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to her and she asked us to baptize her and to pray to the Lord in her behalf. Before we could attend to the ordinance of baptism, we had a terrible encounter with the powers of darkness. For three hours we stood over her exercising the authority of the Priesthood in rebuking the evil spirits who stubbornly resisted us and returned at short intervals after being rebuked, struggling for the mastery. She pointed toward the ceiling, crying, "Can't you see them?" When we placed our hands upon her head she rose from her prostrate position with such violence as to throw me upon my back. Finally, impressed by the Spirit of the Lord, we anointed her with oil and she was relieved from that time until she was baptized a few hours later. When taken to the water she was very weak, unable to walk without assistance, but when baptized she was restored. The glow of health returned to her cheeks and she walked home without the least assistance. Her father, who had been an avowed infidel for many years, soon afterwards accepted of the Gospel with others of his family, rejoicing in the mercy of God which had led them into the light.

Although born and reared in the Church, I had never had the privilege of hearing the gift of tongues manifested prior to my missionary call. On one occasion while in the field, I felt a peculiar desire to hear the gift. Six of the Elders were holding a Priesthood meeting. Before the meeting opened I had besought the Lord to bless a certain Elder (naming him) with the gift of tongues during the meeting we were about to hold. In the meeting, while addressing the brethren on the gifts and blessings promised to the Saints, I offered a silent prayer that the Lord would bless this particular Elder with the gift of tongues. Almost instantly he was raised to his feet by the power of God and spoke in an unknown tongue, even before I had taken my seat. Very vividly do I recall with what unspeakable joy I realized that before me stood a servant of God clothed upon with the Holy Ghost, speaking as did the apostles of old upon the day of Pentecost. Tears of joy sprang to our eyes and we felt that we were indeed baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire. And, when the interpretation was given by the same power in answer to our humble petitions, we felt we could go forth and testify that we knew of a surety that

the gifts and blessings of old were restored, for we had tasted of the heavenly gift.

My mind reverted back a year and a half when the Lord had blessed me with the spirit of prophecy and before thirty-six Elders of our conference I had prophesied that we would yet go forth and speak with tongues and prophesy, and heal the sick by the power of God, and build branches of the Church in many parts of that land. I realized that here was at least a partial fulfillment.

Afterwards I witnessed these blessings poured out in abundance, and I wish to bear my humble testimony to the youth of Israel that I know that the signs do follow the believers in this age and that the God of Heaven has restored the Holy Priesthood to earth again, and that the Gospel is indeed the power of God unto salvation.

Manitoba, Canada.



In England, in my very childhood, on reading the New Testament in the hearing of an old gentleman, who could have had no knowledge of the restoration of the Gospel in this dispensation, he said, "My lad, you will live to see apostles and prophets on the earth and the gifts and blessings of the Gospel as anciently enjoyed." The aged man was remembered in my early temple labors.

In Feb., 1886, having embarked on the S. S. Wisconsin, Guion Line, for a mission to England, on recovery from sea-sickness, I issued works of the Church and pamphlets, bearing on the "Mormon” question, among the ship's passengers. Soon afterwards a gentleman, politely accosting me, asked, "Are you a 'Mormon' Elder?" I answered "Yes." Continuing he said: "Sir, I must tell you that

from the time of our leaving New York harbor until I learned that a 'Mormon' Elder was aboard, I feared this vessel would not reach her destination, and I would see my family no more. Now my fear is gone, all doubts have fled." Being the only member of the Church on board, I silently tendered thanks to our Father for the wonderful influence one solitary Elder may possess.

St. George, Utah.



While I was laboring with five other Elders in Kansas City, Mo., last April, tracting and visiting the people, we were called upon one day by a Mr. Frank W. Olsen, who stated that his child was very sick with spinal meningitis. At his request we visited the house, and found in attendance two skilled physicians. They, however, had given up the child as lost, declaring, that it could not live until noon, that it would be a miracle if it recovered; and even then, its condition would be such that the parents would wish it had died. Its condition was certainly pitiable, it having sustained a rupture prior to being attacked by the spinal trouble. The mother and grandmother of the child had faith in the power of God to heal, and in accordance with their wishes we administered to the child, in the evening, and again in the morning and evening of the following day. A week later Elder Aylet and myself visited the family and found the child playing on the floor, perfectly healed, both of the spinal disease and the rupture.

The following month we were visited by a man named Sherman Dismany who stated that his wife was very ill and had desired him to bring some of the Elders. Though converted to the Gospel, this family had not as yet been baptized. They resided some ninety miles from Kansas City. Elder S. H. Cox and myself visited the place, and at the woman's request administered to her. Ten

minutes later her father, who was not a believer, came to us with tears in his eyes declaring that now he could see why she had desired the Elders to come, for she had certainly experienced great relief. After supper, while singing hymns for the family, we were aided by some invisible singer, an additional voice being heard by Mrs. Dismany and Elder Cox. We afterwards held six well-attended meetings in this neighborhood and were well cared for by the people. We feel to thank the Lord for His goodness and for these manifestations of His power.


"Yankee Doodle," called our national air, is a musical vagabond, a literary Bohemian. The words are older than our Revolution, for they date back to the time of Charles the Second. It was also a satire on Cromwell. It cannot be called a national song, although national property, and it is not a treasure of high value. It now exists only as instrumental. It has not a national character and must be silent when serious purposes are desired, and men's hearts are moved to high effort and great sacrifice, but as a quickstep it is always inspiriting. Whence its name or how it originated is not clearly known. Tradition affirms that with slight variations it has been known from time immemorial in Spain, Italy, France, Hungary and Germany. It was introduced into America in 1755 by Dr. Schuckburgh, of Albany, N. Y. When the British advanced in triumph on Lexington and Concord, their band played "God Save the King." On their disastrous retreat the Americans played "Yankee Doodle."



How prone is the human mind to ignore the little things in life! But as the intellect expands and men become careful students of their surroundings, the small affairs take on an importance that is unappreciated by the casual observer.

Success in any department of life comes only to him who looks carefully after the minutiae of his business. He who is careless of the the pennies will find the pounds soon disappearing. A small leak will soon sink a great ship. A spark of fire may destroy a city and bring destitution and misery upon thousands. A minute of time seems of but little worth, but what serious disasters might have been avoided had the danger signal been given one minute earlier! A particle of watery vapor, too minute to be observed by the human eye seems very insignificient, but the Missisissippi, the Amazon and the Nile, are formed of these particles and those mighty rivers are certainly not insignificant. The avalanche is only an aggregation of these particles, and there is nothing insignificant about an avalanche. The mighty trees of the forest are built up by nutriment imbibed through openings too small for successful scientific investigation.

In the social and moral world, little things play the same prominent part either for good or evil. It is not the great acts of life that distinguish the gentleman from the boor, but the little acts of courtesy and demeanor, the little self sacrifices for the comfort and convenience of associates, the little apologies for slight inconveniences occasioned, each too insignificant individually to attract special attention; but in the aggregate these form a

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