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nestly inquired, supposing he had quoted some text of Scripture, as he had been before doing to aid her recollection, he said, "Compose yourself, my dear, for a few moments, and you will have more strength to praise him :" with the most perfect recollection and acquiescence, she instantly complied; but, as if her enraptured spirit could not cease its song of praise, it immediately winged its way to the mansions of felicity, there to continue it through one eternal day, leaving its clay tenement without a struggle, or groan, or sigh. A balmy sweetness filled the room, and seemed to say to nature's sorrow in her surviving relatives, "It is out of place."

"Thus sung she in death, as her spirit was

In ecstacy high, in assurance of grace;
Till lost in his glory, and lost in adoring,
She flew, and left only a smile on her


The mortal remains of this most dutiful child, beloved and most affectionate wife, faithful, valuable, and kind friend, and truly pious and holy servant of God, were deposited under the communion, in the Methodist chapel, in Newport, on the 22d of September, the fifth anniversary of the day of her marriage, amidst the tears of hundreds who pressed into the chapel, whilst many hundreds more in vain sought for admission. The funeral service was read, and an address delivered, by Mr. W. Brocklehurst, assisted by his colleague, Mr. David Cornforth; and, in the evening, the occasion was farther improved, in a truly useful sermou, from Phil. i. 21, by Mr. G. Birley, from Cardiff. On Thursday, Oct. 1st, the funeral sermon was preached by Mr. James Buckley, from Bath, from those most consolatory words in Jolin xiv. 1-3, to a crowded congregation, whose feelings during the sermon were SO much affected, that the preacher was obliged to restrain himself in the expression of his sentiments on this

mournful event. Funeral sermons were

preached in most of the principal places in the circuit, and also in some of the dissenting places of worship. To her afflicted husband, the seal of death seems impressed on every thing below the sky, or rather, he should say, on every thing that has not the tendency to lead his mind thither; for in those blissful abodes are now both his heavenly and his earthly treasure. Faith, eagle-pinioned, bears him to the throne of the Eternal, and there he beholds his beloved Martha in the inmost circle, shining in the full radiance of his glory, and hymning his

praises in sweeter and nobler strains than even she sung on earth.

To the Editor of the Methodist Magazine

It is with inexpressible regret, that I
have to present you with the following
account, for the Obituary in your invalu-
able Miscellany.
I am,

Your affectionate but deeply afflicted
Son in the Gospel,


It is rather more than a month since,


my worthy and highly esteemed Super-
intendant became indisposed; but in
few days he appeared better, and went
on with the labours in the circuit, (though
far from being well) until Wednesday the
25th of November; when he came in out
of the circuit, apparently very ill of a
cold. In the evening, medical assistance
was obtained, but no danger appre-
hended until the following Sunday, when
he became delirious. We then sought
out for further help; but alas! physicians
and medicine were in vain: every effort
proved fruitless; and the fever took those
rapid strides, that on Wednesday even-
ing, December 2d, about nine o'clock,"
he left the earthly house of this taber-
nacle, for "a building of God, a house
not made with hands, eternal in the

Mr. ANDREWS came out to travel in the year 1801. He was a zealous, affectionate, faithful, and laborious servant in the vineyard of his Lord. As a Christian, he was deeply pious, holy, uniform, and steadfast. The Church of God has to lament a great loss; his wife is bereaved of an affectionate, tender, and faithful husband; and his children, of a tender parent.

It is said of him, that "during the sixteen months of his residence at Mansfield, his conduct was such, as, in the strictest sense, to adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour. His loss is deeply deplored by his friends, who revered him for his piety as a Christian, and his fidelity as a minister; in every place, and on all occasions, his chief concern was, to diffuse the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ. He possessed a happy talent in preaching; was lively, zealous, and afBut we are early called to feel fecting." our loss, as he was only about thirtyeight years of age. But our loss is his eternal gain.

Mansfield, Dec. 12th, 1818.



A number of letters from these stations have been recently received, extracts of which will appear in subsequent numbers. The general complexion of these accounts is very favourable. Mr. Clough had been to Madras to recruit his health; we are happy to state that he has recovered, and was about to return to Colombo when the

last letters were sent off.

Mr. Lynch has made a purchase of premises for a Mission-house and place of worship, in the neighbourhood of Madras, between St. Thomé and Royapetta, in the midst of a large heathen population. This measure will call for the immediate appointment of another Missionary to that station.

Mr Carver had been obliged to relax a short time from his duties, on account of his health, and had visited Tranquebar and Tanjore. The following are some extracts from his journal, which will be continued:"

Trincomalee, June 15, 1818.

