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of Mormons took sides on the Roberts case, some defending his right to his seat, others openly arguing against it and hoping that he would not be seated. This is not saying that their Church does not influence them politically more than other Churches do their adherents. There is no question in my mind that their religion, though having in it what seem to us many false tenets, yet influences their lives and for the better. For instance, among the men upon our ranch, I do not think that we have ever employed a Gentile who did not swear; yet few of the Mormon boys have had this vice. I give them every chance to defraud me or to work against my interests, but they are loyal towards me, and do their work with a cheeriness and good faith, without overseers, that disprove the assertion that they look upon the Gentile as legitimate prey.

Last fall I rode again through the Mormon villages and slept in the Mormon beds and ate with the Mormon families. The change that has come over the people in thirteen years is astonishing. To-day the children are in free schools. They carry home the best modern text-books. On the tables of their cozy sitting-rooms are the new periodicals. The people are more alert, more hopeful, less suspicious of the Gentile, more eager to get on in the world. And if they keep good books and modern periodicals from the outer world on the tables, the "Mormon question" will solve itself.

Yet there is no question of the spread of Mormonism. That it will spread now more rapidly than ever before I have no doubt. Polygamy was a deterrent force. Mechanicsburg, O. JOSEPH E. WING.

Concerning the Trinity

To the Editors of The Outlook:

I was much interested in the perplexed inquiry of "A Reader of The Outlook" who sought light in endeavoring to reconcile the trinity and the unity of God. The letter was published in your issue of March 31, and was followed by an article signed L. A., written presumably by Dr. Lyman Abbott, in which he attempted to explain the paradox. I have always been sorely puzzled by the attitude of those members of the Christian Church who claim that the trinity and the unity of God are one and the same, and I read

the article from a real desire to gain their point of view. If people were asked to believe the mystery through faith, I would appreciate that it were futile to attempt to understand the doctrine intellectually; but since it is claimed that the doctrine can be made clear through reasoning, I may be pardoned for asking a few questions.

Is the illustration of the "artist, father, friend" a happy one, since this represents three aspects of one and the same man, whereas it is contended that the three aspects of the "Triune God" are "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"? Is it not difficult to grasp the idea of God being his own father, his own son, and having his holy spirit separate and apart from his spiritual self? Jesus on earth speaks of his "Father in heaven," and the New Testament relates that a voice is heard from heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son." Does not this imply two different personalities? Does not the fact that Jesus was born of a human mother make it difficult to understand how Jesus and God could have been one and the same?1 The article states that "the advent into history of the belief that God was in Christ, that in the life of Jesus the Christ the life of the before unknown God [?] was manifested, has changed, it might almost be said has revolutionized, the attitude of mind toward God; it has converted it from an attitude of dread to one of trust, from one of awe to love." This statement is entirely incompatible with the statement which follows at the close of the article. I refer to the one that points out that the fundamental article of all Christian faith is the old fundamental article of the Jewish faith, 1. e., "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one God." I have only to quote the words that follow these words in Deuteronomy to show that the God that was known to Israel was a God that was loved: "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might." Jesus rightly said that this command and the command in Leviticus, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," were the two greatest laws of his religion, Judaism.


'Yes! but it does not make it difficult to conceive that spiritual indwelling in one man,-THE EDITORS. God was in Jesus manifesting himself to all men by his








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