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A BARBANEL, Rabbi, his account of facrifices, 126.

What he thought of the feducing ferpent, 309.

Ranks Daniel in the firft clafs of prophets, 319.

Abba, Father, meaning of, 160, 161.

Abbadie proves the truth of revelation by its doctrine of love,


Aben Ezra, a Deift. 138.


What he thought of the Serpent, that feduced Eve, 308;
Reckons five methods of interpreting scripture, 164.
Accomplishment, the finest pulpit, 359:

Accurfed from Chrift. The meaning of, 206.

Adam. Various opinions concerning his original ftate, 308.
What the Rabbies think of his facrificing, 126.

Adam Melchior, commends Luther's methods of inftruct.
ing the poor, 22.

Addifon, his remark on Bunyan's Temple Spiritualized, 514
Adjective neuter, put for fubftantive, 107.
Adjunctive arguments, what, 415.

Adverbs, fometimes important, 373-

Æra vulgar, when invented, 276.

Affections fhould be excited in preaching, 6.

How most effectually moved, 23.

Afflictions beneficial to the church, 364.

Agency, free. Whether the doctrine of grace déftroy it


Agricola, Rodolph, recommended by Melanchon, 366.

Ahijah, book of, What, 145.

Albertus Magnus, his odious theological questions, 18.

Alby, Father, his bigotry, 109.

Alexander of Naples, condemns will-worship, 220,

Ali, his furious zeal, 228.

All in all, how God will be fo, 334.

Allegory. 29, &c. paffim,

Allix, his argument from prophecy, 296.


Alting, Henry, his evidences of the perfection of the holy

canon, 144.


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Alpha and Omega, extravagant fenfe of, 85.
Ambiguity, the papal use of it in creeds, 380.

Ambrofe advifes caution in speaking of the divine decrees,
194, 195

His notion of St. Paul's cloak, 436. §

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Ammianus Marcellinus taxes Christians with their cruelty
to each other, 246.

Amyraut, on the fpirit of bondage and adoption, 136.
Afferts Jefus Chrift's fole right of legiflation, 116.
Anathema, what, 424.

Anaxagorifts, what divines Luther used to call fo, 264.
Anchorites, who, 278.

Angels, various opinions concerning, 281.

Paffed by in redemption, 315.

Anger, fin and folly of, 381.

Annas, who, 324.

Antecedent for relative, 336.

Antichrift, marks of, 402.

Antiochus Epiphanes, fuppofed to be a figure of Antichrift,


Antiquities, plan of, 321.
Antithefes of S. John, 336.

Antoninus, his ftyle grofs in comparison with that of S. Paul,


Apollinaris, Bishop of Clermont, his bombaftick character of

Mamertus, 417.

Apollinarius refuted Porphyry, 319.

Apologifts, primitive, how they pleaded for the apostles, 272.
Apofiopefis, examples of, 73, 74, 75.

Apoftacy, foretold by S. Paul, wherein it confifts, 184.
Apoftle, vague ufe of the term, 174.

Apoftles, the xii. 176, &c.

Illiterate, 271.

Not ignorant, 186.

Apoftles, ordinary, fee Meffenger.

Apoftrophes, what damage Voffius thought had been done by
an injudicious ufe of them, 9, 10.

Appending fentences, S. John's, 336.

Aquinas, how he thought images were to be worfhipped, 184
His prayer before preaching, 96.

His irreverend questions, 18.

Arafpes, his feeble virtue, 112.

Arbitrary fenfes of fcripture, whether good effects justify

them, 166.


Aretius, his juft notion of operative faith, 259.

Argument effential to rational perfuafion, 229, 191.
Divines fhould affort and felect them, 402.

Arians, who, 311.

Ariftotle, his ethicks formerly read in churches inftead of
fcripture, 2.

What his To TETOV confifted of, 22..

His notion of juvenile facetioufnefs, 17.

Advifes a judicious choice of topicks, 415, 416.
Arminianifm, faid to be a breach of all the ten commandments,


Who spread it in England, 426.

Arnold, his rule of adopting customs, 322.

His fenfe of Phil. ii. 6. 190.
Arrangement, 63. 200, 201. 365.

Article, xxth, of the epifcopal church of England, vague,

Indeterminate, 397, 398.

Articles of faith, human, how precarious, 427. See Sub

Affociation of ideas, 82, 83..

Affurance of falvation, what, 258, 259.

Afyndeton, what, 374.

Athenians, their publick records, 328.

Atterbury, Bishop, his illogical comparison, 385.

His impropriety, 388, 389.

His craft, 420.

Attrition, what, 287.

Auguftine, St. his notion

of grace, 108.

Of the plagues of Egypt, 38.
Of tradition, 115.

Of the wisdom and folly of the

How he taught predeftination, 194.


Recommends prayer to preachers, 95.

And variety of method in preaching, 382.

Would have a preacher ftudy the countenances of his audi-

tors, 12.

His endless questions, 325, 326.

Did not understand Hebrew, 373.

Auguftus, his enrollment, 328.

Azazel, the fcape-goat, 424.


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Bacon, Lord, how he would have fcripture expounded,
86, 87.

On the ufe and abuse of reason, 151.

What he calls the firft principles of ethicks, 343.

Baptifm, Infant, on what ground Bellarmine places it, 115.
How Beveridge reafons for it, 34.

Placed by Pool on a divine command, 34.

Which command, the Baptifts fay, does not include in-
fants, 34:

Baptifts, their liberal principles in the time of civil wars,


Their rule of interpreting vague prepofitions in this con-
troverfy, 375, 376.

Baptized for the dead, various opinions of this phrafe, 334-
Barbeyrac, his opinion of Selden's works, 161,

Barlow, Bishop, his inconfiftency, 342.

Barnabas, St. the Epiftle called his a miserable performance,

98, 99.

Baronius, his account of Jewish Apoftles, 174.
Barrow, Dr. a tedious preacher, 405.

Wrote well on Papal fupremacy, 218.

Bartholinus, wrote on difeafes mentioned in fcripture, 172.
Bartoloccius, how he argued against a popular use of scrip-
ture, 288.

Bafil, St. his notion of the phrafe, form of God, 189.
Bafil, founder of the fect called Bogomiles, 291.
Batteaux, Abbe, his notion of inverfion, 60, 61.

Baxter, example from him, 406.

Bayle, his account of the difpute between Claude and the
Port-royalifts, 160.

Beaft, the Apocalyptical, the number of, how expounded
by fome, 293.

Bechai, Rabbi, his notion of facrifices, 127.

Bellarmine places purgatory, original fin, and infant-bap-
tifm, on the ground of tradition, 115.

Makes temporal profperity a mark of the true church,


Not to be quoted as authority among proteftants, 432.
Bennet afferts the fufficiency of fcripture, 316.
Bentley, Dr. wrote well against deism, 318.
Bertheau, example from him, 369, 370.

Beveridge, Bishop, his puerile criticism on Mat. xxviii. 19.



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