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judge thee, who by the letter and a profession of Christianity dost transgress its commands? For he is not a Christian who is one outwardly, neither is that Christianity which is merely outward in the flesh or in name. But he is a Christian who is one inwardly; and Christianity is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter-whose praise is not of men but ofGod.”

If this be not a perversion of the spirit of the passage-and we verily believe it is not— have we not more ground to hope for the salvation of kind and peaceful Pagans, than of unmerciful and fighting Chris tians?

Unmerciful and fighting Christians! What a palpable solecism! Yet how many think it safe to appear of this character at the judgement seat of Christ, depending on his blood to atone for their own cruelty and blood-guiltiness, and for their practical, habitual and persevering disregard both to his precepts and example; and also depending on the imputation or transfer of his righteousness to supply the defect of all personal conformity to his will, and all moral fitness for the kingdom of heaven! How wonderful, how shocking, how fatal the delusion, which has converted à dispensation of Divine love, mercy and peace, into motives for the indulgence of human malignity, revenge and war!

THE FAREWELL. The sails are set; the anchor weigh'd; Their course, south-west, the ships pursueVol. VI. No. 6,


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A REMARKABLE INDIAN MINISTER. In the summer of 1760 a number of religious Indians paid a visit to the Quakers in Philadelphia, on a religious account. They were mostly of the Minusing tribe, and came from a town called Mahackloosing, or Wyalnsing, on or near the east branch of Susquehannah river, Pennsylvania. Their chief man, whom the rest of the company styled their minister, was named Papunchung, or Papounan; or Papounan; and their interpreter was Job Chillaway, an Indian

On their arrival they wait ed on Governor Hamilton, to pay their respects and to deliver their prisoners, whom they had redeemed; having themselves absolutely refused to join with the other Indians in the savage war which raged about that time.

They had a public conference with the Governor in the state-house, in the presence of many citizens; in which Papounan said the design of their visit was prin cipally to the Quakers, on a

religious account; that they desired to do justice, to love God and to live in peace-requesting at the same time that none of his company should be permitted to have any spiritous liquors, &c. He refused the presents offered by the Governor, and gave him the reasons; further saying "I think on God who made us; I want to be instructed in his worship and service; I am a great lover of peace, and have never been concerned in war affairs; I have a sincere remembrance of the old friendship between the Indians and our forefathers, and shall ever observe it." After mentioning some other things and expressing himself farther on the design of their visit, he said— "Though what he had mentioned on religious affairs might appear trivial to some who thought different from him, yet he was fixed in his mind respecting them; that their young men agreed with him and wanted to love God and to desist from their former

bad course of life;" further declaring "I am glad I have an opportunity of mentioning these several affairs in the presence of so large an auditory of young and old people; the Great God observes all that passes in our hearts, and hears all that we say one to another."

He then finished with a solemn act of thanksgiving and prayer to God, with great devotion and energy, in the Indian language. The unusu. alness, force and sound of the Indian language, on such an occasion, with the manifest, sincerity, fervor and concern of the speaker, seemed to strike the whole auditory in an uncommon manner, as well as the Indians themselves who all the while behaved with a gravity becoming the occasion and appeared to unite heartily with him in his devo


They were kindly treated by the Governor, and remained in town several days, visiting and conferring with Friends and attending their religious meetings. They frequently expressed their dislike and abhorrence of war, as arising from a bad spirit, wondering that Christians were such great warriors, rather than lovers and cultivators of peace. They uniformly kept themselves entirely from strong liquor, and observed a sober, orderly and commendable behaviour, often expressing their satisfaction with what they heard from the Friends.

From the account they gave of themselves, they had been

of this mind for several years, and, as far as appeared and was understood by those they visited, principally from an immediate sense of divine goodness, manifested in their minds, without any instrumental means, preaching or information from other persons, yet it was but lately that Papounan had been induced to preach among them, in which service he was afterwards joined by two other Indians. They appeared very earnest and sincere in promoting true piety, which they represented to be the effect of an internal operation of the divine influence on the mind, whereby it became changed from a bad to a good state This they emphatically expressed by the heart becoming soft, and filled with good.