In consequence of intense application and study, in a climate unfriendly to Europeans, my health was considerab'y impaired, and a change of place was desirable. Travelling by land or water has generally a good effect on the human frame, and a short voyage being recoinmended, I resolved to improve my tine and health together by visiting the opposite coast, which has been the scene of the labour of many very eminent servants of God for near a century. Brother Erskine being at Jaffna, on a visit for the improvement of his health, I availed myself of the opportunity of his presence to supply my lack of service.

On the 15th of AprilBrotherSquance accompanied me to the beach, and I embarked at three P. M. in a small open boat for the Peninsula. The day was fine, and sailing pleasant, and every thing around reflected the abundant goodness of the Creator. Man alone seemed to be in-ensible to the mercy and benevolence of God. Among our little company was a respectable passenger, whose thinly scattered locks had grown grey in heathenism. I entered into conversation with him, assisted by my servant, but, alas! his days had been consumed in a land of darkness, where gross darkness rests on the minds of the people, and his ignorince of himself and of God was exposed by his defence of the superstitions of his countryinen. At seven P M. we cast anchor at Kait's, 12 miles from Jaffa, where I meant to remain next day, which was the Sabbath.

In the morning, five or six descendants of Euroncaas, with some Malabars, came to hear the word of God. I endeavoured to instruct them in the best manner I corld, sitting on a chair and telling them of the love of Jesus, while tears trickled down their cheeks. Some of them were VOL. XLII. JANUARY, 1819.

very poor widows, who had long been struggling with want and misery, and whose circumstances were now so narrow that want and wretchedness seemed ready to rush into their dwellings, and overwhelm them with distress. But these things had opened their ears to receive instruction, and they drank in every word spoken in the name of Jesus for their comfort and consolation; and after the service was ended they assembled in a little group, burst into floods of tears, comforting each other with the words they had just heard, "Doth God take care of the fowls, and will he not care for us? the gold and the silver are his, and the cattle upon a thousand hills; shall we perish ?"

On Sunday, April 20, at midnight, we weighed anchor, and bore out into the channel which divides Ceylon from the continent, and at day light had lost sight of land.

At two P. M. we reached Point Calemere, where the post lands from Ceylon during one of the monsoons. A nuniber of men came down and dragged our boat through a noisy da-bing surf, which is sometimes very dangerous.

When I landed I was a little surprised to find a British encampment near the sea. A detachment under Lieutenant-Colonel Dighton had come from Trinchinnopoly to avail themselves of a sea breeze. The ground they had chosen was the best the country afforded; in this part of the coast nothing but a barren sand and a few bushes appeared to the wearied eye, which sought relief on a few distant Palmira trees, or on the sea. The Colonel was very kind and condescending, and in the evening I dined with the officers of the detachment, who very kindly rendered me every little help they could, for which I was very thankful.

Thus being a little strengthened in

body, and also refreshed by the Spirit's
energy in my soul, next morning 1 again
committed myself to the great deep,
coasting up to Tranquebar. Towards
evening we passed Negapatam and Na-
gore. The latter place presented to the
view five towering mosques, which mark
the power and wealth of the Musslemen
there. In the evening we came close
under Tranquebar, but all my entreaties
would not prevail upon my boatmen to
go in till next tide, therefore we lay
tossing about all night after a day of fast-
ing and sickness, wishing for the morn-
ing. Day-light at last came to my relief,
and Ilanded, and sought out the Mission-
aries, who very kindly received me, ad-
ministering with readiness to my wants.
Finding myself thus in a place where
I was an entire stranger, every thing be-
came interesting, but the mission cause
Jay nearest my heart. I remembered this
was a spot peculiarly favoured by heaven;
a place where the standard of the cross
has long been unfurled; where the atone-
ment of the blessed Jesus had been made

Whose blood through earth and skies,
Mercy, free boundless mercy cries.
The senior Missionary, Dr. Cammerer,

being absent, the other Brethren very kindly took the trouble to go with me to the different places belonging to this extensive mission; and in communicating my remarks, I must beg the indulgence of using my journal.

April 23. We visited the Mission buildings, raised by the first venerable Missionaries, and now occupied by their successors. On entering the houses once inhabited by those honoured and devoted. servants of God, I felt awed at the recollection of departed worth. Upon the immediate premises in the town of Tranquebar, the boys and girls schools are, like the buildings, in a declining state, with only about 18 in each. The house built by Ziegenbalg, and in which he dwelt, together with other parts of the premises, are sinking into ruin, and present to the passing traveller a gloomy aud dejected appearance. But the mutilated library especially brought from my heart an involuntary sigh; the books left by the Missionaries, their former possessors, and in which they had often found consolation in this weary land, were now covered with dust, and some eaten up with worms.


(To be continued.)

