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house of your God, from which you shall no more go out you shall see God face to face, the light of his countenance will eternally shine on your souls, and there shall be no darkness either within you or without you, for there will be no night there. Praise, praise without measure, with out ceasing, and without end be to God, who hath prepared such felicity for you, and who hath prepared you for such felicity: let all the children of redemption join in one glad voice to praise him, and let every angel of every order join in the Hallelujah!

After viewing so glorious an host it is painful to look now to that side where none are left but wicked men and evil spirits, with which I shall conclude the subject, although I intended to have done so in this, in order to make room for other matter for your truly valuable Magazine. G. D. P. To be concluded in our next.


To be observed by MOTHERS and NURSES.-By Th. N. R. (Continued from page 282.)



A CAREFUL and diligent mother will attend to these particulars, keeping all her children under her own eye, and giving them lessons of more value than gold or jewels, in the time that lazy or gadding gossips are looking at their fingers, or giving and hearing news. A prudent couple will remem ber that children and time are their wealth; and to make their children healthy and meritorious, and to turn every moment of time to the best account, is their highest wisdom. children will be a credit and blessing to such parents; and by their own earnings will be able to repay them in old age, the benefits they received from a dutiful father and mother in their helpless years; but the children of heedless, ill-behaved people, will follow the foolish conduct they daily wit ness, and never be well thought of, nor in a condition to assist their infirm parents. Diligence brings comforts; but idleness, indolence, and tattling, gains no good, but leads to difficulties, Take great care to prevent your children from


fancying that there can be any enjoyment in wasting time. If you never indulge them in trifling, and if you make employment chearful, they will take real delight in industry. Teach them also not to spend as fast as they earn. The purse will never be full, if the cash goes as soon as it is gained. You may give a very little one this lesson. He, or she, will see other children have confections and toys, and will desire the same. Tell him you are resolved to throw away no money in that way, but to keep it for buying books when they can be of real advantage. Explain to him that the paint on the toys is absolutely mixed with poison; and promise that in the winter evenings, when you cannot be better employed, you will cut out pieces of wood for him for building houses, which will be more serviceable, more durable, and more safe than the toys. You may also take occasion to shew him how contemptible glaring colours and finery should be considered, as they are of no solid benefit. The more care you take to instil this, and all pious, moral, and prudent sentiments into the heart of your eldest child, the less trouble you will have with the rest. They should not indeed be left to her discretion, but her assistance in attending and instructing them under the inspection of her parents, will make every task more light for them. To be continued.

The Progress of Genius


“Genius is that gift of God which learning cannot confer, which no disadvantages of birth or education can wholly obscure."

SAAVEDRA, (MIGUEL CERVANTES DE) THE celebrated Spanish writer, was at one time of his life a "common soldier, and lost his hand at the battle of Lepanto.

He wrote a great number of dramatic pieces, which were performed with success at Madrid; but that which procured him the greatest fame, and will immortalize his name, is "the history of Don Quixote," an inimitable satire upon books of knight-errantry.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, THE great poet of nature, and Father of the English drama, followed for some time the business of his father, in the wooltrude. Having afterwards turned his attention to theatricals, his performances soon drew the attention of all ranks: He merited and gained the favour of his Queen, and conducted the theatre with great reputation for many years, before he retired to his native town, where he passed the remainder of his time in honorable ease.


Treatment necessary in different cases of Poison. ARSENIC, corrosive sublimate, and opium, are the three articles whose poisonous effects will most frequently call for assistance. Of these the arsenic is by far the most dangerous, as well from its sudden and violent operation in corroding the coats of the stomach, as from the difficulty of decom. posing it, so as to destroy the activity of what has not been thrown up by vomiting. As soon therefore, as a person is known to have swallowed arsenic, if vomiting has not already come on, he should take thirty or forty grains of ipecacuanha in powder, five or six table spoonfuls of ipecacuanha wine, or thirty grains of white vitriol dissolved in a little water, and also endeavour to excite vomiting by tickling the throat with a feather. In the mean time, he should drink plentifully of fat broth, or warm milk, or water mixed with sallad oil, fresh butter, or lard, and repeat this as long as any sickness or retching continues; nor is it safe to abstain from drinking as long as there is reason to think that any of the arsenic remains behind. Violent pains in the bowels, succeeding the vomiting, give room to suspect that some of the arsenic has passed that way; in which case, a glyster com. posed of a pint or more of warm water, with two ounces of Epsom or Glauber's salt dissolved in it, should be administered without delay, and followed by repeated glysters of fat broth, or milk with oil, butter, or lard added to it. Sulphuret of potash, (liver of sulphur) is also recommended when arsenic has been taken internally, by design or mistake. A few scruples should be dissolved in half a pint or a pint of water, and. administered a little at a time, as the patient can bear it.

