Imágenes de páginas

is both a fubftance and a form, a matter and a manner; fo here, having before fet down, that antichrift had erected the fub ftance and matter of the Roman tyranny; now he fheweth, that he would also set up the image and form of the fame. For before, ver. 12. it is said, that antichrift, this fecond beaft, caufed the world to worship the first beast, that is, to receive and imbrace the laws, worship, and religion of the old heathenifh Roman tyrants, as before hath been fhewed: and now here is added, that he did not content himself with caufing the inhabitants of the earth to worship the old beaft in the fubftance of his religion; but also he layeth commandments upon them, to make his image, that is, to erect an external form of ecclefiaftical govern ment, after the very pattern and form of the government of the old empire; yea, fo like it, that it is called the very image of the fame. For, as the form of government under the old emperors was cruel and ty rannical, and altogether bent against the church; fo the form of ecclefiaftical government under the Popes was cruel and tyrannical, and altogether bent against the church; and therefore here it is called the image of it: for it is as like it as it can look. Then it followeth, that antichrift hath fet up that external form of worship, which the

idolatrous Romans of old used, and that he hath renewed the perfecuting empire, not only in fubftance of matter, but also in form of government: and therefore I conclude, that the popish church policy and external regiment is the very image of the beast.

Here the inhabitants of the earth are faid to make the image of the beast, because they gave their confent to the making of it: for indeed the Popes themselves were the chief agents and doers of it.

And it was permitted unto him to give a fpirit unto the image of the beast, so that 'the image of the beaft fhould fpeak, and 'fhould cause, that as many as would not worship the image of the beaft, fhould be killed,' Rev. xiii. 15.


Here is fhewed, that this image of the beaft was not a dead image, but a living image: for antichrift put a spirit into it; that is, life, and power, and great authority; infomuch that this image could fpeak, and not only fpeak, but speak with great autho rity and terror; fo as whofoever would not worship this image, that is, fubmit himself to the popish hierarchy fhould be put to death. But may fome man fay, How did this image fpeak? I anfwer, by the Popes clergy. For the Romish rabble of cardi nals, abbots, monks, priests, friars, and all

that curfed corporation were the very breath, life, and spirit of this image: I mean, that the life-blood of their external rigiment did lie in the execution thereof by the clergy, as it were in certain arteries and veins. For what was their outward form of government without this cruel execution of their ftinging clergymen, but as a dead image without life? But, when antichrift had once confecrated and erected his Romish prieft-hood, then did he put life into his image, which before he had caufed to be made and erected. Then we do plainly fee, that the popish hierarchy is not a bare refemblance of the old Roman policy, to ftand as a picture on a wall, but hath a fpirit put into it by the false prophet, and fpeaketh with fuch power and terror in all kingdoms, that it caufeth all to be put to death that will not fubmit themselves unto it, and fall down and worship the beaft. Who knoweth not this, that as many in the countries as would not embrace popery, and the old Roman tyranny, the popish clergy, their inquifitors, and other officers did condemn them in their courts as heretics, fchifmatics, and delivered them over, being condemned, to the fecular power to be put to death?

And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free, to receive

a mark in their right-hand or in their fore• heads. And that no man might buy or fell, fave he that had the mark, or the 'name of the beaft, or the number of his 'name,' Rev. xiii. 16, 17.

Antichrift is not content to murder and maffacre in all countries which will not worfhip the image of the beaft; that is, stoop to his government and authority: but he will go yet a step farther, and will have all forts of people brought in bondage unto him, as his marked fervants. For as men use to fet a brand upon their sheep and other cattle, and to ear-mark them, that it might openly and manifeftly appear to whom they appertain: fo doth antichrift, this Romih beaft, caufe all men in all kingdoms to carry in open view his mark or brand, whereby all men see that they do appertain unto him.

It is here faid, that all the vassals of antichrift, of what degree, eftate or condition foever, must receive this mark in their right hand, or in their forehead; that is, they muft openly profefs and practife the worfhip and religion of the beaft: for the forehead is put for the profeffion, and the righthand for the action; fo that in one of them at the least, every man must openly declare, that he acknowledgeth the Pope of Rome to be lord of his faith.

Moreover it is added,

That no man

might buy or fell, fave he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name;' the meaning is, that no man might traffic in the world, or have any doings amongst men; nay, he might not be fuffered to live, except he had the mark of the beaft in his forehead, or in his right-hand, that is, unless he did profefs and practife the worship, the religion, laws, decrees, of the Pope. For the mark of the beaft is put for his worfhip, religion, laws, decrees, regiments, and policy.

Moreover, the Pope's vaffals have not only his mark upon them, whereby they may be known, but alfo the name of the beaft; for they must be named after him, even as children bear the name of their fathers, and must be called of the Pope, or papa, papists. And not only fo, but also, they have another privy mark upon them, and that is the number of his name, which is Latinos, or profeffors of the Latin religion, Latin kingdom, and Italian church, as shall by and by appear.

Now then, to grow to conclufion, and to make a brief recapitulation of all things here fpoken concerning the second beaft, which is antichrift: let us confider what increafings and proceedings he hath made, as it were by degrees.

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