utter, and the prayer for patience was almost incessantly on her lips. A short time before her death, she said with emphasis, it was

good for me to be afflicted," and expressed a hope that God was about safely to conduct her across the valley of the shadow of death. On Friday, the 19th of May, 1843, with her characteristic calmness in life, she breathed out her soul in death, and "fell asleep in Jesus."

"So fades the summer cloud away,

So sinks the gale when storms are o'er,
So gently shuts the eye of day,

So dies the wave along the shore."

"Absent from the body, she is present with the Lord," bearing the image of Christ, and shining in the glory of Christ. These are the refreshing, solacing considerations of her decease, lessening the pain of departure, and embalming bereavement with bliss. Her sound religious principles, her lovely Christian character, her social qualities, her usefulness in all the relations she sustained; are the best evidences of her preparedness for heaven, and with her family and friends, will be an enduring tablet to her memory and her worth.

Home Chronicle.


As the Half-yearly Distribution of Profits, arising from the sale of the Evangelical Magazine, will be held early in January, 1844, all Widows receiving assistance from the Fund, who had no gratuity voted in July, are requested to forward their applications to the Publishers of the Magazine, on or before Christmas Day.

N.B. No gratuity can be voted to any widow, whose application has not been made.

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WE beg to inform the Trustees of the Evangelical Magazine, both in town and country, that the Half-yearly Meeting for the Distribution of Profits, will be held at Baker's Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, on Tuesday, January 2, 1844, at eleven o'clock precisely. The Auditors will met at ten o'clock.


THE new year is rapidly approaching. Can it be better signalized than by a vigorous effort on behalf of the destitute widows of God's faithful ministers? How mournfully

numerous is this class, and how affectingly is it increasing every day! Our proposal, then, is threefold:-1. Let those who can afford it, order two copies of the Magazine, instead of one. 2. Let all the true friends

of the widow endeavour in their respective circles, to encourage the circulation of the work. A word spoken in season, behold how good a thing it is! 3. Let those who prefer it, forward their donations to the Magazine Fund, through the medium of the Editor or Treasurer.

N.B. All who intend ordering the Magazine for January, or taking in an additional copy, ought to apprise their booksellers immediately, that the publishers may know how many additional copies to print for the new year.

Our zealous and devoted friends, both in town and country, will aid us, we trust, in augmenting the circulation of the Magazine to twenty thousand, which will place 3007. of an additional fund, at the disposal of the trustees. Let all our readers, poor and rich, do something to realize this object.

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The committee avail themselves of this opportunity respectfully to urge upon the consideration of ministers and churches, whether they cannot aid the institution by means of a sacramental collection at the commencement of the new year. If our churches were to consecrate one sacramental collection to this object during the year, it would provide an ample fund for the relief of those many and laborious servants of Christ, who, though by their devoted and self-denying labours they are making many spiritually rich, are suffering from all the evils not only of limited circumstances, but of extreme and most afflictive poverty.

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B. N. says, "I acknowledge the receipt of a cheque for five pounds. Surely, no favour could have come more opportunely, or be received with greater gratitude, after a long season of family affliction, and two deaths in one month. My dear people are extremely poor, my family very large, and my income very small. I have known what it is to want a morsel of bread; but, blessed be God, his promise has never failed. Many have been my trials and privations during the thirty years I have been in the ministry, yet hitherto the Lord has helped me."

W. G. (to whom the committee were only able to transmit five instead of ten pounds,) says, "Though the vote is five pounds less than it has previously been, yet I am truly thankful that it is not completely a blank, which had it been, I should have been much distressed; as the recent severe affliction of eight of us was very expensive; I have reason to believe the doctor's bill will be ten pounds. I have the satisfaction, however, to inform you, that after I have paid the doctor's bill, I shall be free from all debt; for, sooner than the cause of religion should suffer by my contracting debts beyond my power to discharge, I and my family would dine upon nothing but potatoes and salt, which we have often done before now for weeks together."

J. T., "Your excellent society is the instrument in the hands of God, of refreshing the hearts of many poor and tried ministers of Jesus Christ. It has often refreshed my heart, when bowed down within me with cares and anxieties. Indeed, I do not know how I could have maintained my standing among my beloved charge, if I had not been assisted by it."

