Imágenes de páginas

Progress of Religious Thought, article
on, by James H. Fairchild, D. D.,
412; growth, the law of Christian
life, 412; the Bible not a treatise on
systematic theology, 414; but a
sure guide to salvation, 415; not all
truths subject to fluctuation, 417;
revision of theological tenets
by thought and growth, 418;
benevolence in everlasting punish.
ment, 420, 430; Jonathan Edwards'
contributions to improved theology,
420; regular preaching of
gospel, the most important in-
strumentality in, 420; hymns as
an index of current belief, 425;
changes in, 426.


Psalter, Cheyne's work on the, re-
viewed by S. C. Bartlett, 292.


Religious Thought, Progress of, article

on, 412.

Resurrection and Final Judgment,
article on, by Edmund B. Fair-
field, D. D., 62; generally ac-
cepted views of resurrection, 62;
meaning of Sheol, or Hades, 64;
the Revisers' use of the word in the
Old Testament, 65; general inter-
pretation of Ps. xvi. 10, untrue, 76;
the Revisers' use of the word Hades
in the New Testament, 79; conclu-
sion of the whole matter, 80; where
is the patriarch David? 82; miscon-
ceptions of the final judgment, 84;
article referred to, 654.

Rice's, Edwin W., D. D., Our Sixty-
six Sacred Books, noticed, 693;
People's Commentary on the Gos-
pel According to John, noticed,

Roman Empire, no freedom of labor-
ing classes in, 43.

Ross, A., D. D., article by, 213; note
by, 687.

[blocks in formation]

Presence, 89; formidable questions
that should be fully answered, 92;
absurdities connected with the doc-
trine of God's perfect foreknowl-
edge, 94; the doctrine is unscrip-
tural. 99; Christ's prayer in the
Garden, 100, 204; the true concep-
tion of God's foreknowledge, 102;
God will interfere because we ask,
106; our request must be reasonable,
199; consistent, 201; in the right
spirit, 205; full of faith, 205; Presi-
dent Garfield and the prayer test,
207; prayers offered during our civil
war, 208; conclusion, 210.
Scriptures, Authenticity and Inspira-
tion of the, article on, by James H.
Fairchild, D. D., 1; authenticity of,
I; truth of, 1; independence of
several books of, 2; unity of, 3;
style of, 6; historical reality of
Jesus Christ, 7; character of Jesus
not a human invention, 7; nor his
utterances, 8; combination of the
human and divine in Jesus, 9; the
teachings of Jesus, 11, allusions of
Suetonius, Tacitus, and Pliny to the
Christians, 11; inspiration of the
Scriptures, 13; methods of deter-
mining the fact of inspira-
tion, 15; degree of inspira-
19; mode of inspiration,
22; value of inspiration, 22; apparent
discrepancies and errors, 23; ethical
teachings of the Old Testament, 24.
Sermon Bible, noticed, 360.
Shindler, R., From the Usher's Desk
to the Tabernacle Pulpit, noticed,


"Sleep, We shall not all," article on,
by Smith B Goodenow, 650; one of
the most startling statements of the
New Testament, 650; beautiful
euphemism, sleep for death, 650;
wonderful change will be sudden,
651; at the coming of the Lord,
651; the truth assailed, 653; two im-
portant books, one published in
London, the other by I. F. War-
ren, D. D., called "The Parousia,"
653; the same doctrine taught by E.
B. Fairfield, D. D., in Bibliotheca
Sacra, Jan., 1891, 654; this theory
a revival of Universalism, 653; ex-
position of the death-sleep, 656; St.
John's death, 661; destruction of
death, 666.

Social and Industrial Situation, The,
article on, by Washington Gladden,
D. D., 383; report of the result of
two Conferences, at Columbus and
at Toledo, 383; present relations of
employers and laborers unsatisfac-
tory, 385; practicable methods for
improvement of the relations, 386;
profit-sharing, 388; Sedley Taylor
and N. P. Gilman on the subject,
391; labor
Strikes, 392; the eight-hour day,
394; nationalization of industry, 397;
disparity of condition between em-
ployer and laborer, 403; "levelling
up," impossible, 404; alienation of
masses of wage-workers from the
churches, 408.

Socialism in its Bearings on Capital,
Labor, and Poverty, article on, by
James Macgregor, D. D., 30; duty
of Christians as to capital, 30; defi-
nition of capital, 32; alleged enor-
mous profits of the capitalist, 34;
profit-sharing, 34; selfishness in
political economy, 37, ty of
Christians as to labor, 40; no leness
of service, 41; freedom of the
laboring class a creation of the gos-
pel, 43; duty of Christians as
poverty, 47; Christ the greatest
power in Christendom, 49; the act-
ual state of things, relatively to the
feelings and practices of Christians,
54; London Charities, 56; Chalmers'
mission in Edinburgh, 57; testimony
of Lecky to the character of exist-
ing Christianity, 59.


Stearns', L. F., D. D., Henry Boyn-
ton Smith, noticed, 525.
Stokes', G. T., D. D., The Acts of
the Apostles, noticed, 697.
Stone's, The Public Uses of the Bible,
noticed, 528.

Strong's, James, Our Lord's Life, no-

ticed, 525; Sacred Idyls, noticed,
Suetonius, allusion to Christians, II.
Sunday Question, New Books on the,
note on, 681.

Super, Charles W., article by, 496.


Tacitus, allusion to Christians, 11.
Taylor's, William M., D. D., the Scott-
ish Pulpit from the Reformation to
the Present Day, noticed, 174.
Testimony of Christ to Ps cx., 612.
Thompson, John Rhey, D. D., Chris-
tian Manliness, noticed, 176.
Trumbull, H. Clay, on Jonah
Nineveh, 669.

Unitarianism, influence of, on
thought of Christ as a teacher, 378.


Walker, C., article by, 276.
Walker, J. E., article by, 560.
Warren's, S. Edward, The Sunday
Question, noticed, 681.

Warring, Charles B., Ph. D., article
by, 638.

Watson's, Robert A., D. D., The
Book of Job, noticed, 693.
Weidner's, Revere Franklin, Biblical
Theology of the New Testament,
noticed, 358.

Wilson's, R. D., Elements of Syriac
Grammar, noticed, 349; Introduc-
tory Syriac Method and Manual,
noticed, 349.

Wright, G. F., D. D., notes by, 143,
149, 153, 676.

Writing, earliest mode of, pictorial
delineation, 498.

Wythe's, J. H., The Physiology of the
Soul, noticed, 176.

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