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Mr. Wm. Haight, one of the United States Inspectors of prisons, then reported upon the prison work of the United States Government (page 319).

This report was discussed by Mr. J. H. Mills, of North Carolina (page 321); by Rev. J. H. De Bruin, Chaplain of Ohio Penitentiary (page 321); by Dr. J. W. Walk, of Pennsylvania; by Bishop G. D. Gillespie, Chairman of the Michigan State Board of Corrections and Charities.

The Conference then proceeded to take up the report of the Committee on Place of the next Conference.

Hon. H. H. Giles, of Wisconsin, moved to amend the report, by striking out Washington and inserting St. Louis.

The motion was discussed by Bishop C. F. Robertson, of Missouri; by Gov. Charles Anderson, of Kentucky; by Mrs. Sara A. Spencer, of the District of Columbia; by Rabbi S. H. Sonnenschein/of Missouri; and by Dr. J. C. Corbus, of Illinois.

The amendment was adopted, and St. Louis was fixed as the place of meeting of the next Conference.

The Committee on Memorial to Congress reported progress.

Dr. T. S. Bell, of Kentucky, then addressed the Conference at the request of the President (page 322).

Rabbi S. H. Sonneschein, of Missouri, then presented a paper on Hebrew Charities During the Middle Age& (page 323).

The Standing Committee on Preventive Work among Children, reported through their Chairman, Hon. W. P. Letchworth, President of the New York State Board of Charities (page 336).

. A communication from C. F. Coffin, of Indiana, respecting the International Conference on Child-Saving Work, to which he was a delegate, with a copy in French, of the conclusions of the conference, were presented in his absence. (See appendix page 488).

Judge John C. Ferris, of Tennessee, then presented a paper on placing children in homes. (Page 336).

This was discussed by Mrs. J. L. Beveridge, President of the Illinois Industrial School for Girls (page 341), and by Judge J. F. Lewis, of Tennessee, representing the Girls' Industrial Home, of Knoxville (page 343).

Hon. W. P. Letchworth then presented a paper on Classification and Training of Children, Innocent and Incorrigible (page 344).

Hon. Andrew E. Elmore, President of the Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform, offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That Hon. Wm, P, Letchworth, Chairman of the Committee on Preventive Work among Children, of the Tenth National Conference of Charities and Correction is hereby requested to complete, if practicable, the inquiry already begun by said Committee into the extent, character, and present needs of Child-saving and Preventive Work among Children, and to present the information gathered to the next Conference in a suitable report.

The Conference then took a recess till afternoon.


Thursday Afternoon, September 27,1883.

The Conference met at 3 P. M.. in the chapel of the Louisville House of Refuge, with the officers and inmates of that institution.

The Conference was welcomed to the institution by ex-Governor L. P. Blackburn, and the children were addressed by the following gentlemen:

Hon. Fred. H. Wines, of Illinois, President of the Conference.

Mr. J. H. Mills, of North Carolina, Superintendent of the Masonic Orphan Asylum.

Rev. C. H. Bond, of Connecticut, Superintendent of the Industrial School for Girls.

Gen. John Eaton, U. S. Commissioner of Education.

Mr. F. B. Sanborn, of Massachusetts, a former President of the Conference.

Frederick Collins, one. of the Managers of the Philadelphia House of Refuge.

Judge John C. Ferris, of Tennessee.

Hon. Andrew E. Elmore, President of the previous Conference.

The Conference was then provided with a lunch in the dining hall of the institution, and took a recess until evening.


Thursday Evening, September 27,1883.

The Conference met in the chapel of the Louisville House of Refuge.