The following is an application to be laid before the next meeting of the committee in January :

W. Ó. writes, "In the deepest affliction, I beg you once more to call the attention of the committee of the Associate Fund to my very sad case. God has visited me with stroke upon stroke, and now he has taken my beloved wife from me. She died last week, after having passed through very long and most distressing suffering; and thus I am left with five children dependent upon me, and without means adequate even to my own support. My house, for years, has been little better than an hospital. It is a sad fact, which I need not conceal, that I have now demands upon me for no fewer than four coffins, besides my heavy medical bills, which I am utterly unable to discharge.

Surely God will not permit Christian sympathy to fail with respect to one so deeply afflicted and ready to die. I cannot enlarge, my spirit is overwhelmed; my heart is faint, and sick, and desolate. Pray for me; do what you can on my behalf with the committee and other Christian friends. The state of religion with my people is perhaps encouraging rather than otherwise, but with me all is darkness, sadness, and fear."

The committee indulge the hope, that these affecting recitals will not be presented in vain to the friends of religion. All communications to be addressed to the corresponding secretary, the Rev. C. Gilbert, 25, Manchester-terrace, Islington.





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SIR,-Having observed in your Magazine for this month, an account of the return of the Camden from the South Seas for repairs; and the London Missionary Society, deeming her inadequate for the purposes of missionary enterprise, from the increased accommodation required by the additional number of missionaries to those islands; suggest the propriety of building a larger vessel, which it is estimated will cost about 4,000. As the Society appear apprehensive lest, by the accomplishment of this object, their present funds may become embarrassed, and in order that those apprehensions may be driven to the winds, permit me to make the following suggestion which, if adopted, will, most likely, accomplish so praiseworthy an effort, to extend the knowledge of the gospel to the perishing heathen. I would suggest that, as it is in the missionary cause, a subscription be commenced in every Independent chapel throughout London, if not England; that the amount of subscription be not less than one penny and upwards, each person, (including the members of each church and congregation); that boxes may be provided to receive the amounts subscribed, which would present an opportunity to many who cannot afford pounds to give shillings, and those who cannot afford shillings to give pence. By this means, I think, a very considerable amount might be collected. This plan would bring the benevolence of Christians in full and active exercise; no one need embarrass their circumstances, but all might give in proportion to their means. The great barrier to the success attending subscrip

tions is, the large amounts placed at the head of the lists, which really frighten many whose hearts are exercised by the spirit of sympathy; but, from the scantiness of their means, with the knowledge of the fact that, as their neighbours have given so liberally, it would appear mean did they not give as much, they are, after all, induced to keep out of the way; thus are their efforts chilled. The plan I have suggested will prevent all this, as individuals may give what they choose, without the amount arriving at the knowledge of any person.

Should these suggestions meet your views, you will oblige me by placing them in any way you think proper, in the Magazine of next month. I shall, upon reading your views, have much pleasure in introducing the subject into the church and congrega tion to which I have the honour and privilege to belong.

I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your very obedient servant,

London, Nov. 5, 1843.



The public service connected with the settlement of the Rev. John Stoughton, at Hornton-street chapel, Kensington, as successor to the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, was held on Tuesday, the 31st Oct. Although the weather was extremely unfavourable the attendance was very large, and the character of the addresses and the delightful spirit breathed through every part of the service, rendered it an occasion full of interest and pleasure. The Rev. John Yockney commenced the service by reading a suitable portion of Scripture, and offering appropriate supplications. The Rev. Dr. Morison delivered a luminous and judicious introductory discourse. The Rev. W. Walford asked the usual questions, and presented devout intercessions for the pastor and people. The Rev. Dr. Vaughan delivered a powerful and impressive charge to his successor in the pastorate; and the Rev. Dr. Leifchild preached a sermon to the church full of practical counsels and stirring appeals. The Rev. Mr. Crump gave out the hymns, and the Rev. J. J. Freeman closed with prayer. The presence of Drs. Vaughan and Leifchild, both of whom had been pastors of the church at Kensington, imparted unusual interest to the services, which would have been increased had the Rev. John Clayton, also formerly a pastor in the same place, been able to attend.



