Imágenes de páginas


1. Opening Session, Monday Evening. .Page.

Address of Welcome by the Mayor of Louisville 3

Address of Welcome by the Governor of Kentucky 4

Responses by Members of the Conference 6

President's Address '11

2: Second Session, Tuesday Morning.

* Report of the Committee on Boards of State Charities,

by Bishop G. D. Gillispie 19 ,

Discussion on same 35

Report for the State of Pennsylvania, by Dr. Diller Luther. 37

Report from Wisconsin, by Hon. H. H. Giles 43

Discussion upon the same 47

Report from the State of Rhode Island, by Lewis B. Smith. 49

Report from Massachusetts, by Miss A. A. Chevaillier... 51

Report from Ohio by Mr. W. H. Neff 53

Discussion on same 56

3. Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon.

Report from New York by Dr. C. S. Hoyt 57

Report from Michigan by Mr. W. J. Baxter 58

* Report of the Standing Committee on the Organization

of Charities in Cities by Rev. O. C. McCulloch 70

•Report of the Charity Organization Society of Buffalo.. 73

* Report of the Poughkeepsie Charity Organization Society 76

•Report of the Union for Home Work, Pittsfield, Mass.. 77

'Report of the Charity Organization Society of Newport 78

* Report of the Charity Organization Society of the City

of New York " 80

- Report of the Terre Haute Society for Organizing

Charity 84

Report of the Syracuse Bureau of Labor and Charities.. 84

"Report of the Charity Organization Society of India-

napolis 85

•Report of the Associated Charities of Boston 87

'Appendices to reports by Charity Organization So-

cieties 90

»Report of the Associated Charities of Cincinnati, by Mr.

A. C. Shattuck 102

* Report of the Detroit Association of Charities 104

Discussion on the above reports Ill

Address by Senator Z. B. Vance of North Carolina 114

Third Session, Tuesday Afternoon — continued. Page.

'Report of the District of Columbia Associated Charities,

by Mrs. Sara A. Spencer 117

/Report of the Associated Charities of Milwaukee, by-

Major W. J. Dawes 120

• Report of the Philadelphia Society for Organizing Char-

ity, by Dr. J. W. Walk 121

Discussion on the above reports 125

4. Fourth Session, Tuesday Evening.

Report from Indiana, by Very Rev. A. Bessonies 130

Report from Missouri, by Bishop C. F. Robertson 132

'Report on the Associated Charities of Chattanooga 139

'Address on the Need of Charity Organization, by Dr. J.

W. Walk 141

.Address on the Principles Underlying Charity Organiza-

tion, by Mr. L. L. Barbour 143

'Address on the Value of Registration and Investigation,

by Hon. C. S. Fairchild 144

Discussion on the same 146

Address on the Work of District Committees, by Rev. O.

C. McCulloch 148

'Address on The General Results of Charity Organization,

by Mr. Philip C. Garrett 149

5. Fifth Session, Wednesday Morning.

Report from Iowa, by Dr. Jennie McCowan 151

Report from Oregon, by Rev. Dr. G. Hi Atkinson 155

Report from Tennessee, by Rev. J. W. Bachman 158

Report from North Carolina, by Hon. J. C. Scarborough.. 160

Report of the Standing Committee on Crimes and Penal-

ties, by Mr. Z. R. Brockway 163

Paper on Reformation in Penal Treatment, by Judge A.

H. Young 177

Paper on Reformation of Criminal Girls, by Miss E. A.

Hall 188

Discussion^on the above papers 199

6. Sixth Session, Wednesday Afternoon.

Report from New Jersey, by Mr. A. S. Meyrick 205

Report on Jail Work of W. C. T. IT., by Mrs. J. K. Barney 210

Paper on Discipline in Prisons, by Eliza M. Mosher, M. D.. 211

Paper on Post-Penitentiary Treatment of Criminals, by

Gen, R. Brinkerhoff 216

Sixth Session, Wednesday Afternoon continued. Page,

Paper on Aid to Discharged Prisoners, by Judge J. W.

Henry. 230

Discussion on the above Papers 238

7. Seventh Session, Wednesday Evening.

Paper on State Prisons of the United States, by Dr. H.

Z. Gill .- 249

Paper on the Convict Lease System in the Southern

States, by Mr. George W. Cable :.. 265

Discussion of the above Papers 301

8. Eighth Session, Thursday Morning.

Report of Minnesota, by Rev. H. H. Hart 308

Letter from E. R. Highton 313

Letter from Ira H. Sturgeon 314

Letter from Eugene Smith 316

Report from Nebraska, by Dr. H. P. Matthewson 317

Report of United States Prisons, by Mr. Wm. Haight... 319

Paper on Hebrew Charities during the Middle Ages, by

Rabbi S. H. Sonneschien 323

Report of the Standing Committee on Preventive Work

among Children, by Hon. W. P. Letch worth 334

Address of Judge John C. Ferris, on Placing out Chil-

dren 336

Discussion of same 341

Paper on Classification and Training of Children, Inno-

cent and Incorrigible, Hon. W. P. Letch worth 344

9. Ninth Session, Thursday Afternoon.

Addresses at House of Refuge 357

10. Tenth Session, Thursday Evening

Discussion on Reformatories 358

11. Eleventh Session, Friday Morning.

Report of Alabama, by Dr. Peter Bryce 378

Report of Vermont, by Mr. W.JG. Fairbank 379

Report of Kentucky, by Gov. Chas. Anderson 385

Report for Wisconsin, by Mr. L. A. Procter. 388

Paper on care of the Chronic Insane, by Dr. H.

