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and Mr. Whitefield, upon whom they all occasionally attended, strove, both by precpt and example, to convince us, that a difference, respecting non-essentials, was utterly inconsistent with the Christian character.

Among the many, who extended to me the hand of amity, was a merchant, who never appeared so happy, as when conversing with me; he received me into his house, and employed me in his counting room; here I fancied my circumstances improved, but I was deceived. This gentleman was a mere superficial professor of religion, which, when I discovered, I determined to return to my former situation. I had paid all my debts; I was easy, and occasionally happy, and I allowed myself many little indulgences, which, while a debtor, I should have believed criminal.

The leaving my new patron gave nic, however, same pain; he had a very high opinion of me, although I could not reciprocate his esteem. He was ambitious of obtaining a name in the Church, and, for this purpose, he contemplated the observance of morning and evening prayer in his family; but, not being an early riser, he was at a loss to know how to reconcile his devotions with his business. At last he said: 'You, my friend, are accustomed to perform the honors of my table. If you prolong your grace at breakfast, it will answer for morning prayer! Greatly shocked, and completely disgusted, my determination to quit him was confirmed. I was still very communicative, and, consequently, the reason of my departure was generally known; so that my once warm friend was, as inay be supposed, converted into a bitter enemy. I was, however, rather commended than censured, while the conduct of the man of business excited general contempt. This gratified me! alas, the piety of this world is based on pride! I now became, as far as I was known, an object of attention in every place, where vital religion, as it was phrased, obtained its votaries. Mr. Romaine, Mr. Jones, and many other clergyman, distinguished me. Hints were thrown out respecting any once more coming forward as a public teacher; but against this I was determined. I was astonished, that I had ever dared to venture upon so responsible an assumption! As the eternal well-being of the many was supposed to rest with the preacher, an error in judgment would consequently be fatal to his hearers; and, as I had now learned that I was not perfect in knowledge, I could not be assured I should not lead the people astray; in which tremendous event they would, to all eternity, be imprecating curses on my head. Considerations of such magnitude were sufficient to seal iny lips; but I was characterized as a pattern of piety, and my experiences were greedily sought by individuals of various denominations. There was a society, belonging to a Baptist meeting, near Good Man's Fields, which met statedly at each other's houses once every week; this was the society, in which I was most admired, and to which, of course, I was the most attached. In this society there were individuals, who, like myself, were tabernacle worshippers, but who


attended this meeting, when there was no service there. I had surrendered up my whole soul to those religious exercises, which the several societies to which I had attached myself, demanded. My plan was to devote myself wholly to my God, to the advancement of my spiritual interest, to considerations pertaining to the kingdom of heaven. Wedded life, a family, these made no part of my plan; I was persuaded, I should pass my life in celibacy; and, had monastic seclusion consisted with Protestantism, I should glad ly have embraced its retirement, with its duties. In the society, collected near Good Man's Fields, there was a young gentleman remarkable for the sanctity of his manners; we were strongly and mutually attached to each other. Many, very many happy hours did we pass together. During the winter, we were constantly at the tabernacle before day. We narrated to each other our experiences; we prayed, we wept, we joyed, and sorrowed together; and, with unfeigned affection, we loved one another. I questioned him respecting his counexions, when he informed me, that his parents had died in his infancy; that he had been brought up by his.. grandfather, who was a very profligate old gentleman, and abhorred the very name of Whitefield! But, he added, that, through the mercy of God, he was not entirely alone. He had a sister with him in the family, reared also by his grandparent, who was a good and gracious girl; that their nights were frequently devoted to prayer; but that they dared not let their grandfather know they had ever been seen at the tabernacle, or in any of those societies, from which they derived their chief happiness. Indeed, he ob served, his sister seldom ventured out; but he had made such representations of ine, that she had desired him to let her know, when I should again meet the Baptist society, and she would make a point of being there; and, I request you, said he, my dear sir, to be at the society next Sunday evening, and she will most unquestionably be there. I cannot say, I had any curiosity respecting this young lady; but Sunday night came, I was expected, and the great room was filled previous to my arrival. I entered, every one.. rose at my entrance, and I felt dignifiedly pious, seriously happy. My young friend approached, and told me, in a whisper, his sister would have been greatly disappointed, had any thing detained me that evening. On my entrance I had glanced at a young lady, extremely beautiful, who appeared attired by the hand of elegance; it was with difficulty I could take my eyes from her! I was confounded, I changed my seat, that I might not behold her, and, when thus addressed by Mr. Neale, I responded by asking where his sister was seated, when he pointed to the fascinating figure, who had so imposingly attracted my attention. That young lady, sir, is Miss Neale-my sister; she has long wished for an opportu nity of seeing you; I am happy that she is now gratified.' Au introduction was in course; I had much to say through the evening, and my friend declared I had never spoken better. I addressed. the throne of grace; my own heart was softened, and the hearts of

