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Difficult and alarming Situation of England.-Indifpofition of the King-
Change of Minifiry.-Oflenfible Ground of Mr. Pitt's Refignation.-
Catholic Emancipation.-Policy of the old Adminiftration in the Mode of
their Retirement.-Purity and Firmness of his Majefly's Mind.-Motion
by Lord Darnley in the House of Lords for an Inquiry into Part of the
Conduct of his Majefty's Minifters.-Debates thereon.—Motion poftponed.
-Motion by the Earl of Radnor for a Call of the Houfe-negatived.-In
the House of Commons a new Speaker chofen in the Room of Mr. Adding-



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Extended Sphere of the European Republic.-War in Egypt.-Situation of the

French Army there at the Departure of Buonaparte, and the Succeffion, in

the Command, of General Kleber.-Ireaty at El Arisk for the Evacuation

of Egypt.-Policy of Kleber, who feeks Occafion of Quarrel with the

Turks.-Befufal of the British Government to Sanction the Treaty of El-

Arifh.-Renewal of Hoftilities.-Battle at Heliopolis.-Infurrection in

Cairo. Dr.adful Outrages of the Infurgents on the French and other Euro-

peans.-Oppofite Influence of the Mahomedan Religion, as rightly intr-

preted, and as understood by the Vulgar.-Plan of Nuzuff-Bashaw, the

chief Commander of the Turkish Forces.-The French Army recalled from

different Quarters to quell the Insurrection.—Bombardment of Cairo.-

Various Attempts and Encounters.-Enthufafic Zeal, Courage, and Acti-

vity of the Musulmen.- Military Skill and Bravery of the French—and

Intrigues with the different Tribes of the Mahomedans.—Capitulation figned

by the military Chiefs, but rejected by the Ringleaders of the Inhabitants of

Cairo.-Correfpondence and Negotiation between General Kleber and Mu-

rad-Bey. The Contagion of Infurrection spread from Cairo to other Parts

of Egypt.-The Infurrections in thofe Parts fubdued.—Artifices of the

Leuders to keep up the Spirits of the Infurgents of Cairo.—Buluc taken by

Storm.-An unlimited Pardon proclaimed to all the Irhabitants.—A gene-

ral Attack on Cairo, which furrenders on Capitulation. The Turkish

Army, evacuating Cairo, returns to Syria.

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Effect of the Victory at Helipolis on the Minds of the Egyptians.-Judicious
Regulations carried into Effect by General Kleber.-Turkish Fleet off
Alexandria.--Differences between the Generals Kleber and Menou,-Kleber
affaffinated.-Succeeded in the Command of the Army by General Menou.-
Diffentions in the French Army.-Conjectures concerning the perfonal
Views of Menou.- Military Preparations of the Turks.-Their Timidity
and Irreflution.-Overtures for Peace, from the Grand Vizier, rejected by
General Menou.-Arrival of an English Armament on the Coast of Egypt.
-Landing of the Troops on the Perinfula of Aboukir.-Engagement on
the 13th of March.-Fort Aboukir capitulates.—Battle of the 21.—Sir
R. Abercromby mortally wounded, and fucceeded in the Command of the


Army by Major-General Hutchinfon.-The French driven from Rhamanich
to Cairo-From whence a Detachment marches against the Turkish Army
near Belleis.-But are repulfed.-Capture of a valuable French Convoy.
Capitulation of Caro.-A British Army arrives in Egypt from India.
Capitulation of Alexandria.-Evacuation of Egypt by the French and the
English-The Beys feized and fent to Conftantinople.-Government by
Bafhaws eftablished in Egypt.


Invafion of Britain in flat-bottomed Boats.--By whom firft projected.-The
Policy of Buonaparte in his Menaces of Invafion.—To which his boasted
- Preparations were inadequate.—Gallant Exploits of British Gun-boats and
Cruizers.-French Ports blockaded.--And Coafts infulted.-Yet French
Veffels of War Real from one Place to another, alongfhore-Their great
Place of Rendezvous, Boulogne.—The French and English on the oppofite
Sides of the Channel keep each other on the Alert.-The Tide of War turned
by the English from offenfive to defenfive. French Preparation for Self-
defence. The War between France and Britain affumes an Aspect extremely
interefting. The oppofite Preparations of War feen from the oppofite
Coafts-The Harbour of Boulogne defcribed.-French Encampments and


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Fortifications.-Bombardment of the Veffe's in the Harbour of BoulogneIts Effect-Second Attack on Boulogne.—Singular Precautions of the French for defending, and fecuring their V‹ffels from being carried off by the Engli -Plan of the Attack.-Circumftances that involed its Mijarriage.--D'yea' and Difefer.—Lord Nelfon, leaving a fofficient Erie bevine Boulegre, relans to Deal.-Humane Attentions of Lord Njon to the wounded Sailors. [262


Singular Modefy of the French, after the Reprife of the fecond Attack on Boulogne-Accounted for.-Confiderations inclining the French Gzernment to Price.—las of Truce.-Awidf continred Preparations on, bei Sides for War and mutual Invifiom. — -N gotiation for Peace – Brougla to e Confion.-Preliminaries of Peace, announced in the Lordon Gazdie.— Entloafapic Joy at the Return of Peace, both in Loudon and Paris, and et other Parts of France and Britain.-Very different Emotions exited by this Evert in the Breast of the French L yalips.—Their Confe deferted by the laft Power in wl ich they had fill hitherto reposed fome Hopes and Confidence.--New Hopes reforted to by the French Emigrants.-Their Sityation defcribed Reflections.-Peace between France and the Ottoman Porte.-B twem France and the Elector Palati: e of Bavaria.-B.tween France and Ruffia.-Between Great Britain and Ruffa, and, acceded to by the other Northern Maritime Powers.-Convention between Bonaparte and the Pope fo the Re efablishment in France of the Catholic Religion.— The Conduct of the Emigrant Bi/hops of France contrafed with that of the Conflitutional Bifhops.— And with that of the English Clergy in the Rogn of Henry VIII.—Reflections.



Alteration of Political Power betwezen Dispetifm and Democracy-General Plan or Principles of Buonaparte's Government.—His private Conduct or De portment.-Is Reprefentation of the State of France, involving a funn arg View of the State of Europe, towards the Conclufion of 1801.—Adailio cal Remarks on the State of Europe.- Agitations in Germany, Switzerland, and the French W ́eji Indies.--Hanover evacuated by the Prifians.—Tottering State of the Turkish Eapire.-Injurrections in the new Republic of the Seven Iles-General View of the State of British India.

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