Hon. H. H. Giles, of Wisconsin, moved that a committee of seven on Organization of the Next Conference be appointed. Which motion was carried, and the President appointed the following gentlemen as such Committee:

Hon. H. H. Giles, of Wiscon sin.
Dr. Chas. S. Hoyt, of New York.
Mr. F. B. Sanborn, of Massachusetts.
Dr. Charles E. Cadwalader, of Pennsylvania.
Rev. A. G. Byers, of Ohio.
Judge J. W. Henry, of Missouri.
Rev. J. W. Bachman, of Tennessee.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. F. B. Sanborn, of Massachusetts:

Resolved, That in the death of Dr. Harvey B. Wilbur, of New York, the Conference of Charities loses one of its earliest, most active and most valued members, who in his own specialty stood foremost, and whose wide acquaintance with other specialties made his suggestions and criticisms of the highest worth to inspire, to correct, and to continue in action, those practical measures of administration upon which the success of a public charitable system depends.

Upon this resolution the following remarks were made:

Mr. Sanborn, of Massachusetts: Dr. Wilbur was at the head of the most important establishment for the care of idiotic children in the country, and perhaps in the world, the New York Asylum at Syracuse. It grew out of his efforts as a young man. He was at the head of it until he died, and in his hands it became a model institution, first-class in #,11 respects. All of the details of the institution were familiar to him; he had a mind for the most minute detail of administration. He was familiar with the systems of management practised not only in his own State but throughout the world. He was one of the persons by whom this Conference of Charities was organized in 1874. No matter what branch of charitable work he was engaged in, he threw his whole soul into it, and was foremost, not only in his own specialty, but in other branches of our work. Those who knew him knew that he was a person upon whom you could depend. When you had the confidence of Dr. Wilbur, you had it for all time, and no matter where he might be, if you went to him for his services you had them and had them entirely.

Mr. Letchworth, of New York: I knew Dr. Wilbur very well, and it was through that intimacy and acquaintance that I came to respect and to love the man for his conscientiousness and the higher traits of manhood. This conscientiousness he carried with him, both in his public and private life. It made him a very faithful public servant. He was a man of advanced ideas, and while conservative, he was ready to accept everything that was recognized as being for the best, or that was in his judgment wise, or seemed to commend itself to his mind as of value. He was a valuable man to the State of New York and we deplore his loss. I find it very gratifying to me to know that his worth is appreciated elsewhere as well as in his own State.

Dr. Hoyt, of New York: My acquaintance with Dr. Wilbur began fully thirty years ago, and for the last fifteen years 1 knew him intimately and frequently visited and came in contact with him. He had scores and scores of children under him, and of hundreds of children who went to him, whom I have seen, I never saw one whose good feeling towards the Doctor was not apparent when his name was mentioned. In addition to being a close and economical manager of his institution and managing it to the satisfaction of his state, he was a careful student of other branches of social science. His paper at Saratoga, some eight or nine years ago, on the subject of the insane and their employment, has been received with universal approval by the heads of insane asylums in the United States. He was among the first to advocate a greater freedom for the insane, in other words, the open asylum system, which is now very largely accepted. I am glad the resolution has been offered, and hope that it will be passed unanimously.

Mr. Letch Worth, of New York: To give an instance of his great kindness, when we were taking the children out of our county almshouses, I had one little boy with whom I did not know what to do. I wrote to Dr. Wilbur about him. The little boy had been there a great many years and could not walk. Dr. Wilbur at once wrote, saying that he wanted that little boy. We sent him to Syracuse, and about a year and a half afterward, when I was visiting the institution, going through the school, the little fellow got up and stepped forward in the aisle and caught hold of my hand and said, "Don't you know me?" I said, "No;" and Dr. Wilbur said, "That is the little boy whom you sent me." He was walking, with two good limbs under him. Dr. Wilbur had taken him and made him a useful and strong child, and educated him to be self-supporting.

Gen. Brinkerhoff of Ohio: I would add my personal tribute to the memory of Dr. Wilbur. When I first came into this work on the Board of State Charities, in Ohio, I felt the need of experience, and took a trip east, and visited Dr. Wilbur in his asylum at Syracuse, and there gained my first knowledge in regard to the non-restraint system in the care of the Insane. He talked to me about it, and sent me papers that he had written on that subject, and gave me my first information in regard to that most advanced system in the treatment of the insane. I soon became convinced that he

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