In our number for April, 1809, we recorded the opening of an Independent chapel at this well known watering place. For some years that place of worship enjoyed the honourable distinction of being the only sanctuary in an extensive distriet in which evangelical truth was faithfully dispensed. Its prosperity however declined, many of its original friends were removed, and various circumstances transpired to discourage and ultimately to suspend for a series of years the operations of a truly missionary enterprise. The foundations of the little chapel were disturbed by the encroachments of the sea, and its superstructure suffered so much from the assaults of weather, in a very bleak and exposed site, that its continued occupation became impracticable, and it was eventually abandoned, and taken down. Many years elapsed, during which Parkgate had not the privilege of public worship, until the year 1833, when George Rawson, Esq., of Leeds, visited the place with his family for the purpose of sea-bathing, and perceiving its entire destitution of the means of religion, he took, at his own expense, a large apartment, formerly used as the assembly room, which he opened for Divine worship, and in which a numerous congregation was, in a short time, regularly convened. In the year 1838, the Rev. R. Roberts, under the auspices of the Cheshire Union, became the stated pastor of the people; as the results of his ministry the taste for hearing increased, evidences the most unequivocal of the power of Divine truth accumulated, and a Christian church was formed. At length the congregation became too numerous to be conveniently accommodated in the assembly room, and the necessity for a larger and more suitable place of worship was clearly shown.


people however who constituted the regular hearers, belonging chiefly to the working classes, were unable to contribute much towards a new erection; but, by the kind liberality of many distant friends, a sum was obtained sufficiently large to justify such an undertaking, and, under the direction of Messrs. Pritchett and Son, architects, of York, whose gratuitous skill, judgment, and experience were cheerfully afforded, a commodious, substantial, and elegant sanctuary has been erected. The style of the building is the English gothic of the thirteenth century, and for simplicity, durability, and appropriateness it is, with slight exceptions, the model of a village chapel.

On Wednesday the 10th of May last, this little edifice was publicly opened for Divine worship; on the morning of which day a sermon was preached from Luke

xxi. 29-32, by the Rev. John Clayton, A.M., of London; and in the evening, by the Rev. T. Raffles, D.D., LL.D., of Liverpool, from Psalm xcv. part of 7, 8, and Hebrews iii. to numerous and highly respectable auditories.

The following ministers also attended and assisted in the services of the day :-Revs. J. Turner, Knutsford; J. Pearce, Wrexham; J. Williams, Octagon Chapel, Chester; J. Harrison, Barnard Castle, (now of Northwich;) W. O. Hanlon, Woodside; Griffith, Buckley Mountain.

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In the afternoon upwards of seventy of the friends assembled sat down to a collation provided in the assembly room. After dinner the Rev. R. Roberts, on behalf of himself and the church, presented to Mr. Rawson, (who presided,) a copy of Bagster's Comprehensive Bible, handsomely bound, in testimony of their high respect and grateful attachment to the individual to whose indefatigable zeal, persevering energy, and extensive influence, they were indebted under Providence, for their neat and comfortable place of worship.

On the following Lord's-day, sermons were also preached in the new chapel, by the Rev. N. K. Pugsley, of Stockport. At the close of all the services collections were made in aid of the building fund, which together amounted to upwards of £73. With that addition to the previous subscriptions, the sum required for the completion of the building was nearly realized. The incubus of a permanent debt will not therefore oppress the energies, nor cramp the labours of this infant cause.


Birmingham, Oct. 20, 1843. "The condition of Ireland requires the most strenuous efforts on the part of Evangelical Protestants, for its spiritual welfare. In this blessed work there are two societies engaged which are connected with the Congregational bodies in Ireland and England: there are the Irish Evangelical Society, and the Irish Congregational Union. Their exertions are much more limited than they should be, for want of more adequate funds. They were for a short season united upon a plan in which, in common with many distinguished brethren, I had some share. The working of this scheme has been found to be inconvenient, and it is dissolved by mutual consent. They now make their separate appeals to the liberality of the British public, and are both entitled to its support. Having lately advocated the cause of the Irish Evangelical Society, I now as cordially recommend the Irish Congregational Union.


