Universal Technological Dictionary: Or, Familiar Explanations of the Terms Used in All Arts and Sciences, Volumen2Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1823 |
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Términos y frases comunes
acid Anat ancient angle animal annexed figure annuals anthers Archæol Archit argent arms Astron Bauh bird body capsule Character Chem Class 14 Class 21 Class 5 Pentandria Clus colour common consisting court Creutzers Dioscor distinguished Ditto drupe epithet escutcheon filaments five filaments four fish French genus of plants Geom germ inferior germ oblong germ ovate germ roundish Gram Greek Groschen gules head Herb horse Inst kind King King's land Linnæus Linnean system lord Mech metals muscles næus name given native Nosology officers Order 1 Monogynia otherwise called Pempt perianth one-leaved person petal one.-STAM petals PIST plane Plin Raii Hist Rhet Rix-Dollar Romans seeds solitary ship shrubs signifies single species sort species are perennials STAM stigma stigma simple.-PER stone style filiform term Theat thing Tourn Triandria Verb vide writ Zool
Pasajes populares
Página 11 - Barons' eldest sons. Knights of the Garter. Privy Councillors. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench. Master of the Rolls.
Página 12 - Municipal law, thus understood, is properly defined to be "a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.
Página 18 - The lineal descendants, in infinitum, of any person deceased shall represent their ancestor; that is, shall stand in the same place as the person himself would have done, had he been living.
Página 8 - Consanguinity, or kindred, is defined by the writers on these subjects to be vinculum personarum ab eodem stipite descendentium: the connection or relation of persons descended from the same stock or common ancestor. This consanguinity is either lineal or collateral. "Lineal consanguinity is that which subsists between persons, of whom one is descended in a direct line...
Página 17 - An heir, therefore, is he upon whom the law casts the estate immediately on the death of the ancestor: and an estate, so descending to the heir, is in law called the inheritance.
Página 17 - Tenant at will is, where lands or tenements are let by one man to another, to have and to hold to him at the will of the lessor, by force of which lease the lessee is in possession.