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The Lord fufficiently frewed his Church that all things ferve him, and they had as good caufe as thofe in the Gofpel to have faid: Who is this, that both winds and sea obey him?

5 Another wonder was the hand of God, drawing the Egyptians, Pharoah and his hoaft after Ifrael, into the, fea for God hath taken it upon himself, that this was his own doing. And I, behold I, will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and Ex 14.17. they shall follow them, and I will get me honour upon Pharoah, and upon all his boaft, upon his chariots, and upon his horfemen. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.

They, no doubt, had their own ends in this, for as St. James faith;

Veife 18.

Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own luft, Jam 1.14. and entifed.

They had their own motives to draw them into this mischief. I Their defire to recover the Ifrael to their fervice, whom they held fo long vaffals to them.

2 They had also a defire to recover from them the wealth of Egypt, which they had improvidently parted with to the Ifraelites.

3 Their defire of revenge to punish this flight, and this robbery of the Egyptians.

4 Their error who thought they might paffe as fafely after Ifrael, as Ifrael went before, as fofephus fpeaks for them. These motives grew within themselves, and they were their own lufts.

But God gave them over to thefe lufts and defires, of purpose to punish their cruelty to his people, and to make his name glorious in the deliverance of his Church, and in the conqueft of the enemies thereof.

It is revenge enough in God upon mar, to leave him to his. own ways, for they lead him to deftruction.

Some heathen writers have charged all this wonder of the efcape of Ifrael, and of the paffage through the fea upon Mofes, who by art Magick, they fay did all this.

But could he by that art work upon the affections, and wils



of King Pharoah, and all his people, to force them after Ifrael, into the red fea.

The moft that we read of Mofes,concerning any art in naturall Philosophy, is, that Mofes was brought up in all the wifedome of the Ægyptians, and no man thinketh that he got all their wifedome from them: how then did not the wifedome of the Egyptians, at time ferve the Egyptians themselves ; when this was done.

6 Another memorable miracle of this paffage was, that before all Ifrael, had recovered the further fhore, the fame paffage was fafe to Ifrael, and pernitious and fatall to the Ægyptians,which appeared:

Becaufe God did not let the waters come together, to hinder the Ægyptians purfuit, but kept them divided, till they vvere all within the verge of the fea, for this God could have done, as it after follovveth.

2 That to hinder their journey of purfuit, God turned the pillar of Cloud behind Ifrael, between them and the Egyptians, fo that Ifrael led the vvay by a clear light, the Ægyptians follovved them in the dark.

3 That their chariot vvheels vvere fmitten off in the night, fo that they drove uneafily.

4 That the vvaters came together upon their confultation to return, and drovvned them all, before all the children of Ifrael, had recovered the further thore.

7 The last memorable wonder was the cafting up of the bodies of the Egyptians upon the further fhore, which Ifrael had recovered, and whereon they pitched, to make good the word of Mofes you fhall fee them no more, that is, living to terrifie you, thus Ifrael faw what God had done for them; and their eyes, had it defire against their enemies.

All these be things worth remembring.

3 He addeth another wonderful mercy, in cleaving the earth with rivers: which hath reference,as you have heard,to Numb. 20.11. In which, I It is wonderfull, that God hearing the murmur of his people for want of water, had not punished



their fin with prefent death; but did choose rather to give
them their hearts defire, and to fatisfie them with water.

2 That he made the rock to yield them water, which did
not naturally, but by vertue of his word.

3 That it fhould have been done fo eafily, as by a word of Mofes, that it was done fo eafily, as by twice fmiting

4 That thofe waters did follow the hoaft to relieve it all the way of their journey, till they had other fupply, as alfo the Manna did, till they came to come in Canaan, fo thefe waters ran into no fea.

5 That these rivers dryed up after Ifrael, and no fhew of any river ever fince, vvhere these vvaters ran in dry places, to fhevv vvho ordained that stream, and for whom.

Though God hath had his praise for all the things before, yet they defire,Canticum novum, a new song.

Here, and here it is work for the rector Chori.

2 The motive that induced God to do all this for his ple, expreft in two things: internus motor.


1 His defire of the prefervation of his Ifrael, For he did ride пров his Horfes and Chariots of falvation. Pharaoh followed Ifrael into the red Sea on horfes and in chariots, these were the horfes and chariots of deftruction, God took off their wheels, and they failed in their speed.