We stated in our last the safe arrival of Mr. Lawry in this colony. The letters received from this Missionary afford great satisfaction, both as to the useful and zealous labours of Mr. Leigh, and the extensive openings for Missionary labour, which present themselves in that country. The call for additional help has been considered by the Committee, who have voted the appointment of a third Missionary. Extraet of a Letter from Mr. LAWRY, dated Sydney, May, 1818. AFTER a prosperous voyage of above 15,000 miles, which we completed in four months and eight days, I am safely arrived at this Asiatic Isle. Goodness and mercy accompanied me all the way, and continue to be to my body and soul a wall to defend, and a portion to satisfy.

I saw many, to me, new and curious things on the voyage; the sea rose up like little hills in the Bay of Biscay, exhibiting a grandeur I had often wished to behold. The fertile islands of Palma and Teneriffe, belonging to the Canaries, excited much admiration; they rise about three miles above the level of the sea, their tops being generally enveloped in the clouds. In the tropics, 10 deg. N. lat. the air was very heavy and crowded, and the atmosphere quite hazy, by means of small insects from the coasts of Africa, distant 150 miles; these quite covered all our ropes and sails, having the appearance of fine sand; they were 26 times less than mites in cheese, discernible from dust only by the microscope.

We crossed the equinox on the 22d of

January. Thermometer 82 deg. But I suffered less from the heat than I expected; this was owing to the largeness of our ship, and the elevation of my cabin. In the southern hemisphere we saw only one little island before we made New Holland this was the southernmost of islands called St. Paul's and Amsterdam, on the top of which we saw a large fire, supposed to be a volcanic eruption, as there are no inhabitants on the island. Capt. Welsden, who on a former voyage landed there, says there is a hot spring at the foot of the volcanic hill, in which he boiled some potatoes.

During the voyage, I regularly preached to the prisoners on the gun-deck, some of whom heard the word with gladness, and received it in the love thereof. I have every evidence that I can expect of the repentance and genuine conversion of several of these men. Thank God for the first fruit of a fast-coming harvest. Mr. Aylward, the captain's clerk, and Mr. Clark, a passenger, were very zealous among, and useful to the prisoners. They

raised a good choir of singers, which added much to our comfort on the sea. And here they have been well rewarded for their singing, as they are taken into serious families contiguous to places of worship, that they may assist therein.

April 24th, we made the hills of New Holland. On the 1st of May we dropped anchor in Port Jackson, a harbour for beauty, commodiousness, and safety, excelled by few.

The day after my arrival, brother Leigh returned from the country settlements to Sydney; our meeting was acpanied by mutual joy and gladness. And the following sabbath, meeting early in the morning with the little church, we were refreshed together like Paul and Titus. I felt considerable enlargement while opening and applying Acts xviii.27; and in the evening, to a very serious and attentive congregation, Acts xvii. 10, 11, 12.

I availed myself of the first opportunity of waiting on His Excellency Governor Macquarie, who received me in the most courteous and friendly manner, wishing me every blessing, and kindly promising that influence which might be desirable. I then waited on the Rev. Mr. Cooper, chaplain of Sydney, from whom I received that welcome which might be expected from a very holy minister of Christ.

As the ship, David Shaw, by which I

write, sails in a few days for England, I have not had time to visit the remote parts of the colony; Paramatta, 15 miles from Sydney, is the farthest of my travels. I thank God for the prospects of good which appear there. As the Rev. Mr. Marsden resides at Paramatta, I lost no time before waiting on him, whose reception of me agreed with that missionary zeal, which is so deservedly praised in all the churches. Of the other clergymen in the colony I cannot speak, but by report, which I am happy to find is most favourable.

We meet with no opposition from men, and many there are who sincerely desira to be taught the things which belong to their peace. The greatest outward obstacle is the distance of the places from each other; but as the inhabitants are rapidly increasing, this will be obvi-. ated by your sending more missionaries. Though our society in New South Wales is small, and the number of truly pious persons comparatively few, yet the fields are white unto harvest: the uumber of hearers, in those places which I have visited, is by no means inconsiderable; and their deep attention and earnest solicitude, while hearing the word, would be profitably imitated by many of the congregations in England What may not we expect from a people thus prepared for the Lord?


Messrs. SHAW and EDWARDS continue their labours among the Namacquas with increasing assurances of success. The inhabitants are improving in the arts and civilization, and give great attention to the word of God. The care expended upon the Hottentot children will, it is hoped, be attended with important effects in future. The camp forge, implements of husbandry, and other useful articles, sent out by the Committee with Brother Edwards, but which from their weight had been left by him at Cape Town, had been forwarded. Six ploughs had been equipped by the joint labour of Messrs. Shaw and Edwards, for the use of the natives; so that some considerable improvement may be expected in agriculture in the neighbourhood of the settlement. Mrs. Shaw had also received the kind presents of small articles, by several ladies in London, sent out by Mr. Edwards, and acknowledges them in a letter to Mrs. Howden.