Wardner 393

Discussion on Same 404

Report of Standing Committee on the Education of the

Deaf and Dumb, by Mr. Isaac L. Peet 406

Discussion on same 422
12. Twelfth Session. Friday Afternoon. Page.



Anderson, Gov. Charles 47, 301, 385

Bachman, Rev. J. W 139, 158

Baker, T. :B. LI 229

Barbour, Levi L Ill, 126, 143

Barney, Mrs. J. K 210

Baxter, W. J 58, 425

Bell, Dr. T. S 322

Bessonies, Very Rev. A 130

Beveridge, Mrs. J. L 248, 341

Blackburn, Gov. L. P 238

Bond, Rev. C.H 481

Brinkerhoff, Gen. R .xv, xxxi, xlii, 36, 216

Brockway, Z. R 163

Brvce, Dr. Peter 378, 404

Bullock, Judge VV. F 473

Byers, Rev. A. G 35, 146 305

Cable, Geo. W 265

Cadwalader, Dr. Chas 244

Caldwell, Peter 465

Carrigan, E. C 305

Chevaillier. Miss A. A 51

Cobb, Mrs. M. E 244, 480

Coffin, C. T 488

Collins, Frederick 363

Cooley, Rev. L , 57, 362

Coomes, Dr. M. F 147, 424, 427

Dawes, Major W. J 120

Dr. Bruin, Rev. J. H 321

Dewey, Dr. K. S 441

Elliot, Richard R 104

Fairbank, W. G 379, 425, 472

Fairbanks, Mrs. E. B 472

Fairchild, Hon. Chas. S 126, 144

Fay, James H 359

Ferris, Judge John C 336

Follet, Hon. M. D xxxviii, 147

Fulton, LeviS 358

Garrett, Philip C 36, 149, 375, 469

Giles, Hon. H. H 43, 125, 359, 471

Gill, Dr. H. Z 249, 304

Gillespie, Bishop G. D 19, 242, 377

Gillespie, Prof. J. A 426

Griffin, Dr. P 404, 459

Haight, Win 319

Haley, Rev. Dr. T. P 125

Hall, Miss E. A 188

Hart, Rev. H. H 'xxxii, 308, 405

Hayes, President R. B xvi

Henry, Judge J. W 230

Highton, E. R 313

Hoyt, Dr. Charles S..xxxi, 37,57,162,425,470
Huse, O 424

Ingersoll, Hon. D. W 35

Jacob, Mayer C. P 3

Kincaid, Judge C. E 428

Knapp, Judge J. G 10


Knott, Gov. J Proctor 4


LewelliDg, L. D 35

Lewis, J. F 343

Lipscomb, T. J 459

Luther, Dr. Diller 37,56

Matthews, Rev. James 375

Matthewson, Dr. H. P 317

McCowan, Dr. Jennie 151

McCowan, Miss Mary 427

McCulloch. Rev. O. C 70,113,148

Meyrick, Hon. A. S 205

Mills, JohnH 8,321,387,456

Moore, Col. T. J 457,471

Morris, Dr. John 243,359,377

Mosher, Dr. Elizabeth M 211

Neff, W. H 53

Newman, Mrs. Angie F 460

Noyes, Prof. J. L 422,427

Oliver, Henry 375

Patterson, Capt. W. D 199

Peet, Dr. Isaac L 406

Perkins. Rev. Dr 3

Pine, John B 428

Pratt, Amasa 422

Proctor, Lewis A 388

Putnam, Dr. C. R 113,471,477

Putnam, Miss E. C 477

Ray, J. C 463

Robertson, Bishop C. F.. xvi, 112,132,162

Sanborn, Frank, xliii, 6,35,113,147,


Scarborough, Hon. John C... 160,424,457

Shattuck, A. C 102

Smith, Eugene 316

Smith, Lewis B 49

Sonneschein, Rabbi S. H 323

South, Mr &87

Spencer, Mrs. Sara A 117

Sturgeon, Ira H 314

Taylor, Gen. Thomas 128,242

Vance, Hon. Z. B 114

Vaux, Hon. Richard 7,56,202

Walk,Dr. J.W.... xxxix,47,121,141,304.

Walker, N. F 459

Wardner, Dr. H 393

Watson, James V 365

Williams, Hon. John S 11

Willis, Hon. Albert S 472

Wilson, Rev. Dr. J. G 238,387,425,471

Wines, Hon. FredH. xxxii,xli, 11,36,58,


Wright, Prof. A. O xli, 162,405,470

Young, Judge A. H 177

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