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kept on conversing until we arrived at the point of separation, when the manifestation as suddenly ceased as it had come. It did not appear to me as strange at all while it lasted, but as soon as it stopped, I asked Brother Budge what that all meant, and received the answer that God had given me a testimony. For some time afterwards, whenever I conversed with President Richards, in England, we could understand each other more readily than when I was conversing with others, or rather trying to converse, until my progress in the English language made this capacity unnecessary.

This is the plain statement of the power of the Holy Spirit manifested to me by the mercy of my Heavenly Father, the first one of the many that have followed, and that have corroborated the sincere conviction of my soul, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is of God and not of man.


Don't send my boy where your girl can't go,
And say, "There's no danger for boys, you know,
Because they all have their wild oats to sow."
There is no more excuse for my boy to be low
Than your girl. Then please do not tell him so.
This world's old lie is a boy's worst foe-

To hell or the kingdom they each must go.

Don't send my boy where your girl can't go;

For a boy or a girl sin is sin you know;
And my baby boy's hands are as clean and white,
And his heart is as pure as your girl's tonight.
That which sends a girl to the pits of hell
Will send the soul of my boy there as well.




Last Sunday evening I heard Elder Thomas Aldeen speak in ward meeting. He made his report, in fact, and it was indeed interesting. The speaker was no other than my old neighbor and friend, Tom Aldeen, but I introduce him by his full name and title with all due respect. Tom has earned it, if any Elder in the Church has.

The meeting house was full, mostly young people, as they like to be out on a Sunday evening. As usual it was crowded near the door, with plenty of unoccupied seats up by the stand. I always go up in front. I can there see better and hear better-besides I like to set a good example to the young folks.

I didn't know that Tom had returned, though his mother had told me a few days before that she was expecting him. I was fairly seated when there was a general turning of heads-yes, I plead guilty of turning too, though I usually control myself in this respect and in came Tom and his mother. He was carrying her shawl over his arm, and after finding her a seat was about to sit down when he caught sight of the Bishop's beckoning hand and went on up towards the stand.

When we obtained a full view of him, how we all did stare. Was that Tom Aldeen who had left us a little over two years ago? The timid, awkward, blundering Tom who had always come to Sunday School in his overalls and colored shirt, and who had usually made such pitiable failures when placed on the program for conjoint sessions? Though let me say right here that Tom did very

well in the Mutual, and mark it, he never refused or shirked a duty.

But here he was, walking up the aisle. His shoulders were straighter and broader, and the black ministerial coat fitted him perfectly. His steps had lost their hesitancy and now he walked as though he was sure of the ground upon which he trod.

As I looked at him and listened to his remarks that evening, I couldn't help thinking what a blessed thing this missionary system is to us all, and to the Church.

Tom told his experiences-of his travels, his trials, his conversations, and other matters that go to make up the curriculum of that great school, a mission. He told of the warm, large-hearted Saints in the world, and how the Gospel had drawn them together as one. As he spoke his face lightened, his eyes beamed. He seemed charged with the divine power, love, and that whole meeting, I am sure, received of its blessed influence. And I thought again, what would we do, we cold, unfeeling,stay-at-home Saints, if it where not for these missionaries continually coming home with their brightly glowing Gospel love with which to re-kindle our own smouldering fires.

As Tom was telling us of his first few weeks' experience, of his struggles with powers both seen and unseen, I happened to glance across the room to where a number of girls were sitting in the choir. Tom's recital was touching, and everyone listened with wrapt attention, but I could not help noticing how Helen Archer looked. Helen naturally pale, was whiter than ever, save a bright red spot in each cheek. The large eyes looked steadily at the speaker, and there were tears in them which she could not altogether suppress. Was Helen surprised at Tom's transfiguration? Perhaps; but I had my misgivings that other emotions besides that of mere surprise were agitating her at that moment. I may as well tell the secret, seeing that I am Tom's neighber and know an item or two about the doings of both Helen and Tom.

Before Tom had left on his mission, he had, in his awkward way, made love to Helen. Seemingly she had treated him kindly enough, but it proved that she was deceiving him all the time. It was handy to have someone take her sleigh-riding and to parties

but I am sorry to say that Helen said unkind things of honest Tom behind his back. Once or twice she hurt him terribly. For instance:

It was the spring before Tom left. Remember, Tom was a farmer and managed his mother's farm. He was in the habit of taking his milk buckets down to the pasture, milking his two cows and carrying the milk home instead of driving the cows through a muddy slough to the corral.

One evening I saw Tom come along from the pasture with his buckets full of rich, foamy milk. He seemed merry that evening, for he was whistling such a lively tune that the frogs in the pond ducked their heads under and hid for shame. I still remember what a mild, beautiful spring evening it was, and just how Tom looked in his blue overalls and jumper, big straw hat, and boots smeared with mud. Some planks had been placed over the wettest part of the slough, and just as Tom got to them, who should come along but Helen Archer and her party of visitors from Ogden. As they got on the planks to tip-toe over, they held up their white dresses and balanced their dainty parasols with many a tittering exclamation of fright. Tom put his buckets on the ground and stood aside to let them pass. Tom was nervous, I could see. Helen did not catch sight of him until she was within a few feet of his buckets. She instantly colored, but went by without recognizing him. The other girls stared at him as they passed.

Tom whistled no more that evening. I could see that the poor boy was nearly heart broken. He bothered Helen no more after that, and strange to say, I believe no other boy has either.

But Elder Aldeen is closing. "And now I am pleased to be home again," he said; "but I do not wish to cease doing good. I hope I may be able to retain a portion of that good Spirit which God has been pleased to give me in my mission work. I wish to be still useful in building up the kingdom of God. Amen."

After the meeting, I shook Tom heartily with both hands. His friends gathered around to greet him. The girls in the choir stood waiting for their turn, and Helen had separated herself from them as if she wished to be the last to shake his hand.

No; I could see no difference in Tom's greeting when he came to Helen.






While traveling as a missionary in the Southern States, it was my happy portion on a number of occasions to witness a fulfillment of the Savior's promises to the believers. To the many testimonies borne that the signs follow the believers and that the gifts and blessings of the Gospel are enjoyed among the true followers of Christ in this age, I wish to add one more testimony.

In the central part of North Carolina a few honest souls had accepted our testimony and were baptized. A small branch of the Church was established and we held conference with the Saints resulting in the arousal of considerable interest. At the close of the meeting a number presented themselves for baptism. A young lady who was converted and who had previously witnessed the power of God in her own behalf in the rebuking of evil spirits, attended our meetings with the intention of accepting the Gospel, but for some reason she decided to defer baptism until some other time. As soon as she returned home she was again attacked by evil spirits who obtained possession of her body, cast her to the floor, and tormented her fearfully. We were called in to administer

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