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To the National Conference of Charities and Corrections-.

The accounts of the Conference as audited by the Publishing Committee, are as follows:

Expenses of publication of proceedings of the Conference, 1882 $881 60 Receipts from sale of proceedings 1000 70

Excess of receipts over expenses 119 10

Deficit of previous year paid 85 00

Net surplus on hand 34 10

Subscriptions received for next year's proceedings:

In quantities "1, 37 6

In single numbers 100

Total thus far 1,476

With these subscriptions it is safe to print 2,000 copies of the proceedings of the Conference of 1883.

Respectfully submitted,

For the Publication Committee.

Some time was then given to closing remarks.

Hon. Fred. H. Wines, of Illinois, President of the Conference, spoke briefly and called upon Hon. W. P. Letchworth, of New York, President-elect, who thanked the Conference for the honor (page 469).

The following resolutions were offered by the Business Committee, through the Chairman, Gen. R. Brmkerhoff, of Ohio.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Conference are kindly tendered to the citizens of Louisville for the generous and hospitable treatment extended to us everywhere, since we have been among them.

To the Governor of the State, the Mayor of the city, to the Local Committee and to the Trustees of the Louisville House of Refuge, and to Mr. Caldwell, the Superintendent of that institution, our acknowledgements are specially due and are hereby extended.

Also to the Managers of the Southern Exposition for their invitation to visit their wonderful exhibition of the products of the South; to Mr. Bennett H. Young for the free use of Polytechnic Hall; to the Superintendents of the Louisville City and the Louisville & Nashville Railways for courtesies extended to us, and also to the Mayor and General Council of the city for the use of the Council .Chamber.

Upon these resolutions remarks were made by Mr. Philip C. Garrett of Pennsylvania (page 409); by Prof. A. O. Wright of Wisconsin (page 470); by Dr. Ch&s. S. Hoyt of New York (page 470); by Rev. C. H. Bond of Connecticut, by Mr. F. B. Sanborn of Massachusetts (page 470); by Rev. Dr. Wilson of Missouri (page 471); by Col. T. J. Moore of South Carolina (page 471); by Dr. C. R, Putnam of Massachusetts (page 471); by Hon. H. H. Giles of Wisconsin (page 471); by Mrs. E. B. Fairbanks of Wisconsin (page 472); and by Mr. W. G.' Fairbank of Vermont (page 472).

The resolutions were then adopted by a rising vote, unanimously.

Hon. Albert S. Willis, Representative in Congress from the Louisville district, was then called upon to address the Conference, which he did (page 472).

Judge W. F. Bullock, of Kentucky, was then called upon to make the closing address, which he did (page 473).

Mr. F. B. Sanborn, of Massachusetts, moved to instruct the Secretaries to act as a Publishing Committee, and suggested that the portrait of Hon. Andrew E. Elmore, of Wisconsin, President of last year's Conference, be put into the proceedings. The motion was carried.

The Conference then adjourned to meet in St. Louis on the call of the officers.






Held at Louisville, Kentucky, Sept. 2^-jo, I88j.



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