The interpreter gave the following account of Papoun an's conversion :-" He was formerly a drunken man; but the death of a father bringing sorrow over his mind, he fell into a thoughtful, melancholic state; in which his eyes were turned to behold the earth and consider the things which are thereon. From seeing the folly and wickedness which prevailed, his sorrow increased; and it was given him to believe that there was a great power which created all these things. Upon which his mind was turned from beholding this lower world to look towards Him who had created it; and strong desires were raised in his heart after further knowledge of his Creator. Nevertheless the Almighty

was not yet pleased to be found or known by him. But, his desires increasing, he forsook the town and went into the woods in great bitterness of spirit. He was missed by the other Indians, who feared some casualty might have happened to him; but after searching for him he was not found, At the end of five days it pleased God to appear to him to his comfort, and to give him a sight, not only of his own inward state, but also an acquaintance with the works of nature; so that he appre'hended a sense was given him of the virtues, and natures of several herbs, roots, plants and trees, and the different relation they had one to another. and he was made sensible that man stood in the nearest relation to God of any part of creation. It was at this time that he was more particularly made sensible of his duty to God. He came home rejoicing, and endeavoured to put in practice what he apprehended was required of him.'

These Indians made a second visit to the Quakers in the next following summer, on the same account, and behaved in the same regular and becoming manner as before. They maintained an orderly public worship, in their way, at stated times; at some of which they were visited by several of the Friends. Papounan, their chief preacher, in his discourses principally advised and exhorted them to circumspection and brotherly Jove in their conduct, that it might be manifest they re

tained a sense of theirCreator's goodness and favour continued to them; and in his public prayers, and addresses to his Maker, he returned thanks for his mercy, in still affording them a sense of his compassion and loving kindness, requesting a continuance and increase thereof, that they might jointly know in the end a place of rest, where love would prevail and have the dominion. When they were not dispersed, as in their hunting season, it appeared they constantly met in this manner in the morning before sunrise, and in the evening after sunset.

The purport of more of Papounan's expressions was"That it was an affair of much sorrow to him, that men should make so bad use of the breath of life which God had breathed into them, and which ought continually to be improved to his honour and the mutual benefit of mankind. That it was not well to speak of things which related to the Almighty only from the root of the tongue; but in order that such words should be good they must proceed from the good principle in the heart: That he had for many years felt the good spirit in his heart; but, wanting to try and prove it in order to come to some certainty, he remained in an unsettled state till about four years ago; when he received an assurance that this love was good, and that he needed no farther inquiry about it. And being past all doubt that this was the right way, he had endeavoured to

walk steadily therein since that time This spirit was a spirit of love; and it was his daily prayer that it might continually abide with him: That when he felt it prevalent in his heart he was so directed as to speak what was right and prevented from saying any wrong thing: That by reason of men not keeping to this love, which their maker hath given them in their hearts, the evil spirit gets possession there, and destroys all that is good in them; and this is the cause why men dislike one another, grow angry with and endeavour to kill one another. But when we follow the leadings of the good spirit, it causes our hearts to be tender,

to love one another, to look upon all mankind as one, and so to become as one family." Proud's Hist. of Pennsylvania, Vol. II. pages 320-25.

This account of Papounan will we hope be read with interest, and occasion some serious reflections. To such views of piety and duty this remarkable Indian appears to have been brought, prior to any personal acquaintance with the gospel, or with the Friends. Must he not then have been taught by the spirit of God? And were not his views of relegion much more consistent with the gospel, than those which are entertained by the greater number of professed Christians?


WE were called in our last pumber to notice the death of the Rev. Dr. McKean, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard University. This dispensation has added another to the bereavements, numerous and afflicting almost beyond example, with which our churches and literary community have, within the few past years, been visted. We are persuaded we can add nothing to the just and affection ate tributes that have already been offered ;* but we are unwilling that the pages of the Christian Disciple should be without some notice

of one, who was numbered with our most accomplished scholars and divines, and whose private virtues have embalmed his memory in many hearts.

To every community the death of such an individual as Dr. McKean must be viewed with a powerful interest, for to every community his life might be an important blessing. Having received the honours of Harvard University, he devoted himself to the study of Theology; and evinced the diligence and fidelity of his preparation, by the ability and acceptance of his earliest services. In 1797 he became the Pastor of the church in Mil

* Eulogy on the Rev. Joseph McKean, delivered before the University, Cambridge, by Professor Hedge; and Funeral Sermon by Rev. Nathaniel L, Frothingham, of Boston; both of which have been published by request.

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