The following are Extracts from Mr. Shaw's Letters recently received.

Longrally, Sept. 12, 1818. June 1st. Ploughed two lands of wheat, and was sufficiently fatigued, by reason of the abundance of large roots found in the ground.

6th. This morning, about seven o'clock, our dear little infant breathed his soul into the hands of him who gave it. How suddenly were our hopes blasted-bow inexpressible our grief! The flower that was yesterday living, beautiful, fairer than spring, is to-day cropt by the hand of death, left to fade and wither in the feld. I was ready to say, ab, cruel

death! wherefore didst thou pass by the long ripe grass, the grass withering, the grass almost dead, the grass bending under a pressure of years-wherefore didst thou step out of thy path to cut down this tender flower-But on recollecting that, "what we know not now, we shall know hereafter," I felt enabled to say, "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good." O that in this solitary land we may learn to suffer as well as to do the will of God.

7th. This morning our little infant was in'erred within the walls of our chapel

Brother Edwards conducted the service, and felt with us the loss of our infant. 21st. Found it good to my own soul, while speaking on the certainty of death, and the preparation necessary for that solemu moment; but, especially, 'while exhorting the people to seek a present salvation in Jesus, who died for them, who rose from the dead that they might be justified, and who now invited them to come to him and receive his mercy.

July 4th. The poor bastard Hottentot, who had previously spoken to us respect ing a Missionary, came this evening to our settlement. He says, that the people who live by and near him, who never heard a serion in their lives, or saw a Missionary, are longing for the Gospel. He mentioned a peculiar instance, by which he had been stirred up to endeavour to procure a teacher. "I was," said he, "one eveuing lying in my house, but had not closed my eyes in sleep, nor could I, that night, when supper was ready, either eat or drink. After having lain some time, there were two ships presented before me, which appeared to be sailing on the great waters. Some one then informed me, that the one ship was filled with believers, who were holy people, and on their passage to heaven; and that the other was full of impenitent and wicked sinners, who were on their passage to hell. A person then asked me, in which of those ships will you go? but before I could give an answer, the ship loaded with sinners began to sink, gradually descended out of my sight, and I saw her no more. From whence these things come, I know not; or who he was that appeared to speak with me, I know not; but I was sore afraid, and determined, as speedily as possible, to proeure a Missionary, that we may be taught how we can be saved. This is the only end I have in view of coming to invite you to come to us with the Gospel."

8th. Being earnestly requested by the bastard Hottentot before mentioned, to visit his place of abode, we set out about four P. M. with our waggon drawn by oxen. My dear wife being so poorly, and so sorrowful on account of the death of our little one, was advised to visit the warın bath. The journey among these people will take us about a week out of our proper road; which however is a trifle, if we can be instruments of good to their souls. Just as we left our house, the mist came on, and the shadow of the evening very soon followed; on which account, we cannot descend from the mountain.

9th. Slept comfortably last night iw our waggon, though it was exceedingly cold, and the wind very high. This morning, the weather is fine. Our oxen having been put to the yoke, we descended from the mountain, and charmingly pursuing our way to the Bushmen's country.


10th. Rested this evening by Platberg, where we found a few people almost wild, and sufficiently ignorant of spiritual things. We had heard of the footsteps of a lion near the road on which we have travelled; but the strong monarch did not think proper to visit us, for which we were glad.

11th. A man named Bukas, having heard we were on our way, came to meet us with ten oxen, in order that our cattle, which will have a very long journey, may go light. After dinner, some of our own people, who have been in this land with their cattle, came to visit us; they shed abundance of tears during singing and prayer, and were anxious to know when we should return.

13th. Another man brought his oxen to help us on our way; and in the evening we arrived at the old man's house who had invited us to come amongst them. Here a company of people were gathered together, desiring to hear the word of life, which, in as simple a manner as possible, was administered to them.

15th. Being helped by the Bastard's oxen, we came to Platklip, where my poor wife was ill the whole night.

17th. Reached the Bokkoveld Mountain, where we enjoyed good water. During the night, we had thunder and rain; and the jackalls howled so near our waggon, that we feared they had got some of our killing sheep.

18th. Came to Sackjaslery, where two farmers were sitting over a fire, roasting the egg of an ostrich: they presented two to us, which we prepared in the same way; but they were so very strong, that we could not eat them. We have now travelled four days, without seeing any human being except our own people.

19th. Arrived at a farm-house, where a schoolmaster teaches their children to read, and preaches to the slaves two or three times a week. The slaves have been flogged for going among the bushes to pray; but they still continue. Spoke to the slaves in the evening, when some of the family were also present.

25th. Travelled in heavy rain to Teacoevally, where our good friend Mr. Van Wyk received us kindly.

26th. Kept service in his house this morning.

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