But God went forth with falvation : Ifrael could not but fee in all these wonderfull works of God that God was for them. I In their setting forth, to bring them out of the house of bondage, even through the fea.

2 In the way of their journey, to quench their thirst in the dry and unwatered wilderness.

3 At their journeys end, to open them a paffage into the promised land through fordan.

Ifrael is a type of the Catholique Church of God on earth, and their paffage from Egypt to Canaan,is a type of our paffage from the wombe to heaven, and God is the fame, his Church is as dear to him as ever it was, and he hath taken upon him the care of it.

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1 Affirm.



Verle 5.

He is called by fob, The preferver of men, efpecially of his elect.

Here are onely mentioned three of the most eminent wonders of God: there were many more which David repeated; Pfal.105, & 106.

All these were the effects of the free favour of God to his people, whereby he got the name of a Saviour. And th Pfalmift prayeth.

Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thon bearest to thy people, O vifit me with thy faluation.

This was a fingular favour, for he faith alfo, Non fecit taliter, he did not fo to any Nation.

That I may fee the good of thy chofen, that I may rejoyce in the gladness of thy Nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance. For this favour of God to his Church is a fpeciall grace above his univerfall protection.

This it is that the Spouse of Chrift doth pray for. Set me as Cant.8.6. a feal on thy heart, and as a Signet upon thine arm.

That with of the Church then was thus, and is now an Article of Faith: that prayer was then, and now is our Creed.

But much more evidently hath this eternall love of God to his Church in Chrift Jefus fhewed it felf: fince Christ our Saviour was made manifeft in the flesh; and much more hath it extended, and dilated it felf, fince he was believed on of the Gentiles, and preached to the world.

For when God once had fitted him with a body,and therewith had given him a heart like ours, and fuch an arm as we have, and fuch hands, it hath been more difcerned, how we were fet as a feal upon that heart, how we are worne upon that arm, how we are ingraven in the Palms of thofe hands. For that heart was pierced with a spear, thofe hands were nailed to the Croffe, and these be the ftamps and Characters of his love to us

And as the affection of love is noted to be most vehement in a woman, as David doth imply when he bewailed fonathans death.


Thy love to me was wonderfull, paffing the love of women fo 2 Sam.. our Saviour to take upon him this affection in the deareft ten- 26. derness, and most intense measure and degree, is faid to be made of a woman, and she a Virgin.

And that fin might not corrupt this affection, or harden Gal 4-4. the heart: He was conceive by the Holy Ghoft.

The Church doth well to remember this intereft that God gave them in this land, for there out fuck they no fmall advantage.

This calls God the God of Ifrael, and it cals Ifrael Gods peculiar people: this doth spread the wings of this Hen over all her Chickens,and gathereth them together under the fame, it makes them roome in the bofome of God.

2 Another motive vvas the oaths of the tribes, even Gods Word: that is, the covenant of God made vvith Abraham and his feed, for fo the Pfalmift doth expreffe it;

He hath remembred his Covenant for ever: the word that be p.105.8. commanded to a thousand generations.

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Which Covenant he made with Abraham and his oath unto Ifaac. And confirmed the fame unto Jacob for a Law, and to Ifrael for an everlafting Covenant.

And after having briefly furveyed the ftory of Ifraels deliverance and paffage, having recapitulated the comming of Ifrael into Egypt, the plagues of Egypt, there comming out thence vvith the vvealth of Egypt, the pillar of cloud, the pillar of fire,the Quails, the Manna,the vvater out of the rock, he gives this reafon of a 1, for he remembred his holy promise, and Abraham his dem da, b.

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Of this oath of God, the Authour to the Hebrews, for when · Hcb.6.13. God made a promise to Abraham, because he could fwear by no greater, he fwear by himself, faying.

Surely, bleffing, I will bleffether, and multiplying, I will mul

tiply thees daa

The reafon vvhy God bound himself by oath followeth.

Wherein God willing more abundantly to fhew unto the heirs of pro- Vale 17 mife,the immutability of his counfell confirmed ir by an oath.

Nnn 3


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