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THE knowledge of geography possessed by the an cients, was confined chiefly to Europe, the south-western part of Asia, and the northern and eastern parts of Africa.

They had little knowledge of the countries in Europe north of Germany. In Asia they knew little of the countries north of the Euxine and Caspian seas, and east of the Ganges. In Africa they knew little beyond Lat. 10. N. America was entirely unknown.

The countries with which sacred and general literature is mostly connected, are Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Italy, and Asia Minor.


The following view exhibits the names of the principal countries in ancient geography, together with the corres ponding modern names.

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Almost all the countries of Europe, with the exception of Greece and Italy, were in ancient times in a state of barbarism. A great part of the inhabitants lived a wandering and unsettled life, and built no large cities.


It was

Little is known of Britain before its conquest by the Ro. mans, about 55 years before the Christian era. then inhabited by various barbarous tribes.

After it became a Roman province it was formed into 5 divisions.

Towns. Among the towns of ancient note were Londi num, Camelodunum, Rhutupa, Portus Dubris, Eboracum, and Luguvallum. When invaded by the Romans, Britain had no large towns.

Hadrian's wall, a great work of the Romans, was built

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