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Jerufalem. But what Mountain fo high as Heaven; yea the Heaven of Heavens? This is the Hill of the Lord, whither the man after his Heart Longed to Afcend. Pfal. 24.3. Such were the Hills, to which be Lifted up bis Eyes Looking for his Help. Pfal. 121. 1, So Sublime is the City of God, as to Surmount all manner of Difquiet or Nuisance; and to be for ever Eafy, in an undisturbed Tranquillity. For even the wicked Spirits, Eph. 6. 12. can never reach those Heavenly Places.

The Form of this City, Rev. 21. is reprefented as a perfect Square: where the Length is equal to the Breadth Such an exact Figure as denotes the most compleat Righteousness which dwelleth there. Where nothing Irregular or perverfe has ever any place. And how full of Admiration will it be, to fee the innumerable Inhabitants of that City all endued with Freedom of Will; and yet in never a one of 'em, (to Eternal Ages,) any thing that is the leaft Amifs, in either Deed, or Word, or Thought, ever to be found?

This perfect Square may alfo inform us, That the Breadth of Heavenly Goods is equal to the Length: i. e. Infinite in Plenty, as well as enduring to an infinite Eternity. . The Latitude (peaks their Abundance, as the Longitude their everlafting Continuance. The holy Topographer, Rev. 21. defcribes


alfo the Height of the Heavenly City, as Equal to its Length and Breadth: Becaufe the Goods there will be no lefs Exalted and Supream, than Wide and Perpetual. And no matter, if Vitruvius and Vegetius approve not the Quadrangular figure of a City: when they talk only of fuch a City, as fears the Enemy. For never any danger of this, in that City, where the Lord maketh Peace in its Borders. Pfal. 147. 14. 'Tis too High for any Hurt ever to reach it. Pfal. 91. 10. No Plague shall come nigh thofe Dwellings. Nothing in the leaft ever to Difturb the perfect Reft, and Eafe, and Joy, of thofe moft Bleffed Inhabitants.


Of the Foundations and Gates of the City of God.

S stablished,

O is the Heavenly City feated and Established, That it alone is faid to have Foundations, whofe Builder and Maker is God. Heb. 11. 10. which the Apoftle gives for the Reafon, why Abraham built no City or Houfe in the Promised Land; but dwelt there as a Foreigner: Because he knew that Land to be but a Figure of an infinitely Better. And therefore in it, he would set up


no Building; As expecting that which was much more Firm and Lafting, from the Heavenly Builder.

The Cities here built by Men, fuch as Cain, Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Romulus, &c. Because they be liable to wear away; and at the World's End will all be utterly Ruin'd, and cease to be any more for ever; Therefore do fhew that they have no firm Foundation. And fo much wifer than us, in this refpect, were the Patriarchs of old, who tho' they Liv'd more than as long again as we, and feem'd much farther diftant from the Heavenly City; yet difdain'd to Erect any Cities or Houses, that were quickly to perish; But dwelt in Tents, as Strangers and Sojourners; By a fure and Lively Faith and Hope, Looking and Waiting for their City Eternal in the Heavens. Whereas we, fo Short-Liv'd, and juft ready to be gone from hence, Lay about us, in Building and Adorning Houses, as if we fhould never Leave 'em, nor ever lookt for any Better. Are we not in this therefore, more like Heathen Infidels, than resembling the faithful Patriarchs? Tho' we be called Chriftians, and know that our Lord and his Apoftles neither had, nor would set up any City, Tower, or House upon Earth.

Yet I intend not this for a Satyr upon the Princes of the World, (tho' Chriftians) that Erect Cities; Nor upon the Private per


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fons neither, that make themselves Agreeable Houses. For David, a pious King, was the Founder of Jerufalem; and therein forgot not a Royal Palace for himself. And ftill may the Grandees of the World live like Themselves; with Distinctions proper for their Qualities. And we take not upon us to Abridge any fuch, of the 'Habitations and Accommodations, which 'their Eftate and Rank Legitimate, if not Require. We wou'd not be any fuch Levellers; but only Monitors: To warn of the Excefs; and here fupplicate a Mode ration. That men of Lower ftation may A not go to Vye with Princes: and that Princes may be content with their Palaces; and not Enlarge Piles to equal Towns. Yea, k that none may betray fuch a Valuation and Fondness for thefe Temporal Fruitions, as if therein they Lodg'd their Hearts, and Laid up their Chiefeft Good: But fhew a better Remembrance of their Pilgrimage; more of the Contempt of the World; and more of the Humility of our Lord.


Now, For the Gates of the City, S. John tells us, Rev. 21: 21. They are of Pearls; as the Structure of the Walls is of Jaspar-stone; and the Streets, (yea, the whole City,) of Pure Gold. All which fure can fignify no Lefs, than that the holy City is moft Precious all over: But clear and Transparent throughout. For we know Pearls to be

Rich and White: And tho' there be the Green Fafpar as well as White: Yet the Latter feems here defign'd by the Apoftle, When he calls it Clear as Chrystal. Rev.21.11. So when he tells us the Streets are of pure Gold; he adds, As it were Transparent Glass, ver. 21. The whole City then, Whether you look upon the Gates, the Walls, or the Streets, is every where moft Precious; and has nothing in it Vile, or Mean, or liable to any Decay. But all White and Diaphanous. Because nothing there is Hid or covered: But all the Inhabitants fee allthings; And no Sufpicion of any Fraud or Danger, Therefore 'tis faid, The Gates fhall not be shut at all by Day. For there fhall be no Night; ver. 25. Nor Thief, nor Enemy, ever to be feared. He that doth never Sleep nor Slumber, being ftill its watchful Keeper and Preferver.


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But what mean the Gates, the Wall, the Streets? The Gates ever Open, denote the free Accefs of Men into the City of God and Angels; Since our Lord, Jefus has open'd the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers, Nor is there One alone, but Twelve Gates, for the Faithful to Enter at: Three on every Quarter, East and West, North and South, Rev. 21. 13. Nor only open to Jews; But to all Nations, from every Region of the Earth: Compar'd with all which, the Jews will be but a fmall Number. As our Lord

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