Auditors W. A. ELIM, ALEXANDER YOUNG, F.C.A. (TURQUAND, YOUNGS, & CO.). Colonial Inspector and General Manager-SIR G. F. VERDON, K.C.M.G., С.В. Branches in the principal towns in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland. Letters of Credit and Drafts granted on the Branches. These may also be obtained by applying to the Agents of the Bank in the principal towns throughout the United Kingdom. Deposits received for fixed periods on Terms which may be ascertained at the Office. All Banking and Exchange Business between this Country and the Australian Colonies transmitted on the most favourable Terms. 38, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C. THE JAMES CAMPBELL, Secretary. LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA. (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1852.) 2, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. CAPITAL PAID UP, £1,000,000. RESERVE FUND, £320,000. Reserve Liability of Proprietors under the Charter, £1,000,000. Secretary-WILLIAM NOEL TOMKINS. Accountant-JAMES T. LAMARQUE. ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARRICK, Esq. Bankers-BANK OF ENGLAND; LLOYD'S BANK, LIMITED. COLONIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Inspector and General Manager-CHARLES GUTHRIE. Branch Inspectors-W. REID and T. BUCHANAN. Assistant Branch Inspector-J. L. BALLANTYNE. VICTORIA. Melbourne (Collins Street, W., 190, Bourke Street, Flinders Street, 131, Swanston Street), Ararat, Ballarat, Ballarat (East), Beeac (Ondit), Bendigo, Carisbrook, Carlton, Carlton (Rathdown Street), Clifton Hill, Clunes, Colac, Dunolly, East Brunswick, Echuca, Fitzroy, Fitzroy North (Rae Street), Geelong, Gordon, Horsham, Kerang, Lilydale, Majorca, Maldon, Maryborough, Northcote, Richmond, Richmond (85, Bridge Street), St. Arnaud, Stawell, Swan Hill, Talbot, Wangaratta, Warragul. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney (George Street, George Street, W., Pitt Street, Oxford Street, Sussex Street, Haymarket), Blackheath, Broken Hill, Bourke, Deniliquin, Goulburn, Hay, Katoomba, Newcastle, Waverley, Wilcannia. QUEENSLAND. Brisbane, South Brisbane, Townsville, Charters Towers, Croydon, Ipswich. Letters of Credit and Drafts are granted on the foregoing Branches of the Bank. Bills negotiated or sent for collection. Telegraphic Transfers made. Deposits received in London for fixed periods at rates which may be ascertained on application. THE FREEHOLD INVESTMENT AND BANKING COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA, Ltd. Capital Subscribed (66,138 Shares of £25 each) Capital paid up ... £271,169 | Reserve Funds ... HEAD OFFICE: MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. £1,653,450. ... £200,317 Directors-THE HON. SIR M. H. DAVIES, M.L.A., Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria; THE HON. JAMES BALFOUR, M.L.C., Melbourne; JOHN MOODIE, Esq., Melbourne; J. BARTLETT DAVIES, Esq., Melbourne, Managing Director. Secretary-T. R. B. MORTON. LONDON OFFICE: 5, LOTHBURY, E.C. Directors-THE HON. SIR GRAHAM BERRY, K.C.M.G., 8, Victoria Chambers, Westminster. JOHN BADCOCK, Esq., 18, Bolton Gardens, London, S.W. (late Manager of the Bank of DEPOSITS received for fixed periods upon terms which can be ascertained on application. 5, LOTHBURY, LONDON, E.C. C. GOULDEN MILLER, Manager. London Directors D. LANARCH, Chairman. SIR DANIEL COOPER, BART., G.C.M.G. FREDERICK TOOTH. JOHN NEILL BOYD, Accountant. DAVID GEORGE, Manager. Letters of Credit and Bills granted upon the Branches in the Australian and New Zealand Colonies. Bills purchased or forwarded for collection. Deposits received for fixed periods on terms which may be known on application. Branches in all the important towns of Australia and New Zealand. LONDON OFFICE: 64, OLD BROAD STREET, E.C. Incorporated under "The Companies Statute, 1864" of the Victorian Parliament. JOHN WHITTINGHAM, Esq., President. SUBSCRIBED Directors Hon. JAMES MUNRO, J.P., M.P., Vice-President. JOHN ROBB, Esq., J.Р. P. | WILLIAM MCLEAN, Esq., J.P. | EDWARD LATHAM, Esq. Sydney Board of Directors- Hon. F. T. HUMPHREY, M.L.C. 1 1 THEODOR SCHERK, Esq., M.P. W. BICK FORD, Esq., J.P. Sir HENRY BARKLY, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. London Board of Directors- Manager-JOHN H. BUTT. [ Accountant-E. H. CHRISTIAN. London Auditors-Messrs. TURQUAND, YOUNGS & CO. Messrs. BELL & BANNERMAN, W.S., 137, Princes Street, Edinburgh. Messrs. SHIELD & KYD, 1, Albert Square, Dundee. Messrs. PAULL & WILLIAMSON, 230, Union Street, Aberdeen. Messrs. J. C. SMITH, MACDONALD & CRAWFORD, 26, Hamilton Street, Greenock. Messrs. QUAIN & POWELL, 2, College Street, Dublin. Messrs, RORERT WORKMAN & Co., 8, Corporation Street, Belfast. Messrs. W. & R. MORROGH, 74, South Mall, Cork. THE LONDON BRANCH issues DRAFTS ON DEMAND upon its Colonial Establishments, free of charge, negotiates and collects BILLS on the Colonies, and undertakes