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on His pierced hands and feet. But Jesus will forgive them, and they will dwell near Him in safety for ever."

Then Aunt Myra bade the children look into Samson's life, and David's, and Solomon's, and see how these and many others were types of Christ. Joshua, also, leading the people into the Promised Land, whose very name signifies "Saviour," was another type; but this one occupied their attention for one Sunday exclusively.


(O-DAY, I want to show you how very interesting it is to observe the different numbers used in the Bible; besides their having their actual value as

figures, most, perhaps all of them, have

got a meaning which expresses a particular idea. For instance, three always means 'holy,' because it is the number of the Trinity-God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I want you each to have a paper and find out all the threes you can in the Bible," said Aunt Myra.

The children spent a long time searching their Bibles, and these were some of the instances they found of three being used:

Three men appeared to Abraham.

Levi was Jacob's third son, and chosen to be the sacred tribe.

Moses was three months old when taken out of the river.

Jonah was three days in the fish's belly.

Gideon's army was 300.

Jesus' ministry was for three years.

Jesus was crucified the third hour.
Jesus rose on the third day.

Jesus raised three persons from the dead.

"Four and ten are always figures used for man," said Aunt Myra; "so, by taking four times ten we get forty; and you will find that number often used, but always to show manhood in some way." Arthur and Nelly soon remembered that Moses was forty years in Egypt.

Forty years in the wilderness.

Forty years as leader of Israel.

Forty days he was up with God in Mount Sinai.

Forty days Jesus was fasting and tempted by the Devil, when He stood only as man.

Forty days He lingered on earth after His resurrection to prove He was still a man.

"Seven is the number which means 'perfection,' because it is the holy number three added to the human number four, and so it seems to say Godman, which is what Jesus was. You will find

many sevens in the Bible. It is a curious fact which Arthur will like, that in ancient times there was no figure to express seven, so it was always written 3-4," said Aunt Myra.

Seven branches to the candlestick.

Seven times the blood sprinkled before the mercy-seat.

Jericho was compassed seven times.

Seven deacons appointed by the apostles.

Seven vials of God's wrath.

Seven Churches in the Revelation.

These are only a few of the many instances of seven being used in Scripture.

"Twelve is also 3 and 4; but they are multiplied, three times four are twelve. And this number often is used to mean God's people," said Aunt Myra.

Twelve tribes of Israel.

Twelve Judges.

Twelve Apostles.

Twelve times 12,000 sealed among the Israelites in the Revelations.

Seventy is ten times seven; it seems to mean a perfect number of men.


Seventy elders went up with Moses into the Mount.

Seventy disciples were sent out by Jesus to preach.

Seventy years is the age appointed for man.

Fifty is seven times seven completed; instead of forty-nine, God said fifty was to be used to express rejoicing. The year of jubilee was every fifty years. Other numbers, such as nine, fourteen, twenty-eight, thirty, thirty-three, and one hundred are also very interesting to trace out.

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