When corrosive sublimate has been swallowed, the same means should be used as soon as possible, to evacuate it; but at the same time, half a tea spoonful of pearl or pot ashes dissolved in half a pint of warm water, should be given and repeated frequently, in order to render inert any portion of the poison which is not thrown up.-By these means if used early, we shall seldom fail of preventing the fatal consequences which might otherwise have ensued from this poison.

In the case of opium or laudanum being taken in consi derable quantity, vomiting should, if possible, be excited by giving a brisk emetic; and if the power of swallowing be lost, the emetic should be thrown into the stomach by means of the flexible tube and funnel or syringe. But in the latter case, instead of using the white vitriol, we would recommend a table spoonful of antimonial wine, four or five of ipecacuanha


wine, two or three grains of emetic tartar dissolved in half a gill of water, or thirty or forty grains of ipecacuanha in powder, to be employed; because these, though they should fail to produce vomiting, will serve to counteract the stupifying and noxious effect of the opium, by making it operate by sweating, to promote which, the feet and legs should be bathed in hot water, or wrapped in flannels well wrung out of the same.

Spanish flies, if taken even in but small quantity, will readily bring on an inflammation of the stomach or bowels that may. end in death. As we are not acquainted with any thing that, when taken into the stomach, can deprive these of their acrid quality, our attention should be directed to evacuate them as speedily as possible by vomiting, and afterwards make the person swallow a quantity of thick milk porridge, or something of the same kind, which will serve to envelope the flies that may still remain, and thereby protect the stomach and bowels from their acrimony.

For the poison of the Deadly Night-shade: Give the patient an emetic as soon as possible, then let him drink vinegar, or lemon juice, about a pint, diluted in an equal quantity of water, in the course of the day, and let him walk about to prevent sleep, which would most certainly prove fatal.

To prevent Death from the Bite of Venomous Animals. FROM observations made by Dr BANCROFT, it is found, in South America, where the most venomous serpents abound, that a very tight ligature, instantly made after the bite, between the part bitten and the trunk of the body, will prevent immediate danger, and allow time for proper means of remedy, either by excision of the whole joint, just above the ligature, or by topical applications upon the part bitten.

For instance, if the bite should be upon the end of the finger, a tight ligature of small cord should immediately be made beyond the next joint of the finger.

If the bite is on any part of the hand, the ligature should be made above the wrist by means of a garter or cord, lapped several times round the arm and rendered as tight as possible by a small stick thrust betwixt the folds of the cord or garter, and twisted round very hard, to prevent the circulation of the blood betwixt the part bitten and the other part of the body. Ligatures of the same kind, applied by any one present, or the man himself, will frequently save a person's life, where, by accident, an artery in any of the limbs is wounded, and the person would otherwise bleed to death before regular Burgical assistance could be given.

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REMOTE from cities liv'd a swain,
Unvex'd with all the cares of gain;
His head was silver'd o'er with age,
And long experience made him sage;
In summer's heat, and winter's cold,
He fed his flock, and penn'd the fold;
His hours in cheerful labour flew,
Nor envy nor ambition knew:
His wisdom and his honest fame
Thro' all the country rais'd his name.


A deep philosopher (whose rules
Of moral life were drawn from schools)
The Shepherd's homely cottage sought,
And thus explor'd his reach of thought
"Whence is thy learning? hath thy toil
O'er books consum'd the midnight oil
Hast thou old Greece and Rome survey'd,
And the vast sense of Plato weigh'd?
Hath Socrates thy soul refin'd,
And hast thou fathom'd Tully's mind?
Or, like the wise Ulysses, thrown,

By various fates, to realms unknown;"
Hast thou thro' many cities stray'd,
Their customs, laws, and manners, weigh'd"
The Shepherd modestly reply'd:
"I ne'er the paths of learning try'd;
Nor have I roam'd in foreign parts,
To read mankind, their laws, and arts;
For man is practis'd in disguise,
He cheats the most discerning eyes.


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