every description of Banking Business connected with the Colonies upon the most favourable terms. DEPOSITS of £50 and upwards for fixed periods from Six Months to Five Years received at the London Office. Rates of Interest allowed can be ascertained ed on application. Current Accounts opened for the convenience of Colonial Constituents. No. 18, King William Street, E.C. JOHN H. BUTT, Manager Chairman-F. G. DALGETY, Esq., 52, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. Deputy Chairman-THE HON. PASCOE C. GLYN, 67, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. CHARLES CHURCHILL, Esq. F. A. DU CROZ, Esq. ROBERT LANDALE, Esq. JOSEPH MCGAW, Esq. E. T. DOXAT, Esq., Managing Director. Bankers in London. MESSRS. GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE, & CO., 67, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris. Chairman of Board of Directors-L. DENORMANDIE. Senator-LATE GOVERNOR OF THE BANK OF FRANCE. General Manager-ALEXIS ROSTAND. General Manager-EMILE ULLMANN. HEAD OFFICE-14, RUE BERGÈRE, PARIS. THE BANK OF ENGLAND. THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. The Bank conducts Banking business of every description upon terms to be ascertained at the Office. THE QUEENSLAND NATIONAL BANK, LTD. Incorporated under "The Companies Act, 1863," of the Legislature of Queensland. BANKERS TO THE QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT. Subscribed Capital, £1,600,000. Paid-up Capital, £800,000. Reserve Fund, £485,000. LONDON BOARD. CHARLES EDWARD BARNETT, Esq. ROBERT MUTER STEWART, Esq. HEAD OFFICE, BRISBANE. General Manager-EDWARD ROBERT DRURY, C.M.G. LONDON OFFICE, 29, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. BANKERS. BANK OF ENGLAND, and THE CONSOLIDATED BANK, 52, Threadneedle St., E.C. BRANCHES. SYDNEY OFFICE, PITT STREET. Albion (Brisbane), Allora, Aramac, Barcaldine, Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Blackall, Bowen, Bundaberg, Burketown, Cairns, Charleville, Charters Towers, Clifton, Cloncurry, Croydon, Cooktown, Cunnamulla, Dalby, Dugandan, Eidsvold, Esk, Fortitude Valley, Gatton, Georgetown, Geraldton, Gympie, Herberton, Hughenden, Ingham, Ipswich, Isisford, Killarney, Laidley, Longreach, Mackay, Marburg, Maryborough, Maytown, Mitchell, Montalbion, Mount Morgan, Muttaburra, Normanton, Petrie Terrace (Brisbane) with Agencies at Red Hill, North Pine, Pittsworth, Port Douglas, Ravenswood, Rockhampton, Roma, Sandgate, South Brisbane, Southport, St. George, Tambo, Thargomindah, Thursday Island, Toowong, Toowoomba, Toowong (Brisbane), Townsville, Warwick, Winton, Woolloongabba. Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The Bank grants Drafts on all the above Branches and Agencies, and transacts every description of Banking business in connection with Queensland and other Australian Colonies on the most favourable terms. The London Office receives Deposits for fixed periods at rates which can be ascertained on application. AUSTRALIAN MORTGAGE, LAND, & FINANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated A.D. 1863. 13, LEADENHALL STREET, E.C., LONDON. CAPITAL-FOUR MILLIONS, IN 160,000 £25 SHARES. HON. H. C. DANGAR (Member Legislative Council of New South Wales), J. S. MITCHELL, Esq. WILLIAM Á. COTTEE, Esq., Manager. Local . Directors. This Company makes Advances on Pastoral Properties, Station Bills, and ensuing Clip of Wool, and acts in the capacity of Squatting Bankers and Agents. THE AUSTRALIAN IRRIGATION COLONIES. From the Speech of HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR of VICTORIA (LORD "I have long looked forward to the opportunity of seeing the settlement which has so Established by Special Acts of the Colonial Parliaments, and Regulated by the Respective Governments. Offer a pleasant occupation-a healthy life-a cheerful home-a soil of unequalled fertility-producing by Irrigation results unparalleled in the annals of Horticulture-comfort, civilisation and material prosperity combined. LARGE FOLIO ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE WORK. Price 2s. 6d. PAMPHLETS FREE. Cold Medal, Paris Exhibition, 1889. Diploma of Honour, Edinburgh, 1890. HALF A MILLION ACRES, in the sunny and salubrious climate of Victoria and South Australia, on the great River Murray, which affords an abundant supply of fertilising water for the Irrigation of VINEYARDS and FRUIT FARMS, and for the production, in assured quantities and excellence of GRAPES, ORANGES, LEMONS, OLIVES, APRICOTS, FIGS, and other FRUIT (already so successfully grown in Australia), by Cultivators with large and small capital, holding from TEN to EIGHTY ACRES and upwards. The Wine and Fruits of Australia are now in extensive demand in ALL BRITISH and COLONIAL MARKETS, and there is a practically unlimited field for such production, under most profitable conditions to the Settlers. CHAFFEY BROS., Ltd., Cornwall Bldgs., 35, Queen Victoria St., E.C. |