"J. A. JAMES."


A protracted meeting for promoting a revival of religion, was held in October, in connexion with the Congregational church. The services commenced on the evening of the 4th, and were brought to a close on the evening of the 16th. The Rev. R. Wilson, pastor of the church, was assisted throughout by the Rev. J. Morrison, of Kilmarnock, and for a few nights by the Rev. J. O. Jackson, of Brayhun. During these delight. ful services, much was witnessed to cheer and encourage the heart. The whole town was visited four or five times by the members of the church, during the continuation of the meetings. At each visit a tract was left with the family, and whenever practicable, conversation was entered into with the inmates. A great number of meetings were held at different hours of the day, in the cottages of the poor, and all this had the effect of bringing many of the neglected and careless to the chapel, in the evenings, to hear the words of eternal life. A public prayer-meeting was also held in the chapel, between the hours of one and two, and these were felt to be refreshing seasons to the people of God. The interest deepened as the services went on, and before they terminated, sixty-six persons had been conversed with professedly in a state of anxiety about their souls. Many were brought under deep convictions, and not a few gave pleasing evidence of having been brought to rest their eternal all on the finished work of Immanuel. O that all our churches were visited with the same blessed manifestations of God's power and glory!

Similar services were held in Cockermouth last year, from which much permanent good resulted, but the fruit from the present effort promises to be much more abundant. During the summer months the pastor preached in the streets on the Sabbath afternoon. In the month of May a Christian Instruction Society was formed. Upwards of thirty members began to carry the glad tidings from house to house, while a few of the more gifted brethren commenced the delightful work of proclaiming the great salvation to the poor in their own dwellings. These district meetings of the members assemble monthly, to "provoke one another to love and to good works ;" and special meetings of the whole church are held occasionally to plead with God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Believing prayer has been continued with persevering exertions, and in all such cases God has promised to vouchsafe his blessing. "Paul planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the increase.'


Skelbury, Yorkshire.

On Thursday, July 13, 1843, a neat and commodious chapel was opened for the use of the Independent or Congregational dissenters, at Skelbury, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, when two excellent and appropriate sermons were preached; that in the afternoon, by the Rev. J. Cross, of Ripon, on the last judgment;" that in the evening, by the Rev. John Elrick, A.M., of Northallerton, who preached from Hebrews iii. 6, "Whose house are we." The devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. H. Howard, of Pickering Academy, the student then supplying at Appleton Wiske.

On the following Lord's-day, an appro priate sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Hardman, of Stokesley.

The collections were liberal, and the congregations large; since then, a Sabbathschool has been gathered, and the prospects are of an encouraging character. Welbury chapel is connected with Appleton Wiske. The erection of this place of worship is the fruit of the energetic zeal and liberality of M. Trowsdall, Esq., and, it is fondly hoped, that this additional effort which he has made to extend the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, will be crowned with a rich and permanent blessing.


Rev. B. O. Bendall.

The ordination of Mr. B. O. Bendall, late of Highbury College, as pastor of the Independent church at Kingswood, near Wottonunder-Edge, took place on Wednesday, Oct. the 18th. The Rev. G. Wood, of Bristol, commenced the service by reading the Scrip tures and prayer; the Rev. J. Glanville, of Kingswood, near Bristol, delivered the introductory discourse; the Rev. D. Thomas, of Wotton-under-Edge, asked the usual ques tions; the Rev. J. Lewis, of the same place offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. R. Knill, of the same place, gave the charge to the minister the Rev. Wm. Dove, of Falfield, concluded the service with prayer.

In the evening, a sermon was preached by the Rev. Wm. Jay, of Bath.

The engagements of the day were of a deeply interesting character, and were very numerously attended.

Rev. J. Cheney.

On Thursday, Oct. 12th, 1843, at Broadwinsor, Dorset, the Rev. J. Cheney, late a student at Cotton-end Academy, was ordain ed to the work of the ministry and the pas toral charge of the congregational church of

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