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outstripped the narrow objects of its settlement, and gradually opened up the unsuspected capabilities of the vast territories which loomed beyond its prison-house, colonization became attracted to its shores. And because the colonization of New South Wales was crowned with a success at once splendid and surprising, the colonizing spirit became roused to new adventures, and colony after colony was added to the Australasian group.

"About forty years have now elapsed since our soil was found capable of producing something more profitable than the grain and vegetables required for convict rations. And the new pursuit which then began to excite attention, and to draw capital from our father land to these immeasurable wilds, and to change the entire aspect of the country, has continued down to the present day to be the chief and almost the only course of our material prosperity. Upon the growth of wool and the breeding of stock the colony then began to wax rich; upon the growth of wool and the breeding of stock its riches are thought still to depend. Of the various articles of colonial produce or manufacture exported from New South Wales in exchange for the productions or manufactures of other countries, our wool even now constitutes full three-fourths of the money value. But the question often arises in thoughtful minds, Is this huge monopoly to be permanent? is its permanency desirable? is its permanency possible? Is our social existence to be for ever dependent on so frail an animal as the sheep? Is our social well-being always to fluctuate with the rise and fall of the wool market, with the abundance or scarcity of pasture, with the absence or prevalence of catarrh and scab amongst our flocks? Are the vast majority of our sons to be driven into the wilderness, and compelled to earn a scanty and precarious subsistence by looking after sheep and cattle? Is it desirable that our resources should be so stinted, our occupations so vagrant, through all time coming? Is it possible that a community so circumstanced can ever reach any considerable rank in the scale of civilization? All these questions must be answered in the negative.

"And one good reason why they must be so answered is this: nature herself has laid down limits beyond which the multiplication of our flocks and herds cannot be maintained. A careful inquiry into the physical resources of the colony, with reference to this particular point, was instituted in this journal in the early part of the year before last; and the result was, that, reasoning from well established data, the day seemed not very remote when those limits would be reached. In the article referred to it was

shown, that according to the ratios of increase which had theretofore prevailed, by the year 1857 the number of sheep in New South Wales would amount to 32 millions, and of other live stock to 5 millions; that for the depasturing of these animals there would be required an area of 231,000 square miles; and that as the whole surface of the colony, available for pastoral uses, could not be estimated at more than 230,000 square miles, the consequence would be, that in that year the stock would be more than the land could bear. It was shown further, that by the year 1867 the sheep and other stock of this colony alone, independently of those of Southern and Western Australia, would exceed 145 millions, requiring 175,000 square miles of pasturage, or about onethird of the entire area of the New Holland continent.

"These results, after making ample allowance for those disturbing causes to which the elements of such calculations are always liable, must be looked upon as sufficiently astounding. If there be any truth in our official returns, if there be any fairness in the representations of our graziers as to the breadths of land required for the sustenance of stock, and if any reliance is to be placed upon the conclusions mathematically deduced from these premises, then is it a fact established beyond all disputation, that the rate at which our sheep and cattle have heretofore increased cannot be maintained for more than ten years beyond the present time.

“But is there not reason to hope, that before those ten years shall have expired, the colony will have ceased to depend on wool as her all in all? Her capital and industry are already setting in in other directions. Her domestic manufactures, which nine years ago were little more than half a hundred, are now one hundred and thirty-three. Her mills, which nine years ago were only seventy-seven, are now one hundred and seventy-two. Her vineyards, which five years ago comprised only five hundred acres, now comprise nearly a thousand. Her home-grown wine, which five years ago was less than thirty-four thousand gallons per annum, is now more than one hundred and three thousand. Ere the next ten years shall have closed, is there not a strong probability that sugar, cotton, minerals, and even the precious metals, may be added to her staple productions? And may we not anticipate the delightful consummation, that our existing resources will be wonderfully extended, and many new resources brought into affluent activity, by means of that great renovator of the age-Railway Communication?"




"Knowledge is Power."-LORD BACON.

WHEN we open the inspired volume, with a wish to be instructed, we must continually bear in mind that much figurative language is used, particularly in the prophetic writings. Divines and commentators generally admit this, but frequently differ about the portions which may be taken in a literal sense, and those which are figurative. They also differ about the meaning intended to be conveyed when figurative language is employed by the prophets or apostles. There are many remarkable passages in the prophetic writings which I consider to have a double meaning, intended to be figuratively understood by a series of generations, and literally applicable only to the generation which shall be alive on the earth at the time of their fulfilment. Amongst these are the prophecies relative to New Jerusalem. To all those Christians who have already departed this life, in the firm belief that they were in Heaven to receive "the crown of glory that fadeth not away," the description given in the Revelation of New Jerusalem must have been a source of consolation and hope, and the belief that only after death could they enjoy the blessings spoken of in the 4th verse of the 21st chapter of

Revelation, has, I believe, in many instances caused believers to feel an anxiety to "depart and be with Christ." I have known more than one instance of the following hymn being sung or repeated with euthusiasm by dying Christians :

From Egypt lately come,

Where death and darkness reign;
We seek our new, our better home,
Where we our rest shall gain.

Hallelujah! We are on our way to God.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Kelly, in writing this beautiful hymn, appears to consider Canaan, as a type of Heaven, Egypt a type of the associates and sources of pleasure of a Christian before conversion, and the Wilderness a type of the world. Doctor Watts also in the following hymn takes

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