Easter Stories and SermonsNova Publishers, 2003 - 172 páginas Easter is not about mauve hats nor chocolate Easter bunnies. What it is about is joy -- the joy (and therefore hope) of the resurrection from death of the Lord Jesus Christ. The thought behind this book was to gather stories related to Easter's message and blend them with some particularly piercing sermons given on Easter Day when perhaps some inspiration might have seeped through the cobblestones of society's day-to-day clatter. And surely life, society and daily thinking have changed immensely during the last 20 centuries, 20 years and perhaps even 20 minutes. Yet, if one reads the biblical texts, the overriding concerns of the people of that time do not differ much from our own. Jesus Christ's resurrection from death brought about a large-scale change in life's equation, however. The message is not hard to understand even in today's world. It is hoped that this modest book will remind readers of what they should already know. |
3 | |
5 | |
7 | |
9 | |
The Crucifixion | 11 |
The Crucifixion | 13 |
Christ Crucified | 15 |
The Burial | 17 |
In Rome Under The Old Papal Regime 1870 | 61 |
Easter In Greece | 65 |
Eggrolling In Washington | 69 |
On The Island Of Ischia | 71 |
The Russian Easter | 75 |
Easter Stories | 77 |
The Odour Of The Ointment | 79 |
Easter Eggs | 93 |
In The Sistine Chapel | 19 |
The Resurrection | 23 |
The Wonderful Morning Dawns On An Empty Tomb | 25 |
The Appearances Of The Risen Lord | 29 |
The Women And The Angels | 31 |
The Appearances In Jerusalem | 33 |
The Appearances In Galilee | 37 |
The Final Appearance In Bethany | 39 |
The Resurrection Body Of The Risen Lord | 41 |
Easter Customs | 45 |
Easter Eggs | 47 |
The Easter Hare | 49 |
The Bells Of The Kremlin | 51 |
Easter In Jerusalem 1835 | 53 |
Easter Eve | 107 |
The Easter Vision | 113 |
Blessing The Fields | 117 |
Blessing The Fields In Italy | 121 |
Easter Sermons | 125 |
Their Eyes Were Opened | 127 |
The Easter Sermon Of St John Chrysostom | 129 |
The Great Companion Is Dead | 133 |
An Easter Message | 135 |
Pascha Easter | 137 |
Christs Resurrection A Proof Of Ours | 143 |
The Day Of Days | 153 |
The Emmaus Road | 163 |
Términos y frases comunes
2004 SnovaPublications Chapter Amorgos angels Apostles appeared beautiful believe bells blessed body bread chapel Christ is Risen Christ's resurrection Christian church color cross crucified dark dead death disciples door earth Easter Day Easter Eggs Easter morning Editor eggs Emmaus empty tomb eyes faith Father feeling festival flowers glory grave hands hath heart burn heaven heavenly Holy hope human icons immortal Ischia James H Jerusalem Jesus Christ John Chrysostom knew Kuno lady light Little Friend live looked Lovelow Mary Mary Magdalene mind mother myrrh-bearing women never Nichola night Pelleas pilgrims priests prophet raised rejoice religion religious resurrection of Jesus rise Risen Lord rose S. I. Avana saith unto scriptures seemed Sepulchre SERMONS side sight Snowden Chapter soul spirit stood strange Stranger things thou hast thought took truth valley Vladimir Korolenko walk women words Zona Gale