my audience were softened also. I returned home, but the beauteous image of the sister of my friend accompanied me! I could not for a moment exclude the lovely intruder from my imagination. I was alarmed; I wept, I prayed, but every effort was fruitless; the more I strove to forget her, the more she was remembered. I was impatient to behold her again, yet I most devoutly wished we had never met. I was convinced my peace, my happiness were forever fled! This was truly astonishing; I had recently been so positive, that the combined sex did not possess the power to engage my attention for a single moment. Some time elapsed during which the captivating engrosser of my heart never relinquished, no, not for a single instant, that entire possession, which she had taken of my imagination; when, after an evening lecture, while the congregation were quitting the meeting-house, a lady, who kept a boarding-school for young ladies, requested I would pass the next evening at her house, as her young people were to collect their friends, and she wished some one to introduce religious conversation. I had no inclination to accept this invitation, and I accordingly made my excuses; but the good lady continued to press me, and added, I expect Miss Neale will be of the party. Of this imposing article of intelligence, I experienced the full force; but I-endeavored to disguise my emotions; and, the request being once more repeated, I consented, and returned home, notwithstanding all my resolutions, transported with the prospect of once more beholding the dear object of my admiration. That I was now become a real lover, there could be no doubt. I was early at the place appointed, and my enraptured heart danced with joy, when I once more beheld the triumphant fair one; I was happy to observe, that she regarded me with marked attention, but her predilection was rather for the Christian, than the man. I was, howev er, beyond expression elated, and my conversation partook of the elevation of my soul. The evening was nothing; it was gone, ere I was sensible it had well commenced. Eliza, for that was her fascinating name, arose to take leave; I was greatly chagrined; I had calculated upon attending her home: but a confidential friend had been sent to take charge of her. I ventured, however, to express a hope, that I should see her at Mrs. Allen's, a friend, warmly attached to us both, on the following Wednesday evening. She modestly replied, she would endeavor to be there; and in the interim, I sought to learn if she were disengaged, but I could obtain no satisfactory information. The appointed evening was passed most delightfully, at Mrs. Allen's; I had the felicity of attending the young lady home, and the temerity to ask such questions, as extorted an acknowledgment, that she was not engaged. With trembling eagerness, I then ventured to propose inyself as a candidate for her favor. Alas! sir,' she replied, 'you have formed too high an opinion of my character; I trust you will meet a person much more deserving of you, than I can pretend to be.' I re-urged my suit, with all the fervor, which youth, and an irrepressible

passion could furnish. Her answer is indelibly engraven upon the tablets of my memory. 'You, and I, sir, profess to believe in an overruling Providence; we have both access to the throne of our heavenly Father. Let us, sir, unbosom ourselves to our God; I shall, I do assure, you; so, I am persuaded, will you; and if, after we have thus done, we obtain the sanction of the Most High, I trust I shall be resigned.'

