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becoming interference with civil authority, and expose Christians resident in slave States to obloquy and to the charge of revolutionary action, all these and other circumstances render this no ordinary question, nor one very easy of solution.

Yet, notwithstanding all these difficulties, regarding slavery in this Union as peculiarly offensive to God, and rendering us obnoxious to his displeasure, we are inclined to believe that the church, in her organized relations, is bound to look the subject in the face, in the fear of God, and openly to express her opinion. We deprecate all harsh, radical measures; all wholesale exercise of discipline, such as was perpetrated in 1837; but we think the peace of Jerusalem will be promoted, and the cause of truth and righteousness be subserved by candid, considerate, calm action on this great subject, to which the providence of God is now directing the attention of the world.

Let us talk it over then kindly; let us weigh well the obstacles; let us pray fervently for light; let the North withhold itself from fanaticism and faggotism, and let the South meet her responsibilities; the ministers and Christians of that section of our happy Union bear their testimony boldly but discreetly, and we have little doubt that now, when passion on the subject has well nigh been lulled to rest, men everywhere can be brought to see the evils of slavery, and the church's influence in its speedy removal be powerfully felt and acknowledged with gratitude.

There is no occasion for division in our body on this question. We think that the Southern church itself, if the subject be presented in such an aspect as it can be, will be brought to feel the importance of the Assembly's testimony, and unite in a vote to that effect. Amen and Amen!



1.-The Anabasis of Xenophon: chiefly according to the Text of L. Dindorf; with Notes: for the use of schools. By John J. Owen, Principal of the Cornelius Institute. New. York: Leavitt & Trow. Boston: Crocker & Brewster. 1843. pp. 366.

THE Anabasis of Xenophon we regard as, beyond all question, the best adapted, of all the writings of antiquity, for a primary classical school book. It is in the first place a specimen of the finest Attic, and at the same time so remarkably easy and intelligible, that the Tyro may read it with delight, whilst to the critical philologist it exhibits all the elegancies and peculiarities of this most refined dialect. There is besides an air of romance about the Retreat of the ten thousand, which imparts all the interest of the most lively work of fiction, whilst the inimitable simplicity of the style, and an indescribable air of truth which pervades the whole narration, secure our entire confidence; so that we never doubt that the descriptions are those of an eye-witness of too strict integrity to misstate, and too religiously calm amid dangers, to allow that false coloring, which might arise from an enthusiastic excitement of the feelings. Xenophon himself was one of the noblest characters of antiquity, a practical moral philosopher, a most brave and skilful commander, excelling in all the social virtues, and at the same time most sincerely religious. Every morning witnessed his devotion; every march was commenced under the auspices of prayer and sacrifice. In short, he was one of the most finished specimens of all that was meant by that noble Attic term xaloxayados, or the perfect Grecian gentleman of the old school, in an age when sophistry and skepticism had begun to make serious inroads on the ancient faith and purity of life.

A good edition of the entire Anabasis has been wanted in our schools, and we think the work of Mr. Owen well calculated to supply the defect. It has evidently cost him much labor, and exhibits everywhere evidence of the most thorough research. The notes form about one half of the volume, (364 pages,) and seem admirably adapted to the wants of the

student. We discover in them the practical teacher, most intimately familiar with the actual difficulties that daily occur in a scholar's progress. They are minute and full to a degree that some might deem excessive, and as calculated to make the learner's task easy. It should be borne in mind, however, that in the present state of classical learning among us, such books are needed for teachers as well as for scholars. The latter cannot have too many aids, if he is only guided by an instructor, who will see to it that he thoroughly understands their reason and application, instead of abusing them for the mere purpose of temporary facilities in recitation. The style of this author, although in general remarkably plain, is characterized by occasional obscurities of a most perplexing kind, arising chiefly from the use of military phrases, and from carelessness in local description. These passages have received peculiar care, and are generally cleared up in a very satisfactory manner. Special attention has been paid to the geography of the country, and in this respect the notes of Mr. Owen (comprising as they do, the latest information of missionary travellers respecting those interesting regions,) are entitled to the highest commendation.

