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The Third BooK

Of the Saints Eternal Felicity; Under the Title of



All the Bleffed are God's Domesticks.

Was Glad, when they faid to me, Let us go into the Houfe of the Lord. Pfal. 122. I. Truly great and unspeakable caufe of Rejoicing has the good and faithful Servant; When, after he

has bestowed his pains in the Vineyard, or in Trading to Improve the Talents, or in Running to Win the Prize, or in Fighting to get the Crown, or in duly Feeding the Sheep, and ftoutly defending 'em from the Wolves; He is call'd to come


take his Ease, and Refresh himself in the Houfe of his Lord.

But why call we that a House now, which before we call'd a City? Sure 'tis not, because it is fo Narrow, as not to deferve the former Name; when of fo wide Dimenfions, that no City or Kingdom. can ever exceed it. Bar. 3. 24, 5. O Ifrael, how Great is the House of God? and how Large the Place of his Poffeffion? Great, and bath no End: High, and unmeasurable. Why then is not fo Capacious a House ftill call'd a City ?

The first Reafon may be, Because the Bleffed, Tho' fpread all over the Kingdom of Heaven, are yet all of 'em the Lord's Domefticks, and Familiar Friends. Some might Imagine, If mention had been made only of a Kingdom or City, That there might be many in the Kingdom of Heaven and the City of God, who fhould never attain to the Bleffing of Seeing the Lord; Unless peculiarly befriended by fome eminent Courtiers Above. But because it's no fuch matter; And all there do ever See God, and Converfe with him, and Speak face to face: All are Fellowcitizens, and of his Houfhold, Eph. 2. 19. Therefore is it called not only a City, but a Houfe; Where all Co-babit together, all Correspond with one another.


Many, it's true, are the Manfions in that House, Greater and Lefs; and divers forts of Crowns, fome Brighter than other. But all the Citizens are (to their wishes,) Happy and Bleffed; Pure in Heart, and full of Love. And none there, but as à Friend, Sees and Enjoys his God. Tho' in other Kingdoms and Cities, there are Multitudes that feldom or never See or Speak to their King, or have any Intercourfe with him; Yet in the Kingdom and City of God; it is fo much otherwise, that the Privilege and Favour there lies in Common.

A Second Reafon of the Appellation may be, Because many who elsewhere have the Sight of their King, and are admitted to Speech with him, Yet are none of his Sons and Heirs. Whereas all the Souls in Heaven, higher or lower, are the Children of God, and Brethren of Chrift. Yea, Heirs of God, and Foynt-heirs with Chrift; And confequently, all Brethren among themselves, and fuch dear Affectionate Brethren, that the Lefs is never Defpis'd of the Greater; Nor do they ever Stomach or Envy one another. No, 'Tis among 'em all ftill, Our Father which art in Heaven: And without diftinction, 'Tis Come ye Blessed of my Father. Mat 25. 34. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. Rom. 8. 14. None

Excluded: But all of 'em Born again, to an Inheritance Incorruptible, Undefiled, and that fadeth not away, in the Heavens. I Pet. I. 4. There do they moft fweetly Experience, how good and pleasant it is, for Brethren to dwell together in Unity. Pfal. 133. 1. For what can be imagined so sweet and Delectable, as to Converfe with Innumerable Angels, and Great men, and Equals, and Inferiors; and to be treated ass a Brother, To be moft kindly Used, and cordially Loved, as a Brother, by all and every one of 'em for ever?


Of the Greatness and Beauty of God's



Nother Reason, why the Saints Habitation is call'd a Houfe, may be for the many Ornaments which Houfes (especially thofe of Kings,) have, in the Halls, Parlours, Bed-chambers, and other Apartments: For who can enumerate all the Rich Furniture, the Arras, Tapistry precious Robes, ftately Beds, the wonderful Paintings and Carvings, and all the Silver and Gold Veffels, wherewith the Palaces of Princes fhine and glitter? Nor


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only are the Ornaments and Utenfils within fo Coftly; But the outward Structure, the Variety of Marbles, Pillars, Statues, Fountains, Courts, Gardens, Walks, Houfes of Pleasure, all ready to entertain You with a delightful Surprize and Admi→ ration.

King Solomon, after he had erected that moft magnificent Temple to the Lord which was truly the Wonder of the World, Set up a Houfe also for himself, with fuch an Apparade, that it was Thirteen years in Building Tho' he had very many Officers and Over-feers of the Work, for Expedition; and the Materials alfo of fine Marble-ftone, and the choiceft Timber of Cedar, all at hand. Nor with Lefs ado and Charge, did he build a Palace for his Egyptian Queen: and the House of the Foreft of Libanus; the description of which might be thought Incredible, did we find it any where but in the Writings Infallible. I King. 7. When therefore holy Scripture calls the City and Kingdom of God a Houfe; 'Twould have us Imagine fuch a Kingdom and City, as fhines and dazzles and ravifhes the Spectators, like the moft fplendid Palace of a King. And how Amazing would that be, To fee a whole Kingdom shine like its chief City; and a whole City, like the moft Rich and beautiful Houfe! Who then is not F afto

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