We had now reached her habitation, the threshold of which, no professed follower of Whitefield was ever allowed to pass. I supplicated for permission to write to her; and, in the full confidence of christian amity, she acceded to the prayer of my petition. From this period, no week passed during which we did not exchange letters; and the pages we filled might have been submitted to the most rigid inspection. Mrs. Allen was our confidant, and every letter which passed between us was put into the hand of this discreet matron, without a seal. At the house of this lady we had frequent interviews, but never without witnesses, and our time was passed in singing hymns and in devout prayer. I now believed myself the happiest being in creation; I was certain of possessing a most inestimable treasure; and although the grandfather of my Eliza, upon whom rested her whole dependence, never saw me; and, if he had, never would have sanctioned our union, we cherished that hope, which so generally proves fallacious. The dear girl requested me to seek and obtain the explicit approbation of her brother, that she might at least insure his countenance; and upon my application to him, he unhesitatingly replied: 'I consider, dear sir, my sister as highly honored by your proposals.' But, sir, have we your consent? 'Undoubtedly, sir, and with my whole heart.' This was sufficient, and I was completely happy. But, alas! 'never did the course of true love run smooth.' We were on the verge of a most distressing calamity: this brother, in whom we had reposed unlimited confidence, became my inveterate foe, and writing an anonymous letter to his grandfather, he represented me as a fortune-hunter, who was secking to obtain the heart of his granddaughter, for the purpose of making a prey of her property! This letter produced the desired effect: the old gentleman was extremely irritated, and, sending for Eliza, he put the letter into her hand, and sternly asked her if she had entered into any engagement with a person by the name of Murray? when, receiving an answer in the affirmative, he gave full credit to all the rest; and being a man of violent passions, he threatened her with the loss of his favor, if she did not immediately promise to renounce me forever. He was well apprized, if he could obtain her promise, he had nothing further to apprehend. The firm, self-collected girl implored his pardon if she did not yield credence to the slanders contained in the despicable scrawl he had placed in her hand; she besought him to see me, to converse with me; promising, that if, upon a personal acquaintance, he continued to disapprove, she would endeavor to bend her mind to an acquiescence with his will. Her grandfather

was inexorable; he would admit no conditions; and ultimately assured the young lady, if she did not relinquish every thought of me, she might give up all idea of ever receiving a single penny of his property. He granted her three days for deliberation, during which period she was to consider herself a prisoner. Of this unexpected event I speedily gained intelligence, and my soul was torn by apprehension. To Eliza I could have no access, and even the intercourse by letter was suspended! In this state of agonizing suspense, I remained, until, through the instrumentality of the chambermaid, a letter was brought to Mrs. Allen for me; which letter, while it gave a most affecting detail of her sufferings, contained the fullest assurance of her unbroken faith and steadfastness. She recommended it to me to apply to the same Source from whence she herself had derived consolation; to the Almighty Father of our spirits, who held in His hands all hearts: and, she added, that no power short of Omnipotence should ever prevail upon her to give her hand unaccompanied by her heart; and that in a few hours she should be so circumstanced as to prove the sincerity of my affection, for she was speedily to render her final answer to her grandfather. She hoped for divine support during the arduous trial, to which she was called to submit; and she most earnestly sɔlicited my prayers in her behalf. A second letter was soon handed me, giving an account of the second interview. 'Well, my dear child,' said the old gentleman, 'what am I to expect? Am I to lose my daughter, the comfort of my declining life? Or will you have compassion upon my old age, and relinquish this interested designing man?' 'If, my dear sir, I had any reason for supposing the person of whom you speak, such as you believe him, the relinquishment which you require, would not cost an effort; but, sir, Mr. Murray is an honest man; he has a sincere affection for me; I have given him reason to hope, and, until I am convinced he is unworthy of my esteem, I cannot consent to treat him as if he were.' Here the passions of the old gentleman began to rise, when the dear girl besought him to be calm, assuring him it was neither her wish nor intention to leave him; nay, more, she would pledge her word never to leave him, while she could have the felicity of attending upon him, if he would not insist upon her violating her faith, tacitly given to me. But this would not do; she must abandon her lover or her fortune; and finding her determined, he arose from his chair, and seizing his will, in which he had bequeathed her one thousand pounds sterling, he furiously flung it into the flames, immediately causing another will to be written in which he gave to her brother the portion designed for her; and thus did this young incendiary obtain the object for which he had labored, and to which he had most nefariously and darkly groped his way. I had now the felicity of learning that my Eliza had a stronger value for me than for her patrimony; and she observed to her grandfather that he had furnished her with an opportunity of proving the sincerity of my attachment. If,' said she, 'his views are such as

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