Were we disposed to find fault with this work, it would be in respect to what may be styled the author's excessive caution in supporting his positions by too numerous references to authorities. Our own idea of a classical book is, that it should contain simply the results of the editor's best judgment in his selections from preceding compilations. Without fearing the charge of plagiarism from a succession of plagiarists, he should aim at spreading before the student the best and fullest information from whatever source derived. Mr. Owen frequently on a difficult passage, or in regard to a various reading, gives us the opinion of Schneider, and Borneman, and Dindorf, and Poppo, and then generally with most excellent judgment, gives his own, or selects the one which seems to him to be best. In almost every case of the kind, we feel disposed to confide in the correctness of his decision. Now for all the purposes of the student, the result of the author's investigations was all that he needed, and there is no probability that even the more advanced scholar would step out of his way to consult the authorities to which we are so copiously referred.

These minor faults, however, may be corrected in a second edition, and we simply suggest them to the author for that purpose. Without going into that detail which our limits will not allow, we conclude by cordially recommending the work

to teachers as a very valuable addition to our stock of classical school books. We much prefer, for this purpose, an entire work, (especially one so delightfully interesting as Xenophon's Anabasis,) to such fragmentary productions as most of those that are generally styled Greek and Latin Readers. It may well be doubted, whether in teaching a language, it is the best plan to arrange its several departments by regular rank and file in separate lessons, instead of presenting them as a whole, and as they naturally occur in some plain and interesting native author. We should be glad to see this book have that place, which it so well deserves, in all our classical schools, and have no doubt, that could its plan be carried out by teachers, with the same fidelity which the author has exhibited in the execution, it would be productive of the very best results.


2-Classical Studies. Essays on Ancient Literature and Art. With the Biography and Correspondence of eminent Philol ogists. By Barnas Sears, President of Newton Theologi cal Institution, B. B. Edwards, Professor in Andover Theological Seminary, and C. C. Felton, Professor in Harvard University. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. 1843. We have here one of the most beautifully printed books of the day, doing honor to the taste both of those who projected its costume, and of those who executed the order. We love to look on a beautiful book, and therefore regret the demand for the too cheap publications of the day, because they render it somewhat hazardous for a bookseller to expend his means in adding value to his publications, by offering them to readers in an attractive dress. We trust, however, the day is not far distant, when society will roll back the tide of trash which is pouring in its muddy waters with tremendous power, and adulterating the very fountains of individual and social life. Let good men rise and say, it must not be. Let them combine their influence for the encouragement of that which is decorous and useful.

The character and acquirements of the gentlemen, who have undertaken the task of these translations, are in themselves a pledge of the intrinsic value of the articles, as well as of the faithful execution of their part of the labor. We do rejoice in the diffusion of literature of so high an order, and cannot but believe that these translations will greatly tend to waken the aspirations of youth after higher and higher attainments in classical studies. After all new methods of education shall

have been tried, we shall, at last, come back to the conviction, that there is nothing so effective in disciplining, refining and elevating the mind as these same, oft-rejected and much abused classical studies.

But of the work itself. It contains a powerful plea for classical learning, in the form of an Introduction, whilst the articles themselves tend to the same end. The first is a view of the schools of German philosophy, embracing notices of Heyne, Winckelmann, Wolf, Heindorff, Bekker, Böckh and Hermann. The second is a translation of an essay of Tegnér, on the Study of Greek Literature. The third from F. Jacobs, on Classical Antiquity. Fourth, on Grecian works of plastic art, by the same author. Fifth, the correspondence of eminent philologists. Sixth, on the Dutch Philologists, Hemsterhuys, Ruhnken and Wyttenbach.

These are followed by other articles on valuable topics, and numerous notes, giving brief biographies of most of the eminent scholars mentioned in the body of the work. Let every lover of learning read the whole volume.

3.-Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. A Book for the Times. By an American Citizen. Second Edition. New York: M. W. Dodd and Robert Carter. Boston: Tappan & Dennet,-Crocker & Brewster. Philadelphia: Perkins & Purves. Cincinnati: George L. Weed. 1843. pp. 239.

This volume has been already noticed editorially in the Repository, and has also been the basis of a distinct review. The fact of a second edition having been called for, is evidence that the author's labors have been appreciated. The argument we think sound and conclusive and should be pleased to have the book read by those of the intellectual class, who are still skeptical as to the divine origin of the Bible.

4.-Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. By John L. Stephens. Illustrated by 120 Engravings. In two volumes. NewYork: Harper and Brothers. 1843.

The author has here added two beautiful and valuable volumes to his "Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan." Mr. Stephens is deservedly a popular writer; and his recent investigations among the ruins of Central America and Yucatan, are appreciated by the scientific world. They have done much towards a satisfactory solution of the

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