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in very deed the power and ftrength of the empire did confift. For by thefe horns the Roman empire did not only push down other nations: but especially does against the church, and as it were cruelly gore the fides thereof, Rev. xvii. 1.

Now then we fee that the Roman emperors, both in horns and heads, were like their father the devil, or the dragon.

By the ten crowns upon his ten horns, are meant his great and manifold victories over other countries and kingdoms.

The horns of the beaft are faid to be crowned, and not his heads, because the Roman empire hath always more prevailed by power than by policy, by ftrength than by fubtilty. But the dragon hath his heads crowned, and not his horns, because he hath always done more hurt by policy, than power; by fubtilty, than ftrength. One thing in all this greatly to be minded is, that the Holy Ghoft in this chapter doth fpecially fpeak of the Roman monarchy, as the Popes were heads thereof; or as it was under the dominion of the Popes in their pride, when as the emperors were almolt trodden under foot; and not fimply and folely as the emperors were heads. thereof.


Moreover, it is faid, that upon the feven heads of this beaft was written the.

name of blafphemy. For, befides the blafphemies of Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Dioclefian, Julianus, and the other old heathenifh and perfecuting emperors, which have arrogated unto themselves divine honour, we fhall afterwards hear of the furpaffing blafphemies of the Popes against God and all goodfefs, Rev. xiii. 4, 5.

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And the beaft which I faw was like a leopard, and his feet like a bears, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority,' Rev. xiii. 2. Here the Roman empire is defcribed of the likelihood of qualities which it had with the other three empires going before it. For firft, it is compared to a leopard for fwiftness to prey upon others; and alfo for fiercenefs and fubtilty, as did the Greek monarchy.

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Secondly, It is compared to a bear for rapine and ravening, as the monarchy of the Medes and Perfians.

Thirdly, It is compared to a lion for pride and infolence, as the monarchy of the Chaldeans. So then, by this defcription it is very clear, that this beaft fignifieth the Roman monarchy, because it containeth in it the whole power of the three other empires: and is here defcribed as a compound of divers beafts, yea, as a very mon


fter of monfters, having the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion.

Moreover, it is faid that the dragon gave his power, and his throne, and great authority,' Rev. xvii. 8. Which plainly fheweth, that the power and authority of the Roman empire is of the devil, in refpec of the evil quality thereof; that is, fraud, rapine, and oppreffion. In which respect it is faid to afcend out of the bottomless pit, as was declared before. But the fubftance of it, and the government itself was of God. For the powers that be are ordained of · God,' Rom. xiii. 2.

"And I faw one of his heads, as it were wounded unto death: but his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered, and followed the beast,' Rev. xiii. 3.

Here John, in a vision, seeth one of the feven heads of the beaft almoft wounded unto death. There be divers and differing opinions of the learned touching this wound of the empire, both when it should be, and how, and by whom. Some underftand it of the death of Julius Cæfar; fome of Nero; fome of the oppreffion of the Goths and Vandals; fome of the great prevailing of John Huffe, and Jerome of Prague, in the greatelt part of Bohemia.

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But to let all thefe pafs, if we do wifely confider and weigh with ourselves, that by a beaft in this place, is not meant any lawful administration of government, but a tyrannical power in perfecuting the church, we fhall find that a head of the beaft was then wounded, when Conftantine the Great flew Maxentius and Licinius the two laft perfecuting emperors, fet up true religion, and brought peace to the churches. For hereby the Roman empire was greatly wounded, as touching the tyranny of it. The Holy Ghost doth not fet down which of the feven heads were thus wounded, but in general, faith one of the. Now it is very probable that he meaneth the fixth head: For we do not read of any fuch wound in the former five which were past. Neither can it be understood of the feventh head, which was the Papacy, because it received no fuch wound as yet. It followeth then that the wound was in the fixth head; that is, in the empire. But we read of no emperor that did fo wound the beaft, as did Conftantine the Great. And therefore it is very probable, nay, a hundred to one, that the Holy Ghost here pointeth at him.

But it followeth, that this deadly wound was healed, to wit, by these wicked emperors which fucceeded Conftantine, as Con

ftantius, Julianus, Valentius, and others, which afresh did fet up idolatry, and perfe cuted the church. Now upon the healing of this wound, it is faid, that all the world wondered, and followed the beast; that is, many nations, or the greatest part of the world, did fubmit themselves to the Roman tyranny. For fure it is, fome kingdoms were never fubject to the empire of Rome, as fome part of Afia, and fome part of Africa.

"And they worshipped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beaft faying, Who is like unto the beaft? who is able to war with him?' Rev. xiii. 4.

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Now is fhewed how all the fubjects of the Roman empire did worship the dragon: that is, they maintained that worship which he liked and loved; that is, the worship of idols, which the apoftle calleth the wor fhip of devils,' 1 Cor. x. 20, 21. And it is faid alfo, they worshipped the beast:' that is, they did all with one accord fubmit themselves both to the religion and au thority of the beaft; that is, to the Popes, as they were the feventh head of the em pire: for, as I faid before, fo I fay again, the Holy Ghost here fpeaketh of the em pire, when it was in the greatest glory and exaltation; yea, when all the world won

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