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Use this method, or that of Example (20), to find a by the aid of the Tables, when b=347, c=293, A=39° 42′. [See Art. 260.]

(22) Prove that in any triangle


log a=log (b−c) + L cos - L cos; where = tan


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(23) If D, E, F are the middle points of BC, CA, AB, then

sin BAD=

b sin A
b2+2bc cos A+ c2

[See Ex (11) (15) page 205.]

(24) If x=II1, y=II2, z=II, d=2R, prove that

xyz + d (x2 + y2+z2)=4ď3.

(25) The circle escribed to the side BC of the triangle ABC will be the inscribed circle of the triangle whose sides are

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(26) If a point

be taken within ABC such that the angles each 120o, prove that

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(27) If sin A and cos A are both given, prove that in general

n different values and no more can be assigned to sin


(28) If from a point on a circular arc (of radius r) which subtends an angle a at the centre, perpendiculars are drawn to its bounding radii, then the distance between the feet of the perpendiculars is r sin a.

(29) If two circles, radii a and b, touch externally, the angle between their


common tangents =2 tan-1}(√-√ä).

(30) If the inscribed circle touches the sides in DEF, prove

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(31) If the bisectors of the angles A, B, C meet the opposite

2bc A

sides in D, E, F then (i) AD= COS (ii) CD=

(iii) The area of DEF

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a sin B sin B+sin C

b+c 2

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(32) If a, ß, y, 8 are the angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, then

cos (a+B). cos (B+y). cos (y+d). cos (d+a)=(1 - cos2 a- cos2B)2.

(33) If 0 and 2 be two values of 6 found from the equation a cos 0+b sin 0=c, then

1. cos.sin+1.008-01





(34) If a=b cos x + c cos

b =c cos 0+a cos x

c=a cos +b cos 0


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prove that cos 20+ cos 20+ cos 2x + 4 cos 0. cos. cosx+1=0,

hence [see Fx. (20), p. 143], prove that

(0px)=(2n+1) π.

(35) A circle is drawn touching the inscribed circle and the sides AB, AC (not produced) of the triangle ABC. Another circle is drawn touching the circle and the same side. Prove

that the radius of the nth circle thus drawn is r


1 + sin

that the sum of the radii of all the circles, when n=∞, is

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(36) If AO, BO, CO pass through the centre of the circumscribing circle and meet the opposite sides on DEF, then

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(37) If h and be the lengths of the diagonals of a quadrilateral and the angle between them, prove that the area of the quadrilateral ishk sin 0.

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(39) Two regular polygons of n and 2n sides are described such that the circle inscribed in the first circumscribes the second; also the radius of the circle inscribed in the second is to that of the circle circumscribing the first as 3+3 is to 4√2. Prove that n= = 6.

(40) Prove by the aid of a figure like that of Art. 282 that 1,02=R2+2Rr1.

(41) If yz + zx+xy=1, prove by Trigonometry that

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1 − x2 * 1 − y2 * 1 − z2 ̄ ̄ (1 − x2) (1 − y2) (1 − z2) *

[See Ex. (33), (32), p. 194.]

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